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Avatars.discourse.org returning Sever 502 & 504 errors

WP-Discourse plugin setup


@QilongTang wrote:

I have successfully installed WP-discourse plug in to my wordpress site by activating it in the plugin section, nothing more. I also have a working discourse instance ready. What should I do next to make the expected features available? I did not find any documentation about the actual set up and this plugin does not come with a setting page. If anyone has and insights, would be appreciated!

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Importing from Kunena 3


@tarek wrote:

Hello all,

Here are the steps I took to migrate from Kunena 3. Special thanks to @maia_internet for writing the importer. I used the development installation, which is ubuntu-based.

  1. Install MySQL

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.5 mysql-client-5.5 libmysqlclient-dev
    sudo gem install mysql2

  2. Add MySQL to the Gemfile
    echo "gem 'mysql2'" >> Gemfile

  3. Create MySQL user, grants and table

    mysql -u root -p mysql
    mysql> CREATE USER 'kunena'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'kunena';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql> CREATE DATABASE kunena;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
    mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON kunena . * TO 'kunena'@'localhost';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

  4. Import your Kunena / Joomla installation
    mysql -u kunena -p kunena < mykunena.sql

  5. Edit Kunena script
    nano script/import_scripts/kunena3.rb
    Depending on what things look like, you should:

    • edit host, username and password to fit for your MySQL. As above, db, user and pass would all be 'kunena'
    • edit the table prefix (default "jos_"). You will have to find and replace this multiple times in the file.
    • Either create or remove the Admin line (search 'changeme' with ctrl-w).
  6. Run the import script: bundle exec ruby script/import_scripts/kunena3.rb

  7. Backup / restore the DB to your production instance as per instructions elsewhere.

I hope this saves a bit of time and helps other users out!

tarek : )
p.s., apologies for not tagging support>import. Not sure how to do that.

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Missing routes for tags.showCategory and tags.showParentCategory


@joebew42 wrote:

Hi @neil,

we are experiencing some issues with the Tag Feature since it was merged into core.


Unable to filter topics by category and tag

How to reproduce the bug:

  • Enable the tag feature
  • Enable show dropdown tag list
  • Select a category
  • Select a tag

Possible cause:

Missing routes in the frontend application or wrong routes definition

Thanks :grinning:

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Embedding does not work with Firefox 46


@Sasu wrote:

I have successfully embedded Discourse with my Ghost blog. On Chrome and IE Edge the feature works without problems. However, with Firefox 46 the embedded iframe is empty. The JS console shows no erros. This appears to be a general problem with Discourse, as the embedding does not work on the Coding Horror blog either (e.g. when one opens the page http://blog.codinghorror.com/they-have-to-be-monsters/ and scrolls to the bottom of the page, the discussion is visible with Chrome, but not in Firefox).

I'm using Discourse version 1.6.0.beta3. Any advice how to fix this, create a bug report or otherwise help in solving this issue?

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Mobile version show only Background since 1.6.0.beta3

How to Username and Avatar box Css?

Cannot upload a file through the API with the synchronous parameter


@PeterWells wrote:

I have been trying to add uploaded files through the API using PowerShell. The call appears to work correctly when I use it to upload an image file, but if I try the same call with a synchronous=1 parameter added, it returns with a 500 error.

Based on a previous topic, I had hoped to use the synchronous feature to get the file url.

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Oneboxes text not translated


@vulkanino wrote:

Hey all,

when I paste a link from the same Discourse installation domain, I get a nice (onebox?) summary.

At the bottom a line reports the reading time, but the string is not translated into my installation language.

In Transifex the string is translated:

Also there's an [image] text tag at the beginning of the box.

Why :question:

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Problems with SSL certificate integration


@luisfpinto wrote:

Hello, I've followed the instructions to implements the ssl certificate but when I do

./launch rebuild app

I get the following error:

run-parts: executing /etc/runit/1.d/copy-env
run-parts: executing /etc/runit/1.d/ensure-web-nginx-read
Started runsvdir, PID is 22
sh: echo: I/O error
ok: run: redis: (pid 30) 0s
ok: run: postgres: (pid 31) 0s
30:M 06 May 14:52:13.224 * Redis 3.0.6 (00000000/0) 64 bit, standalone mode, port 6379, pid 30 ready to start.
30:M 06 May 14:52:13.225 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
30:M 06 May 14:52:13.226 # Server started, Redis version 3.0.6
30:M 06 May 14:52:13.227 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.
30:M 06 May 14:52:13.227 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
rsyslogd: invalid or yet-unknown config file command 'KLogPermitNonKernelFacility' - have you forgotten to load a module? [try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/3003 ]
rsyslogd: warning: ~ action is deprecated, consider using the 'stop' statement instead [try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2307 ]
rsyslogd: Could no open output pipe '/dev/xconsole': No such file or directory [try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2039 ]
30:M 06 May 14:52:13.275 * DB loaded from disk: 0.048 seconds
30:M 06 May 14:52:13.275 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379
2016-05-06 14:52:13 UTC [48-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2016-05-06 14:51:56 UTC
2016-05-06 14:52:13 UTC [48-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled
2016-05-06 14:52:13 UTC [31-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2016-05-06 14:52:13 UTC [52-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started
supervisor pid: 33 unicorn pid: 54
30:M 06 May 14:57:14.016 * 10 changes in 300 seconds. Saving...
30:M 06 May 14:57:14.019 * Background saving started by pid 452
452:C 06 May 14:57:14.048 * DB saved on disk
452:C 06 May 14:57:14.049 * RDB: 10 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
30:M 06 May 14:57:14.120 * Background saving terminated with success
Shutting Down
run-parts: executing /etc/runit/3.d/01-nginx
ok: down: nginx: 0s, normally up
run-parts: executing /etc/runit/3.d/02-unicorn
ok: down: unicorn: 0s, normally up
run-parts: executing /etc/runit/3.d/10-redis
30:signal-handler (1462546636) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
30:M 06 May 14:57:16.727 # User requested shutdown...
30:M 06 May 14:57:16.728 * Saving the final RDB snapshot before exiting.
30:M 06 May 14:57:16.749 * DB saved on disk
30:M 06 May 14:57:16.749 # Redis is now ready to exit, bye bye...
ok: down: redis: 1s, normally up
run-parts: executing /etc/runit/3.d/99-postgres
2016-05-06 14:57:17 UTC [31-2] LOG: received smart shutdown request
2016-05-06 14:57:17 UTC [52-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down
2016-05-06 14:57:17 UTC [49-1] LOG: shutting down
2016-05-06 14:57:18 UTC [49-2] LOG: database system is shut down
ok: down: postgres: 0s, normally up
ok: down: cron: 0s, normally up
ok: down: nginx: 2s, normally up
ok: down: postgres: 0s, normally up
ok: down: redis: 2s, normally up
ok: down: rsyslog: 0s, normally up
ok: down: unicorn: 3s, normally up

Any help? Thank you!

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How to fix width of emoji selector?

Hidden replies? Looking for a way to make a secret poll


@limeblast wrote:

Is there a way of setting a thread where the replies posted by members are hidden to everyone except themselves, and the person that posted the thread?

Our community has it's 2 year anniversary next month, so because we're geographically local, we're hiring a pub and having a party to celebrate. As part of this party I want to give out some awards, one of which will be for "Community Spirit" - awards to the person that best exemplifies the spirit of the community, which is to be voted for by the community.

It's because of this that I figured a thread, such as the one discussed above, would be a suitable way of tallying the results - everyone that wants to can post the name of the member they're voting for, keeping it a secret from all but the admins.

This might be a bad approach, and not even possible, but I figured it was worth asking the question - I'm open to other suggestions for solving the problem. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Discourse friendly CMS

Description for sub-categories?

Moving Discourse Docker install to other VPS with 1:1 sync


@SystemZ wrote:

This method is different than restoring file in UI.
Maybe there is a more downtime but it's simpler for linux folks without Discourse knowledge and it's easy to automate.

Prepare new VPS

First, prepare our new Ubuntu 14.04 VPS with empty Discourse dir, OS upgrade and Docker install

sudo mkdir -p /var/discourse
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh

Then, make sure that we are on latest installed kernel and other libraries by just restarting

sudo reboot

Copy files to new VPS

Let's copy all Discourse files, this first sync pass will reduce our downtime later.

On our new VPS let's run

rsync -rvz example.com:/var/discourse /var/discourse

where example.com is our old VPS with forum files.
This may take a while so grab some favourite drink.

Turn off current forum and sync again

After first sync pass, turn off forum on old VPS via

cd /var/discourse/
./launcher stop app

Now when forum is stopped, let's run sync on new VPS again

rsync -rvz --delete example.com:/var/discourse /var/discourse

--delete makes sure that will be 1:1 copy

Start forum on new host

After final sync we can finally run Discourse.

Rebuild and start container.
This may take a few minutes.

./launcher rebuild app

All settings, posts, threads, backups were copied to new location, no UI interaction was needed.

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Wordpress integration with mini forums


@dantheman wrote:

Hi everyone,

Recently heard about discourse (I know I'm very late to the party) but i was wondering if anyone would be able to answer a few questions I have.

Firstly, my website has several pages relating to a specific topics and the aim would be to have several "mini" forums on a separate page related to this. Is this possible? And secondly is this type integration with wordpress even possible? And finally is it possible to host wordpress and discourse on the same dedicated server?


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What does "Show post granting badge on badge page" do?

Integrate sidebar from main WordPress website


@Nick_Putman wrote:

I am using discourse for the first time and I am starting to style it to match my Wordpress site. The WP site can be found here: http://open-dialogue.net, and discourse here: http://forum.open-dialogue.net.

I would like to be able to maintain the look/content of the left hand sidebar from the WP site (which is actually a header displayed on the left by changing a setting on my theme). I don't expect to have an actual integration with WP. I would just like to be able to manually add some html to reproduce the menu in a column on the left side of discourse. Is this possible? I am aware that I can add some HTML to the header in discourse with links back to the main site, but I would rather have the sidebar.

Could anyone advise with this?

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Discourse links in emails pointing to wrong domain


@Nick_Putman wrote:


For some reason all of the discourse links in emails regarding topics are pointing to the wrong domain (i.e. the 'Visit Topic' link). Discourse is installed at forum.open-dialogue.net, but the links are pointing to the domain nickputman.com, which is the primary domain on my server.

Sounds like there's a setting I am missing and I would be glad to get some help to get this set up right.



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Suggested Topics shows incorrect last poster


@Intellection_74 wrote:

Hello, Discourse Community!

Recently while I was browsing a Discourse forum, I discovered something wrong with the "Suggested Topics" at the bottom of the web page. In the model topic, it says that Treefrogstudios was the last person who posted in the topic.

But when you enter the topic, you see that IShallNotBeNamed was the last poster.

Also, this has only been happening with this topic. I've refreshed the page and restarted my device, but nothing is changing.

I'm not sure if this is my connection, the topic, or something else. Does anybody know?

Note that the photo was taken on an iPod Touch, so the photos look different.

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