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When I expand replies to a post, I'd like those replies to disappear from further down the thread


@sparr wrote:

I'm reading a thread. I click the 'Replies' button at the bottom of a post, which shows me replies to that post inline at that point. Then I scroll down a bit farther and I run into those same replies again later. This is a bit confusing and annoying to me. Could those later instances of the post I've already read or scrolled past be hidden?

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Reply and comment section integration with Website


@User143 wrote:

Is it possible to integrate reply and comment section to our website.

Is it possible to integrate this portion to our website? Any option available for discourse to integrate reply and comment section to our Website?

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Unrelated bug at the invitation confirmation dialog

Creating new ranks

Category name in URL


@Howen wrote:


Is it possible to change my forum's urls to have category name inside it ?
I have found this topic but I have looked everywhere and I have found no option in admins menus.

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Chinese support is not good enough ... 希望针对优化一下

Possible to change the time of day that email notifications arrive?


@lordbanks wrote:

Users on our forum say the forum digest drops in at 9am and more often than not sucks them in. They would rather want to be able to choose to get them in the evening. Thoughts?

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Users pasting unformatted code results in unwanted styles

Usernames and åäö


@Max_von_der_Marwitz wrote:

I have had some issues that users can't use åäö in their usernames since it does not see them as valid letters. Is there any way to resolve this?

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Connection Refused after DigitalOcean Droplet Upgrade?


@LeoB wrote:

When I try to access my Discourse forum, I get this message in Google Chrome:


I have Discourse installed on a DigitalOcean droplet.

I know that DigitalOcean have upgraded my droplet today. However, that upgrade apparently happend 3 hours ago. The outage during the upgrade should have lasted only a couple of minutes.

In their email, DigitalOcean say...

If you have any issues please check your configuration as specific services you are running may need to be restarted.

I know how to connect using SSH, and I have a basic understanding of how to execute commands over Terminal.

Is there anything I can do to get Discourse running again?

I had been assuming that Discourse would restart automatically after a machine reset. But apparently it isn't.

Thanks for help, guys!

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Strange topic won't display


@downey wrote:

So in my /latest I have an entry of the following:

However, if I try to read it, I only see a blank page with the title in the top bar if I make the browser size small enough and "scroll" up:

If I use the magic undocumented /raw/ URL, I get the "The page you requested doesn't exist or is private." message. Also note above, the value of Replies is -1.

This happens with or without customizations enabled.

Any ideas? The actual post is at:

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Intra-post anchor links don't work in Safari / Firefox


@plkap74 wrote:

I've been experimenting with anchor links inside of posts (links to content inside of a long post). I have read that you can't use the ids because they get stripped. I used the name property instead and it works for Chrome but throws a very cryptic error in Safari.

Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [name=anchor-name

It doesn't give a useful trace so I can't even tell where it is coming from. Is the anchor routing dealt with by Ember? Is there custom logic for that somewhere?

Example 1 (Live bug)

Try going to this link in Chrome (it works) but in Safari it throws an error and doesn't work:


Example 2 (Reproduced bug)

works in Chrome, throws errors in safari

Table of contents

Topic 1

#### <a name="topic-1">Topic 1</a>

Topic 2

The markup for this heading is:

#### <a name="topic-2">Topic 2</a>

TOC Markup

The markup for the table of contents is

### Table of contents
- <a href="#topic-1">Topic 1</a>
- <a href="#topic-2">Topic 2</a>
- <a href="#toc-markup">TOC markup</a>

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A community effort to improve Discourse's documentation


@erlend_sh wrote:

Me too! I was hoping some of these fine folks might be interested as well:

@elberet, @oblakeerickson , @elberet, @trident, @sander78, @Mittineague, @DeanMarkTaylor, @cpradio, @mcwumbly & whoever else has some time and expertise to spare.

The core devs are swamped, yet there's a lot of groundwork that can be done by the community alone, so I figure we give that a shot.

The current state of affairs

Discourse’s documentation is in flux. Bits of information are spread across a wide assortment of sources:

  • How-to threads
  • ordinary threads (some in Dev and Features for instance)
  • external forum threads (e.g. sitepoint)
  • blogs (codinghorror.com, samsaffron.com, eviltrout.com...)
  • github repositories (discourse/discourse, discourse/wp-discourse, discourse/discourse-tagging...)

I’d like to make all of this content aggregated into a centralised collection of documents, structured in a way that makes it easily digestible.

Two domains would suffice:


  • A Slate wiki with @oblakeerickson’s API doc ported over and continued.
  • Each section could have a “ask a question” link pre-filled with the Extensions category and some boilerplate text.


  • A Jekyll site.
  • Corresponding Meta topic for each static page (i.e. a .markdown document).
  • would have two main sections:


A collection of developer-centric tutorials, from how to install Discourse to how to write plugins.


User- and admin-centric tutorials and in-depth explanations of unique features such a Likes and Trust Levels, and in-depth explanations of moderation tools.


The bulk of this work can be done without any direct involvement from the core developers. The sites can start off on an unofficial domain and lots of docs already exist in topics.

  • Aggregate content that's spread across the web ( @erlend_sh )
  • Set up Slate API site. ( @? )
  • Set up basic Jekyll doc site. ( @? )
  • Attach existing topics to corresponding docs ( @erlend_sh )
  • Write User Guides ( @erlend_sh, @? )
  • Write Developer Docs ( @? )
  • Create custom Onebox engine for Meta ( @? )

Bonus: Make a boilerplate plugin!

I previously aired the idea of having a Discourse equivalent of the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate and it struck a chord. It seems @Mittineague has already made some great headway with a simple discourse plugin and a not so simple discourse plugin.

Perhaps this work could serve as the basis for an official "Discourse Plugin Boilerplate" tutorial + example code? (e.g. hosted in /discourse/example_plugin)

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SSO redirects to blank page when user approval is on


@Doster wrote:

Per @sam:

Hmmm, this is a bug we should fix, can you raise it on meta so I don't forget, will look at it next week.

This issue: We are running into an issue related to Discourse SSO. When users successfully log in using a valid account on our site they are sent back to the Discourse forum–however, they are met with a blank page with something like [discourse site domain]/session/sso_login?9080jnlj098aujsdpfja09ufjpas9.......... as the URL.

This is seems to be due the user approval feature. We manually approve each user as not every member of our broader site's community should have access to this forum.

Is there a way for Discourse to present a more meaningful page here?

Here's my wish list in order of priority:
1. Discourse allows me to redirect this kind of user to a page of my choosing: this allows me to alter the page design and content to my liking.
2. Discourse redirects the user to a single topic on my discourse forum site that is read only (user isn't able to post).
3. Discourse gives me a paragraph of text that is displayed to user.

Steps to recreate:
1. Go to Discourse forum site
2. Get redirected to our site for SSO login
3. Authenticate with our site using valid account
4. Get redirected back to Discourse forum site
5. Arrive at blank page as described above

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For staff, navigation by post number is off


@abarker wrote:

Before I get into the bug report, I'll define the terms I am using, since I'm not sure what the terms used by the Discourse team are.

  1. post_id This is the absolute ID of a post in the entirety of discourse.
  2. post_number This is the id of a post within a topic, including its relation to deleted, moved, and hidden posts. This is number does not change.
  3. post_position This is the displayed position of the post within the context of its topic. This number can change.

For example, this post on WTDWTF has post_id = 416494, post_number = 259, and (at time of this writing) post_position = 255.

The problem is that when using the navigation control to go to a specific post, it is navigating by post_number instead of the expected post_position. So when using the navigation bar in the topic on WTDWTF linked above, the results depend on whether your target is before or after the posts which have been deleted from the topic.

For example, if you went to that topic and used the navigation control to go to post 150, you would end up at post_number = 150/post_position = 146 instead of the expected post_number = 154/post_position = 150.

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Launcher cleanup having opposite effect?


@casey wrote:

I'm curious as to what's going on here. To me it looks like the ./launcher cleanup process is having the opposite effect when comparing the before and after Usage of /: measurements as well as the -1900608 statement.
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.

System load:  0.07               Processes:              200
  Usage of /:   34.5% of 29.40GB   Users logged in:        0
  Memory usage: 7%                 IP address for eth0:    xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  Swap usage:   0%                 IP address for docker0: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

/var/discourse# ./launcher cleanup

The following command will
- Delete all docker images for old containers
- Delete all stopped and orphan containers

Are you sure (Y/n): y
Starting Cleanup

Deleted: cd94895da6cd554a18a90891d264693dd9e556a821bf594b572ebfa4d04cfb2d
Deleted: c1f3dbda760cba96c5efc94554c3ebed5025f7e2a7d0a7a757b65bc31eb2780e
Deleted: 2fdb7b2c0c6a531374e9e9d3236dd67f6d11f17fb9b8083692f6f14bbd4d50b1
./launcher cleanup cleared up -1900608 of disk space.
root@myserver:/var/discourse# exit
Connection to discourse.myserver.com closed.
My-MacBook-Pro:~ me$ ssh root@discourse.myserver.com
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-40-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com/

  System information as of Fri May 22 11:25:56 EDT 2015

  System load:  0.04               Processes:              195
  Usage of /:   50.7% of 29.40GB   Users logged in:        0
  Memory usage: 8%                 IP address for eth0:    xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  Swap usage:   0%                 IP address for docker0: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

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Desktop css is empty after update

Slack Login Plugin


@4xposed wrote:


The plugin works as expected and will complete registration for new users that Sign up with Slack, so you won't get just an already filled-in registration form

Register a new Slack API application at: https://api.slack.com/applications/new if you haven't already
For the Redirect URL: http(s)://example.com/auth/slack/callback

Set the following environment variables (you can do that on the app.yml file inside env:)


To install add the plugin URL to your container's app.yml.

    - exec:
        cd: $home/plugins
          - mkdir -p plugins
          - git clone https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager.git
          - git clone https://github.com/4xposed/oauth-slack-discourse4

Rebuild the container:

cd /var/discourse
./launcher rebuild app

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Desktop and Mobile CSS not loading


@thisisnathan wrote:

After we upgraded to v1.3.0.beta9 +183, Discourse's default desktop and mobile CSS are presumably not generated, leading to broken links.

For example, when looking at the source of the desktop version, it links to blank document: http://allthesparkles.com/stylesheets/desktop_fda455c3bac6908f43be3663f7d29754d18319e8.css?__ws=allthesparkles.com

I've temporarily fixed it by copy and pasting the desktop and mobile stylesheets from Discourse.org into a custom stylesheet. But it cancels out the custom colors that we use to use, so that's not ideal.

Any help would be great. Thanks.

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Renaming Trust Levels


@db0 wrote:

Hello, I'm wondering if this feature has been added. Previous topics I've searched mentioned this is planned but I couldn't find anything explaining how to do it.

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