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Using Discourse as a FAQ Help Center


@AlexBCodecademy wrote:

Hello all,

I am needing to create a new FAQ/help center on our website and instead of having to update/edit all the topics manually, I want to embed the discourse threads (OP) and the comments that follow -which will link back to our forums. (For dynamic support and conversation) I am going to create a FAQ category in our forum and would like to create answers/resources to those that will link to our help page and then arrange on our help page in the correct categories/themes... I want people to be able to read the first post of the thread (which will be mine) and then also engage in the comments if they wish to continue the conversation...etc.

The solved button is great, but instead, I would love to implement a "was this thread/FAQ helpful? I suppose I can ask for "likes" on the original post...is that the only way to solicit that? I would like a thumbs up/thumbs down instead...

Any ideas on either of those would be helpful. Has anyone done something similar?

My other idea was to have to manually create FAQ's on our help page, and then do the embedded discourse comments that link back to our forum. So then, I can build that "was this article helpful" on our help page and promote further conversation and follow up in our forum.

Thank you!!


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Change button depending on UserCustomField?


@deviousmachin3 wrote:

Part of the plugin I'm developing requires that I show different buttons depending on the value of a custom field I'm saving. Now using handle bars I know I can do something like this.

{{#if customField}}

However the problem I'm having is that since there is no UI level way to access a UserCustomField eg. Discourse.CreateCustomField that I'm aware of this requires me to access a method declared in my plugin.rb file via an xhr request and I'm attempting to check the value of that on init however it fires before the user has loaded. Anyone know which would be the best way to approach this?

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Inactive users can reply by email


@roarkely wrote:

Users that are inactive do not get email notifications, which is the behavior I would expect. However, if an inactive user replies by email to an email notification they received prior to their deactivation, the message will post.

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Category RSS not showing posts on login required site


@Joey_Tuan wrote:

I'm trying to grab categories, but here's what it's giving me. My site does require authentication, but I'm logged in, and https://forums.anytreatment.com/latest.rss is showing all topics without issue.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:discourse="http://www.discourse.org/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
    <description>Topics in the &#39;ME/CFS&#39; category </description>


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Transitioning to Docker


@tomspilman wrote:

So I need to figure out how to correctly backup an old instance of Discourse (v1.1.0) that was created using the original Ubuntu install guide:

... then restore our data on a new Docker based instance.

Are there any guides for this available?

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Losing site_settings after forced reboot


@snmdla wrote:

We had several occasions (Alas!) where we had to force reboot the VM where the docker based install of discourse is running in.

At each time we observed that discourse had lost its site settings:


Doing regular reboots (init 6) did not show this effect.

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"USER split this topic" makes topic forever "un-visited"


@Tom_Newsom wrote:

This topic got off-topic, so I split the the posts to a new topic.

Here you can see the new topic is greyed out with class="title visited" because I've read it all. The parent topic is still black, with class="title"

Doesn't matter how many times I go into the parent topic to read it, it remains black in the Latest view. This is the case with any topic that's had posts forked to a new topic. Here's an old one:

However, if I delete the "user split this topic" post, then the title goes grey as expected.

Feels like the "USER split this topic x minutes ago" admin post doesn't track its own read status?

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Lost data when discourse app rebuild is been done


@bini wrote:

Continuing the discussion from When rebuild app, customize Logo file was gone?:

I am facing the same issue. I have gone through the instructions in the admin quick start guide.
I also have a broken logo when changed to customized logo its not updating. I have installed the latest discourse version 1.5.0.beta6. What happens when the rebuild is being done and why the data is been lost on rebuild?

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How to translate discourse intoVietnamese


@lulzsecd wrote:

I installed Discourse on Digital OCean VPS via Discourse Docker. Now, I want to translate my site language to Vietnamese. How to do this?

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How can we replace the built-in search with Google Custom Search?


@Kevin_Charleroi wrote:

I'am looking to make Google Custom Search the default search as I want it to cover all my website ?

FYI I am running Discourse with Wordpress.

Is there any way to achieve that ?

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Viscious flagging/editing cycle


@rxc wrote:

A problem with the way community flagging works as previously described...

While a moderator isn't around, watching like a hawk, this causes a two-part problem:

1) A user can do the bare minimum of editing by adding/removing a couple words to get his (completely unacceptable) post unhidden.

2) The users who flagged the comment, now can't re-flag the slightly-edited comment because they flagged the original version and their "undo flag" option is now gone.

You may not have enough TL1+ users on a low-traffic topic to again hide the unacceptable comment, and it stays up (i.e. all weekend, with angry users responding) until an editor comes in to take a look.

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Dfp id & dfp codes


@nickjharrington wrote:

I'm trying to understand how my Google AdSense values correspond to dfp ids within domain.com/admin/site_settings/category/google_dfp_plugin

Can anyone help with these code definitions?

My Google AdSense code generates a code block containing:


From the above what is the value of my dfp id and dfp code, e.g. a 720x90 dfp topic list top code?


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A less happy smiley face (but still happy.. )


@Naatan wrote:

Let me prefix this by saying that this is probably the weirdest enhancement request I've ever made.

So, I run the forums over at http://forum.komodoide.com/, it is a semi-professional setting where we support our users. I'll often use emoticons to give context to what I'm saying, because emotion is often lost in pure writing (ie. I am using emoticons for their intended purpose).

The problem I get is that the regular smiley icon, ie. :) or :smile: feels waaay too happy. I often feel when I use it that I'm being sarcastic. For example:

It's as if I am saying that sentence with a sarcastic undertone. Like I'm saying "silly you, asking for something that already exists". While all I am trying to convey is "happy to help you further".

So; can we please have a smiley face that isn't so damn happy? :stuck_out_tongue: No one is THAT happy anyway (right? :worried:)

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Using Discourse for Comments on Legacy Site


@KevinWorkman wrote:

I came across this post explaining how to use Discourse as a comment section. This is what Coding Horror and the Discourse Blog do. Seems very cool.

I run a site that already has comments on a bunch of different pages (blog posts, uploaded stuff, etc), and I'm wondering how other people have implemented Discourse comments within legacy systems. I think I have three options:

  • Keep the legacy comments and display Discourse comments underneath. Seems gross. Maybe have a "view old comments" button that shows legacy comments?

  • Delete the legacy comments and start fresh with Discourse comments. Seems sad.

  • Write some code that goes through the legacy comments and uses Discourse's API to recreate them as Discourse comments. Seems daunting, especially since I've never used the API before. I don't have that many legacy comments, so doing it manually might even be an option, if I have the ability to create posts by other people.

Have other people encountered this decision before? What did you do? Are there any how-tos for the third option?

I've tried searching for similar topics, but I can only find guides on linking new comments to old Discourse posts, which is the opposite of what I want to do.

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SQL query taking too much time to run


@sergiolopes wrote:

We are migrating an old forum with 1.6 million messages to Discourse. When opening the home page as logged in user, there is a super query taking too long to execute (many seconds). We are still testing so there is only one user - me.

We are on AWS using RDS. On our default machine, it took more than 13s to return this query. I updated to a xlarge super machine for testing and still this query take more than 500ms.

Is this normal? Any advice?

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500 on Twitter Signup

Globaly pinned subscribe botton


@torulv wrote:

Trying to add the mailchimp embed html code in a post so i can make it visible. But it does not show. How can i do this correctly?

<!-- Begin MailChimp Signup Form -->
<link href="//cdn-images.mailchimp.com/embedcode/slim-081711.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
	#mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;  width:500px;}
	/* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block.
	   We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. */
<div id="mc_embed_signup">
<form action="//kunstveggen.us6.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=e134cba8ad&amp;id=ac457469e1" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank" novalidate>
    <div id="mc_embed_signup_scroll">
	<label for="mce-EMAIL">Subscribe to our mailing list</label>
	<input type="email" value="" name="EMAIL" class="email" id="mce-EMAIL" placeholder="email address" required>
    <!-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups-->
    <div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true"><input type="text" name="b_e134cba8ad_ac457469e1" tabindex="-1" value=""></div>
    <div class="clear"><input type="submit" value="Subscribe" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="button"></div>

<!--End mc_embed_signup-->

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Including content from one template in another template


@Mark_Zegarelli wrote:

I have a request to create a "top users" widget of sorts that will appear on the front page.

My idea is to use content and layout from the /users page pulled in to an area on my front page.

Is this possible through updating the handlebar templates in <script> tags?


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1.8M PullHotLinkedImages in our sidekiq backlog


@Paulo_Silveira wrote:

We are trying to cope with a huge batch of PullHotLinkedImages (and ProcessoPost/UpdateGravatar/CrawlLink) in our sidekiq queue after migrating our forum. And as the posts are being processed, the queue is getting even bigger!

To be honest, I dont even understand why we have so many PullHotLinkedImages/etc, since our posts have almost no images attached. Could/should we just remove all these jobs?

Any hints?

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TL3 can not see the dashboard


@Trash wrote:

Sorry for this stupid question...
I have just translate this topic for my users and I am informed by TL3 users that they do not see the lounge.
I am sure that in beta 5 the lounge was visible by TL3.
Maybe I need to change some setting in the Admin Panel? I do not see anything about lounge here...

What can I do?

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