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Current status of Arabic text support?


@Conor_O_Rourke wrote:

Hey! First of all I want to say that I love the project, as someone who has been using mesage boards for years, this seems like a great breath of fresh air compared to some of the creaky dinosaurs out there.

I did some searching about this topic, but could only find fairly old threads. What is the current status of Arabic text support? For interface elements as well as text input. I'm looking at a large number of smartphone-only users with extremely limited English knowledge and trying to decide if this is the right software for me.


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Must 30 posts be needed before others can see the site?


@Kelvin_Zhao wrote:

Must 5 topics and 30 posts be needed before others can see the site?
Seems only I can see the forum. Or is it my dns or some other issues?

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Discourse and wordpress


@Louis_Derrac wrote:

Hi there !

I have installed Discourse on a subdomain (http://forum.tpe.madmagz.com/fr), then tried to link it to my wordpress blog (http://tpe.madmagz.com/fr) using wp discourse. Sadly, it just doesn't work :frowning: Here is an example of an article I just posted. I have the message "Start the discussion at forum.tpe.madmagz.com", but when I click, the post just reload, there is no redirection, no post has been created on my discourse.

So, I have 2 questions :

  • How do I make it work ?
  • How can I force discourse on all my previous posts (+500) and not only the new ones I publish ?

Thanks a lot !

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Category reorder is confused by identical or negative values

Adding SQRL (Secure Quick Reliable Login) http://sqrl.pl/blog/


@chamunks wrote:

What I Believe

I believe that Discourse is already throwing away many standardized conventions already in the name of evolution of communication and related technology. Moving to something where privacy, security reliability and simplicity is inherent like SQRL seems like the "perfect match".

SQRL a Better Authentication Method.

I am suggesting adding an alternative method which could be merged into the login/registry screen.

The websites I'll link for your own study and consideration are sqrl.pl and grc.com both have valid and powerful explanations of this technology. Basically for those of you who don't like clicking foreign links without a short pitch. Heres the idea of how SQRL works.

The problem

When you first show up to a website you're usually presented with a register/login page which requires that you punch in a bunch of personal information before you can register. The way that this usually works is that you have a Username or Email and a password. This is all find and dandy but we all know that it can be tough to host and effectively secure authentication credentials against attack and exploitation.

This relies on the fact that you manage the length and complexity of your passwords and usernames. Otherwise it relies on hopes and dreams to essentially stay under the radar from robots attempting to farm and exploit your accounts.

Some Duct Tape (TwoFactorAuth/MultiFactorAuth)

To combat insecurity issues with brute forcing and dictionary attacks we've come up with a new magical solution called Two Factor Authentication or Multi Factor Authentication where you use some randomly generated OTP (One Time Password) as well as your main password. This gets arduous and frustrating when you have 30 seconds to type in a password before it expires. Or you have to wait for an SMS to be sent to your mobile device reliably.

The Many Issues With MFA/TFA as a Bandage Solution

You now have the issue of always keeping track of not only your Username/Email and Password but you also have to hope that your phone is charged and that you remember the pin for your MFA/TFA so now you have to concern yourself with all of the following:

  • The location of your smartphone
  • Smartphone is charged
  • Integrity of your smartphones flash storage
  • Secure backups of your TFA/MFA
  • The user ID that was used [Pin/Email/Username/ETC]
  • Passphrase[hopefully]
  • This list can go on and on...

And Now for Something Completely Different

With SQRL you are offered a QR code which you can scan or click (depending if you're on a mobile browser or not). This QR code sends a bunch of gibberish to your mobile scanner app which you now use your private master key which is generated by the mobile app and then send the signed result back to the website/service to prove you are who you are and that you're checking in.

The Issues With SQRL

  • Location of your smartphone
  • Integrity of your smartphones flash storage
  • Your ability to securely back up SQRL identities
  • Remembering your Passphrase for SQRL
  • This list is significantly shorter and a broader explanation and case for use is made more effectively on the websites linked in the opening paragraph.

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Plugin version control from Docker manager upgrade page


@JSey wrote:

I'm sure this has been posted elsewhere, but I cannot find it using the search: how can I make sure that Docker manager recognizes upgrades available for plugins? The commit hash of the installed version differs, the version number in the plugin.rb file is updated, but I am missing one last piece…?

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Hamburger menu last entry hidden


@JSey wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Feedback on new :hamburger: and user menus:

I will add this as a separate bug report and add some imagery: when on mobile view and with a sufficiently long category list, this happens:

…you cannot scroll further down because the .ember-view .menu-panel .slide-in is too high. If you're lucky and your device has a more pixles in y-direction, you can see the whole menu as usual:

(on mobile, you lose the desktop switch link instead of the keyboard shortcuts).

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Akismet - check more often?


@Kensie wrote:

Akismet plugin is hard coded to check every 10 minutes. We need that check to be more often. Is there a reason it's at 10/there isn't UI to change the interval or was this just decided as the best interval for most users?


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Issues with unauthenticated SMTP server on new install


@PhilipHarrison wrote:

Hey guys wonder if somebody can help me out. I'm trying to deploy my first Discourse instance and am having issues with getting the activations emails working. The Discourse server is the pre-built HowToInstallDiscourse EC2 AMI. My SMTP server is a very basic SMTP relay that accepts anonymous connections (it's in a closed off VLAN), is used by a good few other servers and has been working for 12+ months so no issues with it. I'm able to telnet to the SMTP server from the Discourse host.

The SMTP in app.yml looked like this on my first attempt -
## TODO: The domain name this Discourse instance will respond to
DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME: 'discourse.mydomain.ie'
## TODO: The mailserver this Discourse instance will use
DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS: smtprelay.mydomain.ie # (mandatory)
DISCOURSE_SMTP_PORT: 25 # (optional)
DISCOURSE_SMTP_USER_NAME: discourse@mydomain.ie # (optional)
#DISCOURSE_SMTP_PASSWORD: pa$$word # (optional)

The outcome of this was an error like "Job exception: SMTP-AUTH requested but missing secret phrase" in my production.log. This makes sense as I had specified a username but no password and my SMTP server did not support authentication either. I did see the Discourse host show up in the logs of my SMTPRELAY server and disconnect almost immediately, most likely because Discourse didn't see the authentication verb in the SMTP helo.

So did some reading on here and came up with the following app.yml -
## TODO: The domain name this Discourse instance will respond to
DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME: 'discourse.mydomain.ie'
## TODO: The mailserver this Discourse instance will use
DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS: smtprelay.cwsi.ie # (mandatory)
DISCOURSE_SMTP_PORT: 25 # (optional)
#DISCOURSE_SMTP_USER_NAME: discourse@cwsi.ie # (optional)
#DISCOURSE_SMTP_PASSWORD: pa$$word # (optional)
## The CDN address for this Discourse instance (configured to pull)
#DISCOURSE_CDN_URL: //discourse-cdn.example.com

Now I'm seeing errors like this in the production.log "Sent mail to newuser@mydomain.ie (30007.8ms), Job exception: execution expired" and I see no attempted SMTP sessions on the SMTP relay server at all. I've issued rebuilds and rebooted the box numerous times to no effect.

What other steps can I take to troubleshoot this issue?

Thanks for any help!

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Mysterious wrench icon

Moderator incorrectly gets Settings link on menu


@dleung wrote:

Moderator shouldn't see the Settings link on the user menu but is shown, even though it does not show up on the admin top menu. When clicked an error page appears.

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Search by badge and group, order by likes


@sam wrote:

I added 3 search predicates yesterday

badge:"badge name"



We have said, repeatedly, that we place extra weight to all requests by customers and I needed a way of find open bugs with customer participation.

This is done via:


category:bug status:open badge:customer



category:bug status:open badge:"enterprise customer"

This round of features also adds support for multi-word predicates like badge:"enterprise customer" which can be applied to any predicate.

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Default avatars not rendering on homepage


@HAWK wrote:

We pull avatars from Discourse onto our homepage https://www.feverbee.com/
Until yesterday it was working fine. Today the default letter avatars are no longer rendering.
As far as I'm aware, no one has touched our homepage code.

Has there been a change in the way those avatars are handled/named/treated/anything-at-all that might cause this?

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"Exit Anonymous Mode" link text too big, messes up formatting on menu

500 error in AWS s3 code


@mc0e wrote:

I've just been setting up s3 backups for a discourse installation, and have run into problems. the site is now giving me 500 errors for all pages.

I'd entered at least most of the s3 setup, but the backups weren't getting uploaded, and I was looking for why that was. I had entered bucket details for the backups, but not bucket details for general file uploads.

I'm a bit hazy on the sequence of events. I wound up doing a container restart and even a rebuild at one point, which hasn't fixed things, but I'm fairly sure the error had started occurring before that.

In the rails/production.log file, I see:

Job exception: undefined method `every' for Jobs::CreateBackup:Class

Job exception: undefined method `every' for Jobs::CreateBackup:Class

Started GET "/" for at 2015-09-16 02:35:11 +0000
Processing by ListController#latest as HTML
  Rendered list/list.erb within layouts/application (1.6ms)
  Rendered layouts/_head.html.erb (3.7ms)
  Rendered common/_special_font_face.html.erb (0.6ms)
  Rendered common/_discourse_stylesheet.html.erb (0.3ms)
  Rendered application/_header.html.erb (0.3ms)
  Rendered common/_discourse_javascript.html.erb (2.3ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 75ms (ActiveRecord: 22.1ms)
ActionView::Template::Error (s3_upload_bucket)
/var/www/discourse/lib/file_store/s3_store.rb:95:in `s3_bucket'

Job exception: undefined method `every' for Jobs::CreateBackup:Class

Job exception: undefined method `every' for Jobs::CreateBackup:Class

The Job exception lines repeat at around one such error per second. The bit in between is the output for a single web page request.

Any suggestions on how I should proceed? I'm guessing I might need to go in through the rails console to adjust settings. What are the names of the settings involved?

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Code fences don't seem to deal with c comments


@elijah wrote:

Each of these is ```c new line and comment then a close fence but all look different. Am I doing it wrong, or is this a bug?

/* example.c -- here is an example of quoting
 * a single simple c comment

To use this program, compile it -- if you can -- and then type something like:

chan -n 5000 -d 2 < input.txt

In this case, it will produce 5000 words of output, checking two-word groups. (The explanation above describes two-word generation. If you type "-d 3", the program will find three-word groups, and so on. Greater depths make more sense, but they require more input text and take more time to process.)


/* foo.c make comments: have fun
/* (c) never by no one
/* compile with cc or gcc or whatever

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Invites do not work when SSO is enabled


@Mohit_Gupta wrote:

I just came to know that Invites do not work when SSO is enabled. Is their any way or any plugin so that Invites work even if SSO is enabled.

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Why can't I edit system badge type colour Gold,Silver,Bronze?


@twbartlett wrote:

Is there a reason (presume their is) that the system badges are set to readonly on the "badge type" field which controls the colour of the badge?

I can see in this post @sam says DB is the only way to edit the system badges... but it seems a bit pointless having a dropdown/select for this field if it's not editable (except for custom created badges)

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Lightboxed images with giant filenames cause horizontal scroll

Wrong RSS entry (last poster)


@chipi92 wrote:

Hi there;

Im reading Discourse generated RSS from this link:

One of the topics listed there has this parameter:

"Most Recent Poster","user_id":5

But that one is not the recent poster, in fact is just the previous one.
This is happening 5 days after the last post.
The last poster is not the same as the original poster and has never posted there.

One thing to point out is that the last post is identical to the first one except a few lines removed at the end of the post. May it be related?

Any light on this? I can provide more info.
Reloading RSS did not fixed the issue.

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