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I just hit my CPU cap on the Digital Ocean 2GB/2xCPU plan


@ljpp wrote:

Today it happened that I have been waiting for some time - things got busy on the forum, and I hit the CPU cap of the 2GB/2x CPU-core plan of Digital Ocean. Things started slowing down considerably, but the the site remained online.

Now the problem is that the next level in Digital Ocean's plans offers 4GB RAM, more SSD storage but still only 2 CPU cores. I am aware that the extra RAM will make things a bit easier for the CPU due to larger read-write buffers, but will that be enough? Their quad-core plan costs 80$, which is more than I am willing to spend.

I would hate to move elsewhere as I have been happy with DO overall - it's just that their next plan upgrade seems less than ideal for me. Any thoughts or advice on VPS providers with datacenters in Europe and high SLA?

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Post Action Buttons are hidden behind an "expansion" button


@FichteFoll wrote:

I wanted to bookmark my own post, but couldn't because the button was not there.

Later I discovered that I had to press the ellipses () button to expand hidden post action buttons. It expanded to "bookmark" and "delete".

How many buttons can there be that this would be necessary?

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Command to turn on mailing list mode per user?


@optimus wrote:

Hi, I'd like to be able to run a command from rails console to enable mailing list mode for specific users so that I can make sure some specific people get emails for new topics posted in categories they are interested in. Is this possible? Also, can I enable it so the users will only get email notifications when topics are posted to a specific category?


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Admin banner notification of error floods at /logs


@sam wrote:

We use the awesome Logster to display our error logs on all Discourse sites in the /logs path.

In many cases we noticed "log floods" that do not get notified. Log floods are strong indicators that stuff is seriously :pear: shape.

  • Perhaps anonymous has zero access to your site

  • The job queue might be completely broken

  • You may have a plugin that makes certain pages on the site not work

  • And more

As it stands as an administrator these failure modes could be in-progress and you could remain completely oblivious of them happening.

To help take care of this issue we would like to add some extensions to Logster and Discourse to notify us of a ticking :clock1: :bomb:

Logster extensions

  • Add internal tracking for "warnings/errors/fatal in last N seconds", allow for multiple tracking modes, default is none.

Last N seconds needs to be bucketed somehow, this is how I would implement this which is more or less correct.

Logster.store.track_event_rate([:warning], 1.minute)
Logster.store.track_event_rate([:warning,:error], 1.hour)

num_events = Logster.store.lookup_event_rate([:warning], 1.minute)

# Possibly, concurrency is really hard here (possibly a v2 thing):
# The tricky thing is that you don't want to be going crazy and flooding the message bus
# each time people add 1 to an already exceeded count
# You would only fire this event once every 1.minute max (or something like that)

Logster.store.on_event_rate_exceeded([:warning], 1.minute) do |rate|
   MessageBus.publish("/error_rate", "OH NO #{rate}")

Bucketing counts in Redis

Say we are trying to track number warnings in last minute simplified example:

  • Get my current "seconds since epoch" > value is say 601.
  • Divide this number by "number of tracking buckets" which will be "6": we get 100
  • If INCR returns 1, be sure to expire the key in 70 seconds
  • At any point we can get our "errors per second" by grabbing the values of "TRACKING_100" + "TRACKING_99" etc.
  • We can use LUA here to make it all an atomic operation, that way you call a routine to increment and it gives you the current rate. (totally happy for this feature to depend on redis having lua going)

Discourse extensions

On Discourse side we need a simple site settings for:

  • alert_admins_if_errors_per_minute
  • alert_admins_if_errors_per_hour

Then treat warnings/errors/fatal all as errors (so track an aggregate)

If the rate is exceeded use this kind of screen to notify admins in the same spot we use for this:

Ideally the earlier we notify the better, but really depends on the logster implementation.

At any point an admin can click X and make it go away for a minute, to come back again if it exceeds the rate again.

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Users can edit posts on closed topics


@Huggingfluffybear wrote:

Hey guys I found something on the hopscotch forums which is powerd by discourse it's where you can edit things in a closed topic so for exsaple when a topic is closed for a good reason people can edit there posts and keep talking @sam I think that this should be fixed so that you can't edit in a closed topic!

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Is post_action_types.inappropriate.title a non-used translation key?


@meglio wrote:

In server.en.yml, there is a key post_action_types.inappropriate.title
Is it used and if so then where?

The flag popup uses different translation keys:

Translating takes a lot of time, so if there are unused keys, it would be really beneficial for us, translators, if such keys were identified and removed regularly from the translation YML files (could be done automatically?)

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How is Discourse better or different than Quora?


@sburra wrote:

What is the difference between discourse and Quora? And how is Discourse better than Quora?

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Installing with a VM


@sumquestions wrote:

Just making sure this is possible before I start.

I found a nice tutorial here, and I was wanting to try it out.

Am I able to use a VM to run Ubuntu, then follow this guide to install it on my web server? I'm currently hosted at Nixihost

I was just unsure if I could do it on a web server since a lot of people were talking about running it on a home server.

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Blocked staged user can still "post"

Replacing custom gif image results in old gif appearing in admin page


@awole20 wrote:

Seems very similar to this issue but a little different case. Uploading a custom emoji in /admin/customize/emojis seems to retain old emoji image in admin screen, after deleting and overwriting with a different image.

Reproduction: Upload custom emoji. Delete custom emoji. Upload different emoji image under the same name. Original emoji character will appear. Observed in v1.5.0.beta10 +44

Expected: On upload of a different emoji image, have the newly uploaded appear as the image.

I suspect cache validation is at play here -- the updated emoji works great in the forum at large, and the updated appear as expected in the admin page on refresh, so I'd consider this pretty minor. However, it can be confusing to admins when replacing emoji sets.

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Topics in the Categories view are not in the order of chronology

Account creation when hiding full name but also requiring full name


@Maxence wrote:

Hi all,

We are a sport community that loves a soccer club in Belgium called Sporting Charleroi.

We are running our forum on Discourse as you may have already understood and we are facing an issue since approximately 45 days.

The issue is nobody is able to create a new account anymore because the "Create Account" button keeps being disabled even if you enter correct email/nickname/password (see pics at the end of my post).

We believe the bug occurs when we have updated the forum on version 1.5.0 beta10 +34 (seems to be the very last version of the soft if I'm right) but we are not sure (we just compared the last registration date of our last community member)

Also, I was able to create a new account by inspecting the content of the html and by removing the "disabled" attribute of the button "create account" button ("créer un compte" in french in the screenshot) so the button was made "clickable" again.

I can't find something related to that issue in the forum but I may have miss something.

Thanks in advance for your support.


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Forum hitting some sort of limits and responding slow or not at all


@dym wrote:

Hey everyone.
I just recently dug into discourse and docker and installed it via some howtos/the docker installation guide on an AWS host running ubuntu.

The forum does have some elevated attention at times and this leads to it becoming unresponsive, despite the fact the machine does not seem to be fully utilizing it's resources (load low, mem usage low).

Is there some sort of application based limitation that would be open for tweaks? (nginx, or unicorn)

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Most common error at these times is 504.

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Can I see in the statistics which post received the most likes


@Lena wrote:


We are currently setting up our own discourse forum and I would like to know whether there is a way to see which posts received the most likes. I looked for such feature in the statistics overview but couldn't find anything. Then again, I might have not looked properly as I am still only getting used to all these features. Thanks for your help!

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Previous Replies separator is not RFC-compliant


@rriemann wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Imdb embeds broken on other sites:

I just received two mails with practically the same content (that's weird) due to a response linked above and noticed:

My mail application KMail doesn't strip off the signature when I reply. The issue seems to be the separator.

KMail claims that RFC compliant is -- (dash dash space on a single line).

I think I found the source: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3676.txt (4.3)

However, Discourse uses "---" (triple dash without space) as a separator.

This issue has been raised before:

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Frostbite :heart: Discourse

How To Subscribe to a category for email alerts

Problem embedding comments from Discourse Vagrant


@remeika wrote:

I'm having an issue embedding comments from a Discourse host running on my local machine on pages running on an instance of Ghost, also on my local machine. The installation details:


Local networking

  • My /etc/hosts file contains the following line: localhost jr.dev.fuwt


  • I'm running discourse at commit cc6956.
  • My Discourse Vagrantfile contains the following network mapping:
    config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 3000, host: 3000
  • In admin/customize/embedding I've overridden the following settings:
    • Allowed Hosts: jr.dev.fuwt:2368, jr.dev.fuwt:3000 (These two hosts are in separate allowed hosts entries)
    • Username for topic creation: eviltrout
    • [en.admin.embedding.embed_classname_whitelist]: emoji


  • In config.js, I've set config.development.url = 'http://jr.dev.fuwt:2368'
  • I've embedded the js snippet:

<script type="text/javascript">
  DiscourseEmbed = { discourseUrl: 'http://jr.dev.fuwt:3000/',
                     discourseEmbedUrl: '{{url absolute="true"}}' };

  (function() {
    var d = document.createElement('script'); d.type = 'text/javascript'; d.async = true;
    d.src = DiscourseEmbed.discourseUrl + 'javascripts/embed.js';
    (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(d);


When I load a post on my ghost instance, I see the following network request:

  • Request URL: http://jr.dev.fuwt:3000/embed/comments?embed_url=http%3A%2F%2Fjr.dev.fuwt%3A2368%2Ffind-gig-share-gig-new-online-network-freelancers%2F
  • Response Header X-Frame-Options:ALLOWALL

So far so good. I see a the iFrame appear on my blog post, saying 'loading...'. Then few seconds later, I see the following error emitted from http://jr.dev.fuwt:3000/embed/comments?embed_url=http%3A%2F%2Fjr.dev.fuwt%3A2368%2Ffind-gig-share-gig-new-online-network-freelancers%2F, line 16:

Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('http://jr.dev.fuwt:3000') does not match the recipient window's origin ('http://jr.dev.fuwt:2368').

The offending line is:

parent.postMessage(msg, 'http://jr.dev.fuwt:3000/embed/comments?embed_url=http%3A%2F%2Fjr.dev.fuwt%3A2368%2Ffind-gig-share-gig-new-online-network-freelancers%2F');

So it appears that in the HTML document at /comments, the current page url of the iFrame is being used where the decoded embed_url should be used.

Thanks so much for reading. Am I missing something?

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Plans for WYSIWYG?


@Talin wrote:

So I'm still working on evaluating whether I can use Discourse as an element of our project (building a collaboration network for cancer researchers and patients). So far it has been going well, lots of things that we thought were going to be problems turned out not to be.

However, one persistent sticking point is the markdown editor. Our users aren't going to be sophisticated, stack-overflow type people, and things like image tags and embedded markup are going to really confuse them.

I was wondering if there were plans on the roadmap to provide a full WYSIWYG editing experience, similar to what is offered by TinyMCE, CKEditor, Summernote, Froala and other editors that use content-editable. I realize of course that you wouldn't be able to use those components directly since that would likely break all of your plugins; it will probably have to be something custom written. That's a lot of work, but at least there's an existence proof that it's possible.

It also seems to me that this is something that fits in with your mission statement, "civilized discussion" (which I love BTW - I've been thinking about ways to improve the national discourse for over a decade now). I would think that you would want to bring the benefits of polite conversation to all users, not just the technically-minded ones.

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Feature Request: Youtube playlist function


@mbybee wrote:

I've been trying to find a way to include a client-side playlist (similar to http://zaius.github.io/youtube_playlist/ ) as some sort of button or something.

It'd be great for forum threads that basically become big long music video threads, like: http://rationalviews.com/t/random-music-thread/27

I haven't been able to figure out how to add a button like this. If anyone has any ideas, or would like to include this as an ability for the forum (like tagging a thread to turn on this ability, for example), that'd be awesome.

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