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Add like_count column to topic list


@Anthony_Hopkins wrote:

I need to display like_count to topic list.

I know I can add TopicViewSerializer.attributes_from_topic(:like_count) to my plugin and use outlet "topic-list-tags"

But perhaps there is a better way.
Any idea how to turn on this line?

It would be perfect if there is an option to "Like topic" directly from topic list.

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Indication of email attachment with non-allowed extension


@carlokok wrote:

Would it be possible to show some sort of indication of that there was an attachment with an extension that's not in the list of allowed extensions but was in the original email?

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Comments not visible in both collapse view and as separate


@Konstantinos_Karatse wrote:

Hi there!

We are very happy customers of discourse and we have a very fast-growing and active community. The work you have done with discourse is amazing guys! As our community becomes bigger we ran into an issue with too many replies in a thread that are too hard to go through. When we start a thread we get around 250 and sometimes 500 replies to it which makes whole discussion inaccessible to new users.

We are crowd developing our next product in our community. Here is what our product manager has to say : :slight_smile:

We have ran into usability issues regarding Discourse. In our popular threads we might have hundreds of comments and it is very hard to pick up valuable user data from the comments because Discourse shows the comments in both expanded view (which is good) but then the same comment later as separate.

Its very hard for users to track where the comment is intended to response and it bloats the overall discussion, making it harder to navigate to interesting discussions.

Can we have collapse-only in the discussion. That way separate and off-topic discussion have their own "columns" and the comments inteded to respond only one or two members are only shown if you want to see more about that discussion, similar to reddit / youtube.

Looking forward to your reply

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How to redirect a category using permalink rules


@erlend_sh wrote:

Say you've renamed the category /c/school to /c/education and you'd like to make sure all old links that point to https://forum.example.com/c/school will now redirect to https://forum.example.com/c/education. Here's what you do.

  1. Go to /admin/customize/permalinks:

    Here you should enter the partial URL of the category slug that you're redirecting, in this case c/school

  2. Change the middle drop-down to Category ID

  3. Now, in a separate window, go to your renamed /c/education category and append .json to its URL, so that it looks like this: https://forum.example.com/c/education.json. On this page, search for "category_id". You're gonna want to copy & paste this number into your "Category ID" field.

  4. Lastly, enter the ID - in this case 10 - of the category. Before clicking "Add" your form should look like this:

Note: This process is not nearly as user-friendly as it could be. You are welcome to suggest UX improvements in a linked topic.

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Windows 10 touch keyboard hides input box


@borpin wrote:

This is similar to https://meta.discourse.org/t/windows-10-mobile-text-editor-falls-behind-virtual-keyboard-when-typing/41601 but is windows 10 on a tablet (rather than mobile).

When in touch mode, when attempting to reply to a post or create a new post, the bottom panel gets hidden by the virtual keyboard. This can be seen in both Firefox and Chrome (desktop versions). The behavious is different in Edge which does move the box to above the virtual keyboard (but the page rendering is less good).

They input box is there (honest).

Edit - I have discovered you are not alone. The compose box on Gmail (even using Chrome) has the same issue. This can be got around in Gmail to some extent by expanding the compose window (box).

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Issues with category selection in WP-Discourse

Setting for scan email-in posts with Akismet


@downey wrote:

Does the Akismet plugin scan posts that are processed via incoming "anonymous" email that stages an account for that user? If not, can that happen somehow?

We've gotten a lot of typical looking spam (invoice due, etc.) in the past week. We have a private category that receives this feedback email so while it's not a huge impact, people watching that category are getting Discourse-based spam email notifications. :frowning:

Seems like an obvious catch for Akismet, which tends to err on the side of false positives.

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Data Pulls and Analysis


@mfiga wrote:

Is there a way to connect Discourse data to Tableau? Or download discourse data so we can cross reference it with our association data and analyze it?

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userCustomFields attr is undefined when extending the poster-name widget


@stevenpslade wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Getting joined data for widget scope:

I am trying to extend the poster-name widget and add some user custom fields next to a user's name on a post.

As per @eviltrout:


whitelist_staff_user_custom_field("myCustomField") in plugin.rb :white_check_mark:

I have whitelisted the custom field I am trying to access but when I view attrs.userCustomFields of the poster-name widget it is undefined. Am I missing a step to make the user custom fields available to the widget/plugin?

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Read Only Users?


@PeteB wrote:

Hi There

Is there a way to make a User Read Only?

Some Context: We have a site closed site integrated to our Customer Portal, but would like to be able to make some give some users read only access (can't create a topic and can't post). I've tried using Access Level One which allows me to prevent them from Creating a Topic, but they can still post. I also tried Blocking the user, which seemed fine but gives a notifiication that they have been blocked which isn't a good message to give the users, and seems to be miss using this function.

Is there any way built in to have a Read Only User, or alterntively can we change the "Blocked" message easily in a plugin?


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[PAID] Looking for an experienced Discourse expert to advise/manage a large geo site build out


@war wrote:

I have lightly experimented with discourse on some of my other web projects over the past year and am looking for an experienced and passionate expert to help me perfectly install, manage, and brainstorm a large geo domain discourse instance. I don't want to publicly list the domain here but it is similar to Montana.com , BritishColumbia.com etc...

Please PM me for further details or with your Skype if this is something that interests you .

Best Regards

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Nice work on DFP plugin update


@charleswalter wrote:

Just saw an update go live on our community today that shows ads every nth post. We have seen a nice boost in the number of ads without harming the user experience. Good job!

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Receive an email for only new topics?


@AndreaRD wrote:

Is there a way to receive an email for every new topic created on the forum?

I know that there is the one setting in account preferences to receive an email for every topic and post, but it seems like I might be missing something.

We have a lot of users that are wanting emails for only new topics as opposed to every single post. If the question isn't relevant to them, they don't want to receive multiple emails for every person who posts on that topic. On the other hand, if it does relate to them or they can help, the email for the topic creation is enough for them to jump in on the conversation. From there they can check back or receive an email for @ replies.

I know that you can track categories as well, but you can't make the tracking email you, correct?

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Mobile - Infinite scroll broken for topic lists


@DeanMarkTaylor wrote:

Currently unable to scroll down and cause next page of topics to load on the Latest page on meta on Android mobile

Tested both in Chrome Dev Tools using "Nexus 6P" and Chrome an Android device.

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Website's http down but ping up


@prateekvarma wrote:

I use uptimerobot to monitor my servers, and this new discourse forum that i just started 2 days ago has been down since half and hour. The Ping requests seem to be working , and i can connect to ssh.

The strange thing is that my ubuntu monitor shows over 95% of the hard drive used, which is very strange as i hardly have anything on my server.

I have used the standard docker installation, and not done any changes.

What are the possible things i can do to start checking whats going on?

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A graceful style for Discourse


@jsthon wrote:

How to Use?

Color Schemes

Admin -> Customize -> Colors -> Enabled

primary: 3d454c
secondary: fff
tertiary: 91ba97
quaternary: 91ba97
header background: fff
header primary: 333
highlight: d4efd8
danger: f76572
success: 2ECC40
love: fa6c8d


Admin -> Customize -> CSS/HTML -> Import -> Select File -> Enabled




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Dansk Dynamit website running on Discourse


@commonpawn wrote:

Hey guys just wanted to drop some praise here and a shoutout to the Discourse community.

Today we launched the beta version of Dansk Dynamit - a hacker news kind of site for danish designers and developers. It is running on Discourse and we love it! We did our best to, in my opinion, push the envelope of what is possible in terms of styling a Discourse forum!


Design & front-end
@casperovergaard, @Oskar and me

Link plugin development
Github repo can be found here

Shout out to
@codinghorror for being awesome
@erlend_sh for a lot of support and helping us connect with the community (and being a fellow scandinavian)

What's next?

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Changes in the desktop doesnt reflect in the mobile version

Cannot open a mailto link inside a post


@mikehc wrote:

Hi there, I'm using Discourse 1.6.0.beta2.

I have notice that on new post mailto links won't open correctly. They are redirected to a track link script that doesn't open the default email client. The url of the script is this: https://meta.discourse.org/clicks/track?url=mailto%3Aasdf%40asdf.com&post_id=187986&topic_id=43031 (replace meta.discourse.org with the installation url).

This doesn't seems to affect posts that are about two weeks old, just new ones. Examples of this behavior can been seen here:

https://meta.discourse.org/t/cant-link-emails/43031/3?u=mikehc Email link fails.

https://meta.discourse.org/t/cant-create-mailto-links-in-posts/5386/11?u=mikehc Email link works.

In my installation I have "track external right clicks" disabled, and it has always been like that.

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Discourse on different port - links will not honour this


@snmdla wrote:

We run discourse on a different / "hidden" port (not 80 / not 443), and while everything is fine, notification mails will not include this port in the links they contain.

I cannot find any place where I could configure a different "end user port", only the site name can be set.

Help appreciated!

Kind regards, Tom

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