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Look at created_at when deleting IPs if last_match_at is NULL


@cpradio wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Purge Blocked IP Addresses that haven't had a match for n months:

I've created the following PR (but it should be looked over), as we had 190 entries in our Screened IPs that were not cleaned up because they never had a match. Some were entered into Screened IPs as recent as April 12th, 2015 (by entered, I mean, they appeared there, not necessarily manually entered) to as far back as Sept 2014.

The PR for this is at

The part I'm uncertain on is the IS NULL. I'm not 100% certain the value is null, so its an assumption (but I believe a correct one)..

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Is "+" not allowed in email-in topic titles?


@downey wrote:

We had a user get an email-in topic rejected with the topic:

Adding DropMillisecondsHibernateInterceptor for MySQL 5.6+ compatibility

With the error message: Title is invalid; try to be a little more descriptive.

However, when he changed the title to:

Adding an interceptor to drop milliseconds for compatibility with MySQL 5.6 and above

The topic was accepted & processed.

  1. Does + really cause an email to be rejected? Must it be?
  2. If it must, can we at least get a more accurate error message?

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If front forum page is categores list then Discurse assigns it bad title for SEO with "Categories - " prefix if JavaScript disabled

More widened posts/ability to hide linked topics in right gutter?


@Spriteclad wrote:

Could there possibly be a feature in which you can hide the linked topics in the big gutter that is to the right of posts in a topic? Or is it already there and I don't know where it is? One of the few things I don't like about Discourse is that post widths are sort of... cramped. Any way to make it more roomy?

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Missing emoji autocomplete

Reputation Spec: Proposal and Critique


@AdamCapriola wrote:

I was once an active member of an online community that employed a reputation system -- which comprised of liking/disliking individual posts and gaining/losing reputation points with weight given by seniority of the caster -- and I found it to be a fantastic incentive to contribute positively to the message board. Each user's rep was clearly visible so I really wanted to build a positive reputation and I put a lot of effort into making my posts insightful. ("PLEASE LIKE ME!! I WANT TO BE COOL TOO!!")

We have trust levels in Discourse, which sort of convey stature, but to me trust levels indicate activity level more than anything. Semi-active users will sit at trust level 2 and the most avid users will hit the pinnacle: trust level 3. confetti_ball

But trust levels don't say much about the quality of a user's posts. There's got to be a better way to score each user on the merit of their contributions -- and then also display their accrued reputation. I concur with @JJames that it would be helpful to differentiate users in some way.

Originally I was going to propose adding dislikes to penalize users for poor content (because I've seen this be effective) and factoring in likes to tally a reputation score, but I had trouble coming up with a good mockup and I imagine it would be intensive to assimilate dislikes into the backend.

Instead here's a simpler idea:

Likes-to-Posts Ratio × Total Likes Ratio = Reputation

Likes-to-Posts Ratio = Your Total Likes Received / Your Total Posts
Total Likes Ratio = Your Total Likes Received / (Global Total Likes Received - Your Likes Given)

*Excluding PMs and specified categories.
*Flagged posts, mentions, and linked posts could factor in as well.

And here are a few example users (assume no likes given by them for this):

Global Total Likes Received = 1,000

  • User 1: 50 likes, 50 posts (0.05 reputation)
  • User 2: 10 likes, 2 posts (0.05 reputation)
  • User 3: 7 likes, 1 post (0.049 reputation)
  • User 4: 20 likes, 100 posts (0.004 reputation)
  • User 5: 10 likes, 50 posts (0.002 reputation)
  • User 6: 3 likes, 100 posts (0.00009 reputation)

I think that formula works pretty well for giving a relative reputation. Users 1, 2 and 3 all have the essentially the same reputation with varying like and post counts. User 4 has twice as much reputation as User 5 with the same like-to-post ratio but double the sample size. User 6 is not very reputable.

This should hold up over time too because the Global Total Likes Received will keep increasing, so there is incentive to keep posting otherwise your reputation share will naturally decrease. New users won't be able to jump in with an initially high like-to-post ratio and become more reputable than someone who's been around longer either. (There could also be a minimum post threshold to be met before a user's reputation is calculated.)

The only problem is I don't know how to depict the reputation score in a meaningful way. I haven't taken statistics in a while, but maybe standard deviation could be used to place each user in a percentile which could then be represented with a bar under each user's avatar:

-- 50th percentile (average)

-- 100th percentile (above average)

*Note darker green after 50% to more clearly show who is above average.

Hovering over the bar would give a tooltip with the percentile (and/or maybe user-defined terms for ranges of percentiles). You'd immediately be able to tell if the user in the conversation is generally a knowledgeable and helpful person.


  1. This could discourage users from posting unless they think they'll get likes. In some instances that would be a positive; in others it would be a negative. A good conversation doesn't always need to involve likes.

  2. Users may also be less inclined to like each other's posts. In the proposed formula a user's reputation isn't affected by themselves giving likes, but the act of giving a like then encourages others to like that post too (which will then detract from the user's reputation). This needs to be addressed but I'm not sure how. Maybe compare the user's likes given/likes received ratio to the global likes given/likes received ratio and deduct for a negative disparity?

  3. I'm oblivious to any obvious performance issues that this proposition would cause. Enlighten me!

  4. My formula or standard deviation idea might be awful using actual numbers. (Any statistics majors in the house?)

That's all I've got ... I wanted to at least throw this out there and see if anyone can improve upon the idea. Thanks for reading!

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Site maintenance mode during rebuilds?


@mlinksva wrote:

Continuing the discussion from How do I update my Docker image to latest?:

Only took 7 minutes just now for me on a $20/month DigitalOcean instance, site down (refusing connections) for about 6 minutes, 502 from nginx for last seconds before app back up. Similar when rebuilding to install a plugin which makes sense given it is the same command.

If you're already on site when it goes down, clicking on a topic obtains a nice looking message

Topic failed to load
Sorry, we couldn't load that topic, possibly due to a
connection problem. Please try again. If the problem persists, let us
[Try Again]

It'd be really nice if a maintenance webserver stated up while the app is down so a nice message rather than connection refused could be displayed. Presumably that'd be a lot of juggling for a small benefit. Maybe some enterprise customer will want the appearance of zero downtime and pay for it someday. smile

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Link to certain edit diff?

PayPal «Buy Now» plugin: monetize your Discourse forum

How can I emulate community.imgur.com home page behavior?


@PeterGrace wrote:

The discourse instance on http://community.imgur.com has a default home page of the category list rather than latest. I'd love to emulate this behavior on a new instance I am standing up, but not sure where in the config I might be able to do this. Is it a customization in the code or is there a "What is the home page supposed to show" knob that I've yet to locate?

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Definitive and Explicit Guide to Plugin Development is Needed


@Madhouse_ wrote:

I have been scouring the internet for two days trying to find a complete guide to plugin development. What I've found are tidbits here and there, each describing a granule of the process from a fish eye view.

There are a few posts in the meta forum that have a bunch of information about writing a plugin itself, but make assumptions regarding infrastructure and installation, both in development and production. @sam's post showcasing the new plugin interface, for example, is very nice for the plugin.rb file itself, but leaves out everything else.

There are many, many posts asking for something similar to this. The response appears to be to drill down to exactly what the poster is asking for and provide a solution for that specific case.

There needs to be, as the title states, a definitive and complete guide to plugin development and installation in both dev and production environments. I'm talking end-to-end: directory structure, conventions, dev workflow.

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How to Delete / Remove people from Group PMs?


@BCHK wrote:

There is a group of people on a PM discussion and one has asked me to remove him from the group.

How do I do that?

Or can people remove themselves from it?

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User visits: "last 7 days" less than "yesterday"

Code snipping rendering doesn't handle prefix whitespace correctly

Cursor positioning inconsistency when inserting images


@meglio wrote:

Here is how to reproduce the issue:

  1. Start typing a new topic.
  2. At some point press Ctrl+V to insert a large image from clipboard.
  3. While the progress bar showing per cent uploaded is counting, move to the topic name and start typing a topic name
  4. While you're typing the topic name, the image finished uploading and the cursor unexpectedly gets moved next to the inserted <img> tag. If typing fast, you'll almost always end with a few symbols from the topic name typed after the <img> tag before you notice it and stop typing.
  5. And anyway, it's distracting - why should the cursor move at all without my intention to do so.

A variation of this issue would be to place the cursor somewhere in the text and start typing (right after pressing Ctrl+V). When the image download is finished, the <img> tag will be inserted right in place where your cursor is currently located, not where it was when Ctrl+V was pressed.

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Unable to find image 'samsaffron/discourse:1.0.12' locally eroor in bootstrap app


@gitit wrote:

I have this error when i want ./launcher bootstrap app

WARNING: We are about to start downloading the Discourse base image
This process may take anywhere between a few minutes to an hour, depending on your network speed

Please be patient

Unable to find image 'samsaffron/discourse:1.0.12' locally
Pulling repository samsaffron/discourse
time="2015-06-06T05:07:10-04:00" level=fatal msg="Get https://index.docker.io/v1/repositories/samsaffron/discourse/images: dial tcp: lookup index.docker.io on read udp i/o timeout"
Your Docker installation is not working correctly

See: https://meta.discourse.org/t/docker-error-on-bootstrap/13657/18?u=sam

and my docker & ubuntu info

root@ubuntu:/var/discourse# cat /etc/lsb-release
root@ubuntu:/var/discourse# docker -v
Docker version 1.6.2, build 7c8fca2
root@ubuntu:/var/discourse# apt-get install cgroup-lite
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
cgroup-lite is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
root@ubuntu:/var/discourse# docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE

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How could I remove all avatars and reset to default?


@cyborg wrote:


I'd like to know how could I reset all avatars to be the default ones. I am trying to do a big import and avatars didn't import correctly.

Any hints?

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Feature Request: Display image source when pasting an image


@mindworker wrote:


TL;DR: Keep the original image-URI (or any other) that is pasted in the composing form and show it right by the image/media. I have concerns about copy-/publishing rights issues.

One of the really cool features of discourse is the easy placement of pictures in the compose form by hitting CTRL-V when you CTRL-C'd the image URI. However, there is a little thing that's is missing: The original URI where the picture came from.

I'm having concerns, that pasting an image in the compose form and publishing it actually violates some laws in different countries. Actually, here in Austria (or Germany likewise), when someone posts something with an image in it that isn't his/hers, you as owner of the community are responsible for the likelyhood of infriging copyrights.

However, there is a way around it: If you as the owner of the community website act as a publishing/media company, you can mostly avoid being held responsible, as long as you publish the source next to the image. (There are some additional rules too, but discourse can't do anything for that anyways).

As far as my knowledge goes, when you are pasting the image-url, discourse picks up that address, parses it and replaces it with the actual image. It shouldn't be a problem to change the onebox a little bit to display the original URI as well.

I would love to see the original URI i pasted in the composing form right by the image in the preview.

Thanks a lot!

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Headers in posts cannot display #


@Itzikiap wrote:

Hi, I've found this bug. If I want to writhe this header:

headers cannot C#

I get this:

Headers cannot C

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New Category request: "themes"


@riking wrote:

Category description:

Share your Discourse themes here! Make sure to include a .dcstyle.json file in your post so that other people can use it.

Color: #D677D2 - a light purple

Parent category - extensibility? ux?

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