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Custom Fields show up as empty in user pref and admin/users


@eriko wrote:

I am migrating over data that was being stashed in the PluginStore to a User custom fields so that it can be seen by the admins (student unique ids). While I can do stuff like:

 user = User.where(username: 'XXXXXX').first

I can access the data programmatically but the fields show up as empty in the users preferences and in the /admin/users display. The data are strings and nothing complex. In the /admin/users display they just show as - .

This stays the same no matter what settings I apply to the custom field. My dev instances code was updated about 6 hours ago.

Any thoughts?

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Can I disable click tracking entirely?


@cviebrock wrote:

Discourse's click tracking JS is interfering with some third-party click tracking stuff we are trying to configure. Obviously that's not Discourse's problem ... but it does point out that there doesn't seem to be a way to disable the click tracking entire if, for example, you don't need it.

Am I missing a configuration setting somewhere or, if not, could something like this be added maybe?


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Rebaking posts fails when attachments aren't allowed anymore


@gerhard wrote:

I'm not sure if this can be called a bug, but it is an unexpected behavior:

Steps to reproduce:

  • Add a new file extension like tif to authorized_extensions
  • Attach a file with that extension to a post
  • Remove the file extension from authorized_extensions
  • Rebake all posts using rake posts:rebake

Expected behavior:
Rebaking of all posts should work, even though the previously attached file extension isn't allowed anymore.

Actual behavior:
Rebaking of posts fails for all posts that have attachments which aren't allowed anymore. They are stuck in the sidekiq retry queue. The error message is:

Job exception: Wrapped ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Original filename Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif).

Additional information:
This error happens only with images. It doesn't seem to happen with other file types.
Lowering max_image_size_kb also results in errors:

Job exception: Wrapped ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Filesize Sorry, the image you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is 3072KB), please resize it and try again.

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You should post your affiliate URL for DigitalOcean


@tenzan wrote:

I believe some people start using DigitalOcean for the first time just because you mentioned it in your Discourse install guide. I think you should also post your affiliate URL for DigitalOcean so you'll get a referral fee and it would be a sort of contribution to the Discourse.

Or make an agreement with DigitalOcean to pay a referral fee when someone creates account in DigitalOcean and installs Discourse with Docker, for example...

My opinion you should post DigitalOcean referral URL in the installations guides and here.

Thanks again! smile

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Active link in Preferences preview


@Mittineague wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Only allow user profiles for TL1 and above?:

I don't know how effective it would be in stopping or even slowing down the number of Profile SPAM accounts. Worse case, they may even make the effort to get out of the sandbox making it harder to find them.

But I'm wondering if part of the problem is because the Preference About me preview displays a live working link. i.e.

For those accounts that are only stopping in quickly to leave some Profile SPAM, this may be giving them the false impression that their efforts have been successful.

Perhaps if easily possible, the preview could more accurately display the reality of it not being an active working link?

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Will there be any simple docker images created, I can't visualize currently how to run Discourse in a container service


@chamunks wrote:

I'm wondering if we will ever be able to run discourse with anything similar to docker-compose docker compose makes it very simple/easy to run in amazon's EC2CS (Container Service) using services like Tutum it makes deploying to a Docker enabled machine very clicky. As awesome as the launcher can be, it feels very specific to running docker on bare metal that I manage. Not very cloud / container service friendly.

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Embedding comments issue


@nigelb wrote:

I'm trying to embed comments from my jekyll site into my discourse instance. I get this error in the chromium console when I load the jekyll instance.

GET http://discourse.nigelb.me/embed/comments?embed_url=http%3A%2F%2Fstaging.nigelb.me%2F2015-05-15-using-different-browser-profiles.html 403 (Forbidden) comments?embed_url=http%3A%2F%2Fstaging.nigelb.me%2F2015-05-15-using-different-browser-profiles.html:71
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined comments?embed_url=http%3A%2F%2Fstaging.nigelb.me%2F2015-05-15-using-different-browser-profiles.html:193
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'highlighted_languages' of undefined _application-d5ace90ab7605cd55c8f8dc132ddb904.js:9695

Test post: http://staging.nigelb.me/2015-06-17-c25k-complete.html

I've checked and re-checked the CORS settings, I've got the domain setup correctly in the settings. I've tried with and without the atom feeds and neither have worked. Nothing in the discourse logs give me much help. Any thoughts of what obvious mistake I'm making?

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Discourse under heavy loads


@DrEmixam wrote:


I may be in charge of a new forum soon and I'm wondering about how discourse behave under heavy loads.

The owner of the forum will be one of the most successful youtuber in France, so that's a huge community to host.
I'm expecting an average of 100 to 200 simultaneous connected users with peaks up to 10 000 concurrent users.

Do any of you get any significative experience with this kind of communities ?

Also what kind of hardware do I need to support this ? (I'm used to deploy discourse on my own servers, I don't need assistance for server administration and I've read some topics here about how to scale discourse on multiple machines)

I think I'll do something like invite system to ensure a progressive increase of the load but I don't know what to expect.

Any advice is welcomed.

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One profile page for Discourse and community site


@tsauerwein wrote:

We are planning to use Discourse as forum for a community site (the community site acting as SSO provider for Discourse) and we would like to make the integration as seamless as possible. For example we would like to have a single profile page and not two different ones for the community site and the forum. I am wondering what would be the best strategy to do this.

Currently the idea is to use the Discourse profile page and embed additional content (like recent activity or additional fields from the community site). But how can you change the profile page? Can this be done as a plugin?

Any hints are appreciated!

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Discourse-yuml: Add yUML diagrams to discourse posts


@sekhat wrote:

discourse-yuml adds yUML support to discourse.

From the readme


Add ability to write yUML class diagrams directly into a discourse post.



To install in docker, add the following to your app.yml in the plugins section:

    - exec:
        cd: $home/plugins
          - mkdir -p plugins
          - git clone https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager.git
          - git clone https://github.com/sekhat/discourse-yuml.git

and rebuild docker via

cd /var/discourse
./launcher rebuild app


From your main discourse do:

cd plugins
git clone https://github.com/sekhat/discourse-yuml.git
cd ..


Currently, it only supports yUML class diagrams.


A yUML diagram can be specified as so

[Class] -> [AnotherClass]

Which should give you a diagram like so

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Link to latest topics is broken on full page search

Added random banner but cannot view on mobile device


@panionios wrote:

Hello everyone and thank you in advance.

I installed the revive adserver and placed the code through the admin-customization meny, under TOP so I can now see the banner when browsing with a PC. But on my mobile, I cannot see the banner.

Is there an easy way to enable this so I can see the banner from a mobile device without having to force my android browser to be in desktop mode?

With mobile devices these days, I cannot expect advertisers to pay for banners without them having access to mobile users as well.

thank you very much for this great forum engine!


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Syntax highlighting seems to be not working inside a list


@dmitry_fedyuk wrote:

This is works (outside of a list, 3 back-ticks syntax):

var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";

This is not works (a code block inside a list, 3 back-ticks syntax):

  1. List item 1
var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
  1. List item 2
  2. List item 3

This is works (a code block inside a list with 4 spaces syntax but without highlighting):

  1. List item 1

    var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
  2. List item 2

  3. List item 3

So, is it a bug or I have missed something?
How to do syntax highlighting inside a list?

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Insert or re-order posts


@mottosso wrote:

An edge case, I'm sure, but wanted to ask if there's any way to insert or re-order posts in a thread?

I ask because I'm working on a series of posts that all correlate with each other, like a story (a tutorial, really), from one post to the next. But it's a work in progress, and sometimes I find myself wanting to insert a post inbetween two others.

It's fine if the solution is to enter a dark backend somewhere and fuddle the numbers myself, but if so, is it straightforward enough for a non-Ruby developer to grasp? Here's hoping for a hidden button somewhere in the GUI.

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What do the up and down arrows represent in the admin dashboard page?


@billgraziano wrote:

My apologies if this was already addresses but I searched here and couldn't find the answer.

I'm looking at the left column of the admin dashboard page and see a series of metrics. Posts has a number under the Yesterday column and a green up arrow. Up in respect to what? The day before? Some type of moving average? What is that number compared to?

EDIT: Updated to clarify the dashboard tab

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Can't do an category: search for multi-word categories


@downey wrote:

So I have some categories that have one-word titles, e.g., "Foo", and also categories that have more than one word, e.g., "Foo Bar".

The following works for constraining search results to a category:
category:Foo or https://discourse.example.org/search?q=category%3AFoo

The following does not work:
category:Foo Bar or https://discourse.example.org/search?q=category%3AFoo%20Bar

Meta repro:
category:discourse hub or https://meta.discourse.org/search?q=category%3Adiscourse%20hub

I was doing this because I wanted to put a hyperlink to such a query to show the unsolved topics in my support category, but can't because that category has multiple words. smile

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Pending Approval - bad links - missing text


@Mittineague wrote:

I've been experimenting with the "approve" feature on localhost and have noticed a couple of Bugs.

Apologies if this should be 2 topics, but I have a feeling they might be able to both be fixed in one go.

When a "pending approval" member starts a new topic, the only place it can be seen is via the hamburger menu.
I have no problem with that.

However, when a "pending approval" member makes a post in an existing topic, they get the "please be patient" message - so far all good - But all members can see this in the post stream

If a non-Moderator member clicks the link, they get the "Error, something went wrong"
* the link works for Moderators and goes to the "Approve, Reject, Delete User, Edit" page.

If more than one "pending approval" members make posts in the topic, all users see this

The yml has no "other" (there's the pesky pluralization problem again)

        one: "This topic has <b>1</b> post awaiting approval"
        many: "This topic has <b>{{count}}</b> posts awaiting approval"

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Switching from Beta to Stable version fails to bootstrap


@tcn33 wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Discourse 1.3 released!:

Followed this exactly and ./launcher rebuild app results in a failure to bootstrap.

Tasks: TOP => db:migrate
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
I, [2015-06-25T21:56:33.967438 #41]  INFO -- :
== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/001_categories.rb
I, [2015-06-25T21:56:33.969465 #41]  INFO -- : Terminating async processes
I, [2015-06-25T21:56:33.969761 #41]  INFO -- : Sending INT to HOME=/var/lib/postgresql USER=postgres exec chpst -u postgres:postgres:ssl-cert -U postgres:postgres:ssl-cert /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postmaster -D /etc/postgresql/9.3/main pid: 70
2015-06-25 21:56:33 UTC [70-2] LOG:  received fast shutdown request
2015-06-25 21:56:33 UTC [70-3] LOG:  aborting any active transactions
2015-06-25 21:56:33 UTC [77-2] LOG:  autovacuum launcher shutting down
2015-06-25 21:56:33 UTC [74-1] LOG:  shutting down
I, [2015-06-25T21:56:33.976112 #41]  INFO -- : Sending TERM to exec chpst -u redis -U redis /usr/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf pid: 193
193:signal-handler (1435269393) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2015-06-25 21:56:33 UTC [74-2] LOG:  database system is shut down
193:M 25 Jun 21:56:34.058 # User requested shutdown...
193:M 25 Jun 21:56:34.059 * Saving the final RDB snapshot before exiting.
193:M 25 Jun 21:56:34.092 * DB saved on disk
193:M 25 Jun 21:56:34.093 # Redis is now ready to exit, bye bye...
RuntimeError: cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake db:migrate' failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 397 exit 1>
Location of failure: /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:105:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params {"cd"=>"$home", "hook"=>"bundle_exec", "cmd"=>["su discourse -c 'bundle install --deployment --verbose --without test --without development'", "su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake db:migrate'", "su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake assets:precompile'"]}

Commenting out the version again results in a normal rebuild. Is this potentially being caused by being on a higher version than the current stable release?

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Disparity between posts read in ACP and User Directory


@AstonJ wrote:

When I look at the number of posts read in the Admin Control Panel I am shown over 400 for myself, but when I look in the User Directory it shows just over 200.

I now the UD is updated via an hourly/daily cron, but it should have updated to over 400 a while ago.

Is there a way to re-calculate everything? Or check to make sure everything is in order?

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How to change the welcome email content


@sijokg wrote:

Can you please tell how can I change the welcome email text sent to a user upon first signup that starts like
"Welcome to Discourse!Click the following link to confirm and activate your new account:......"


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