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Digital Ocean VS Nitrous VS Recommendations


@Christine2 wrote:

I'm wanting to use Discourse for my new forum and was hoping for hosting advice. I know on Nitrous you get full access to the code, which we need, is it the same on Digital Ocean? Also, do emails, such as the notification emails and everything send out fine on Nitrous? I haven't been able to find many articles about Nitrous. I'm rather new to coding, so any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you & Discourse is great!

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Remove Sites when using Multisite


@webeindustry wrote:

I installed multisite on a standalone container. Everything succeeded, but now I see if comment out every section relevant to the second site, the instance remains after launcher rebuild.

Does this make sense?

Wondering if I need to manually enter a container and execute a list of commands to fully remove the instance and all traces.

Does anyone have such a list available, or another procedure to remove a site from multisite?

It appears I was confused. Both instances were fresh installs, and behind a same proxy port on host. After rebuild the second domain resolved to the first.

I now have new issue...


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Failed to install due to not found /root/authorized_keys file


@javenfang wrote:

I've tried many many times and different env, and try to search to resolve the problem. But I failed.

With installation from official doc, I always fail into the error reported:

I, [2016-02-02T03:25:19.047866 #38]  INFO -- : > echo "Beginning of custom commands"
I, [2016-02-02T03:25:19.052456 #38]  INFO -- : Beginning of custom commands

I, [2016-02-02T03:25:19.053237 #38]  INFO -- : > echo "End of custom commands"
I, [2016-02-02T03:25:19.055437 #38]  INFO -- : End of custom commands

I, [2016-02-02T03:25:19.055904 #38]  INFO -- : > awk -F\# '{print $1;}' ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | awk 'BEGIN { print "Authorized SSH keys for this container:"; } NF>=2 {print $NF;}'
awk: fatal: cannot open file `/root/.ssh/authorized_keys' for reading (No such file or directory)
I, [2016-02-02T03:25:19.060638 #38]  INFO -- : Authorized SSH keys for this container:

I, [2016-02-02T03:25:19.061065 #38]  INFO -- : Terminating async processes

I tried env:

  • centos 7.2, root or non-root user;
  • ubuntu 14.04, root or non-root user;

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Login Plugin: WeChat Login Plugin/ 微信登陆插件

Read-only custom user fields


@eac wrote:

This might be obvious and I'm just missing something but:

Is there a way to add a custom user field in a plugin that is read-only from the perspective of UsersController#update?

If I use custom_user_fields, and add the field to the user via a serializer, it attempts to get written back to the DB on user update.

I can probably work around it by not using the user serializer helpers and by extending it explicitly, but I'd like to know if there is an "official" way to do this.

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Upgrade from an ancient version

See who all are writing replies to a topic


@GaurangTandon wrote:

Hello everybody!

What I want: See who - apart from me - is using the "Reply" dialog box to write a reply to a particular topic. Like, on Quora, whenever I am browsing a question, I can also see people who are writing an answer to it.

Why I want this: Often, it happens that I post a reply to a topic only to discover that some other person has already written the same response 5-10 seconds ago. Sometimes, it also happens that the other person posts his/her reply while I am still writing my reply, and when I notice it, I am already half way through writing my reply and then I have to abandon my reply (which doesn't feel really good :frowning:)

Question: Can this feature be implemented? :slightly_smiling:


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"js.composer.group_mentioned" needs pluralization


@meglio wrote:

Please may someone make this pluralizable in Transifex:

Key: js.composer.group_mentioned
Original English text:

By using {{group}}, you are about to notify <a href='{{group_link}}'>{{count}} people</a>.

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Preview is not re-rendered after auto-completing an emoji via click


@fefrei wrote:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Type :bu
  2. Click on :bug: bug

The text gets auto-completed to :bug:, but the preview still shows :bu instead of :bug:.

This issue does not occur when the auto-completion is triggered with enter, and typing the character refreshes the preview.

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Insert URL dialog box in composer - all people in our community get confused


@meglio wrote:

Dear Discourse community, is it only me and our Russian/Ukrainian-speaking community? Nobody can understand this:

People keep asking me how to use it?

Why not just have 2 inputs, one saying "URL" and another one "link name (optional)".

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Long category names overlap in hamburger menu

Manually implementing canned replies, how do i reply & delete in 1 step


@carlokok wrote:

I've implemented a .NET based tool that polls groups & does a canned reply to which customers can reply after just posting a new support/sales request. However the reply it does shows in the post too currently. Is there any way to make that reply "deleted" or "collapsed" some how so I on the discourse side it's not so visible?

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PAID: Migrate Xenforo to Discourse


@ezworldwide wrote:

I'm looking for someone to migrate a Xenforo forum to Discourse. I'd like to get this done before the month is out. Glad to use upWork, elance, or any other freelancer platform of your choice.

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Who was this user invited by feature?

Image title and alt tags not displaying


@pfaffman wrote:

I'm in academia and there's a huge push about accessibility since Harvard and MIT got ADA suits because MOOCs weren't screen-reader compliant. I'm trying to be a good citizen and include alt tags, but it seems that they are not showing up. They're in the HTML, though, so I guess screen readers will see them. It makes it hard for me to check, though. I guess this is a simple CSS fix?

I can't see alt or title tags on this image:

this is an alt tag

On a related note, it would be nice if the <img ...> tags that get created on an upload included something like alt="image description" so that people who don't know to add that get a little bit of help.

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New plugin: DOI resolver


@pfaffman wrote:

I wrote a little DOI resolver that makes links to DOIs point to dx.doi.org. It's just a single regex replace. It recognizes DOIs and adds a <a href="http://dx.doi.org/DOI"> around it. It's basically discourse-pirate-speak.

For those who don't care about academic publishing, DOIs are unique identifiers for articles.

My next step for this extension is to add customizable regexps.


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Changing the way topics are shown in the main page?


@Pad_Pors wrote:

I want to change the way topics are being shown in the main page so that we can see some parts of the discussions of each topic in the main page as well.

does anyone know if such a thing has been done via a plugin or not?

or does anyone know if which file I should play with?

thanks in advance,

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Adding "+ New Topic" button on every page


@techAPJ wrote:

Want to add "+ New Topic" button on every page? Follow these steps:

  • Paste this Javascript code in Admin :arrow_right: Customize :arrow_right: CSS/HTML :arrow_right: </body> section:

  var ApplicationRoute = require('discourse/routes/application').default;
    actions: {
      createTopic: function() {
          var Composer = require('discourse/models/composer').default;
          composerController = Discourse.__container__.lookup('controller:composer');
          composerController.open({ action: Composer.CREATE_TOPIC, draftKey: Composer.DRAFT });

<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='/connectors/header-after-home-logo/create-new-topic'>
  {{#if currentUser}}
    {{d-button  id="create-topic"

  • Paste this CSS code in Admin :arrow_right: Customize :arrow_right: CSS/HTML :arrow_right: CSS section:

.create-new-topic {
    float: right;
    padding: 5px 0px 0px 5px;

Customize the button styling even further as per your requirement.

  • Voilà :tada:

Now logged in user will be able to access "+ New Topic" button on every page.

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Lots of Spam New User Registrations?


@BCHK wrote:

The past few days I've been getting a ton of spam "signups" (but strangely no spam from these accounts yet). They seem to all have unique IP addresses which is strange (correction - many have unique addresses, some have multiple). I can tell they are spam beacause of the names, and because my new user registrations have suddently gone up from 6 to 10 a day to suddenly 30+ each day for the past two days. Any ideas on how to control for this?

Seems like a problem coming...

HERE is what the accounts look like below:



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Topic and Category Export/Import


@neil wrote:

There's a command line tool to export a set of arbitrary topics or an entire category.

The tool can be run from the base directory of the Discourse project:

su - discourse
cd /var/www/discourse

Export Topics

The topic exporter will export all topics, posts, and all users who participated in those topics.

Get the topic IDs. For example, let's say you want to export these two topics:

  • http://talk.example.com/t/best-dance-moves/25
  • http://talk.example.com/t/hurt-myself-dancing/27

Run this command:

bundle exec script/discourse export_topics 25 27

Output should look something like this:

Starting export of topics...

Best dance moves
Hurt myself dancing

Export saved to topic-export-2016-02-02-165613.json


To import it into another Discourse site, move the output file to the other Discourse server and run the topic importer:

bundle exec script/discourse import_topics topic-export-2016-02-02-165613.json

In a multisite environment, use the RAILS_DB env variable.

RAILS_DB=xxxmoves bundle exec script/discourse export_topics 25 27
RAILS_DB=dancerehab bundle exec script/discourse import_topics topic-export-2016-02-02-165613.json

Export Category

The category exporter will export:

  • the category
  • all its subcategories
  • its security settings
  • custom groups mentioned in the security settings
  • all topics and posts in the category and subcategories
  • all users who posted, and assigns them to the groups

With the category id, run it like this:

bundle exec script/discourse export_category 5

And import it like this:

bundle exec script/discourse import_category category-export-2016-02-02-154352.json

Today the tool is brand new, so there's more that it can do. Please report bugs in the #bug category, and request enhancements in the #feature category.

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