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Deploying Discourse on AWS leveraging Elastic Beanstalk and ECS


@emanuelet wrote:

Hi everybody,
so I am about to deploy the production environment for our Discourse installation on AWS.

We do have already a staging environment with 2 instances that we launched and configured manually and it works pretty well.

For our production though, I wanted of course to have a solution capable of a minimum of auto-scaling (I have already the app.yml ready to go) and for that reason I was looking to handle the deployment through Elastic Beanstalk with a Multi-container installation.

The recommended way is to use a Dockerrun.aws.json file, and what I have tried to find in the last 2 days is a good example of one that is actually been used (here there is one https://meta.discourse.org/t/document-for-installing-on-aws-ecs/37257/8 but I wanted some advice from somebody that has actually used it).

Can anyone post an example of it?

That would be super helpful.


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Best approach to "whitelist" Precedence: bulk mails


@carlokok wrote:

Normally I'm fine with the filters discourse has setup to avoid posting data for maillings, however how would I best approach allow discourse to create a post anyway with a "Precedence: bulk" header set for a specific domain?

The reason I'm asking, one of our resellers is sending all mails with mandril and has a Precedence: bulk header set which doesn't get posted as a discourse app. We obviously do want to deal with these mails, anyone have an idea on what best to do here?

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Why are the last-month post counts different?

Email setup with your existing email server


@RuxBux wrote:

Hi guys, i have finished all... and its working good, language and all... but still cannot figure out why mandril and rest of mail server wont send any email from my discourse forum :confused:

then i thought... can i use email server from my existing domain?

i have put all infos but still cannot send any email from my server

forum will not have many sends, its small-based forum

EDIT: i have put settings without ssl, just simple smtp infos and when i test it says SENT! but im not getting anything


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Plugin Controller Method never called


@EndruK wrote:

I there,
I want to create a plugin with new routes and an own server-controller.
My problem is that discourse knows that there is the controller and expects the method for the route.
But the code in my controller method is never called. :frowning:


Disraptor::Engine.routes.draw do
  root to: "disraptor#show"
  get /testroute => "disraptor#show"

Discourse::Application.routes.prepend do
  mount Disraptor::Engine, at: "/"


class Disraptor::DisraptorController < ApplicationController
  def show
    #never gets called :(
    Rails.logger.info "test"

I don't know whats the problem here, I just want to mount my plugin Engine at the root route and add an additional route and do some stuff on the server.

This guy has the same problem that his controller method never gets called:

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Assign badge even if disabled?


@Roxelle wrote:

I disabled a couple of badges.
I have noticed though that are assigned the same soon as you reach their query.
Would not it be better not assign it if you are disabled?

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Stuck in 'Read Only' Mode


@StuckInReadOnly wrote:

Hi all,

My site is suddenly in 'read only' mode, and I don't know why.


A friend helped me set up Discourse, but unfortunately he's left town for a Linux conference in Seattle :stuck_out_tongue:
I'm trying to present this site to my professors tomorrow night. Really don't know where to begin.

Thanks so much,

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Timed thread openings / posts?


@ljpp wrote:

The timed / automatic thread closing is a fantastic Discourse feature. :heart_eyes:

I just crossed my mind that pre-defined timed/delayed thread openings would be almost equally useful. This is especially valid in scenarios when the thread is related to an event, so you could pre-define it to appear online at the time of the event, or X hours before, thus eliminating the need to be online as things happen.

In order to avoid duplicate threads, it should be visible to users that there is an incoming new thread pre-defined.

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New Topic button missing for users that have posting permissions / Error when posting

Images broken in Emails


@Jared_Needell wrote:

When a user sends an email, the avatar and attachments are broken. Avatars are default with their first name initial being the avatar.

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Cannot Access Admin Area due to 'Server Error while trying to load /admin/users/1.json'


@ron_jeremy wrote:

I am seeing the following error when I try to access the admin panel:

The admin panel actually flashes on the screen for a split second then disappears and is replaced with the above error.

The last changes I made to the forum are as follows:
- Edited Trust Levels to make TL2 and TL3 impossible to achieve
- Edited existing category descriptions
- Created a couple new categories

Everything seemed to be going great, but I have no idea why I'm getting this error when I attempt to access the admin panel today.

- My forum is built using the DigitalOcean Discourse one-click install
- My forum (http://forum.singletrackbc.com) seems to be working fine. I can create, edit, and delete posts without issue.
- I ran

./launcher rebuild app

but the problem persists.
- Below is a screenshot of the Trust Levels screen that I took yesterday (I try to screenshot any major changes I make). Do you think it is the root of this issue?

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Get email notification even I post


@Jared_Needell wrote:

Is it possible for the poster to get an email notification even if he posted?

The reason would be that I can comment/update a topic without having to go to the Discourse site to post a comment.

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Changing href of user avatars on post


@ivanrlio wrote:

I'm trying to change the href of user avatars to instead hit '/summary/' instead. One method involved trying creating a plugin that was to override /jsapp/models/post.js.es6. It involved editing usernameUrl: url('username', '/users/%@/summary/') but the hrefs did not changed.

Another "hacky" way of approaching it involved using an initalizer/js:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var avatars = $('.main-avatar');

  $.each(avatars, function() {
    var pre = $(this).prop('href');
    var post = pre + '/summary/';

This didn't work either however.

Would anyone have a suggestion how to go about doing this?

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Last chance for "subfolder support"


@staticinvocation wrote:

I run a pretty large forum, with over 3000 active users and, according to Google Analytics, about 40 on the site in real-time. We've also been users of Discourse for over a year now, and I've been supporting the project for over 2 years. But now I'm about to give up on it.

I have been trying for longer than I'd like to admit to get subfolder support working. I've rebuilt the containers countless times and nuked the site entirely twice to try to get it to work properly. The biggest problems we face with this configuration is that uploads simply don't work. uploads.json returns 404 and we cannot upload any files. Also, youtube videos would break when we linked to them. There are absolutely no error logs for either of these issues.

I've seen the Sitepoint forum and their setup is exactly what we need and yet after countless hours we can't get the configuration just right. This has been a real frustrating experience seeing another community achieve the exact results I've been trying to get for about 6 months.

So if you're running a site in this kind of configuration... I would absolutely love it if you could share your "secret sauce" to getting it working.


  • Uploads & youtube completely broken on "subfolder" configuration
  • Other communities do it just fine apparently

Sorry if this post sounded dramatic, but I really do love this software but these issues are a real show-stopper.

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How can I update topic content using API?


@li_xinyang wrote:

I have tried to use PUT /t/:id to update topic content with no effect.

Seems there is no way to update the content using API. :frowning:

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Ability to insert close message before closing


@Henrik_B wrote:

I've closed a multitude of topics. It's a hassle editing the close message after you've closed the topic. I propose a way to insert a close message before the topic closes.

The advantage of this would be that nobody would miss vital information. When you have to edit the close message, it'll take at least 5 minutes to write a paragraph explaining why you closed the topic. People visiting during that time wouldn't receive that close message information.

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Log in a user via the API


@wasimkham wrote:

I've got SSO set up and working with my website. I'm now wondering if it's possible to log in a user to Discourse automatically, via the API, when someone logs into the website?

This is good so that users do not have to click Log In when they visit Discourse if they're already logged into the website.

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Sidekiq not launching Jobs


@laktak wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Old docker image:

I noticed that Discourse isn't creating any backups and apparently it's not running any jobs (other than the version check) at all:

When I click on Trigger it changes the "Next Run Due" to "a minute ago" but does not actually run the job.

In Scheduled Jobs it says No scheduled jobs were found.

What do I need to do to fix this? I already rebuilt.

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Display a banner for one group


@Slevin_Kelevra wrote:

Hi guys,

i was trying to add a banner on my forum just displaying for one group.

I tried to put a topic which was in a closed category to global banner but this one could seen by everyone , so that's not a good working.

Did you have any idea on how to get a global banner just shown for one group ?


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Editing the login page


@stav_sitnikov wrote:

Hello all , I would like to create my own landing page for my discourse , What is the best way to do it ?
I would like to have there bootstrap type page .
I have seen that i can not edit most of the HTML in the text content of that page .
Where can i control the HTML code of that page ?

Thank you .

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