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We built a static blog with Discourse as the backend


@pm5 wrote:

We run a Discourse forum for a community of writers for a while. After some time they got motivated enough and would like to do collaborative blogging. Since they are already quite familiar with Discourse, we decided to build a static blog with metalsmith and React.js, pulling articles directly from the Discourse REST API. And it works great!

The static blog (Chinese) is hosted on GitHub pages. We've also added a comment list with React.js, using Discourse as the comment engine. It works like the comment system at http://blog.codinghorror.com/.

We find this approach very productive, because editing contents on GitHub could intimate many of our writers and editors, but they are comfortable with the nice UI of Discourse and the Markdown editor that is very responsive. Furthermore Discourse has a user permission model that is sophisticated enough for our editing procedure.

Overall we're very happy with the results. The code of our blog is open source. We'd be very happy if someone finds it useful or has any comment or suggestion about it.

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Viewing Sub-Categories


@bloodshot_pico wrote:

I have been wondering about the sub-category and main category feature for a little while now and have noticed that when you click on the parent category it only shows the topics within that category. But it does not show the Sub-Categories anywhere, not even telling which ones are in the Main Category, so i was hoping that there'd be a feature to were you can be able to add this.

For Example:

I have a 'Ban' Category as the Main Category but then I have a few Sub-Categories for instance 'Hub Ban', 'Ban 1' and 'Ban 2'.

But I can only see the topics from the Parent/Main Category which is, 'Ban' and there is no way of showing it's Sub-Categories. Other than to go to the main pager and click Categories and scrolling down to the Category to find the Sub-Categories ins small print.

I'd like this to be a feature where you click the Main/Parent Category and then the Sub-Categories are at the top and it only shows the first post in those Categories but it will also have the titles of the Categories. Then the topics/posts within the Parent Category will be place beneath, or you can turn them off with a drop down menu switching from 'Topics' to 'Sub-Categories' and 'All'

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Need to target topics & author for CSS


@lisajill wrote:

We have a need to target individual topics by CSS to highlight authors in specific ways for individual threads. The ultimate goal here is to make specific authors more visible in topics with many replies - but only in that thread.

So for instance, if we were having a question/answer session in this thread there might be a specific expert responding but that person should be 'normal' in the rest of the forums. So we would need two new classes for each topic (full thread including replies)

  • Class for each author (their username would be ideal)
  • Class for the topic ID

This would enable use to use something like this:

div.abc.xyz {
    /* rules go here */

to get very specific within-topic targeting. This would also allow us to highlight multiple 'experts' per thread as needed.

By category/group is not specific enough in this case. Can we get more granular?

I understand we'd need to add those rules for each topic in the Customize section which is perfect for our need.

Any chance this could be added?

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Installation problem


@Svancara wrote:

I am following


The command

bundle exec rake db:migrate

ends like this:

== Seed from /vagrant/db/fixtures/009_users.rb
 - User {:id=>-1, :name=>"system", :username=>"system", :username_lower=>"system", :email=>"no_email", :password=>"42607ed5e1404987f12fc0ad14581c5e",
ail_direct=>false, :approved=>true, :email_private_messages=>false, :trust_level=>4}

== Seed from /vagrant/db/fixtures/500_lounge_category.rb

== Seed from /vagrant/db/fixtures/501_meta_category.rb

== Seed from /vagrant/db/fixtures/502_staff_category.rb

== Seed from /vagrant/db/fixtures/999_settings.rb
Discourse hostname: localhost is not a valid domain for emails!

What to do please?

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Can't view users as admin


@mKoeppelmann wrote:

If I click on a user from: http://forum.groupgnosis.com/admin/users/list/active I always get an:
while trying to load
Something went wrong."

Even when I click on my own user or the system user.
I used the digital ocean/dockers description and set everything up just a few days ago so it should be all up to date.

The logs:
PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "users" does not exist LINE 5: WHERE a.attrelid = '"users"'::regclass ^ : SELECT a.attname,
1 Sep 7:40 pm
OAuth::Unauthorized (400 Bad Request) /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/oauth-0.4.7/lib/oauth/consumer.rb:216:in `token_request'
3 Sep 8:43 pm

So both messages are already a few days old - this the described error does not create an error log.

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Admin: Seeing who has viewed a Topic


@Rick_Leckrone wrote:

Is there a way as Admin to see what users have viewed any given topic? Sorry if very simple answer. Can't figure it out.

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Links in emails use the wrong port


@flavien wrote:

I'm using Discourse with CloudFlare for SSL. When emails are sent, the links look like https://mysite.com:80/blah. Where does this port 80 come from, and how do I change it to 443?

I still want the site to be served on port 80 because that's what CloudFlare connects to, but I want the links exposed to the end user (in particular in emails) to be on the right port.

On top of that, I'm using the Bitnami image which is not Dockerized.

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Why not wholesale replacement of categories with tags?


@tobiaseigen wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Add Tags notification settings on user preferences:

Can you elaborate? Why is it a bad idea to replace categories with tags?

Except for the fact that tags UI needs to be developed further to allow people to more easily see and manage the tags they are following, which seems to be planned, tags seem ideal for a community like ours that has discussions across many crosscutting themes/categories/tags. We have many discussions that don't fit in just one category, so we often find ourselves choosing one and then creating tags for the other categories. Or some members are reverting to email because they don't know which category to use.

My current consideration is to propose dropping all categories except those that are used for a very specific purpose, e.g. to provide a private space for a subset of members to connect or to provide an announcements space that all members are expected to watch (and are set to be watching by default). Otherwise it seems to me we could have a watercooler category for "off topic" just for fun topics, and another to contain all discussions. Then we'd organize discussions within these categories using tags.

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Some keyboard shortcuts for anon users result in error pages

What would be the endpoint and parameters to get the count for all of user action type by making api call?


@Mohit_Gupta wrote:

I need the count for all user action types for a particular user by making an api call. What endpoint and parameter do I need to use in my api call?
I tried using sitename/user_actions.json?username=username but it gave me only 60 recent user actions.
I want something like sitename/user-badges/username.json?grouped=true as it also returns the count of all user badges.
One more thing it would be good if those user action count does not include flagged or deleted actions.


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Cannot assign categories? Used to work fine - now broke!


@ArtTechSPace wrote:


I've been using discourse for a few years and its AWESOME - here is my site http://arttechspace.com/. However I'm having issues as my topics aren't staying assigned to their category since the last update I did on the weekend. When I do what I have always done and start a new topic within a category, i post it and it is in the correct category. When I go back to my Homepage it has moved the topic just posted to my first category. So I click on the topic and then try editing the category but it says there are 'No Matches' and the drop down fields are empty.

Any ideas what's going on?


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Get Started | Welcome new users


@karussell wrote:

I have read a nice introduction when I signed up, and now I would like that my users also read this to get started with Discourse. But I cannot find it anymore anywhere (really searched in my discourse and here for the last >40minutes). It was kind of a feature overview, where editing etc was explained, I think also with some animated gifs etc.

Do you have a link for me or know where it is stored in Discourse?

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Mailgun sandbox account


@kfk wrote:

I am trying to set up a discourse instance on a local machine using the mailgun sandbox account. It's not working, question - has anybody managed to get the admin login email from discourse using a mailgun sandbox account? I thought it should work, at least as a test. Or maybe this is not working because I am doing everything on a local pc?

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Sending a Message fails with 500 error


@mc0e wrote:

When trying to send a message to a particular user (or at least not all users) I'm seeing a 500 error.

In the production log I see:

Started POST "/posts" for at 2015-09-09 07:35:10 +0000
Processing by PostsController#create as JSON
  Parameters: {"raw"=>"Test junk - McNaughty, and we don't have proper way to get root password, but then decided to walk yet, and then I'll look at it when I have the dimensions of knots and then we should look at logs.", "title"=>"testing", "is_warning"=>"false", "archetype"=>"private_message", "target_usernames"=>"LDC", "typing_duration_msecs"=>"10100", "composer_open_duration_msecs"=>"176608", "nested_post"=>"true"}
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 142ms (ActiveRecord: 30.6ms)
ArgumentError (comparison of String with 0 failed)
/var/www/discourse/app/models/topic_user.rb:102:in `>='

looking at topic_user.rb, it appears that the error results from the following resulting in a string value in:

      auto_track_after = User.select(:auto_track_topics_after_msecs).find_by(id: user_id).auto_track_topics_after_msecs
      auto_track_after ||= SiteSetting.default_other_auto_track_topics_after_msecs

I'm guessing the problem might stem from a non-numeric character in a setting somewhere, but I'm not sure where to look for it. Any suggestions?

If it is the case that a non numeric value can be entered where one is required, that probably also will want addressing.

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Minor Original Entry URL Click Count Bug when using /post API


@Chun wrote:

We are using Discourse as a Comments System to our dynamic pages and it is working great.

Original main site entry page:

Auto-generated Discourse comments page:

The bug we are currently trying to solve but have gotten stuck with is that due to our setup the original entry URL shows a click count before and after the original entry URL, so 2 times instead of the original 1 time:

To create an embedded topic timely, we wrote a script to call the /post API when we add a new page to our main site and this is working fine.

As the page content of our main site often changes, we are using the 'Import posts via RSS/ATOM' function to keep the content of the auto-generated Discourse post up to date.

Below is a sample of our XML code:

<item id="H00006475">
How-To: Install a Philips Hue A19 Bulb (Color) (via iOS)
Please feel encouraged to add comments to <a target='_blank' href='http://www.smarthomedb.com/product/philips-hue-a19-bulb-(color)/how-to/p104/how-to-install-a-philips-hue-a19-bulb-(color)-(via-ios)/h6475'><b>this how-to guide</b></a>!<br/><br/>#h6475<br/>[ Author: <a href='http://community.smarthomedb.com/users/chunliew/activity' target='_blank'><b>Chun Liew</a></b> ]<br/>[ Difficulty: Easy ]<br/>[ Steps: 9 ]<br/><br/>Required Product:<br/>+ [ <a target='_blank' href='http://www.smarthomedb.com/product/philips-hue-a19-bulb-(color)/p104'><b>Philips Hue A19 Bulb (Color)</b></a> ]<br/><br/>Required App:<br/>+ [ <a target='_blank' href='http://www.smarthomedb.com/app/philips-hue/android/a101'><b>Philips Hue</b></a> ]<br/>
<![CDATA[ chunliew ]]>

We found out that after Discourse loads the XML file it inserts an <a> label prior to the original <a> label.

Source code after the API is called to create a new embedded topic:

<small>This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at <a href="http://www.smarthomedb.com/product/philips-hue-a19-bulb-(color)/how-to/p104/how-to-install-a-philips-hue-a19-bulb-(color)-(via-ios)/h6475">http://www.smarthomedb.com/product/philips-hue-a19-bulb-(color)/how-to/p104/how-to-install-a-philips-hue-a19-bulb-(color)-(via-ios)/h6475</a></small>

1 hour later, after Discourse has loaded the XML feed file and updated the post:

<small>This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at <a href="http://www.smarthomedb.com/product/philips-hue-a19-bulb-(color)/howto/p104/how-to-install-a-philips-hue-a19-bulb-(color)-(via-ios)/h6475"></a><a href="http://www.smarthomedb.com/product/philips-hue-a19-bulb-(color)/how-to/p104/how-to-install-a-philips-hue-a19-bulb-(color)-(via-ios)/h6475">http://www.smarthomedb.com/product/philips-hue-a19-bulb-(color)/how-to/p104/how-to-install-a-philips-hue-a19-bulb-(color)-(via-ios)/h6475</a></small>

Any suggestions with regards to how the above minor original entry URL click count bug could be solved would be highly appreciated.

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Content of Digests


@Mischief wrote:

We are reliant on the email digests to bring people back to our small forum. Digests however are going out without any mention of new posts in existing topics (which may only be one post). It is clear that people are missing out on some of what is happening.

How can we get these new posts to show in the digests?

We are reluctant to default to a notification for each new post.


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Using Discourse as you do for the Blog


@tojulius wrote:

Hi guys,

I tried to find the best category to post this, I could not find one for pre-purchase/install questions. I hope I am not mis-posting (please point me in the right direction if so).

I would like to use Discourse as a forum but also as a comment system as you do for your blog. I would like to automatically generate discussions whenever we publish a blog post on WordPress and get readers to comment on the forum.

Can you point me to any documentation or FAQ in this sense?


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Onebox github line highlight

Disable email summary and reply by email for private categories only


@karussell wrote:

We would like to discuss company internal topics in private categories in our discourse setup, and due to https it would securely work IF we completely disable email stuff.

But as we develop and discuss open source software we are also having public facing discussion and we would need a category specific option to completely disable sending emails (+replying by email too).

Is this currently missing and we would need a separate discourse installation or did I get lost again in the massive amount of nice discourse settings :smile: ?

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Support for themes which use get_comments_number


@steve_pd wrote:

We've been fighting with a WordPress bug for four months now, our theme wasn't reporting comment counts and the developer hasn't been too helpful. After a lot of investigation and a little guidance from @benword we noticed that the theme uses get_comments_number, instead of comments_number which wp-discourse hooks into.

I was able to fix the comment counts for posts in the loop and on single pages by adding the below to libs/discourse.php at line 257:

function get_comments_number( $count ) {
    global $post;
    if( self::use_discourse_comments( $post->ID ) ) {
      self::sync_comments( $post->ID );
      $count = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'discourse_comments_count', true );
    return $count;

But we're still able to show comment counts elsewhere, including composer blocks.

Our developer is blaming wp-discourse and our modification of a WordPress function, but I can't see any other obvious solutions. Any ideas?

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