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Settings : site contact username


@Frez wrote:

I'm having a small problem where I can't set the "site contact username". I'm getting the following error

There's no user with that username.

The status code return

422 No Reason Phrase

The user name specified in the field is @frez which exists https://discuss.doom.team/users/frez/activity

I can set "system" as valid setting and the return code is

200 ok

Not sure what to do here.

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Get list of topics client side


@ccdw wrote:

Hey Guys,

I've been trying to find documentation/posts on how to retrieve a list of topics using client side code - and, if possible, filter these topics by one or more tags and preferably more than one category. I don't want a whole page, just an object that I can manipulate client side etc.

I've seen one example that seeks to render topics in tiles, but from what I can see it returns a whole page, not a fragment.

Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks.

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Group administration: inconsistent number of members shown if some members were removed


@steko wrote:

I only have one group on my Discourse forum. From the group list, it shows 16 members, however the actual number of members is 10, as correctly shown when going to the detail view of the group. Short screencast:

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Add sub route such as users/:username/ in a plugin


@piratdavid wrote:

I'm trying to add a new page on the "user" page next to "Activity". I get the connector to work and it binds to a route at /users/:username/music but the template music.hbs is never rendered in the outlet on the user page. If I try to connect to that route via the URL field I get the right template to render in the main-outlet. If I add the route in the app-route-map.js.es6 I get the template to render in the outlet on the user page. Is it possible to extend an existing resource/route in this way or can only routes be added from the root and not appended to at a later stage.

Thanks for any help.

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Request for a small fix on the brief summary


@Trash wrote:

I was looking my emails and I noticed that in our brief summary I cannot see the category.
This is because we use the category view for box (not bullet) and text is white:

So we have only one category visible, the only one (and the most important for us) we use with a different text color:

The question is: why I cannot see the box as well as I visualize the bullet from other forums?

or at least the name of the category (by default black instead white)?
(Obviously I could change the color of text in each category but I'd rather not have to do)


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Welcome email template graphics


@Fsantiago wrote:

Do you have available somewhere the graphics / banners that are part of the new user welcome email in English? The stock ones are not.

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Hiding a custom HTML element when user is logged in


@dylandamsma wrote:

Hi there,

I'm using SSO with Wordpress, but was missing the 'join' button on the community, many people didn't understand how to join the community. So I've now added the join button through some custom HTML/CSS. See:


However, the button of course shows even if I am logged in. How can I hide it for logged in users?


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Removing topic summary underneath first post

How to programmatically log out lots of users


@eriko wrote:

So I need to end a bunch of people login sessions at once on a quarterly basis. I notice that admin/users.rb log_out uses MessageBus.publish "/logout", @user.id, user_ids: [@user.id]. Can I use that inside a plugin to mass logout users? I have 'log out strict' set so it should hit all the sessions.

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Create a link that will bring a user to their own profile

Gmail email polling not working


@optimus wrote:

Hi I am trying to get "reply by email" to work with my Discourse instance using Gmail and I'm hitting a road block... I have enabled POP and "less secure apps" on the Gmail account. And in Discourse, I've configured email polling for use with the Gmail account using the settings below.

Basically I want people to be able to reply to new topic notifications and then have their replies automatically go to the associated topic. Is there some other setting I need to fix in Discourse?

I tried replying via email to a new topic notification as shown below.
The email is received at the Gmail inbox but it never is grabbed by Discourse (doesn't change to "read"). Also the topic does not get updated with the reply from the email. This makes me think that the polling isn't working for me for some reason. :disappointed_relieved:

If anyone has any tips for getting this working by all means please share :).


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How to make custom mail server email polling work?


@Ninetailz wrote:

How do i get email polling working in my site using my own mail server? I use roundcube as webmail. I did try but the mail never got sent to reply@mydomain.com when you reply in the mail. I think roundcube only support IMAP.. but not sure.

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Uncode Emoji incorrectly converted to text inside code blocks


@codinghorror wrote:

This is a single Unicode Emoji character


This is a single Unicode Emoji character inside a code span


This is a single Unicode Emoji character inside a code block


The latter two should not be converted to text :grinning: as they are inside code and should be considered literal characters.

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Wanted: Discourse Hacker News Plugin


@commonpawn wrote:

Continuing the conversation from this thread.

(Posted this in feature, wanted to post in plugin but don't think i have the rights to post in the category - feel free to move this topic to the most appropriate thread. This is a plugin request)

Why we need a hacker news plugin


Forums and communities are different. Some communities are all about long, written content. Others, such as Dribble, very visually oriented. Some are mainly about things that happen other places on the internet, such as Reddit, Hacker News and Designer News. A link is a representation of something else and can just as easily create conversation as a text post - which is why we think Discourse need a plugin for this.

In our case, we’re building a community for graphic, ux and web designers in Denmark. We anticipate the site will mainly be used for:
1. Posting links to what is going on in the design scene in Denmark and rest of the world (link posts)
2. Asking the community questions, such as ‘What tool do you use for prototyping websites?’ (text post)
3. Showcasing work for critique, e.g. posting pictures from a recent project. (text and images)

Basically something very close to Designer News who have appropriated the format of hacker news to design news.

Problem formulation

Discourse is an amazing platform! It comes with every possible feature you would ever need out of the box. Except a content type / category for links. What we’re hoping to solve with this plugin is:
1. Make it even easier and faster to simply post a link: One line of text and a link - that's it!
2. Make it easy for viewers to visit the site, click a bunch of links front the front page and leave.
3. Maximize engagement by making it easy to vote on a good post from the front-page.

Why is Discourse a great platform to build a hacker news kind of site on top on?
We spent a long time considering using other platforms: build it ourselves vs. using reddit’s source code vs. using drupal vs. using telescope. We decided on Discourse because:

  • It is so smooth, fast and well made for discussions and community!
  • It already has a way to display top posts
  • It has a built in digest email engine (great for sending top links and questions to inactive users - almost like a mailing list)
  • Has a voting (like) system in place
  • Has wonderful notification system in place
  • Just needs that special content type / category!

New features needed

See wireframe section for details

  1. A special category/content type called ‘Links’
  2. Links category only has a one lined content field for posting a link. Before posting, Discourse checks if it is an actual link that has been pasted in the field
  3. Links are shortened and displayed on front page. Link posts are clickable from front page and users are taken to external link when clicking the title of a link topic.
  4. Users can vote on topics from the front page (basically moving the like functionality of first post onto front page)
  5. Title and link is embedded in first post of a topic within the links category.
  6. Link embedded in popular topics in digest email


Creating a new topic - nothing different here. I want to tell people about this awesome tool called ‘Slack’.

User selects the category called ‘Links’ - “Ok, i am posting a link here - not writing a text post”

The text-editor collapses, removes the WYSIWYG editor and i am presented with this single line field where i can post in my link.

Woops, forgot the ‘ht’ part of the link. (Plugin does a simple check to see if this is actually a valid link)
“Silly me”

Here we go!

Thread view

That was easy! We’re planning to make posts a bit simpler. Biggest feature here is the fact that likes has been styled as a score counter (as seen on reddit, hacker news, etc.) and moved out to the left
* The post is basically the title of the post with link.
* Category is displayed in top - this category is a link
* Likes on replies are disguised as ‘points’.

Back on the front-page. This is what it looks like.

A bit information on how to navigate the front-page

New feature:Upvote/like topics from front-page
You can basically just like/unlike -- Press to give it one point, press again to remove that point you just gave it.

Digest email

Basically same look and logic in the digest email: if a popular topic is from the link category the user can click the title to be taken directly to the destination link. He/she can also click the comments icon to be taken to the discussion about this link.
This is great because it will serve as a mailing list filled with the most popular links for our less active users.

How to build this?

I am posting this in the feature / plugin request section, hoping this could be built as an official plugin for Discourse as this fairly simple plugin can enable Discourse to serve even more types of communities.

We're very interested in hearing the opinion from the community in here - and get a better sense of how difficult it would be to build something like this.

I live in the Bay Are, so I am also willing to meet up in person if people live here. I volunteer to support with design and UX support to build this.

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Notifications - "unread only" filter


@meglio wrote:

Since I, an admin, read all messages on my forum on a daily basis, I often get lost while scrolling my notifications tab (I'm subscribed to all categories!)

It would be helpful to have some filters in the Notifications tab, e.g.:

  • All
  • Unread
  • Read

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Enums that are used in tables need to be stable


@sam wrote:

Following on

Our internal pattern for defining enums is too risky as it stands, we often use

# table boxes(id, color_id)

colors = Enum.new(:red, :blue)

This saves on typing but introduces huge amount of risk and tribal knowledge, when someone goes to add a color they may add:

colors = Enum.new(:green, :red, :blue)

Now all our red boxes become green and our blue boxes red, cause enum counts from 1.

To eliminate this risk we should simple change enums to also accept a hash and use it for initialization where stability is required.


colors = Enum.new(red: 1, blue: 2, green: 3)

This makes the code slightly more verbose and significantly less risky.

@techAPJ leaving this one to you :wink:

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Cloning of settings


@omfg wrote:

Hope this is the right category for this type of question. I searched for previous posts and didn't find anything similar.

My question is is there an easy way (apart from the obvious) to get all customizations and settings done in Discourse settings and import them to another instance (running the same version of Discourse and potentially plugins)?

The obvious way is to check them all and write each one down.

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Let users custom their title


@zh99998 wrote:

in admin panel, i can modify user title as any string.
but in user panel, they only can use pre-defined Badge as title.
what can i do if i want to open custom title to users ?

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Unban a email and ip address

Create a custom page


@ryanhidajat wrote:

Hi, I wonder if its possible to create a custom page like FAQ, TOS, and Privacy page. and I also notice that they are actually a Topic. if its not possible to create custom page, how can I make a permalink like FAQ, TOS, and Privacy page.

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