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Firefox for android


Amunizp wrote:

sorry for being lazy!

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Single Sign On and App Integration


knwang wrote:

I am curious what the plan is for integrating Discourse into an existing app.

We have an app with users, and want to build a community forum. We'd like that when the user goes to the forum they do not have to sign up or sign in, and that Discourse can integrate with our app to get user info.

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Do we need a "Mark all as read" function?


Endy Tjahjono wrote:

How do you mark all posts as read?

Additional info:
I closed discourse, then reopened it, and the posts that were marked as new are still marked as new.

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Should we use Crowdin for translations?


Mikulas Dite wrote:

Translating yaml files is fairly easy. But could we make the translation process even easier?

I suggest using Crowdin. A picture (web page) is worth a thousand words: https://crowdin.net/translate/discourse-cs/1/en-cs#1061


  • Crowdin works with yaml files
  • It checks for missing periods
  • Warns user on missing variables
  • Makes having up to date translations easier. As of now, translators have to diff en and their language. On crowdin, we could just update the en file and all missing translations would show up.
  • Proofreading, translation up-voting, …
  • since Discourse is open source, Crowdin subscription would be free


  • all pull requests that don't go thru Crowdin would have to be uploaded to Crowdin. This process could be automated with web hooks and their API.
  • translated files can be downloaded as yml files, but there would still have to be a git savvy translator committing the changes (this is preferable in many situations though)
  • there are definitely more, but I can't really think of any

Next step: I would like to set up the web hook for discourse that would sync Crowdin with the repository. The original workflow would obviously still work and those who would like could use Crowdin. Seems like a win only situation, doesn't it?

I'm not affiliated with Crowdin in any way. I've just been using it for other projects and I find it awesome.

Project is at https://crowdin.net/project/discourse-cs

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490 Discourse installs, as of March 2014

Missing notification emails on busy topics


Benjamin Kampmann wrote:

For a while I hat the suspicion, that on busy topics, I don't receive all notification emails. This originated from me reading emails on a topic I was watching, which contained "context posts" I hadn't heard of yet. Until then I thought it was just me randomly having deleted emails or something.

But with the really busy Initial Discourse badge design spec thread I can now confirm that discourse seems to swallow notification emails. If you go to this post made by katie, you'll feel they are followed by (in this order) posts of: geek, sam, pakl, geek, mcwumbly, sam, pakl, geek, codinghorror, radq. While in my inbox I only have pakl, geek, mcwumbly, pakl, geek, codinghorror, radq (as the screenshot shows):

I do not have any filters on sams user name, nor can find them in the spam folder. Can you please confirm, these emails have never been send by discourse? I suspect the email-delay-timer to causing this. But if you can confirm this bug, I'd like to fix it because it makes it impossible to follow up on busy conversations on the go and you have to re-read all again.

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Undo rather than 'are you sure' when cancelling posts/topics


Wilfred wrote:

If you hit cancel on a post, Discourse shows an 'are you sure' pop-up:

I think the GMail approach of providing an 'undo' after the fact would be more useful:

It makes the UI more responsive (and saves a precious click) for the users who did actually want to cancel, but still provides a safety net for accidents.

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Auto Update Check is broken?


Jaimie wrote:

I'm getting the following:
A check for updates has not been performed lately. Ensure sidekiq is running.

I did a upgrade on DO 3 days ago as I needed more ram all seemed to be fine.
For that I did the /destroy /bootstrap, etc. Just noticed this message today. Not sure the command or sequence to get this running.

I did see this:

But that looks before the DO docker stuff.

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I18n fallback not working


Oleander wrote:

I'm currently having problems with translations not falling back to english if not existing.

Like this: http://i.imgur.com/E8lKv53.png

I've added I18n.fallbacks = true; to app/assets/javascripts/locales/i18n.js,
and config.i18n.fallbacks = true to config/application.rb

My default lang is sv and I'm using the master branch of discourse.

Why isn't the fallback working?

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Using Discourse to provide separate discussions for different contexts


Rasmus Aveskogh wrote:

I'm curious about the possibility to use Discourse as a discussions plugin on a site where different objects, such as "car models" would have their own set of threads, rather than a central view with all threads. Imagine a site navigation along the lines of:

-> Cars -> Volvo -> 745

First off the 745 object in the model would have its own set of "local" threads that are contextually related to the 745 object. There might be several categories such as "engine", "performance" etc. If I navigate to another object, say BMW 318i, I would get another set of contextually relevant threads with the same categories. If I however navigate to Motorcycles -> KTM -> 400 I would get another set of categories, along with local threads.

1) Is this possible at all given Discourse data model and functionality?
2) Could I have "summaries" on the "brand level", so that Volvo shows all relevant threads for all models?

Another unrelated question is if there is a possibility to add custom markup, and even custom functionality to that markup. Say that I add a "[location@lng,lat]" - would it be possible to plot such a markup tag on a map with custom code?

I'll appreciate any insights or feedback!


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Cannot save category when incoming email address is blank

Link counter isn't updating


Patrick Klug wrote:

Seems that the first link in this topic here is stuck at a click-counter of 11177 and even though I see it increase when clicking on it, it's back at 11177 when reloading the topic.

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Lee_Ars wrote:

So, authentication on Discourse seems like mostly a solved problem since you can offload it to an external provider, but I'd love for Discourse to have a two-factor option for local authentication. It seems relatively uncomplicated to bolt-on support for TOTP via Google Authenticator—for example, here's a Google Authenticator add-on implementation in PHP for Roundcube. Right, right, apples and oranges, php and ruby, webmail and forum, but the libraries are all there and it'd definitely make me happy to see a two-factor option.

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Can't edit Categories (error changing color or order)

Bright Cove Video Support

Wp-discourse not posting pages


Amit Gupta wrote:

I have noticed that while wp-discourse plugin is working perfectly for "posts" in wordpress site. Somehow it is not publishing "pages" of same site (even with "publish to discourse" selected). Is it a normal behavior or bug or i am doing something wrong?

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Instant notification for every new topic/reply


Brandon Mathis wrote:

Hi guys. I was thinking about working on a Pull Request to expand Discours' functionality to allow users to opt-in to receive notification for new topics and replies as they are posted much like a true mailing list.

The reason for this is that, for smaller communities, mailing lists work great because members get to see discussion happen live-fire without needing to constantly have discourse open in their browser. My meetup used a mailing list successfully on RubyForge for years until they closed and we were force to find an alternative solution for discussion. We decided to go with discourse but we are really missing that no-action-needed form of lurking that Mailing-lists provides for some users.

My reason for opening this topic is, do you guys feel that this goes against Discours' current email notification style?

Do you think discourse could handle sending email in this manner to users who have opted-in for dicourse to spam their email box?

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How to install Discourse on a shared host server


Badr wrote:

I first found out about Discourse, through a game I bought today. The game developer, http://www.greenheartgames.com/ uses it as their main forums software for their site: http://forum.greenheartgames.com/

I have a project that is coming up, where I would love to use Discourse, so I am trying to set it up on my server, so I can test and get used to tweaking it. But when I saw in the form that it's available on GIT, I felt lost and confused... LOL...

I would like someone to please walk me step by step (through here so it helps other people doing the same) on how to do it. I have full control of my server, so i can set this up, i just need a little push.

I can't wait to buy it, this is the kind of solution we were looking for the project.

Please advice. My current servers are located in DreamHost, but I have full access to everything (Including Shell).



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Anyone successful with running Discourse on Google App Engine?


Matt Kirsch wrote:

I've read that Google App Engine often requires an app to be written specifically for it. Does this apply to Discourse? Have there been successful instances of it?

I want to figure out a good free starting point for running Discourse.

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Beginners Guide to Deploy Discourse on Digital Ocean using Docker


Arpit Jalan wrote:

The Discourse Docker Image makes it easy to set up Discourse on a cloud server. We will use Digital Ocean, although these steps will work on other similar services.

This guide assumes that you have no knowledge of Ruby/Rails or Linux shell. Feel free to skip steps you are comfortable with.

Create New Digital Ocean Droplet

Discourse requires a minimum of 1 GB RAM, however 2 GB RAM is strongly recommended. We'll use "discourse" as the Hostname.

Install Discourse on Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS x64. We always recommend using the current LTS distribution.

You will receive a mail from Digital Ocean with the root password to your Droplet. (However, if you use SSH keys, you may not need a password to log in.)

Access Your Droplet

Connect to your Droplet via SSH:

ssh root@

(Alternately, use Putty on Windows)

Replace with the IP address of your Droplet.

You will be asked for permission to connect, type yes, then the root password, which is in the email Digital Ocean sent you when the Droplet was set up. Enter it.

Install Git

apt-get install git

Generate SSH Key

We strongly recommend setting a SSH key because you may need to access the Rails console for debugging purposes. This cannot be done after bootstrapping the app.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com"

(We want the default settings, so when asked to enter a file in which to save the key, just press enter. Via GitHub's SSH guide.)

Install Docker

apt-get update
apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-raring linux-headers-generic-lts-raring

Reboot the server:


This will log you out from your SSH session, so reconnect:

ssh root@

Finish installing Docker:

wget -qO- https://get.docker.io/ | sh

Install Discourse

Create a /var/docker folder where all the Docker related stuff will reside:

mkdir /var/docker

Clone the Official Discourse Docker Image into this /var/docker folder:

git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker.git /var/docker

Switch to your Docker folder:

cd /var/docker

Copy the samples/standalone.yml file into the containers folder as app.yml, so the path becomes containers/app.yml:

cp samples/standalone.yml containers/app.yml

Edit app.yml:

nano containers/app.yml

(We recommend Nano because it works like a typical GUI text editor, just use your arrow keys. Hit CtrlO then Enter to save and CtrlX to exit. However, feel free to choose whatever text editor you like. In the below screenshot we use Vim.)

Edit as desired, but at minimum set DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS and DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME.

We renamed DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME to discourse.techapj.com, this means that we want to host our instance of Discourse on http://discourse.techapj.com/. You'll need to modify your DNS records to reflect the IP address and preferred URL address of your server.

Mail Setup

Email is critical to Discourse. We strongly recommend configuring mail settings before bootstrapping.

  • If you already have a mail server, put your existing mail server credentials in the app.yml file.

  • Otherwise, create a free account on Mandrill (or Mailgun, or Mailjet), and put your mail credentials (available via the Mandrill dashboard) in the app.yml file. The settings you want to change are DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS, DISCOURSE_SMTP_PORT, DISCOURSE_SMTP_USER_NAME, DISCOURSE_SMTP_PASSWORD.

  • Be sure you remove the comment character # from the beginning of these mail configuration lines!

Add Your SSH Key

If you successfully generated the SSH key as described earlier, get it:

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Copy the entire output and paste it into the ssh_key setting in the app.yml file.

Bootstrap Discourse

Be sure to save the app.yml file, and begin bootstrapping Discourse:

./launcher bootstrap app

This command may take some time, so be prepared to wait. It is automagically configuring your Discourse environment.

After that completes, start Discourse:

./launcher start app

Congratulations! You now have your own instance of Discourse, accessible via the domain name you entered in app.yml earlier.

You can also access it by visiting the server IP address directly, e.g.

Log In and Become Admin

Sign into your Discourse instance. If you configured DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS and your email matches, your account will be made Admin by default.

If your account was not made admin, try SSH'ing into your container (assuming you entered your SSH key in the app.yml file):

./launcher ssh app
sudo -iu discourse
cd /var/www/discourse
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails c
u = User.last
u.admin = true

This will manually make the first user an admin.

If anything needs to be improved in this guide, feel free to ask on meta.discourse.org, or even better, submit a pull request.

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