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Re-flag as spam failing


@steve_pd wrote:

A post was manually flagged as spam yesterday and when the post was unhidden the same user attempted to re-flag the post as the author hadn't modified it sufficiently.

Instead of flagging the post correctly, Discourse returns the error "You are not permitted to view the requested resource". Other users can flag the same post without problem.

Seems to be easily reproduced, have tested with a TL0 account posting and TL3/4 accounts flagging. Each time they flag a post the same account can't then re-flag it.

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Inconsistency editing topics


@steve_pd wrote:

If I edit a topic that has responses, to either fix a title, add a tag, or recategorise, the topic remains as-is in the posting order.

If I edit a topic that has no responses, it's bumped to the top.

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Boldness bug in Safari is back

Serveral issues after upgrade from beta7 to beta9


@h1onE wrote:

  1. whenever i post a reply, the replybox doesnt disappear only the left side gets empty. It doesnt disappear until i reload the page.

  2. i no longer can use the edit function on topic titles or posts - nothing happens when clicking on it. Same for all other funtions there like sharing, liking, flagging, collapsing menue, etc.

  3. All Youtube video links disappeard on every post.

I reproduced the issues on opera and firefox.

The update worked like a charme as always with no errors.

What can i do?

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Improving Sharing Buttons visibility


@PabloC wrote:

I like the layout and visibility that sharing buttons has on this site. They are at the top-right. One click, and share.


Maybe, would be great to implement a plug in in discourse to enable something like that.

This would help to ignite communities in some way. It's something to test, no data to support this point sorry.

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Oneboxing fails for some internal links


@gerhard wrote:

I'm not sure why, but there's no onebox for this internal link:

This is what it looks like when I paste the link copied from the sharing dialog.

It works when I remove the username at the end.

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RSS error when trying to read forum


@justme wrote:

Very new to Discourse and trying to use the RSS (publish side, not consume side) functionality built into it. I'm able to see the RSS page come up in a browser, but feed readers can't read it. I get this error: Server returned [Errno 1] ssl.c:504: error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure
You can see a picture of the error HERE
I've been able to connect/read to other discourse forums without issue. How can this error be fixed?

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Hosed my discourse install by adding jquery src link to customization


@august wrote:

I seemed to have hosed my install by trying to include jquery in the <head>

Now, I can't reply to posts. I can't even revert to a backup. It appears that all messaging is broken.

I tried to go into the docker and DELETE the style from the user_customization table, but that didn't help any.

Is there anything I can do besides re-install everything?

Thanks -august.

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Editing Server.en.yml

Is there a way to customize digest emails?


@cyrus wrote:

Is there a way to make new subsections for the digest emails?

I'm wondering if there's a way to add a new section for posts in a specific category. I have one category for events. I'd like those to be highlighted separately.

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How to get the number of times a particular badge has been assigned to a user by making an api call?


@Mohit_Gupta wrote:

I am making an api call at /users/:username.json here I am getting the badges assigned to the user but I also want the number of times a particular badge has been assigned to that user. What api call do i need to make?

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Is there a way to track profile page views


@OnceWas wrote:

I know Discourse tracks topic and post views and reads, but does it also track the number of views on user profiles? I would really like to run some statistics on how user activity relates to profile views.

I could always mine the nginx access logs, but that would require ongoing external saving of the numbers.

Storing this profile view data in one of the Discourse tables would be so nice and clean...

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_ in-front of Username


@IMjay wrote:

Just wondering if there is a clean/dirty hack to allow symbols at the start of usernames.

The main reason is for authenticating users within a game based on usernames.

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Improved Polls in Discourse

422 (Unprocessable Entity) & Cannot read property 'name_key' of undefined


@Skovy wrote:

I got two errors have a fresh install. I am on the latest release.

POST http://localhost:3000/posts 422 (Unprocessable Entity)jQuery.ajaxTransport.send @ jquery.debug:8626jQuery.extend.ajax @ jquery.debug:8162Discourse.Ajax.Em.Mixin.create.ajax.performAjax @ discourse/mixins/ajax:105initializePromise @ ember.debug:45495Promise @ ember.debug:47123Discourse.Ajax.Em.Mixin.create.ajax @ discourse/mixins/ajax:121__exports__.default.RestAdapter.extend.createRecord @ discourse/adapters/post:19Ember.Object.extend._saveNew @ discourse/models/rest:57Ember.Object.extend.save @ discourse/models/rest:81RestModel.extend.createPost @ discourse/models/composer:605RestModel.extend.save @ discourse/models/composer:458__exports__.default.Ember.Controller.extend.save @ discourse/controllers/composer:261__exports__.default.Ember.Controller.extend.actions.save @ discourse/controllers/composer:103mixin.Mixin.create.send @ ember.debug:26909runRegisteredAction @ ember.debug:18085Backburner.run @ ember.debug:225run @ ember.debug:15466ActionHelper.registerAction.ActionManager.default.registeredActions.(anonymous function).handler @ ember.debug:18083(anonymous function) @ ember.debug:36715jQuery.event.dispatch @ jquery.debug:4431jQuery.event.add.elemData.handle @ jquery.debug:4117

TypeError: Cannot read property 'name_key' of undefined
    at eval (discourse/models/post:385:34)
    at Array.map (native)
    at eval (discourse/models/post:381:57)
    at Post.reopenClass.munge [as __munge] (discourse/models/post:394:13)
    at eval (discourse/models/rest:67:37)
    at tryCatch (ember.custom.debug:46968:16)
    at invokeCallback (ember.custom.debug:46980:17)
    at publish (ember.custom.debug:46951:11)
    at eval (ember.custom.debug:27284:7)
    at Queue.invoke (ember.custom.debug:872:18)extractError @ discourse/lib/ajax-error:13(anonymous function) @ discourse/lib/ajax-error:65tryCatch @ ember.custom.debug:46968invokeCallback @ ember.custom.debug:46980publish @ ember.custom.debug:46951publishRejection @ ember.custom.debug:46893(anonymous function) @ ember.custom.debug:27284Queue.invoke @ ember.custom.debug:872Queue.flush @ ember.custom.debug:937DeferredActionQueues.flush @ ember.custom.debug:742Backburner.end @ ember.custom.debug:167Backburner.run @ ember.custom.debug:222run @ ember.custom.debug:15973Discourse.Ajax.Em.Mixin.create.ajax.args.success @ discourse/mixins/ajax:68jQuery.Callbacks.fire @ jquery.debug:3095jQuery.Callbacks.self.fireWith @ jquery.debug:3207done @ jquery.debug:8260jQuery.ajaxTransport.send.callback @ jquery.debug:8601

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Only 1 badge per type(gold, silver and bronze) is obtained when an api call is made at /users/:username/badges.json


@Mohit_Gupta wrote:

When making an api call at /users/:username/badges.json only 1 batch per type(gold, silver and bronze) is obtained in return even if their are more than one badge in a type of badge for a user. Also if a badge has been granted multiple times their is no information of it in the data recived.
it looks like this

         "name":"Basic User",
      "name":"Medha Lal",
      "bio_raw":"i am a happy go lucky kind of a girl...who loves to read,party & travel & explore new places.",
      "bio_cooked":"<p>i am a happy go lucky kind of a girl...who loves to read,party &amp; travel &amp; explore new places.</p>",
      "bio_excerpt":"i am a happy go lucky kind of a girl...who loves to read,party &amp; travel &amp; explore new places.<br>",
      "custom_fields":{    },





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Civil Comments -- rate three other comments before posting


@codinghorror wrote:

Our old pal @hanzo clued me in to http://civilcomments.com/ which I couldn't make heads or tails of from the website alone. But watching their intro video tells the story.

Here's the special bit : before anyone can post a comment, they must first rate three random comments for quality and civility

and rate their own comment for quality and civility, too:

Then all that "human ranking" feeds into the other stuff like explicit likes, replies, etcetera to determine which 'best' comments get published

And also to filter out (or amplify) users

I'm kind of unclear if you have to rate 3 random comments every time you comment, but maybe? Perhaps it's only other new users rating other new users?

It's a Disqus competitor, not anything that really competes with us. But some interesting ideas at least. One red flag for me is rating yourself on "quality". Because I don't know about you guys, but all my posts are ∞ quality.

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Encoded url to restricted topic


@hubert wrote:

Hi, I red a lot about discourse and the feture where you can answering, or create a topic through email : great !

I would need an indivual private topic, only seen from contributor and one person, where this person could go on the topic with an encoded url, like google docs could create (like https://drive.google.com/open?id=1X0A0J8iP5caGT2aA3CYPX0yiDKzB325_V8hYUvNnVes).

The thing is this person must not have the right to read other topic in this caterogy, due to personal/politics contents. Just his/her question.

Would it be possible ?


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Trouble with Vagrant?


@yamikuronue wrote:

I'm trying to get a test environment set up on my machine. Since you have a vagrantfile already, I copied that, made a few tweaks, and ran it, but it doesn't seem to be running. What have I done wrong?

My vagrantfile began identical to yours, but I added:

#Hosts file plugin
	#To install: vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
	#This will let you access the VM at discourse.local once it's up
	config.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""
	config.vm.hostname = "discourse.local"

##Run our provisioner to install Discourse
	config.vm.provision "shell", path: "provision.sh"

And my provision script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

#Git and docker
sudo apt-get -y install git
wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh

#Fake mail server
mailcatcher --http-ip

sudo mkdir -p /var/discourse
sudo git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker.git /var/discourse
cd /var/discourse
sudo cp /vagrant/config.yml containers/app.yml
sudo ./launcher bootstrap app
sudo ./launcher start app

I get the following error when installing docker:

==> default: Error: you are not using a 64bit platform.
==> default: Docker currently only supports 64bit platforms.

And then I get:

==> default: Cloning into '/var/discourse'...
==> default: Device "docker0" does not exist.
==> default: Your Docker installation is not using a supported filesystem if we
were to proceed you may have a broken install.
==> default: aufs is the recommended filesystem you should be using (zfs/btrfs a
nd overlay may work as well)

(probably because Docker isn't installed?)

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Post won't save (text included)


@clay wrote:

I've tried 10 times to save the post, the body of which is included in the attached file here:

problem_post.txt (2.5 KB)

Discourse just hangs on "Saving..." and never does anything. I have tried writing other posts and they work just fine. I ran ./launcher rebuild app and still experience the same problem. There are no errors (that I see) in the logs.


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