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Missing capitalisation in username on usercard opened from message participants


@TechnoBear wrote:

This is a very minor anomaly, but it confused me no end when I first noticed it, so I thought I'd report it.

If you click on the avatar of a participant listed at the start of a private message, the usercard opens with the username all in lower case. As far as I have discovered, this does not occur anywhere else the usercard can be opened.

Happens on our own instance, and here on Meta.

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Hint for registering app with twitter Twitter should list http://apps.twitter.com (instead of https://dev.twitter.com)

Installation Support

Bugs after Update


@KAISERslin wrote:

Hey guys,

after updating my forum yesterday, those default profile images are missing. Something like "45.png".
On top of that there are [object Object] ranslations on my burger admin menu on the top right.

Any ideas?


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Polls don't appear in activity page


@Henrik_B wrote:

Polls don't seem to show up in the activity page. The blue "Show results" link doesn't work either. It also says "0voters" in the activity page, but there is 12 current voters on the actual poll.

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Discourse Tagging Plugin Filter bugs


@jomaxro wrote:

Summary: Discourse Tagging Plugin show filter by tag function seems to have a few bugs

Steps to reproduce:
1) Install and enable Discourse Tagging Plugin
2) Enable show filter by tag
3) Create >30 tags
4) Open tag filter drop down on Latest view

Expected Results: All used tags listed in menu, with all and none options in alphabetical order

Actual Results: Only 30 tags are listed, no none option, seem to be sorted by frequency of use

Notes: Unable to attempt repro of this on meta or try as filter by tag is not enabled



Tags filter dropdown:

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Standard Letter Avatars?


@Imperator wrote:


i have bring my Discourse up-to-date and now all default letter avatars stop working, look here.

best regards,

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PAID vBulletin to Discourse on DigitalOcean


@ezworldwide wrote:


I would like to pay someone to migrate a community from vBulletin to discourse.

800 users

90,000 posts


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Central Authentication System


@nahtnam wrote:


I am starting to see more and more Discourse installs pop up (which is great), but one thing that really bugs me is that I have to create an account for each discourse instance, or have to link my google/github/facebook/twitter account, which I hate doing (for no particular reason).

I just wanted to propose that Discourse.org sets up its own oauth2 system/central authentication system where I can create one master account and use that to sign into other discourse installation (like StackExchange), instead of having to create an account for every site. Of course this should be an option in the settings so that forum owners can add or remove it at their will, but it would be great to see this in at least some discourse forums.

That's just my two cents, would love to hear your opinion.


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Issues which could be possible


@Alankrit_Choudh wrote:

Discourse hub sound really promising. But won't it be an issue if the centralised system would be linked to an illegal discourse site.?
For example I create an illegal site which contains piracy material. Mypiracysite.com which is based on a discourse forum. By having the centralised hub the discourse hub user id can login to my site and access the content.?
On a second note what will discourse do about an illegal site which is related to piracy / racism?

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Can someone explain me the math behind polls?

"q" keyboard shortcut not working

Editing post with tags without tagging permission results in tag removal


@jomaxro wrote:

Summary: So the discourse I moderate uses tags, and both the creation and application of tags is limited to TL4 users. Essentially that is just the moderator, admins, and a few long time trustable users. Unfortunately, it seems that if a user edits the OP after a TL4 users has applied tags, the tags are removed.

Steps to reproduce: (using names to make it clearer)
1) Bob, not a TL4 user creates a post.
2) Joe, a TL4 user edits the title to include proper tags.
3) Bob makes an edit to the OP.

Expected Results:
Bob's edits affect only the post content, tags remain attached.

Actual Results:
Bob's edits take effect AND remove any tags from the topic.

Unable to attempt repro on try as all users can tag...

See this unlisted topic from my site where I recreated the bug. Notice the 2 edits...
http://discourse.stonehearth.net/t/moderator-tagging-test-v6/17938 (text to prevent oneboxing...)

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Retort - a reaction-style plugin for Discourse

Email not working


@Mehedi wrote:

Update: Just noticed that stupid typo. Fixed, rebuilt, but still not working :confused:

So I setup Discourse on Digital Ocean and using the mail server provided by Inmotion Hosting. Here's the app.yml:

I also rebuilt the app, but it isn't working at all.

Any idea?

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Why E-Mail is empty when you signup/login with Facebook?


@stantyan wrote:


I apologize for maybe opening a duplicate topic, but I'm confused as heck... I'm running a clean install on a fresh Linode VPS, using your official docker instance. Installed and configured it the way you guided. Facebook login was also configured by following your guide.

I've read several topics about people having the same issue. Still it's really confusing for me. Why it does not pull verified email address from a valid facebook account that granted access to his/her email address explicitly during authentication popup?

The biggest surprise is why it's working ok on official http://meta.discourse.org using the same facebook account and does not work on my fresh install using the docker image?

Steps on my website:

you can see that you allow to share email:

and after you click Okay and get redirected back to website:

And if I'm doing the same steps using the same facebook account but now on meta.discourse.com, I'm getting this result:

I tried on http and https, same issue.

Simple question: Why?

Continuing the discussion from Configuring Facebook login for Discourse

Continuing the discussion from Why showing blank email box during Facebook sign up?

Posts: 5

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Advice for {relatively} newbie programmer


@kuyashi wrote:

Hi All!
I am soon going into my second year of a computer science degree at University. Whilst my coursework is engaging and informative (first Year classes included C programming, Algorithms, Computer systems, Math, Physics, Information systems as well as a he usual other CS subjects) I feel at times that things can be a bit stale and the pace a bit cumbersome.

My real interest is in developing engaging and useful web apps (Discourse for example). Whilst I do realise that a grounding in fundamental CS knowledge can be most useful in building broad reaching and efficient apps, I sometimes wonder if a 4 year degree is "overkill" ..

With the advent of online {free/paid} resources now available for learning to code, my questions is what route would the community reccomend to someone in my position who does not have any ambition {at this moment at least} to become me another number banging out units tests and anonymous code for multinational company X.

I realise my question is rather broad in scope but any discussion would be most appreciated.

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Improve user IP address detection for mobile users


@Thomas_Davis wrote:

Google offers a mobile proxy service which makes IP address far less likely to be unique. I was very surprised to find the forum had found several users with the same IP addresses and all were unknowing users of the following service

The result is that the IP address is not correct on the forum. The solution is simple enough, just use the x-forwarded-for header as described in the linked document.

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Maximum backup setting deletes objects on S3 too?


@jesselperry wrote:

Perhaps this is intended — but it's not what I expected, so I wanted to open up to discussion.

My set up is that I have "Maximum backups" set to 15 days. I also have S3 backup bucket enabled. That's all working great.

My intention/thought was that this set up would mean after 15 days Discourse would delete a 16 day old backup off my Discourse server. In reality, it deletes the backup off my Discourse server and the 16 day old backup off S3 as well.

I propose that instead, it only deletes the backup off the Discourse server and leaves the S3 data untouched. Why? Because AWS/S3 has it's own lifecycle management settings and that way I can offload historical data to S3 and manage it how I want it there for cheaper, and have only the latest backups hosted on my Discourse server.

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How to safely update/extend translation?


@fbender wrote:

So I updated some translations in Transifex. The new strings will be included in Discourse 1.5 (judging by the commit history). However, I'd like to update the strings on my current v1.4 installation.

Is there a safe way to do that, i.e. that updates are not broken? I assume updating uses git pull which will result in merge conflicts – I'd like to avoid that and still have updated strings.

Thanks in advance!

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