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Sitemap.xml for Google Webmaster


12 posts

Glenn Drake (Heisenberg) wrote:

Does anybody know how I can generate a sitemap.xml file that I can feed to Google Webmaster?

Would be great to have a text input (for the file name) and a button in the settings area, to loop all the posts and generate an xml file. Here's one I conveniently prepared earlier.

We might be talking about plugin territory here, not sure?

Is there a way to change the "owner" of a forum?


3 posts

happycollision wrote:

I don't think "owner" is the proper name, but I set up a forum for someone and now I am getting lots of people asking me questions because they see my username in the PM they get when they first sign in.

I have literally nothing to do with the forum other than initially setting it up and doing updates every now and again.

Is there a way to hand that message over to the site's actual administrator?

Admin-defined second authentication, e.g., monthly revised password


1 post

Bruce Van-Lane (BruceVanLane) wrote:

I’m the managing editor for an association magazine still distributed to all members in hard copy, as well as publicly available as a PDF download. We’re looking for a simple way to restrict posting primarily to members. We’ve thought of requiring registered users to supply a third credential beyond the UserName and Password. This third credential would be a code inkjetted along with the recipient name/address on the cover of the magazine.

Is there any simple mechanism to require a second authentication at log-in that the Admin sets? Could such a mechanism be built right into the Admin settings?

From the posting on Door Keeper, it seems that second authentication is possible. However, that particular mechanism is for users to set a PIN, whereas we want the Admin to be able to do this. Actually, we would like the system to accept either of two PINs – these would be from either of the two most recently mailed magazines.

If this capability is already easily achievable, then kindly accept my apologies . Having an editorial and not a programming background, I can see fantastic applications of Discourse for a magazine, but I’m struggling a bit in understanding it enough to make the case to the Association Executive to adopt it.


Logo appears smaller after update


2 posts

Vaios Kalpias Ilias (vkalpias) wrote:

Hey there,

We updated to latest today and since then our top left logo appears really smaller. Is there somewhere we can fix that?

Thank you

Layout broken on WP8


9 posts

Ananth (ananthonline) wrote:

See top bar - its cut off but the buttons work (invisibly). Also seeing many images missing.

Header logo overflows the top header area


2 posts

stellarhopper wrote:

I checked the default Discourse header logo height which was 66px.
I scaled my logo to the same height, yet it 'overflows' from the header area.

Check forum.tinkermill.org to see what I mean.

This was not a problem in, but is in

Internal Server errors


1 post

YOU wrote:

Internal Server errors on /**/ in title and [img][/img] in body.

note: looks ok here, so may be because I running development mode?

edit: i think i just messed something up, not only those /**/, but also getting error on any new topic.

nvm: it was my problem. please delete this post.

Multiple Discourse Boards


20 posts

Andrew (and) wrote:

Is it possible to have multiple Discourse boards? For example, if I wanted to have a Discourse instance for two projects and both have their own categories (bug, feature, etc.) would it be possible without running two instances of Discourse? If not, I think this would be a good feature.

Categories not show in dropdown on "Create a new topic"


1 post

Gilles (GillesM) wrote:

2 or 3 days ago I've discover than is not possible to select a category in the dropdown

I've created a new one , ( "test" , just for testing ) and I can see it , but the others stay invisible...

I'm on the last version

( you can see it on hdd.humourdedroite.com )

Bulk load into a Discourse Group


1 post

Kenneth Lowrey (Kenneth_Lowrey) wrote:

Is there a way to bulk load users into a Discourse Group?

Emoji icons haven't worked since they were moved into a plugin


11 posts

Keith Newton (corillian) wrote:

After upgrading to Discourse in which Emoji was moved into a plugin the icons have not been showing up. The plugin seems to be executing just fine however the web server seems to no longer be able to serve up the icons (for example: https://forums.inovaestudios.com/plugins/emoji/images/confused.png). There doesn't seem to be anything indicating a problem anywhere in the Discourse or nginx logs. Upgrading to also doesn't fix the problem and Emoji seems to be working fine here so I'm a bit perplexed as to what could be going on. Also I double checked the linux permissions this time to make sure it wasn't that again wink.

Forum activity email "from" truncates the board name


1 post

Gael (gael) wrote:

Good morning!

I have something strange on the weekly forum activity email.

My board name is: "I, Entrepreneur"
And the "from:" field only contains the letter "I": " I@imeuk01.ientrepreneur.me.uk"

What I would like is to have the "from:" field set to the full name of the board.
Maybe by dropping the comma? Where would I need to do that though?

Any idea how I can do that?

Thanks so much in advance!!


Notification email not changing


1 post

Chandresh Joshi (Chandresh_Joshi) wrote:

I have changed notification email in admin settings and restarted sendmail discourse but still while sending test email getting email from old address what went wrong please help

Exact Challenges Facing Right 2 Left (RTL)


2 posts

m.hemati (mhmt) wrote:

Let me start by saying sorry, I know there is another topic exactly related to this. I open with:
What are the exact challenges facing RTL feature for Discourse?
Is it css or is it more?
We gather a team here and we want to add RTL and Persian language support to discourse ( under the Discourse Licence).
But we are really confused as there is no road-map for doing so.
A) Please list the language files that needs to be translated.
B) what Files should be modified to add the RTL to Discourse and What are the challenges we're facing in this direction.

Amending current user logic in Discourse


8 posts

Sam Saffron (sam) wrote:

I just added a couple of classes that allow you to override the way we lookup the current user. This is particularly important to people looking to integrate using cookie auth from a top level domain.

Essentially you can elect a provider for the current user functionality, to do so:

Implement a class that inherits off:

class Auth::CurrentUserProvider

  # do all current user initialization here
  def initialize(env)
    raise NotImplementedError

  # our current user, return nil if none is found
  def current_user
    raise NotImplementedError

  # log on a user and set cookies and session etc.
  def log_on_user(user,session,cookies)
    raise NotImplementedError

  # api has special rights return true if api was detected
  def is_api?
    raise NotImplementedError

  # we may need to know very early on in the middleware if an auth token
  # exists, to optimise caching
  def has_auth_cookie?
    raise NotImplementedError

  def log_off_user(session, cookies)
    raise NotImplementedError

If you just feel like extending the current behavior, inherit off Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider , this allow you to run special code when a user is logged on or off and so on.

To wire your own provider, run

Discourse.current_user_provider = MyCurrentUserProvider

This is way cleaner and more predictable than monkey patching.

Allow view for topics in all children categories


6 posts

Kane York (riking) wrote:

If you go to the category page for a category with children, the default view is "Only topics in [parent]":

While this may make sense sometimes, it offers no way for me to see all the topics in the parent and all of its children at once.

Now, even if that might not make sense for their forum (I think it still does), it certainly breaks down when you have something like this:

Could you add an option to that dropdown for "All subcategories"?

Image Uploads Fail?


7 posts

Troy Telford (ttelford) wrote:

I had image uploads working a few weeks ago, however, I've since upgraded to 0.8.9, and it's not working now. (Of course, the upgrade isn't necessarily the reason for the failure, but there's not much else to say...)

My system is setup using the git repo as the source. When I upgrade, I generally checkout the tagged version to a branch, and run:

bundle update
bundle install
RAILS_ENV="production" bundle exec rake db:migrate
RAILS_ENV="production" bundle exec rake db:seed_fu

I use bluepill, thin and apache to run discourse. (I use slightly modified versions of the example configs in discourse/config)

clockwork, sidekiq, and the thin processes run as a non-privileged user.

When I try to upload an image, I receive a message balloon:

Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again.

The log files aren't helpful (at least to me)

production_errors.log shows nothing. It has a few bootup messages, but that's it.

production.log merely repeats "WARNING: Can't verify CSRF token authenticity"

clockwork.log doesn't have anything other than the periodic "Triggering 'clockwork-heartbeat" message.

sidekiq.log doesn't seem to have anything useful either - just repeating status for ClockworkHeartBeat jobs.

I've also already checked file permissions; they appear fine -- the daemon user owns & has write access to discourse/public/uploads

Any hints about where else I should be digging?

Make login button skip the dialog when only one authenticator is configured


2 posts

Aaron Parecki (aaronpk) wrote:

When only one authenticator is configured, the dialog that appears after clicking the "Log In" button is unnecessary (except for traditional password auth). If only one authenticator is configured, it should start the login process immediately. This would provide a better user experience when the site is configured with CAS.

Feature: Ban reason text field


22 posts

Lowell Heddings (geek) wrote:

Oh, so that user is banned. I wonder why?

It would probably make sense to have a ban reason field, especially if the user is on a temporary ban. Plus, it could be shown to the user so they know why they are banned.

Categories and posts usable only by certain user groups?


8 posts

Mika Hirvonen (hirvox) wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Private Discourse Forum:

What about making posts in certain categories visible only to certain users? Many gaming clan and guild forums use at least two access levels: Visitors, who are limited to the general discussion and recruitment subforums. And members, who can discuss more sensitive topics like internal guild politics or game tactics. Bigger guilds can also have the officer/leader level, where they discuss higher-level strategies and guild management issues.

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