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Meta Topics for Forum's Usage and Features


Hrishikesh Thakre wrote:

New users who who will be visiting/using discourse based forum's will be unfamiliar to forum's features and functionality.
Can we have a set of topics pre-built into "meta" group available as a part of installation?


"meta" group can have few topics like:

Except the HTG specific content the other part is applicable to all discourse based forums.

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Alice likes this. Bob undid his like


Charles-Pierre Astolfi wrote:

I'd like to add a feature to discourse (ideally through a plugin): log all likes that were undone.

E.g., instead of "Alice and Bob like this", you'd have "Alice likes this. Bob and Eve undid his like" with the corresponding notifications for the user.

Can it be easily done using the plugin system? Where do I start?

I realize that it is a very weird use case, but we'd really like to do that, as undoing a like is a way to express disdain in my very community (we all know each other IRL so we tend to be very snarky on discourse!)

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Site Settings page does not respond


Erwin NH wrote:

Strange issue here, on an EC2 instance with 1.6GB of memory, I have full functionality of the site other than my site settings page. The Site Settings page was working yesterday, but today it doesn't respond when you click on it and it doesn't produce anything if you manually type it in to the url.

From production log:

Started GET "/admin/site_settings" for (my - ip ) at 2014-02-05 21:59:24 +0000
Processing by Admin::SiteSettingsController#index as JSON
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 7ms

ArgumentError (val):
  lib/site_setting_extension.rb:244:in `get_data_type'
  lib/site_setting_extension.rb:97:in `block in all_settings'
  lib/site_setting_extension.rb:95:in `each'
  lib/site_setting_extension.rb:95:in `map'
  lib/site_setting_extension.rb:95:in `all_settings'
  app/controllers/admin/site_settings_controller.rb:4:in `index'
  lib/middleware/anonymous_cache.rb:104:in `call'
  config/initializers/quiet_logger.rb:10:in `call_with_quiet_assets'
  config/initializers/silence_logger.rb:19:in `call'

From sidekiq log:

2014-02-05T21:51:30Z 10410 TID-os4g9qfy4 ERROR: /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sidekiq-2.15.1/lib/sidekiq/fetch.rb:30:in `fetch'
2014-02-05T21:51:30Z 10410 TID-os4g9qfy4 ERROR: /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sidekiq-2.15.1/lib/sidekiq/fetch.rb:41:in `block (2 levels) in fetch'
2014-02-05T21:51:30Z 10410 TID-os4g9qfy4 ERROR: /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/celluloid-0.15.2/lib/celluloid/actor.rb:416:in `block in task'
2014-02-05T21:51:30Z 10410 TID-os4g9qfy4 ERROR: /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/celluloid-0.15.2/lib/celluloid/tasks.rb:55:in `block in initialize'
2014-02-05T21:51:30Z 10410 TID-os4g9qfy4 ERROR: /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/celluloid-0.15.2/lib/celluloid/tasks/task_fiber.rb:13:in `block in create'
2014-02-05T21:51:30Z 10410 TID-15cn40 ERROR: Error connecting to Redis on localhost:6379 (ECONNREFUSED)
2014-02-05T21:51:30Z 10410 TID-15cn40 ERROR: /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.0.6/lib/redis/client.rb:278:in `rescue in establish_connection'
2014-02-05T21:51:32Z 10410 TID-7don8 WARN: Unable to clear worker set while shutting down: Error connecting to Redis on localhost:6379 (ECONNREFUSED)
2014-02-05T21:54:59Z 1039 TID-4r6oo INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq v0.4.3 - Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Tobias Svensson <tob@tobiassvensson.co.uk>
2014-02-05T21:54:59Z 1039 TID-4r6oo INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq is covered by the 3-clause BSD license.
2014-02-05T21:54:59Z 1039 TID-4r6oo INFO: [Sidetiq] See LICENSE and http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause for licensing details.
2014-02-05T21:54:59Z 1039 TID-4r6oo INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq::Supervisor start
2014-02-05T21:54:59Z 1039 TID-csnfw INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq::Actor::Clock id: 21512840 initialize
2014-02-05T21:54:59Z 1039 TID-cq688 INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq::Actor::Handler id: 21378260 initialize
2014-02-05T21:54:59Z 1039 TID-cpgso INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq::Actor::Handler id: 21345140 initialize
2014-02-05T21:55:00Z 1039 TID-csnfw WARN: [Sidetiq] Can't link Sidetiq::Actor::Clock. Sidekiq::Manager not running. Retrying in 5 seconds ...
2014-02-05T21:55:00Z 1039 TID-cpgso WARN: [Sidetiq] Can't link Sidetiq::Actor::Handler. Sidekiq::Manager not running. Retrying in 5 seconds ...

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Impersonation and reading private messages


Lee_Ars wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Why is there an impersonate button?:

This is an old topic, but I wanted to bring it up and add some additional perspective from something that recently happened at Ars Technica.

NSA leaker Ed Snowden was once a poster on the Ars forums. Someone put the pieces together, using a username that Snowden had used at lots of other places, and Buzzfeed led off with a big story complete with screenshots of his posts from the Ars forums. We did our own piece on it, using additional excerpts from his forum posts to try to paint a picture of what Snowden said and did online. A few days later, we followed it up with another longer piece centered around several years' worth of his contributions to the Ars IRC server—every bit of which was taken from user-contributed log files (we don't log IRC at all).

The Ars community reaction was mixed, but there was a significant subset of users—many of which were folks who'd been posting at Ars for 10+ years—who felt shocked and betrayed that Ars would spotlight a poster's public posting history like that, even though none of the information was private in any sense of the word. Both articles' discussion threads were lively; another thread surfaced in our off-topic general forum, and a fourth appeared in the Help & Feedback forum.

The general reaction to "exposing" a user's public data, even a user who was unquestionably an enormously important and newsworthy figure like Snowden, included a very large amount of community anger. If Ars had grepped through the database to also look at his account's private messages, which we did not, that rage would have been far greater—and, in my opinion, it would be completely justified. It was the correct call to include public forum postings and public IRC channel talk in those stories; including PM contents (if there were any—want to reiterate that we absolutely did not look) would have been wrong.

I disagree wholly with @Sam's post about how mods & admins need to be able to read users' private messages in order to combat abuse. Private messages should always be unreadable by staff without a high amount of effort—users have a reasonable expectation of privacy, and Discourse should stick to the model followed by every other forum application that I am aware of and not allow staff to casually view other users' PMs via impersonation.

I bring up the Snowden incident because it's not a matter of whether or not you "trust" the admins, as @codinghorror said in the predecessor thread. In this particular case, the poster was thrust into the public spotlight and became newsworthy. Does that make his private messages fair game for publication, along with his public postings?

Users should have the ability to block PMs from abusive accounts. If an offending user does something so egregious that simply reporting that abuse and blocking them isn't enough, and a moderator or admin needs to take additional action, then the moderator or admin should ban the user, change his/her password, log in as them, and view the messages. That way, the mod or admin has left appropriate footprints—by changing the password, they broke the glass over the "IN CASE OF EMERGENCY BREAK GLASS" cover, and the abuser has to request access to his/her account in order to get back in.

The impersonation ability is indeed extremely handy for checking permissions and viewing the forum in user mode, but it gives the impersonating mod or admin access to information which should be private—more to the point, to things which the user rightfully expects are private.

At the very least, the default FAQ (not the jargon-filled TOS, but the human-readable FAQ) should be modified so that it is explicitly stated that moderators and administrators have the ability to read private messages. Other forum applications I've used, including phpbb and vanilla, do not have this capability without digging into the database directly.

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Safe to store more assets in /public/assets?


Lee_Ars wrote:

I'm doing some customizations and I'd like to add an additional typeface into the mix and serve it via @font-face (which I am glad to see you guys using correctly!!). I had no problem stashing the actual font files in /public/assets with the other font files, but @sam's note here is giving me pause.

Is it safe for me to put my font files (along with some other things like my updated site logo images) in /public/assets, or is there a different/better location?

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Give Users More Control Over Topics/Threads!


SnowyTerror wrote:

Hello I had a topic/thread open on the site Greenheart Games Forums and was suggested to post this kind of thing here as it would be more relevant and the Question from is why do regular/standard users not have access/permission to certain features that moderators have.

The sort of features that im on about is the ones in which allow the user to delete, set privacy and/or stop others from posting on that thread in which that user made.

Now I know that moderators are able to do this to their own and others but im on about the user having more control over their own topic/thread.

  • The first thing in which this can improve on is moderators not having
    to answer to users of these things that they want done to their own

  • Second thing is like I said before hand is that it gives the user more control over their own topic/thread.

If you agree with me LIKE this to get it noticed by the devs!

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Shorten share links


Abhishek Gupta wrote:

Continuing the discussion from So, you want to help out with Discourse:

Okay, Done.

Already send a pull request.I would appreciate if someone try it on production environment, as i am concerned with some performance issues, i.e the links are converted to goo.gl links at the time of rendering the post menu, so if a page contains HUGE no of posts it may take some time for such large amount of POST requests. Because i don't have a SSD yet, i can't really tell if the time lag is because of code or my hardware stuck_out_tongue .

And Yay, my first contribution to discourse smiley

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Image Gallery Plugin


Corey Robertson wrote:

I took a stab at creating a plugin that can organize a bunch of images into somewhat of a gallery. See a screenshot of it in action here: Screenshot here:

This doesn't handle displaying images in lightboxes, instead it wraps the existing Discourse lightboxing that occurs on images.

You can customize the size the images get scaled down to.

Usage is like this:

 <img src="whatever" />
 <img src="whatever" />

Repo is here: https://github.com/crob611/discourse-image-gallery

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Categories do not show up for some users


Joshua Hogendorn wrote:

I have a category that is 777 for all groups, but 000 for 'everyone'. This category seems to be visible to users completely at random. Help please?

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Expanding to drive mailing lists


Bob Watson wrote:

If this is the evolution of the discussion forum - is it possible that a later plugin API (or even core feature) would be able to expand to driving discussion email lists to replace our crusty old listservs?

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SSO with ASP.NET MVC 4 website


Paul Apostolos wrote:

I need to implement single sign on from our MVC 4 website to Discourse. We have an existing user database using standard ASP.NET FormsAuthentication. I'd like users to be able to click on the forum link (when they are logged into our site) and automatically be logged into our Discourse implementation.

I understand Discourse uses OmniAuth, but there doesn't seem to be any strategies around ASP.NET authentication. And, unless my Google skills are severely deficient, there isn't any info surrounding this idea available online.

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How do you exactly store data?


Abhishek Gupta wrote:

So maybe i sound too silly, but having zero rails knowledge, how do you read/write data in Rails? , Most importantly, How do Ember gets it?

Say i have an array :

window.arr = ["foo", "bar"];

i want to write it to database, (Coming for MySQL background) i'll say table Mydata with collumns first and second .

How do i use the database discourse uses to store posts etc.. to store some extra information i have in my array ?

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Error after upgrade to


Sebastien Rey wrote:

I am using webfaction postgresql specific private instance to run discourse. This is not my first update, but this time I have an error (after gem update) when i try to launch :

e_sendauth: no password supplied
FATAL:  role "discourse" does not exist

There is a new config file to modify in this version ?

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The Road to Discourse 1.0


Jeff Atwood wrote:

Discourse launched at version which was my off the cuff estimate of how “done” we were with our first public release on February 5th, 2013 — about eighty percent done, I thought, once you factor in the ninety-ninety rule: The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the…

This topic is for comments on the original blog entry at: http://blog.discourse.org/2014/01/the-road-to-discourse-1-0-2/

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Persona login is unreliable


Rikki Tooley wrote:

Firstly, I love that Persona is integrated. I'm a big fan of the project.

Discourse doesn't seem to be playing nicely with it though. Log in often takes 30secs+ with no progress indicator (in fact this is something that all log in flows could do with improving). A lot of the time the Persona popup just closes and nothing happens.

I know it's also a pre-release software, but I've seen it work well elsewhere. Thoughts?

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Social features and why not PHP based?


Katie Hunter wrote:

Hi! katie is here :0)

I've been following Discourse for few month since last year and shared few topics about it on Vbulletin, I liked what i saw so far. I am the owner of a popular anime community 'Nihonomaru' Well the site started back in 2007 with a Vbulletin base forum.

While I loved several of discourse features and see it has great potential, the only downside was that it is not PHP/MySQL base but Ruby/PGSQL and I am looking into integrating it for my homepage which is a php base based on a Zend framework. I am planning on using Discourse when it reaches a stable stage for a different company project which i can't reveal currently, however, I've always wondered, why never forum base software never attempt to make it more social like Twitter, G+, and FB?

For instance if i want all these nice social features, i had to code it on our site ex http://www.nihonomaru.com/profile/rina-touin.1/about and we have the "Discover" tab which shows feeds related to users' activities and what they share, you like them, and so on just like twitter.

I've never seen any forum software taking this approach, whether it is Vbulletin, Xenforo, IPB and so on and still their focus was community, conversation and sharing. Discourse has live feeds and is taking a different approach when it comes to conversation. Is there any plans currently or in the future to evolve Discourse profile system into using features similar to social sites? While i have features similar to it, i think as a forum base, it will be unique for everyone to try them, it helps shape the community you like to create based on the niche you like.

Not everyone spends 2+ years into coding features like twitter, FB and G+ on their own site while adding creativity to its features. It takes a lot of time and effort. I don't think VB, Xenforo or IPB are taking this approach but I think Discourse given that they have a unique live feeds and conversation, can be potentially successful in these social areas.

Have Discourse ever thought about this?
Is there a reason why Discourse went with Ruby/PGSQL instead of PHP/Mysql?

I couldn't find a suggestion forum to create my topic in. I thought the closes was the feature category. Please feel free to move this topic if it is in the wrong category (:

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Getting 404 errors for some javascript files


Alexander Knopf wrote:

I'm getting the following errors when loading my discourse installation (h2266529.stratoserver.net). I worked my way through the install guide and thought I had worked out all the issues. (Email isn't set up yet, though).
The precompile command only gives out a single warning:

[deprecated] I18n.enforce_available_locales will default to true in the future. If you really want to skip validation of your locale you can set I18n.enforce_available_locales = false to avoid this message.

I manually set it to true for now, so there's no warnings either....
errors I'm facing:

GET http://h2266529.stratoserver.net/javascripts/preload_store.js 404 (Not Found) h2266529.stratoserver.net/:15
GET http://h2266529.stratoserver.net/javascripts/locales/en.js 404 (Not Found) h2266529.stratoserver.net/:16
GET http://h2266529.stratoserver.net/javascripts/vendor.js 404 (Not Found) h2266529.stratoserver.net/:17
GET http://h2266529.stratoserver.net/javascripts/application.js 404 (Not Found) h2266529.stratoserver.net/:18
GET http://h2266529.stratoserver.net/stylesheets/desktop.css 404 (Not Found) h2266529.stratoserver.net/:45
Uncaught ReferenceError: PreloadStore is not defined (index):77
Uncaught ReferenceError: Discourse is not defined (index):102
GET http://h2266529.stratoserver.net/javascripts/browser-update.js 404 (Not Found)

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Auto-track timing weirdness?


Bill Ayakatubby wrote:

Yesterday, I set my "Automatically track topics" setting to "never." In an effort to test Auto-tracking acts like auto-watching before posting, I changed the setting back to one minute. Suddenly, I had 10 topics in my Unread list, all of them set to Tracking: "You will receive notifications because you read this topic." To be clear, I thought I had actually un-tracked (changed my following setting back to "Regular") all of them before changing my auto-track setting to "never."

So I think I understand what the system is doing: It always logs the amount of time you read a topic, regardless of your setting value. Then it uses your setting value as a threshold when deciding whether or not you've auto-tracked the topic. When you change the setting value, the number of topics you're auto-tracking may change in response.

That makes sense, but it was also a bit jarring and unexpected. What I expected to happen is that my list of auto-tracked topics would have remained the same, regardless of what I changed my setting to. That is, I could have some topics that I auto-tracked at one minute, some that I auto-tracked at 2 minutes, and some that I auto-tracked always. These topics would remain auto-tracked, regardless of my current or future setting value.

Not calling it a bug at this point, just putting it out there as a point of possible confusion or contention.

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Retroactive effects of preferences?


Julien Gourdon wrote:

Hi all, I don't quite know where this post belongs to. Maybe bug? At least there's something I don't understand.

When I change this setting in my preference panel:


Automatically track topics I enter"

Then the number of unread items changes. As some short topics can be read in less than 30s, I want this setting to be put to "always". Then the number of unread items switch to several hundreds. And there is no "read all options"... this is like discourse remember how long I spent on each topic.
I don't want to track topics I enter**ed** in the past, I want to track topics I enter beginning now. Am I missing something? Is this a desired behaviour?

P.S.: I am unable to make only one part of a word bold (or italic without the extra stars...) Is this normal?

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