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When will the next release be available?

Possible to make private conversations actually private?


@Erik_Manger wrote:


Is it possible to make it so that moderators can't read private messages of users on the site? I would prefer this to be admin only.

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Profile header rendering error on mobile (Android)

What is the minimum cpu speed needed to run discourse in terms of mhz?


@nur wrote:

What is the minimum cpu speed needed to run discourse in terms of mhz e.g for intel xeon cpus

It is nowhere stated officially besides 1gb ram.

I would like to know too how many GB space recommended is 1GB SSD sufficient - just plain discourse no files uploaded - uploaded files gi to aws.

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Email invitation Failed (due to translation issue since 1.4.0.beta7 update?)

Did you know about Stackshare?


@cawas wrote:


I believe we need more votes on the competition there and more activity! smile

For instance, there's a lot of votes for how Disqus integrate with other things, but none from Discourse.

There you can also read my praising review, in which I did, however, briefly bashed, yet again (can't find the other time), how the marketing at discourse.org is bad eventhough I couldn't ever do it better myself. stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

Keep on rocking! rocket

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Import Wordpress comments through Disqus


@art wrote:


I try to migrate my WordPress comments to Discourse. I've read a lot about that, and I saw I need to transit my comments through Disqus to do that, because imports script don’t work with WP at this time.

I've installed Discourse with DigitalOcean and the 30 min install.

Well, inspired by this tutorial, I've tried to import my xml from Disqus. First :

$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec thor disqus:import --file=irz.xml --post-as=disqus --dry-run
Could not find command "disqus:import".

Ok I understand, this don't work anymore.

$ cd /var/www/discourse
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec thor typepad:import --file=irz.xml --post-as=art
Importing 0 entries

Well, this don't work too. So close.

I've found another interesting and recent file (update a month ago), disqus.rb. Reading the file, I found how to call it :

$ cd /var/www/discourse/script/import_scripts
$ RAILS_ENV=production ruby disqus.rb --file=irz.xml --post-as=art --dry_run
/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require': cannot load such file -- nokogiri (LoadError)
	from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require'
	from disqus.rb:1:in `<main>'

Perhaps I missed something..

I don't know if I need to install nogokiri gem ?

$ gem install nokogiri
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
You don't have write permissions for the /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0 directory.

If you have another way to do that, I'll take it.

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Description meta tag for category page does not strip HTML generated by markdown

Proper dimensions for logo?


@Erik_Manger wrote:

HI everyone,

What are proper dimensions for the Discourse logo? I have tried multiple sizes and either the desktop version / mobile version do not look decent.

Also, with a large logo - the desktop notifications image (which uses the logo) is scrunched and looks terrible.

The Discourse size uses 80x80. I'm assuming this is the ideal size?

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Community Moderator Elections-Are they coming soon?


@BBJMAX wrote:


I was wondering when Mod elections will be rolled out to all Discourse communities!
This would be great as a lot of sites are growing and need the help, but users would feel that they have more of a say in what goes, which would help a lot of communities and the way people feel about their community!

Is there any sort of timeline for this? @codinghorror @sam
I feel it is needed and would be a great feature which would take community involvement on Discourse sites to the next level, which a lot of people would like.
It has been successful in Stack Exchange, so why not implement this here?

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Keyboard shortcuts cheatsheet modal for mobile with Bluetooth keyboard?


@purldator wrote:

I now have a bluetooth keyboard for Jeff's old Nexus (still very grateful for that donation, by the way; the Nexus' name is Jeff).

My memory's capacity and ability to retain information is similar to a goldfish's with dementia (urban myth's incorrectness on goldfish memory capacity aside; it's the rhetoric that counts). I constantly refered to the modal when connecting from Windows.

The hamburger menu currently has the link to pull up the shortcut cheatsheet modal when I am in Windows. On Android, desktop or mobile version, it doesn't show.

Any chance of enabling that link for mobile users?

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German umlauts are NOT handled correct for Badges


@ndalliard wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Please replace German umlauts in URLs with their respective digraphs:

I love this feature a lot, thanks to @gerhard at this point! But (there is always a but...) I just saw, that umlauts aren't handled correct in the bagde urls. That isn't a big deal, but I think if we do it, we can do it also for the badges. Don't know if that is hard to implement. Maybe a feature for some time in the future.

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Is it possible to disable invites?


@Erik_Manger wrote:

Hi everyone,

Thank you in advance for your help. Is it possible to disable invites via email?

My main reasons / concerns is...

1) It wastes my emails per hour. I am limited to how many my system can send.

2) I don't like the way the intro message sent to invited members looks.

3) My site is exclusive to particular people and I do not want strangers involved.

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"Create" Permission


@KazWolfe wrote:

I would like to get a special permission for just "Create."

Essentially, this would be used to create a special "Support Ticket" category, where users can post support tickets and see them, but not other tickets.

It would act a little like this concept, but it would not allow others to see threads that don't belong to them.

Could this happen one day?

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First Share Badge two times there and can't delete one


@ndalliard wrote:

I am not sure in which category I've to post this. Is it language related? Is it a bug? Or is it hacking for discourse? I think at the moment I just need the support. wink

That is how it looks like:

As you can see I use discourse with the german language enabled. I have the First Share Badge two times listed and I can't delete neither of one. It makes sense to me, that I can not remove the preinstalled badges and that I have the possibility to disable bagdes.

But in this case I would love to see, how to remove one of these. Can I do that trough docker or the database?! I've no idea, would be great if you can assist me with a working code of line I've to enter somewhere (just kidding a bit).


Edit: Hmm, one of the "first share" bagdes contains this - and only this - sql lines:

  SELECT user_id, read_faq granted_at
FROM user_stats
WHERE read_faq IS NOT NULL AND (user_id IN (:user_ids) OR :backfill)

Could this one be created from myself? But then I should be able to remove it, isn't it like that?

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Statistic Number of topics created by user


@Dieneke wrote:

The table in the 'Users' tab shows a column with the number of 'topics' per users and one with the number of 'replies'. It is early days for our forum but it looks to me that the 'Topics' column displays the sum of the number of topics created and the number of replies.

I would prefer to have a separate column for 'topics created' and one for 'replies'. Does that make sense?

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CDN integration in discourse


@User143 wrote:

I need to use the CDN URL for discourse images and files.
Is it possible to integrate CDN with discourse?

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How to re-open a topic which is closed


@emma wrote:

Regarding some query i created a topic and i got reply from some ex user. but after giving reply he closed the topic, but i am having some other query for the last reply by some user.
so how can i re- open any topic and give reply to last conversation?

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Post Approval hard to find


@fefrei wrote:

I just tried how the post approval process works. After posting twice from a test account, the admin got a little 2 flag on the menu. Clicking this number opens the flag view:

I think that when there are no pending flags, clicking the number should open the pending post view.

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"Who's online now" - presence widget for WordPress


@meglio wrote:

This is a quick tutorial for Twig Anything WordPress plugin.
We will show a WP widget listing users who're currently online:

If you need more detailed instructions, see "recently joined" widget tutorial.
This topic just puts together the template snippets and API endpoint you will need for the presence widget.

What API to use

Even though there is no true presence API in Discourse (feature request), we can use what is available for admins by this url: /admin/users/list/active:

Make sure you have your Discourse API key ready.

The API call is to /admin/users/list/active.json

Data Source configuration

  • Source Type - set to URL
  • Data Format - set to JSON
  • Cache lifetime in seconds - set to something small because it needs to be updated quite often. Anything up to 5 minutes would make sense. Not setting any cache at all would be impractical as it will cal Discourse API every time you refresh your wordpress page.
  • Data errors handling - choose as by your preference
  • Data URL: set to
    XXX - your Discourse admin username
    YYY - your Discourse admin api key

Twig Template code

{% set num = 1 %}
{% for user in data if (date(user.last_seen_at) > date('-3hours') and not user.suspended and not user.blocked) %}
  {% if num <= 5 %}
    {% if date(user.last_seen_at) > date('-1hours') %}
      <span style="color: green; font-size: bigger;">•</span>
    {% else %}
      <span style="color: orange; font-size: bigger;">•</span>
    {% endif %}
    <img src="http://forum.kozovod.com{{ user.avatar_template|replace({'{size}':'22'}) }}" />
    <a href="http://forum.kozovod.com/users/{{user.username_lower}}">
    <sup><small style="color: gray">{{ user.last_seen_age }}</small></sup>
  {% endif %}
  {% set num = num + 1 %}
{% endfor %}

date('-3hours') - reads as "current date minus 3 hours" - change to your desired presence sensitivity. Anyone who wasn't seen in the last 3 hours period will not be in the list. This is quite a long period and I chose it for my demo just because I have few visitors in my Discourse (less than 200). You can even skip this condition entirely to always have something in the list.

{% if num <= 5 %} - no more than 5 users in the list.

{% if date(user.last_seen_at) > date('-1hours') %} - if seen in last hour, show with a green circle, otherwise show with an orange circle.

{{ user.avatar_template|replace({'{size}':'22'}) }} - output user avatar 22px

{{ user.last_seen_age }} - a human readable field returned by Discourse API e.g. 1m, 15m, 1h, 2h etc.

Setting up a widget

As simple as dragging a widget to your widget area and entering the slug of the Twig Template we just created.

P.S. Give it a try and share your screenshot and template snippet with us.

I have seen quite a few requests for presence feature, hence this topic. Hope it helps someone!*

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