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What is the best way to go about editing the config.en.yml file?


@stevenpslade wrote:

I want to change some labels by editing discourse/config/locales/client.en.yml but not sure the best to do it. A plugin seems like too much to accomplish this.

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Is there a way to message all users, or selected groups?


@jpalermo wrote:

Hello; I'm the new online community manager for my organization, which means I'm also new to Discourse! I'm wondering if there's a way to message all of our users, or even just selected groups? (We currently have groups based on permissions/category they belong to.)

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How to change the .d-header template


@Oskar wrote:

Hi, the default Discourse header contains a title and the panel with login/user links etc. We've been injecting some extra, external links inside using an inline script in our theme. It's dirty and has been working very well, until 1.6.0 beta 2.

<header class="d-header">title and panel are here</header>

Now, when we inject the same links, we see the following. Is there a way to overwrite this Ember template or a third approach, we can take?

To clarify, injecting the links isn't the issue, the issue is that it somehow breaks the Discourse header, none of the panels open any more.

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Upgrade Discourse in AWS Bitnami

Can't adjust mention settings for automatic "everyone" group

Calendar cutoff when pinning

Interactive bootstrap for the Common Man


@pfaffman wrote:

I just submitted this PR:

It is an attempt at relieving Normal People from having to use a scary text editor.

Here's what happens.

If any changes to config file are detected, say so and do nothing.

Otherwise, ask user for values for defaults (see output below).

If they don't like what they entered, let them try again; once values are approved, write them to config file.

Once changes are written to config file, user gets one more chance to ^C (e.g., to start over or edit the config file with a scary text editor).

If a known smtp host is entered (e.g., sparkpost, sendgrid), then default username for that service is provided.

TODO: ask sparkpost people whether they need to set notification_email


Here's what it looks like:

pfaffman@sequestered:~/discourse_docker$ ./launcher bootstrap app
Getting config
hostname: [discourse.example.com]: new.literatecomputing.com
developer_emails [me@example.com]: j@pfaffman.com
smtp_address [smtp.example.com]: smtp.sparkpostmail.com
smtp_user_name [SMTP_Injection]:
smtp_password [pa$$word]: reallylongpassword
letsencrypt_account_email (change to enable) [your.email@example.com]: user@someplace.com
Letsencrypt enabled.

That's it! Everything is set. Read carefully before continuing.

DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME: new.literatecomputing.com
DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS: smtp.sparkpostmail.com
DISCOURSE_SMTP_PASSWORD: reallylongpassword
LETSENCRYPT will be enabled.

Enter to write these settings to containers/app.yml, 'N' to retry, or ^C to start again: n
Getting config
hostname: [new.literatecomputing.com]:
developer_emails [j@pfaffman.com]: jay@pfaffman.com
smtp_address [smtp.sparkpostmail.com]: smtp.sendgrid.net
smtp_user_name [apikey]:
smtp_password [reallylongpassword]:
letsencrypt_account_email (Enter 'OFF' to disable.) [user@someplace.com]:
letsencrypt unchanged

That's it! Everything is set. Read carefully before continuing.

DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME: new.literatecomputing.com
DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS: smtp.sendgrid.net
DISCOURSE_SMTP_PASSWORD: reallylongpassword
LETSENCRYPT will be enabled.

Enter to write these settings to containers/app.yml, 'N' to retry, or ^C to start again:

Writing changes to containers/app.yml:
  DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME: new.literatecomputing.com
  DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS: 'jay@pfaffman.com'
  DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS: smtp.sendgrid.net
  DISCOURSE_SMTP_PASSWORD: reallylongpassword
  LETSENCRYPT_ACCOUNT_EMAIL: user@someplace.com
  web.ssl.template.yml enabled
  letsencrypt.ssl.template.yml enabled

containers/app.yml updated successfully.
Enter to continue or ^C to exit:

If anyone sees problems or has refinements, please let me know.

Would it make more sense to have a ./launcher setup app command that copied standalong.yml and then does this instead of integrating this config with bootstrap? That would save some rather tedious checking that I do now.

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Moderator username color


@rob1 wrote:


Could anyone help to explain step by step how to give moderators a different username color say Red.

Thank you

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Changing the logo


@prateekvarma wrote:

I wanted to upload my logo for my new discourse setup and I can't seem to find the root directory in my VPS. I used the standard docker installation.

The admin dashboard just says it's in "/images/d-logo-sketch.png", and all the forum posts say it's in /var/www/discourse.... But there is no such folder called www in my var.

Here is a shot from my /var folder from my FTP manager

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Adding header links post vdom upgrade


@Yuun wrote:

So, post-vdom'ing of the header, this old code:

<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='/connectors/header-after-home-logo/add-header-links'>
{{#unless showExtraInfo}}
    <a id="recruiter" href="http://sih.onemadogre.com/t/joining-sih/494">Join us!</a>
    <a id="about" href="http://sih.onemadogre.com/c/guild-news-announcements/about-the-guild">About SiH</a>

doesn't work, so I've replaced it with:

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.2">
api.decorateWidget('home-logo:after', helper => {
    const minimized = helper.attrs.minimized;
        if(!minimized) {
            return helper.h('div#header-links', [
                helper.h('a#recruiter', {
                    text:'Join Us!'
                helper.h('a#about', {
                    text:'About SiH'

Which almost works (some css needed to reposition div#header-links, but nbd), except that my links just refresh the page.

I realize this is less a Discourse specific question and probably more a "Yuun's making a dumb syntax error" question, but I'd appreciate it if someone could give it a look over nonetheless. :sweat:

Thanks in advance, generous stranger. :slight_smile:

Clarification: my links don't refresh the page, they just always go to the home page. The hover text for each link is correct, but I guess it's being overridden by the home logo's href?

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Featured Image Plugin


@emanuelet wrote:

This plugin fetches the first image of the topic and sets it as the featured image, showing in the topic list and above the main topic.

Repo: https://github.com/startsat60/discourse-plugin-featured-image


  • Automatic setting of the image
  • Included styling for topic list

Ideas for future developments:

  • Settings to change image dimension or position
  • Captions?


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The email templates use title tag instead of domain name


@prateekvarma wrote:

Just trying my new discourse forum, and i see that all emails, and most references are made using the title tag, and not the domain name.

What is the reason behind this?
And how can i use my domain name instead?

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Search context not applied after search box dismissed


@DeanMarkTaylor wrote:

If you dismiss the search box either by:

  • clicking away from the search popup
  • OR by navigating to a search result, then to the same category

Then attempt a search again, the "search context" is not applied to the results.

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Tag not displaying in topic list


@DeanMarkTaylor wrote:

I'm unsure if this is a setting specific to meta... however...

This topic has two tags:

Only one displays in the topics list:

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Docker ./launcher displays usage, commands don't work

Welcome letter doesn't come anymore, where should I enable it?


@walker wrote:

I changed some build-in template of the welcome letter (the user get when newly registered) but later on I found that new user no longer get any welcome letter. Is it because of the template gets modified? Could you help me to get the welcome letter back?

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Duplicate key value errors in log while being on the site


@evert wrote:

`Job exception: PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "index_users_on_email"
DETAIL:  Key (lower(email::text))=(emeulie@gmail.com) already exists.
: UPDATE "users" SET "last_seen_at" = '2016-04-27 06:07:08.139024' WHERE "users"."id" = 2`

Seeing these while I'm logged in on my site. Can I repair that table somehow?

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Still see this, and unable to upgrade from dashboard


@envieme wrote:

I have regularly gone to /admin/upgrade directly and upgraded. Including today evening.

And have ./launcher rebuild app from the command prompt too. Have also rebooted my system.

Yet keep seeing this message on the dashboard that it is up to date. While at the same time showing a mismatch between latest and installed versions.

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“Easy” development environment creation


@jesus2099 wrote:


I wanted to try and fix a one row of JavaScript code in Discourse but could not dare submit a PR without making sure I did not break anything or making sure it did really fix the problem.

So I found what was said to be the easiest way to start a Discourse dev env up: VAGRANT.md.

In there I read:

Getting Started

  1. Install Git: http://git-scm.com/downloads (or GitHub for Windows if you want a GUI)
  2. Install VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
  3. Install Vagrant: http://www.vagrantup.com/ (We require Vagrant 1.7.2 or later)
  4. Open a terminal
  5. Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse.git
  6. Enter the project directory: cd discourse

So I followed steps 123 (I already have git and cloned a fork of discourse on my Windows laptop) and installed Virtualbox for my Windows then Vagrant for my Windows.
Until I realised, well:

  • Are those steps starting from Vagrant installation shouldn’t have been done from inside Virtualbox?
  • My Virtualbox is just empty, what OS should I put here?
  • Why install git before Virtualbox if it should be inside?

I am confused.
I have done three first steps but fourth step tells me to open terminal. In Virtualbox? Which VDI?
I must be even dumber than what was expected making those easy dev env install docs.
Are there some official pre‐installed VDI image? Like this seemingly outdated image?

Should the doc have been interpreted as following?

Getting Started

  1. Install VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
  2. Download and open this or that VDI file (which contains this or that installed OS with git)
  3. Install Vagrant from inside VirtualBox: http://www.vagrantup.com/ (We require Vagrant 1.7.2 or later)
  4. Open a terminal from inside VirtualBox
  5. Clone your fork of the project: git clone https://github.com/yourname/discourse.git
  6. Enter the project directory: cd discourse

From my point of view (for my low level abilities), some steps were missing. :confused:

I have read both the Discourse as Your First Rails App” blog post and its comments as well.

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Set the date of a new topic via the API?


@skx wrote:

I'm importing a series of emails into a new discourse instance. Importing the messages is going well, however using the discourse_api gem I'm unable to set the date on a new post.

For example the following code imports a new post, using create_topic:

result = client.create_topic(
  :category => "foo",
  :title => "This is my descriptive title",
  :raw => "This is my long/interesting post..." )

As expected this creates the post with the post-date set to "now". I tried adding created_at and posted_at fields which I've seen referred to in various places (but not the API gem), but these were ignored.

Is there any way to mangle the date of the new post, short of editing the database? (Bear in mind I'm importing thousand of new entries from mailman archives and a couple of other data-sources (including wordpress).

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