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Proposed: Site settings triggering refresh


Kane York wrote:

What this does is add the ability to mark certain site settings as requiring a refresh to take effect.

When one of them is updated, Discourse.request_refresh! is called, which 'clobbers' the client-side assetVersion variable for all users, which causes the router to refresh the page the next time the user clicks a link.

My questions are,

  • Is this even something we want?
  • Is this the right way to do it?
  • Did I miss any settings? Currently the two settings it is set on are default_locale and authorized_extensions.

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Post and topic counts

Will Discourse have sub-forums, groups, and access control?


Tomasz Stachewicz wrote:

Hello everyone. My first post here.

First of all, thank you for finally making a forum software cut for 21st century. Based on Ember and Ruby on Rails, both technologies I really like and would love to have my forum powered with.

Ah yes, my forum. I run and operate a relatively large forum called "Border Princes", basically the main polish hub for Warhammer Fantasy Battle gamers. The forum currently has 988951 posts (almost a million!) in 29615 threads written by 6254 users. So it's a relatively small, but active community.

I would LOVE to ultimately have Border Princes powered by Discourse. However there are two (closely related) features that are crucial for a large forum like this.
Namely sub-forums and groups. Groups are basically a basis for ACL-like mechanism for accessing the subforums. And there are quite a lot of restricted-access subforums, mainly club ones (miniature wargamers unite into clubs), moderator forums, tournament & league organizers etc.

Therefore it's my main question: do you plan on expanding Discource with sub-forums and groups (and access control)? If you don't "plan" it, are you open to pull requests with such functionalities? Or is it against your keeping-discourse-simple approach?

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Noscript tag and some search engines


Anton Batenev wrote:

Yandex is the biggest search engine in Russia but it doesn't index content inside html tag noscript. Due to that forum isn't indexed by crawler, only topic headers but not topics. Maybe some of other local search engines in other countries may follow the same indexing policy. Here's an example for bad indexing meta forum - no content snippets.

Now I can do ugly global hack in app/views/layouts/application.html.erb - replace noscript tag with div:

<style type="text/css">#noscript { display:none; }</style>
  <style type="text/css">#noscript { display:block; }</style>

<section id='main'>
  <div id='noscript'>

But I'd like to do this hack only for one User-Agent which contains +http://yandex.com/bots string and leave original good template for normal search engines like Google trollface. Is it possible?

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iOS Chrome - mobile form inputs are impossible to use/broken


Martin Heidegger wrote:

When I try to edit any field in the UI on a iPhone then the UI focuses on a different field which makes it really hard (almost impossible) to use any input field. Including the login form and the new topic form. Do you have the same issue? Is this only a iOS issue?

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Let admins rename topics as they wish


Tom Spilman wrote:

I'm currently fighting my Discourse install over the name of a topic. It seems like it doesn't like me changing it from:


... a typo, back to...


... it continues to give me "Title is invalid; try to be a little more descriptive". I don't want to be more descriptive in this case. I've changed it to shorten the min title length, set entropy to 0, etc.... nothing seems to let me change the topic to what i want it to be.

It seems to me that administrators should be able to violate these rules. Maybe it even requires an extra click to bypass the error message so that the admin is aware he is doing this.

The alternative is leaving the site admin feeling like he has no control over the site.

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Registration only for users with github account?


Stan Lun wrote:

We are playing around with discourse forums for our new project. We are trying to gather a community with ruby developers as main force. Is it possible to open registration only to users with github account?

Anyone tried something like this with current codebase?

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Extending serializer functionality


Shiv Kumar wrote:

I'd like to be able to surface custom variables via JSON that I can access in a view. More specifically, I'd like to add methods to currentUser. The way this is done currently is by adding new attributes to the CurrentUserSerializer. These attributes are then preloaded as JSON within ApplicationController. I was hoping I could simply do the following in a plugin to add new attributes:

class CurrentUserSerializer < BasicUserSerializer
  attributes :my_custom_attribute

  def my_custom_attribute

But what this actually did was override the entire CurrentUserSerializer and break the app. Sad times. I then tried this, knowing that you can use this method with models to reopen and extend them:

class ::CurrentUserSerializer
  attributes :my_custom_attribute

  def my_custom_attribute

This ended up with the same result, i.e. overrode entire CurrentUserSerializer and broke the app. Then I thought maybe what I really needed to do was extend the attributes method. So, I retried both scenarios above (i.e. class CurrentUserSerializer < BasicUserSerializer and class ::CurrentUserSerializer) with the following code in a plugin:

def attributes
  hash = super
  hash['my_custom_attribute'] = true

App broke once again... frowning

So that really left me with two options:

  1. Completely monkey-patch CurrentUserSerializer. This works, but the downside here is that if Discourse's CurrentUserSerializer changes, then my app breaks. Not a good option, IMO.
  2. Create a new serializer called MyCurrentUserSerializer that inherits from CurrentUserSerializer so that I can override MyCurrentUserSerializer in a plugin and still keep all the goodness of CurrentUserSerializer intact. Here's what that would look like:


class MyCurrentUserSerializer < CurrentUserSerializer; end


def preload_current_user_data
  store_preloaded("currentUser", MultiJson.dump(MyCurrentUserSerializer.new(current_user, scope: guardian, root: false)))
  serializer = ActiveModel::ArraySerializer.new(TopicTrackingState.report([current_user.id]), each_serializer: TopicTrackingStateSerializer)
  store_preloaded("topicTrackingStates", MultiJson.dump(serializer))


def current
  if current_user.present?
    render_serialized(current_user, MyCurrentUserSerializer)
    render nothing: true, status: 404

Then, in my plugin, I can simply do the following and everything works!

class MyCurrentUserSerializer < CurrentUserSerializer

  def attributes
    hash = super
    hash['my_custom_attribute'] = true

So the question for you, Discourse team, is would you accept this PR if I submitted it? If not, what would you suggest I do instead? Thanks!

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Karma, conversations, and untrusted idiots


Lowell Heddings wrote:

The one thing that I really really wish we have would be some type of karma feature... basically, there needs to be some way to mark people as "can't string a sentence together" or "constant trolling" or "microsoft hater". Conversely, there should be a way to mark somebody as "excessively helpful" or "lover of knowledge" or "idea factory".

In real life, if you want to have a better conversation, you just don't allow jackasses to join in your conversation. You walk away, stand over on the side, or go somewhere else. You might have a public "discussion" that is watchable over YouTube or TV by thousands of people, but the people allowed to discuss are picked for their knowledge (sometimes). It seems like there should be an analog for that in the digital world, and especially on Discourse.

Perhaps if we had the ability to open a topic and then limit the replies to just people who aren't idiots (a particular user level, for instance), we could have better conversation. The other people who weren't invited would have to petition to be involved. I think there are other discussion systems that work this way, and I'm not saying that every topic would be like that. Just saying having that feature sometimes would be useful.

Or maybe having a "best of" view for every topic, that can be turned on optionally by users (as a default view), that filters out all of the trolls and idiots. Dunno if that would work well though, because the topic would be hard to read with missing posts. Better to prevent the dumb posts first.

I have nothing actionable on this topic, just my random thoughts.

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Remove requirement to scan through all new posts to have "Unread" item marked as read


Tim Radnidge wrote:

I had one item in the Unread section and I went through and clicked on it.

I noticed that the conversation was nothing interesting so I clicked on the Discourse icon in the header to be taken back to the landing page.

I noticed that the one item was still listed in the Unread section.

Clicked on Unread and noticed it had a little 11 next to it and I hovered over that which told me there were 11 new conversations (or something like that).

I think on any board with where a topic like "What is wrong with PHPBB" there is going to be a lot of posts that are all filler no killer and it isn't worth my time to scroll through them all.

I don't think this is a worthwhile requirement to have the system check that I have read every new post for the topic to be removed from the Unread section.

After all, I initially expected the systems suggestion on Friday that I only look at popular posts, but the system is now making me scan through all of the new items, popular or not.

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Do we need a "Mark all as read" function?


Endy Tjahjono wrote:

How do you mark all posts as read?

Additional info:
I closed discourse, then reopened it, and the posts that were marked as new are still marked as new.

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Activation email not sending


vetrivel wrote:

I have created user registration but email verification and activation mail not send.I used production mode. How to rectify the problem

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Deleting Lounge category causes 500


Tanner Filip wrote:

I just deleted the lounge category on my Discourse setup, and now it 500s when you go to the categories page. I assume this isn't intended, how would I fix it (other than manually editing the DB)?

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Better "Category definition for" Title


Tom Spilman wrote:

The phrase "Category definition for XXXXX" looks and sounds clumsy to me. Just "category definition" itself seems like technical jargon at first.

I have been renaming mine to "About XXXXX" or "About the XXXXX category" which seems more user friendly to me.

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"Unfortunately, your browser is too old to work on this Discourse forum"


A Zeynel wrote:

I thought I google my forum and I got the following:

I am using the latest version of Chrome (Version 32.0.1700.107). How can I fix this?

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Discourse Installs for Non-Profit and Education


Jeff Atwood wrote:

Discourse is an open source project so it can reach the entire breadth of the web, including non-profits or schools that may have modest budgets.

If you're part of a non-profit or educational organization that needs a great next-generation discussion platform, we can help:

For a flat one time setup fee of $200, and $20/month, we can set up a fully configured Discourse instance in the cloud for you. Unfortunately, we cannot offer any support, but we do include one future update to the latest version.

This topic is for comments on the original blog entry at: http://blog.discourse.org/2014/02/discourse-installs-for-non-profit-and-education/

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Emails working, but wont stop sending them, and all sidekiq jobs say failing with TypeError


Liam Buell wrote:

I'm somewhat new to this so i appologize in advance for newbieness. I got discourse running on digital ocean and got emails working, but sidekiq is hitting a failure saying TypeError: exception object expected, so it doesn't stop sending emails even though that have in fact gone through. Any thoughts?

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No endpoint for site settings


Kane York wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Discourse for iOS:

I think the solution for this is to add the site settings to /site.json as well, plus another one for the stuff stored by preload_current_user_data.

Maybe also always giving login_required is a good idea.

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"Mark all read" button on all New and Unread topics


André Mestre wrote:

Really need this button, i actively use forums.inovaestudios.com and when i go check for New or Unread topics i get dozens of topics i already read or know/visited that i have no way to get rid off that list.

So when i click on Unread i get more than 30 topics, i need to have a "Mark all read" button to mark them all as read so next time i click Unread it will show up as "Unread (0)" and have no unread topics (unless new topics are added since).

Right now i can't use that forum and have no way of finding the topics i am interested to participate in.

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MathJax Plugin (supports math notation using LaTeX)


Kasper Peulen wrote:

Location: https://github.com/kasperpeulen/discourse-mathjax

Author: @Kasper / @sam / @masda70

Provides MathJax support to a discourse forum. This means that you can display mathematical notation using LaTeX markup (ASCIIMathML markup is also possible using the right settings).

You can find installation instructions at the github page. If you any problems installing this, send me a message. This plugin uses roughly the same settings for mathjax as used at http://math.stackexchange.com, and works therefore very similar.


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