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Additional formatting options within posts


@Karthik wrote:

Hey Guys,

Is there any plan to make available additional formatting options/visual editor in posts?

Anything like WordPress/Medium will be awesome. For example, text alignment, quotes, H1, H2 tags etc.
https://en.support.wordpress.com/visual-editor/, https://help.medium.com/hc/en-us/sections/203597787-Formatting

Currently the options looks pretty basic, but if you could add more options that'd be great!

Is this in the pipeline?


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Manually-inserted SSO rows breaking logins


@Nuck wrote:

Some of our users are getting "There is a problem with your account. Please contact the site's administrator."

I'm not surprised, honestly, because I generated rows with our existing external_id mappings (necessary since our previous forum integration apparently never synchronized emails, only usernames, yay!), but I could really use some help figuring out what part is causing an error, because, well, there's nothing in any of the logs, whatsoever. Anyways, the following shows an example of two SSO rows, the top being a successful one, and the bottom being an autogenerated one.

   id   | user_id | external_id |                                                                                                                                             last_payload                                                                                                                                             |         created_at         |         updated_at         | external_username |     external_email    | external_name |                                      external_avatar_url
 110954 |    6800 | 5554        | nonce=1cc3f9b19f346d83ac3e2291270b717f&username=Nuck&email=fake.email%40gmail.com&avatar_url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.hummingbird.me%2Fusers%2Favatars%2F000%2F005%2F554%2Fthumb%2F3.png%3F1461793801&external_id=5554&suppress_welcome_message=true&custom.pro_expires_at=2016-05-06+23%3A03%3A58+UTC   | 2016-05-16 08:22:49.848162 | 2016-05-18 04:12:21.498766 | Nuck              | fake.email@gmail.com  |               | https://static.hummingbird.me/users/avatars/000/005/554/thumb/3.png?1461793801
 102340 |      35 | 16          | nonce=94b757f6d1dfc78e0e0dafd04d8dcf4b&username=Anotheruser&email=also.fake%40example.com                                                                                                                                                                                                            | 2013-09-17 19:34:37.005088 | 2016-02-27 22:46:24.416587 | Anotheruser       | also.fake@example.com |               | https://static.hummingbird.me/users/avatars/000/000/016/original/kurisuavatar22.png?1419786159

I can't imagine last_payload would cause any trouble, but everything else seems right. And last_payload should be just as good as the factory in the test suite, so I'm at a loss.

Looks like it's not logging because of this great catch-and-release:

"Oh just put an @ in front of it, that'll fix it" — PHP dev

I've been trying to pin down the source of the validation error by reading the source code and testing things in the rails console, but with this much indirection and I can't even figure out which model it could be. Both the SingleSignOnRecord and the User pass .valid? so I'm stumped

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Create user field with options


@alexu wrote:

Hi I am playing around with the imports scripts and I want to create a drop down user field. The ning script has an example of creating a text field which I have working, and I am able to add a dropdown w/ no options, but when I change the type to drop down and add an options attribute like so

     @interests_field = UserField.find_by_name("My interests5")
     unless @interests_field
       @interests_field = UserField.create(name: "My interests5", description: "Do you like stuff5?", field_type: "dropdown", editable: true, required: true, show_on_profile: true, show_on_user_card: true, options: ['a','b', 'c'] )

I get this error:

.rbenv/versions/2.2.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/activerecord-4.2.6/lib/active_record/attribute_assignment.rb:59:in `rescue in assignattribute': unknown attribute 'options' for UserField. (ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError)

I am new to ruby and discourse but I think the relevant code is in


There is also a file


which suggests that options should be passable somehow?

Thanks to anyone who can shed light on this mystery.

Specifically how can I add options programmatically when creating a userfield in a ruby script situation.

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How do i insert Javascript into a Topic?


@broz wrote:

For example i would like to insert a optinmonster Optin. This should be the code:

<!-- This site is converting visitors into subscribers and customers with OptinMonster - http://optinmonster.com -->
<div id="om-o1ozq0it5dg9dp9v-holder"></div>
var o1ozq0it5dg9dp9v,o1ozq0it5dg9dp9v_poll=function(){var r=0;return function(n,l){clearInterval(r),r=setInterval(n,l)}}();!function(e,t,n){if(e.getElementById(n)){o1ozq0it5dg9dp9v_poll(function(){if(window['om_loaded']){if(!o1ozq0it5dg9dp9v){o1ozq0it5dg9dp9v=new OptinMonsterApp();return o1ozq0it5dg9dp9v.init({u:"17705.331160",staging:0,dev:0,beta:0});}}},25);return;}var d=false,o=e.createElement(t);o.id=n,o.src="//a.optnmnstr.com/app/js/api.min.js",o.onload=o.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!d){if(!this.readyState||this.readyState==="loaded"||this.readyState==="complete"){try{d=om_loaded=true;o1ozq0it5dg9dp9v=new OptinMonsterApp();o1ozq0it5dg9dp9v.init({u:"17705.331160",staging:0,dev:0,beta:0});o.onload=o.onreadystatechange=null;}catch(t){}}}};(document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]||document.documentElement).appendChild(o)}(document,"script","omapi-script");
<!-- / OptinMonster -->

If i paste it into a topic it won't show. Is there a way to make it work natively?

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Is there a way to let people sign up to a group?


@SaintSal wrote:

I have a bunch of private categories, each of which is seen only by members of a specific group for that category. I'd like a way for them to sign themselves up to those groups.

For example, when we run a conference, we want attendees of that event to receive access to a special category for that conference so they can exchange ideas privately.

Is there a way to give members of this group a special link to sign up or add themselves to their group? Not all of these groups have a common email domain. I'd like to give them, forum.com/signup/funevent/ and then when they're signed up, they're automatically assigned to that group so they have access.

Or is there another way to achieve this?


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Quick access to list of tracked / watched / muted topics?


@BadlyDrawnBoy wrote:


I'd like to be able to check which topics I have as tracked / watched / muted, so I can take action on one or some of them to change that state. Is this possible somehow?


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Notifications page on mobile has alot of white space, big fonts

Line breaks when replying via email


@thomasschmit wrote:

When replying by mail, Discourse set a line break every 70 characters or so.

Is it made on purpose ? It's quite unsightly.

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How to increase or decrease post font size?

Problem to open modal windows for a post, the css disappears


@Alex_Rabolin wrote:

Hello , I am part of the team "kitedor.info" with @babyfooter.

I have made a modal window on our discourse.
She is opened by clicking on a menu link in the header.

This is the HTML of the modal window in the header css section :

<!-- Modal One -->
<div class="modal1">
  <input class="modal1-open" id="modal-one" type="checkbox" hidden>
    <div class="modal1-wrap" aria-hidden="true" role="dialog">
    <label class="modal1-overlay" for="modal-one"></label>
          <div class="modal1-dialog">
            <div class="modal1-header"><h2>Les News de KiteDor</h2>
            <label class="btn-close" for="modal-one" aria-hidden="true">×</label></div>
                <div class="modal1-body">...</div>

I wish I could open this modal window from a post but the problem is, post does not accept this css tag :
for="modal-one" and automatically clears it.

Here is the html that I've put in the post :

<label for="modal-one"><a >News</a></label>

Can you help me , it is a way to gain acceptance for = " modal -one " in a post without whatsoever erase, to force the CSS to just accept this tag for = "" .

Thank you in advance for your help and sorry for my bad english.

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Emails not threaded


@AstonJ wrote:

One of our users has posted feedback that emails are not being correctly threaded and believes this is because In-Reply-To is not correctly specified.

Currently Discourse will do this:


But should it be something like:


(Which is what I think Github does)

Any thoughts on this please?

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Discourse WordPress plugin version 0.7.0


@benword wrote:

The wp-discourse plugin got updated to version 0.7.0 just now. Thanks to @Simon_Cossar, @pjv, @Grex315, @tnorthcutt, and @AdamCapriola for these updates!

:warning: Have you made changes to the HTML templates at all? The templates are no longer handled from the plugin admin, they must be customized with filters. See Template Customization from the GH wiki.

0.7.0: May 18th, 2016

  • Move templates out of options (#194)
  • Validate settings (#189)
  • Add notices to indicate connection status (#193)
  • Sanitize admin options page (#196)
  • Sanitize comment template output (#195)
  • Add type argument to text input method (#192)
  • Use cached categories when there is a configuration error (#191)
  • Fix name property not available in participants array (#187)
  • Use wp_get_current_user (#185)
  • Fix add_query_arg undefined offset notice (#184)
  • Update Discourse post on WP post update (#176)
  • Better method for including comments script and other small tweaks (#181)
  • Allow choosing Discourse category per post (#177)
  • Replace avatar URL function (#172)
  • Fix timezone for custom timestamp (#162)

You can download the new version from https://github.com/discourse/wp-discourse/releases or via Composer

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Fixing nginx/discourse issue on new server


@Nick_Putman wrote:

I’m having trouble with a discourse install. I can’t get it working again, after the strange disappearance of pretty much all of my discourse files, when it had been working fine on my Digital Ocean droplet. You can read all about the sorry saga, if you so choose, here: https://meta.discourse.org/t/502-bad-gateway-nginx-issue/44391/7

Basically I had to reinstall discourse on a server where it was originally installed as a one click install, and then configured, using nginx, to run alongside a few Wordpress sites. Everything appears to be installed again fine, but I am getting an '502 Bad Gateway - nginx' error when I try to navigate to the discourse forum.

You can see the steps that the developer I have been working with has taken to troubleshoot this issue towards the end of the topic linked to above.

Please let me know if you can help fix this. Thanks.

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Problem with min pvt message length and min pvt message title length


@BadlyDrawnBoy wrote:


I've set min pvt msg length to 1 and min pvt msg title length to 0.

However, when sending a message to someone, Discourse seems to consider the min lengths as 2 and 1, respectively.

Also, it seems that non-alphanumeric characters are not handled in the same way.

Running latest, v1.6.0.beta4 +84

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Change sharing icon on posts

Time sent for email digest


@charleswalter wrote:

At what time of day is email disgest sent? should there be a way to configure at what time of day we'd like it to be sent?

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Cannot get change email confirmation email. I've already enabled allow user to change email


@walker wrote:

Hey. Guys. I've enabled user to change email address in the setting.

When submit the change email request, it tells me that a confirmation email is sent but I just didn't receive it. Anyway to troubleshoot that?

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Broke the login system

Not Fully responsive

Unexpected formatting of greater than and less than


@GaurangTandon wrote:

The is the actual text in the actual way it was written:

Actual text:

if a<b
  print "a is less than b!"
elsif b<a
  print "b is less than a"

Can someone please explain why the following result is being produced by the above text? How does the bold text and the blue link text come into existence? If it a fault with Discourse markdown parser, please fix it. Thanks! :smiley:

Result produced:

if a print "a is less than b!"
elsif b print "b is less than a"

Anything below that text also appears weird :confused: even after a horizontal rule is put

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