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Description of DISCOURSE_SMTP_*


@Benninger wrote:

I am getting the error

Job exception: 504 PLAIN authentication is not permitted by this server.

Where are the DISCOURSE_SMTP_* parameters explained and which one do I have to change?

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Top Links in Private Categories expose Private Topic Titles to Everyone


@cpradio wrote:

Repo Steps:

  1. Create a topic with a link in a Private Category
  2. Have several accounts with access click the link (so it increases the chances of it appearing on the Top Links)
  3. Logout and visit your profile, the Private Category Topic Title is exposed since the link is in a Private Category
  4. Clicking the Private Topic Title gets you the "You need to log in to see that topic" message


  1. Private Category Links shouldn't be exposed via Top Links

Example at

Note: It appears 4 times because I wrote 4 posts in the private topic with the same links, so they link to 4 separate posts

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Tags - broken after latest update

Timeline Discourse


@PauloBerlitz wrote:

Hi, everyone.
My need is to set the " timeline " of " Discourse " similar to the " timeline " of Facebook.
We are migrating a Facebook community for the " discourse " .
They are accustomed to photos and videos in the " timeline " , and we understand that the appearance of " Disocurse " should be as close as possible to the Facebook .
Has anyone done this setting ? Can you indicate to us which communities that already use Discourse this way? Thank you all. We have visited some community sites with similar characteristics , but we need help to make the required settings .
We're loving the " Discourse "

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Can incoming Discourse email support replace old ticket portals?


@mrcasa wrote:

I'm a discourse newbie and this is a feature that will help replace our ageing ticket portal. Are there priorities that cab assigned to topics like in the ticketing systems?

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Automating upgrade of Discourse and plugins

Error when clicking "moderation" tag

Soften "Account temporarily blocked" message?


@dandv wrote:

I use auto block first post regex with a value of https?:// in order to prevent paid spammers from posting links - the idea is that moderators would approve or reject the message from the queue, per the description of that setting:

Case insensitive regex that if passed will cause first post by user to be blocked and sent to approval queue.

What happens is that legit users receive a scary message that they have been blocked:

This is an automated message from Quantified Self Forum to inform you that your account has been temporarily blocked as a precautionary measure.

and there's no follow-up email once their first post has been approved.

  1. Would a follow-up message after approval help?
  2. Would it make sense to soften the language in that warning message, e.g. "We're reviewing your post" (instead of "You've been blocked", bad dog)?
  3. Is there a better way of achieving what I want, namely moderating any first messages that contain links?

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Could I get some Input on the MyPaint Community Forums TOS?


@odysseywestra wrote:

I'm the admin for the MyPaint Community Forums currently. I'm wondering if I some users from the Discourse community could review our TOS here.

Since our usebase is mostly artists, I did had to change content owenership and how we distribute content. Plus I added conditions for users not to break our code of conduct as well. I've also change the jurisdiction location since our server is located in New York State. I've also added a human readable version of our TOS as well so users can get a general overview of the document. Overall I just need help polishing our TOS.

Any suggestions or remarks anybody in the community has will be of great help. Thanks.

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What cool data explorer queries have you come up with?


@mcwumbly wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Data Explorer Plugin:

Here's a couple I'm starting with:

Users Last Seen Since (Since N Weeks Ago)

with intervals as (
        n as start_time,
        CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as end_time
    from generate_series(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '140 days',
                         CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '7 days',
                         INTERVAL '7 days') n
  COUNT(1) as users_seen_since,
  CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - i.start_time as time_ago
right join intervals i
on u.last_seen_at >= i.start_time and u.last_seen_at < i.end_time
group by i.start_time, i.end_time
order by i.start_time desc

Users Last Seen Since (Since N Days Ago)

with intervals as (
        n as start_time,
        CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as end_time
    from generate_series(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '30 days',
                         CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1 day',
                         INTERVAL '1 day') n
  COUNT(1) as users_seen_since,
  CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - i.start_time as time_ago
right join intervals i
on u.last_seen_at >= i.start_time and u.last_seen_at < i.end_time
group by i.start_time, i.end_time
order by i.start_time desc

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Request to join reviewers on Albanian translation


@pmusaraj wrote:

Hi folks.

I have joined the Albanian (sq) team on Transifex, and I noticed that there are a lot of unreviewed strings. I am adding translations currently, and planning to use Discourse for a fairly vibrant Albanian community site (with a solid member base). If it fits your needs, it would help me if I could become a reviewer for Albanian, that way I can help speed up the adoption of translations.

For the record, I am a native Albanian speaker, and have been living in an English-speaking country for 15+ years.

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Scripted setting of default_trust_level not working: results in "1" vs expected setting


@ckamps wrote:

We script the installation of Discourse in support of a series of internal community sites in which we want all users to default to trust level 3. However, the following approach doesn't work for the default_trust_level setting. We set many other site settings in this manner successfully including default_invitee_trust_level, but using this approach results in a "1" for the default_trust_level.

We're on: v1.6.0.beta2 +102

    - exec:
          - su discourse -c 'RAILS_ENV=production /var/www/discourse/bin/rails r "SiteSetting.default_trust_level='"'3'"' "'
          - su discourse -c 'RAILS_ENV=production /var/www/discourse/bin/rails r "SiteSetting.default_invitee_trust_level='"'3'"' "'


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Editing post link leaves incorrect gutter link


@TechnoBear wrote:

Steps to reproduce:

Create a post, including a link to post A in Another Topic.

A link to Another Topic will appear in the gutter beside the new post, and a link to Your Post Topic will appear in the gutter beside post A.

Edit the post link to point instead to post B in A Different Topic.

The gutter link changes to show A Different Topic, and a link to Your Post Topic will appear in the gutter beside post B.

Expected behaviour: the gutter link beside post A will be removed.
Actual behaviour: the gutter link remains beside post A, even though the post link no longer exists.

This behaviour occurs whether the link is edited within the "ninja edit" window or not, and irrespective of whether the link is posted using anchor text or a plain link. The "false" link is still present after 24 hours, so is not cleared via sidekiq.

Deleting the link altogether does remove the gutter link; editing it does not.

Seen on v1.6.0.beta1 and tested on v1.6.0.beta2 +102.

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group_mentions missing


@julsevern wrote:

Recently I started getting errors like this:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR:  relation "group_mentions" does not exist
LINE 5:                WHERE a.attrelid = '"group_mentions"'::regcla...
:               SELECT a.attname, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod),
                     pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid), a.attnotnull, a.atttypid, a.atttypmod
                FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d
                  ON a.attrelid = d.adrelid AND a.attnum = d.adnum
               WHERE a.attrelid = '"group_mentions"'::regclass
                 AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped
               ORDER BY a.attnum
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rack-mini-profiler- `exec'

I can't find the string 'group_mentions' in the SQL dump either. Is there a way to recover?

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Please explain "Profiles"


@MLModel wrote:

Please explain user profiles. When I click a user's image in a discussion, something pops up with a large version of their image and a bit of information. Is this the information from their Preferences Profile? How many lines of text would be shown?

I wrote a long profile since there was a large box to fill -- I think I misinterpreted it's purpose; maybe there should be a short profile that pops up when a user's image is clicked and a way to get to a full one.

Is there a way to go directly to user's Profile? Is there anything else from a user's Preferences that is available publicly?

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How to make some categories like Bugs and Features here visible in top menu?

Links Category for Discourse


@fantasticfears wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Wanted: Discourse Hacker News Plugin:

@commonpawn wrote a great spec and sponsored a plugin for building Hacker News like plugin for Discourse. Thanks! It's available here:

It will be managed by team at some point.


  1. Install a plugin. Putting - git clone https://github.com/danskdynamit/discourse-links-category.git in after_code.
  2. Go to category settings to enable the feature.


  • Composer for submitting link
  • Special topic list design for links, and link is also displayed in the topic. (Default CSS is cranky)
  • Including link in the digest email

See it in action

Dansk Dynamit has a different but beatiful design for the plugin. More on their roadmap.

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Disable about topic for new categories

SMTP password field in initial configuration does not accept passwords containing slashes


@AJMansfield wrote:

In my case, I am using Discourse with AWS EC2 and using AWS SES as the mail server. However, when running the ./discourse-setup script, it yields an error, apparently because a slash in my SMTP password was interpreted as a delimiter in a sed expression somewhere:

Does this look right?

Hostname      : discourse.example.com
Email         : me@example.com.com
SMTP address  : email-smtp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
SMTP password : my_password_containing_a_slash_:__/_12345678

ENTER to continue, 'n' to try again, or ^C to exit:
sed: -e expression #1, char 96: unknown option to `s'

Unfortunately, there was an error changing containers/app.yml

I was able to just regenerate the credentials so my password didn't have a slash, but this is obviously a bug, and needs to be fixed.

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Tagging plugin bug


@HAWK wrote:

I'm noticing an issue with the tagging plugin on FeverBee.com and here also.
Clicking on a tag in the header goes to an error page.
Try this

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