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Plenty of 500 Internal Server Error - no implicit conversion of Fixnum into String


@calmh wrote:

I noticed a lot of these in the log; the site does seem to work otherwise though. Should I be worried? This is on 1.3.2.

Started GET "/t/opensuse-package-for-syncthing/189?page=2" for at 2015-06-15 07:58:55 +0000
Processing by TopicsController#show as */*
  Parameters: {"page"=>"2", "slug"=>"opensuse-package-for-syncthing", "topic_id"=>"189"}
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 25ms (ActiveRecord: 7.1ms)

TypeError (no implicit conversion of Fixnum into String):
  app/serializers/post_stream_serializer_mixin.rb:28:in `block in posts'
  app/serializers/post_stream_serializer_mixin.rb:21:in `posts'
  app/serializers/post_stream_serializer_mixin.rb:11:in `post_stream'
  app/controllers/topics_controller.rb:485:in `block (2 levels) in perform_show_response'
  app/controllers/topics_controller.rb:482:in `perform_show_response'
  app/controllers/topics_controller.rb:82:in `show'
  lib/middleware/anonymous_cache.rb:121:in `call'
  config/initializers/quiet_logger.rb:10:in `call_with_quiet_assets'
  config/initializers/silence_logger.rb:26:in `call'
  lib/middleware/request_tracker.rb:70:in `call'
  lib/scheduler/defer.rb:85:in `process_client'
  lib/middleware/unicorn_oobgc.rb:95:in `process_client'

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Can I see the traffic by countries?

Benefits of multi site

Will I need to start over with multisite configuration from standalone version?


@tenzan wrote:

At the moment, I have installed my Discourse, for example, at example.com as standalone on DigitalOcean.

Now I want to have 2 sites, with subdomains:

  1. lang1.example.com (current example.com)
  2. lang2.example.com

Do I have to remove example.com along with its droplet and start from scratch with multisite conf?

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Broken Welcome message tips images on newly installed forum with locale tr_TR


@AgentGod wrote:

HI Discourse Team,
when default locale is set to tr_TR the welcome message tips images in Turkish are broken.
I have set the default locale to "en", and made new registration and the welcome message in English was ok.

I have screenshots but I can not upload them /new uer/.

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Discousre Logout URL


@User143 wrote:

I am using Single Sign On for discourse authentication.Once the user logout from the main website.At the same time i need to log out from the discourse also.

I just tried with the following api but its not working for me..


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First impressions of Discourse


@AstonJ wrote:

I've been keeping an eye on Discourse since it was announced and I've always liked it. It was even in my shortlist for the last forum I launched. Unfortunately I think at the time it just didn't have the features that my users wanted (who, in fairness to Discourse were coming from and used to a vB forum).

Recently we needed a forum to discuss Opal & Volt related strategies, so I've just last night put up a forum at http://metaruby.com (A general Ruby forum with private sections for our strategies teams.)

It'll be interesting to see what kind of feedback we get (and whether it takes off as a general Ruby forum) but in the meantime I thought I would post some quick feedback.

Well I'm very impressed! Especially with the speed given I was actually quite concerned that using Docker would be unnecessary and result in being inefficient, or worse, a resource hog. But my concerns seem unfounded, in fact top stats show that Discourse is using less resources per page view than my Xenforo, vBulletin and even Wordpress sites! And some people still think Ruby is slow!! Kudos to @Sam and everyone else on the team who's managed to squeeze so much performance out of it.

I'm also surprised how easy it is to actually set up. No more manually creating a database, uploading files, having to sort out the backups, worrying about versions of PHP, security (apart from what's probably already on your server) etc. It's actually become so easy that I'm wondering where to put my next Discourse instance! Haha.

I can also now see where the DC Team have been focusing their efforts - features and stability. When I first put up a test install (for the site in the link above) the Admin CP was pretty bare - it isn't anymore!!! So many features and settings!

Anyway, credit where credit is due - the team have done a great job +1

I do feel a little bad that we haven't created a custom theme as we're quite known for making pretty good forum skins. But the default skin in DC is actually pretty good - I'm certainly happier with launching a forum with it than any other forum with their default skin. However if MetaRuby takes off, and/or there is a lot of interest in people wanting to see us do a custom skin we may get to it sooner - but we're just really really busy atm with so many other projects. (So I hope nobody at DC takes it personally!)

Anyway, I have a habit of rabbiting on - well done and thank you to all the Discourse team smile

(If anyone's interested in joining a Ruby forum, please do consider joining us!)

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Non-HTTP links?


@Matthew_Gaudet wrote:

For an internal instance we're trying to allow links to non-HTTP sources. ie, links of the form application://path/to/resource.

It seems like the href attribute is getting blanked on these. Is there a setting or a whitelist to change somewhere?

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Details Tags Not Working in Firefox?


@Er00 wrote:

We're using Discourse on the SkySaga forums, and in a thread recently I discovered that Firefox isn't correctly displaying details tagged things. It works fine in Chrome and Opera (which are my two main browsers) so I hadn't noticed until a user pointed it out. Weirdly though, the Details tags over on this official Discourse forum do display correctly.

In addition (may or may not be related), I noticed the other day that Spoilers tags aren't working on our forum. I don't need help on that (at least not at the moment) and would be happy to investigate that further but the details one is used a fair amount (and I expect it will be used more and more as people learn how to do it) so it not working in a browser that many people use is a problem.

Thread with some details tags to demo this:

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Post title humanizes words


@stroupaloop wrote:

When I create a post with a title like 'NASA' it humanizes it to 'Nasa' and won't let me change it (editing it to 'NASA' still reverts it to the humanized form).

This seems to only happen when I reduce the number of required characters for a title in Settings.

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Valid users get empty RSS for restricted categories


@downey wrote:


  1. Be authenticated as a user with valid access to a restricted category such as: https://meta.discourse.org/c/lounge
  2. In the same session, view the RSS feed for that category, e.g., https://meta.discourse.org/c/lounge.rss

Expected results:

  • Topics for that category appear in the feed for valid users.
  • 404 for invalid/anonymous sessions.

Actual results:

  • No topics appear in the category RSS feed for valid users.
  • 404 for invalid/anonymous sessions.

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Markdown for beginner users


@justin_gordon wrote:

What's been the feedback so far on the editor from really novice computer users? Any disadvantages found for enabling markdown? If you were building an app that needed to support very basic users that post only occasionally, such as a simple social network site, would you include Markdown? I LOVE Markdown, but I also love Ruby, JavaScript, and org-mode!

Can this editor be used in non-discourse applications? Is it reusable? Anybody ever try to make it work with reactjs or jQuery?

@codinghorror did this topic come up when designing the original UX?


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Twitter auth not working (nginx bad gateway)


@AstonJ wrote:

I'm fairly sure this was going to Twitter for log in properly before - not sure what's going on now - I keep getting this when trying to log in with Twitter:

My Twitter settings are as follows:

Any ideas what's going on here? (I 'reset' the key and secret in the admin control panel then put it back in but that hasn't made any difference). I read something about port 443 needing to be opened - I'm running the site in http not https (and HAProxy is only forwarding port 80 to Docker).


Edit: Seems github auth isn't working either (also saying bad gateway) :/

Edit 2: Ok it seems like it's an issue with docker as doing this makes it work ok:

Any idea why I'm having to restart Docker tho (I did this yesterday as the app wasn't rebuilding and troubleshooting led to the above post)

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Image Uploads Not Appearing In /shared/uploads directory


@Steven_Arnott wrote:

Hi, I was using the 'Assets for the site design' topic to upload images for the site logos.

<img src="/uploads/default/original/1X/425578b89a5f78a4a84c7975d00e1566e0e274f8.png" width="66" height="66"> <img src="/uploads/default/original/1X/0f9d4dbe08a1236703185ca94e278042a7c40b53.png" width="366" height="99">

The upload seems to work however the link that I get back is broken and files is not present in the /shared/uploads directory.

root@devops701-dev2:/shared/uploads/default/original/1X# ls


I tried chmod'ing the /shared/uploads directory to all write but it made not difference.

Uploading a new avatar does work as can been seen by the asset present.

/shared is a host volume mount from the host.

Any advice on what I should check?

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/var/run/sshd is not being created in the discourse image


@Steven_Arnott wrote:

When I run bootstrap with the following template in the containers/app.yml

  - "templates/sshd.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.ratelimited.template.yml"

The sshd.template.yml does not seem to 'create' the /var/run/sshd directory as instructed in the template:

 - exec:
      hook: sshd
        - mkdir -p /var/run/sshd
        - mkdir -p /root/.ssh

The docker logs then fill with complaints about it:

Missing privilege separation directory: /var/run/sshd
Missing privilege separation directory: /var/run/sshd
Missing privilege separation directory: /var/run/sshd
Missing privilege separation directory: /var/run/sshd

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OpenROV and Discourse


@codinghorror wrote:

We measure Discourse’s success as an open source project by one simple metric — are Discourse communities working? Is your community working? We recently interviewed Brian Adams of OpenROV to discuss how they use Discourse and get some specifics about what is – and isn’t – working for their community.

This topic is for comments on the original blog entry at: http://blog.discourse.org/2015/06/openrov-and-discourse/

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Suggestion: secondary color shouldn't be used for text


@mik01aj wrote:

Well, this might be only my opinion, but the secondary color is described as the color for the background. I've played a lot with it, as it changes the site experience a lot (it covers, like, 95% of the window). I've chosen #F9FFEF for it, which is very-light-greenish. It all looks well, and plays great with all the other colors, except for one case: the user profiles. They look like this:

This unreadable green text has class .secondary. And it's the only place where I've seen this color used for text.

Shall I fix it using my custom CSS or would you consider it a valid issue to fix in Discourse itself?

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Revoking admin doesn't enable all eligible admin buttons


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

When revoking an admin, the Suspend button lights up right away, however the Admins and moderators can't be deleted. words don't go away until a page refresh.

Low priority to be sure but I'd run into it on three forums, so I can only assume others have too.

  • Navigate to the admin view of forum admin
  • click Revoke admin
  • note that the delete buttons at the bottom of the page are missing.
  • a refresh of the page is required to be able to finish removing the former admin.

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Google Analytics & Search console integration?


@denharsh wrote:

Hey team
I'm on the self-hosted Discourse platform, and needed help with few things:

1) How Do I verify my discourse sub-domain in GWT?
2) How do I track stats using Google analytics?

Sorry I was not able to find any tutorial, and if you can point me to any guide/tutorial or direct me, I could get it done.

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Clicking on banner to load new topics on home page injects them before pinned ones

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