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Using subject line for reply-by-email identifier


@precessor wrote:

I just set up the reply-by-email function as described here:

It's working great! :laughing: :thumbsup:

For appearances, I prefer to have the reply domain at my domain rather than Gmail.com, so I thought about setting up a DNS email forwarder. I hoped that the sub address (address tag) would be preserved.I would continue to POP3 from Gmail, I don't mind that.
However, this does not seem to be possible:

But a workaround remains, as described in that post: put the string identifier in the subject line as well (and look for it there as well). This would prevent Discourse customers needing to set up their own email server, which is my remaining option (I'm using a DigitalOcean droplet).

May I therefore suggest this feature: put the string identifier if a reply-by-email in the subject line as well as the address tag, and check for it there too.

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Blank page when accessing "error logs"


@ashledombos wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Error logs not showing up:

I have exactly the same problem, but I can't figure how it can be related to CDN and therefore how to fix it :confused:

I use:

  • discourse (d6b4b99) v1.6.0.beta1 +113
  • discourse-solved (afb1c91)
  • Spoiler Alert! (c6b96d7)
  • discourse-tagging (f1da73b)
  • docker_manager (549b1d8)

All up to date.

This happens only when I go to https://forum.mysite.tld/logs , any other page is working correctly. I rebuilt app just in case, nothing changed.

I indeed use CDN, I have this in my app.yml file:

  ## The CDN address for this Discourse instance (configured to pull)
  DISCOURSE_CDN_URL: //forum-static.mysite.tld

  ## CORS
  DISCOURSE_CORS_ORIGIN: 'https://forum.mysite.tld'

In admin options I tried to check and uncheck "enable cdn js debugging", I did not see any improvement.
"long polling base url" has the default value: /

@Overmind how did you fix the error logs blank page?

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Migrating from JForum to Discourse


@Paul_Huang wrote:

hi, I have a running Forum powered by JForum 2.3.4 and seeking for advice and recommendations on approach to migrate into Discourse. Many thanks!

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Anonymous votes in poll plugin


@gerhard wrote:

I'm in the process of fixing the import of polls in the phpBB3 importer. I noticed a few days ago that it was completely broken since October. :blush:

Anyway, in phpBB3 it is possible for anonymous users to vote in polls. Up until October I set the voters attribute of the poll and votes of each option manually, so I didn't lose the original poll result. This isn't possible anymore since the current version of the poll plugin recalculates all counts on each vote.

I was thinking about adding an anonymous_voters attribute to the custom field polls and save the count of anonymous votes for each option in the polls-votes field. These optional values could be used on every recalculation of the poll result if they exist. I have no intention to expose the anonymous vote feature to the user. It would be an internal thing, mostly in order to not lose votes during imports.

@zogstrip Would you accept a PR for that? Or should I discard anonymous votes and warn users during the import that they are going to lose data?

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The dot «.» symbol is stripped from a category slug

Is there some sort of plugin for Patreon contributors?


@FoxdenVixen wrote:

Forgive me for being ignorant about forums in general. It is not my strong suit. I am working on a website for an MMO in development. One of the major things we will need is a way for Patreon patrons to log in and have the log in be dependent on their monthly subscription. So that would require locking down parts of the forums for different levels. There will be general population - non contributors. This part of the forum can be viewed by anyone. The Patron's forums for those that have contributed and then the Developer's forums for larger contributions. Now from what I understand about Patreon, the patrons pay a monthly amount so there has to be a way for the forums to track that. If the patron decides not to contribute anymore, they are locked out of the part of the forums that are subscription-based.

I know there is a paid plug-in for PayPal but we would need it for Patreon. I have found a Patreon plug-in on the web but it is for WordPress.

I have a feeling that I will be directed to the marketplace but wanted to check if anything like this exists first.

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Information about differences between beta builds and release


@jlachoff wrote:

I'm an interaction designer working on a team that is trying out Discourse (mainly because I asked them to do so...)
So far, so good. We are using version 1.5, beta13b+113 ... when I noticed that version 1.5 is now released, I asked my dev buddy who deployed the beta for me if we should upgrade, and he said, "if past experience predicts the future, it will be claimed that the upgrade will be easy, but it will not"
I am open to us not upgrading, especially if the current 1.5 beta version we're using is not much different from the release. I can't find information in the forums here that describes the incremental changes between beta versions and the final, though, so not sure... can you point me to such documentation, so I can pass along information to my developer? Thanks!

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Displaying "Likes" more prominently


@littke wrote:


We use Discourse at Lookback, as an internal forum.

We use Likes to support and promote one another's ideas and posts.

As such, a Like is an important component of the communication happening: it's just as valuable as someone replying "I agree with this." or "Sounds great" or "Let's do it".


The Likes often go unnoticed, because:

  • The Likes don't make threads appear unread
  • The Likes aren't taking up a lot of visual impact (space & color)

Proposed solution

  • Left-align likes at the footer of each post
  • Add a colored heart for posts that have likes, no color for posts that don't
  • Potentially display avatars right away (rather than on expansion)

You know your design constraints best, so this proposed solution is just a very quick recommendation.


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An alternative location for header links


@joebuhlig wrote:

I recently changed how navigation happens on my blog and wanted the discussion site I use for comments to follow a similar format. Here's what it looks like:

I added the section where it says Blog, Now, Tools, and has social icons. Here's the code behind it:


<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='/connectors/site-map-links/add-joebuhlig-links'>
<div class="site-links-divider"></div>
<li><a class="page-link" href="http://EXAMPLE.COM">YOUR LINK</a></li>
<li><a class="page-link" href="http://EXAMPLE.COM">YOUR LINK</a></li>
<li><a class="page-link" href="https://EXAMPLE.COM">YOUR LINK</a></li>
<div class="social-media-list">
        <a href="https://twitter.com/TWITTERHANDLE">
          <span class="icon  icon--twitter">
            <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16">
              <path fill="#828282" d="M15.969,3.058c-0.586,0.26-1.217,0.436-1.878,0.515c0.675-0.405,1.194-1.045,1.438-1.809
              c-0.632,0.375-1.332,0.647-2.076,0.793c-0.596-0.636-1.446-1.033-2.387-1.033c-1.806,0-3.27,1.464-3.27,3.27 c0,0.256,0.029,0.506,0.085,0.745C5.163,5.404,2.753,4.102,1.14,2.124C0.859,2.607,0.698,3.168,0.698,3.767 c0,1.134,0.577,2.135,1.455,2.722C1.616,6.472,1.112,6.325,0.671,6.08c0,0.014,0,0.027,0,0.041c0,1.584,1.127,2.906,2.623,3.206 C3.02,9.402,2.731,9.442,2.433,9.442c-0.211,0-0.416-0.021-0.615-0.059c0.416,1.299,1.624,2.245,3.055,2.271 c-1.119,0.877-2.529,1.4-4.061,1.4c-0.264,0-0.524-0.015-0.78-0.046c1.447,0.928,3.166,1.469,5.013,1.469 c6.015,0,9.304-4.983,9.304-9.304c0-0.142-0.003-0.283-0.009-0.423C14.976,4.29,15.531,3.714,15.969,3.058z"/>
        <a href="https://github.com/GITHUBUSERNAME">
          <span class="icon  icon--github">
            <svg viewBox="0 0 478.613 478.613">
              <path fill="#828282" d="M427.501,200.695c1.776-11.238,2.884-23.56,3.163-37.377c-0.107-59.246-28.468-80.21-33.925-90.038
        <a href="https://instagram.com/INSTAGRAMUSERNAME">
          <span class="icon  icon--tumblr">
            <svg viewBox="0 0 97.395 97.395">
              <path fill="#828282" d="M12.501,0h72.393c6.875,0,12.5,5.09,12.5,12.5v72.395c0,7.41-5.625,12.5-12.5,12.5H12.501C5.624,97.395,0,92.305,0,84.895
                V12.5C0,5.09,5.624,0,12.501,0L12.501,0z M70.948,10.821c-2.412,0-4.383,1.972-4.383,4.385v10.495c0,2.412,1.971,4.385,4.383,4.385
                h11.008c2.412,0,4.385-1.973,4.385-4.385V15.206c0-2.413-1.973-4.385-4.385-4.385H70.948L70.948,10.821z M86.387,41.188h-8.572
                H86.387z M48.789,29.533c-10.802,0-19.56,8.485-19.56,18.953c0,10.468,8.758,18.953,19.56,18.953
        <a href="FEEDLINK">
            <span class="icon  icon--rss">
              <svg viewBox="0 0 24.332 24.332">
                <path fill="#828282" d="M3.607,17.11C1.618,17.11,0,18.726,0,20.717c0,1.984,1.618,3.604,3.607,3.604s3.607-1.619,3.607-3.604
                <path fill="#828282" d="M0.375,7.951C0.169,7.951,0,8.12,0,8.328v4.578c0,0.206,0.169,0.374,0.375,0.374c5.879,0,10.665,4.784,10.665,10.665
                <path fill="#828282" d="M24.311,23.828C24.246,10.681,13.531,0.01,0.375,0.01C0.169,0.01,0,0.179,0,0.387v4.711c0,0.207,0.169,0.375,0.375,0.375

CSS and Mobile CSS:

    border-top: 1px solid #e9e9e9;
    float: left;
    width: 100%;
    margin: 3px 0px;
    padding: 5px 0px;
.social-media-list a {
    display: initial !important;
.icon > svg {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 22px;
    height: 22px;
    vertical-align: middle;

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Poll options hiding when losing focus


@romdos wrote:

Something is strange with polls on my forum. When clicking 'Show results', the current results are displayed but then are immediately hidden (leaving just a blank box) if the user clicks outside of the poll area. The best I can tell there is a needless "display: none" for the polls that hides it, but I don't know where this is coming from.. it looks like:
<ul id="ember2679" class="ember-view results" style="display: none;">

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Two-letter in topic search does not seem to work


@steevithak wrote:

I was using a Discourse forum today and needed to find a specific piece of text on the page, so I did a Ctrl-F, which activates the built-in browser page search (at least in all the browsers I use regularly). For some reason Discourse blocks the use of Ctrl-F. Instead of getting the browser page search dialog, it presented me with what looked like a Discourse-specific search dialog. That in itself would not be too bad if it actually worked. So I went ahead and typed the characters I needed to find on the page, in this case "PR " (e.g. the letters PR followed by one space) and hit enter. Instead of highlighting the desired text on the page, the dialog simply vanished again with no results and no error message.

I tried it multiple times with the same result. I then tried searching for a few other random strings. I tried longer strings thinking maybe it just blocks searches of short strings for some reason but the same thing happens on longer strings, even strings that I could plainly see right there on the page - the dialog just vanishes when you enter the search. I finally gave up, did a Ctrl-A and copied the entire text out to a text editor and did my search there. I realized later there is a work-around in Chrome - if you use Chrome's hamburger menu and select "Find" with the mouse pointer, you can search normally. Also if you do a Ctrl-Shift-I to get the inspect element function, then do the Ctrl-F, you can do your search as expected (with the exception that you may get hits on HTML or CSS elements in addition the page text of course). Still, a very frustrating bug, hope it can be fixed!

Also, sorry to post in the support forum here but I couldn't find an actual bug report database anywhere for Discourse.

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Questions about Discourse on Digital Ocean


@ROODAY wrote:

I'm planning on making a discourse server, and at the moment I'm having trouble deciding whether to deploy it on Heroku or Digital Ocean. I know that for Heroku I would have to do all the of the setup work whereas Digital Ocean has a one click install. However, I've never used a one-click install and I'm wondering how I would go about configuring and setting up the Discourse forum on such a droplet.

My main concerns are that I already have another webapp that has a PostgreSQL database that contains users' emails and passwords. I'd like to be able to import those emails and passwords into the discourse database so that users will not have to go through the hassle of making a new account just to use the forums (which are intended to be for discussion regarding the original webapp.) I'd also like to set up English and French localization (does Discourse support i18n?) and also integrate Intercom into the forums.

I guess to sum up my question, does the one-click install just get everything going, and then I could do all the customization I normally would? And how hard would it be to implement localization and importing users to a one-click install?

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Auto reply if title exist

Dashboard says "You're up to date!" but Docker says New Version Available!

Custom menu on single post page


@aedensixty wrote:

I know discourse has the standard 'top menu' items which loads into 'navigation-bar' for the category/list pages however is there a way to add custom menu items only on the single post pages where this menu disappears? I want a different menu, not a variant of what is on the category pages.


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Restrictions on login_required.welcome_message


@Bluedevil wrote:

I'd like to create a more substantial message for users that visit our private forum's login page.

Ideally, I'd like to embed a YouTube trailer for our gaming community, but the YouTube embed doesn't seem to work pasted in this space (either as a direct link using the lazyYT plugin or with an iFrame).

What is permitted in the "Text Content" fields? Are there some hard limits on the styling it accepts that are similar to the restrictions on topics? Why do active account plugins not work on the page generated automatically (i.e., forum.squadfubar.com/login) for visitors accessing our domain?

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LDAP with discourse


@Shaohua wrote:


I added the LDAP plugin to my discourse, but it always print "(ldap) Authentication failure! invalid_credentials encountered".

However, with the same ldap parameters set in perl script or ldap client JXplorer, I can bind and search successfully. would you tell me the means of settings about the ldap plugin?

Many thanks!

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Emoji dropdown should disappear when pressing


@Sander78 wrote:

When you type a colon, a dropdown for emojis appears at your cursor's location. Then, when you use your keyboard to go down to the more option, another menu appears with more emojis.

The problem is that when you do this at the right side of the editor, the dropdown will cover the modal with the rest of the emojis.

This problem does not exist when using the mouse.

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Can I require a Discourse login to view things on a different site?


@Teeigeryuh wrote:

Imagine i have ths


How can i make it so in orfder for someone to view the content inside "/stuff" be logged in?

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Using Redis then dump data is just great


@Aymane_Shuichi wrote:

Discourse is using Redis to store live data, and dumps this data periodically to the database.
This is such a great idea, It makes scalability very easy and cheap.
I want to learn more about this architecture, does it have a special name ? So I can go with my searching forward.

Thank you.

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