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First account has no access to admin panel


@mholt wrote:

I just installed Discourse on DigitalOcean using the one-click apps and went through the setup over SSH. Everything checks out but my first user account that I created on the web site (using the same email address provided over SSH - I checked 3 times) was not an admin account. In other words, I have no access to the admin panel. Any tips? :slight_smile:

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Mailing list mode - broken experience in transition from 1.5->1.6


@jedc768 wrote:

Relevant topic - https://meta.discourse.org/t/mailing-list-mode-keeps-reverting-to-daily-updates/44793/1

I help run a Discourse forum where we had actively encouraged users to check the box saying "Send me an email for every post" - aka, set mailing_list_mode = True.

With the new mailing list mode, those users all have mailing_list_mode = True, but apparently by default have mailing_list_mode_frequency = 0. As a result, they're no longer getting the individual emails per post that they expected.

Two issues -

1 - users that previously had mailing_list_mode = True should automatically be opted-in and have the mailing_list_mode_frequency set to the relevant value. (Right?)

2 - what's the right way to make that change at scale for our users?

cc/ @ryanwanger

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Home logo url points to the root of the domain even in a subfolder install?


@iva wrote:

I just noticed that the logo (home) url points to the '/' of the domain in my subfolder installation and yet, when I click on it, in most cases it correctly brings me to the root of the community, which is '/forum' in my installation. Is it supposed to be like that? How is it implemented?

The reason I bring this up, and how I noticed this in the first place, is that it somehow broke down for me earlier today. I.e. clicking on the home logo began bringing me to the root of the entire website, not the root of the community. I then rebuilt the container and it seems to have fixed it.

How how exactly does this work and why not put the correct community root url in the header in the first place?

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Email address is case-sensitive in first run install setup


@mholt wrote:

When using the Discourse 1-click app on DigitalOcean, and going through the initial setup over SSH, I entered my email address like I do everywhere:


Then I signed up the first account using the exact same characters:


I was surprised when, after activating the account, I had no access to the admin panel.

Starting over and entering this as my email:


worked. Perhaps email address should not be a case-sensitive comparison. See prior issue

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Getting an iframe in discourse


@Teeigeryuh wrote:

I need to add an iframe to website that only logged in users can see, I know its unsafe and such but how would I go on and do this?

Like adding a small iframe on a category page or post/wiki.

I don't need everyone to do this or wouldn't care, this is a very very private discourse install so security is something that Is out of the question for this site.

Any ideas on how?

Just wana add an iframe from dropbox

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Database files are incompatible with server


@CamilleRoux wrote:


I'm getting the following error when I running ./launcher rebuild app

I, [2016-05-26T21:01:54.949877 #20]  INFO -- : > HOME=/var/lib/postgresql USER=postgres exec chpst -u postgres:postgres:ssl-cert -U postgres:postgres:ssl-cert /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/postmaster -D /etc/postgresql/9.5/main
I, [2016-05-26T21:01:54.953219 #20]  INFO -- : > sleep 5
LOG:  skipping missing configuration file "/shared/postgres_data/postgresql.auto.conf"
2016-05-26 21:01:55 UTC [55-2] FATAL:  database files are incompatible with server
2016-05-26 21:01:55 UTC [55-3] DETAIL:  The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 9.3, which is not compatible with this version 9.5.3.
I, [2016-05-26T21:01:59.963014 #20]  INFO -- :
I, [2016-05-26T21:01:59.963774 #20]  INFO -- : > su postgres -c 'createdb discourse' || true
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
	LANGUAGE = (unset),
	LC_ALL = (unset),
	LANG = "fr_FR.UTF-8"
    are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
createdb: could not connect to database template1: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
	Is the server running locally and accepting
	connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
I, [2016-05-26T21:02:00.198683 #20]  INFO -- :
I, [2016-05-26T21:02:00.199875 #20]  INFO -- : > su postgres -c 'psql discourse -c "create user discourse;"' || true
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
	LANGUAGE = (unset),
	LC_ALL = (unset),
	LANG = "fr_FR.UTF-8"
    are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
	Is the server running locally and accepting
	connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
I, [2016-05-26T21:02:00.396258 #20]  INFO -- :
I, [2016-05-26T21:02:00.397433 #20]  INFO -- : > su postgres -c 'psql discourse -c "grant all privileges on database discourse to discourse;"' || true
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
	LANGUAGE = (unset),
	LC_ALL = (unset),
	LANG = "fr_FR.UTF-8"
    are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
	Is the server running locally and accepting
	connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
I, [2016-05-26T21:02:00.572012 #20]  INFO -- :
I, [2016-05-26T21:02:00.572989 #20]  INFO -- : > su postgres -c 'psql discourse -c "alter schema public owner to discourse;"'
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
	LANGUAGE = (unset),
	LC_ALL = (unset),
	LANG = "fr_FR.UTF-8"
    are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
	Is the server running locally and accepting
	connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
I, [2016-05-26T21:02:00.784738 #20]  INFO -- :
I, [2016-05-26T21:02:00.787512 #20]  INFO -- : Terminating async processes

Pups::ExecError: su postgres -c 'psql discourse -c "alter schema public owner to discourse;"' failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 81 exit 2>
Location of failure: /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:108:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params "su postgres -c 'psql $db_name -c \"alter schema public owner to $db_user;\"'"
** FAILED TO BOOTSTRAP ** please scroll up and look for earlier error messages, there may be more than one

I'm currently the template for pg 9.3 to make it work

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Admin archiving a user's messages


@jesselperry wrote:

So this is definitely a niche bug, but reporting it because it seems like it should work in the interface, but then it doesn't…

I ran into it trying to look at system's messages and archiving them.

1. Log in as admin
2. Go to user's profile
3. Go to messages tab
4. Select a message and archive
5. Refresh, message re-appears :frowning:


  • I impersonated system and archiving these same messages worked.
  • I tested archiving another admin's messages and another regular user's messages. Same bug.

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Making Amazon Cloundfront SSL with Cloudflare

Upgrade from admin site in docker container not possible over proxy server


@Daniel_Schunack wrote:


I will upgrade discourse over the admin site, but the git command does not use the configured proxy in the container and failed with a timeout.

$ cd /var/www/discourse && git fetch && git reset --hard HEAD@{upstream}
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/discourse/discourse.git/': Failed to connect to github.com port 443: Connection timed out

I can enter the container and execute the command in the container shell and it works fine wihtout any problems.
The proxy server was configured in the xml file and the proxy is correct set in the container shell.
I think git does not use the configured proxy over the admin site. Please, fix that. The rebuild of the container need much time. Thank you.

Best regards


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Setting up Salesforce auth using OAuth2 basic support plugin


@sam wrote:

Using the OAuth2 basic support plugin you can set up Salesforce authentication.

To do so, create a connected OAuth2 app on Salesforce:

  • Create -> Apps -> New connected app

  • Ensure you allow access to "access basic information"

  • Set the "Callback URL" to https://YOURFORUM.COM/auth/oauth2_basic/callback : Note you must be running your Discourse forum with HTTPS.

  • Take note of client id and secret

On Discourse side, use the following site settings:

  • oauth2 enabled
  • oauth2 client id and secret, per previous section
  • oauth2 authorize url: https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/authorize
  • oauth2 token url: https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token
  • oauth2 user json url: :id
  • oauth2 json user id path: id
  • oauth2 json username path: nick_name
  • oauth2 json name path: display_name
  • oauth2 json email path: email
  • oauth2 email verified: true
  • oauth2 authorize options: scope, display, immediate, state

If you are having trouble be sure to enable oauth2 debug auth and check your /logs

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Refreshing a users detail page in admin doesn't work in some cases


@mathias.kallberg wrote:

  1. Username is mathias.kallberg.at.footway.com
  2. In Admin->Users click on user to see user details
  3. Reload page in browser
  4. Gives "Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private."

Discourse 1.6.0b6, Chrome 50, Windows 7

It works for users having single word names for example, so I guess it has to do with the routing and our username format

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Missing /shared/postgres_data and redis_data after upgrade


@marijn wrote:

After upgrading my instance the docker container is only returning Bad Gateway responses. At the end of ./launcher logs it says (repeatedly):

368:C 27 May 09:56:35.591 # Can't chdir to '/shared/redis_data': No such file or directory
2016-05-27 09:56:36 UTC [369-1] FATAL:  data directory "/shared/postgres_data" does not exist

And indeed, when I look inside of the container, the only thing in /shared are some things that the instance apparently created itself, so the mounting is failing. Here's my app.yml on pastebin.

Any idea what might be going on? For now, my sites are down and I don't know how to proceed.

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Exclusive Sandbox or Staging Environs for Orgs?


@MelissaK wrote:

One small challenge we've found with Discourse is the the lack of a staging or sandbox environment that is exclusive to our org. We'd like a place where to stage and test any planned changes (everything from CSS changes to SSO testing) outside of production.

How are other teams handling this with their hosted versions of Discourse?

Does the Discourse team offer, or would they consider offering, anything like this for their customers to purchase, whether it's a blank slate or a clone of their current environment?

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Archiving topics en masse


@lrossouw wrote:

We have a forum that have many old threads that are not all closed. We do get inexperienced users reviving these old threads. Just had to deal with an 8-year old thread (imported from an old forum) being revived.

How can I archive/close threads en masse that have not seen activities in say 2 years?

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Trackable / re-usable configuration


@enricostn wrote:


is there any way to set configuration stuff like contact email, notification email, tags configuration, etc in the containers/app.yml or somewhere else in the code?

I say so because I'm using Ansible to provision some server with Discourse standalone docker image and I have a lot of settings that are shared. Would be nice to have some .yml that I can re-use between projects. Version control is another reason why I would really love that.

Many thanks, really liking the experience for now :clap::clap::clap:

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Top button modify

Allow reply-to individual instead of topic/forum (mailing list feature)


@tarek wrote:

Hello all,

I have looked at several topics (e.g., 1) and I don't see that this need has been addressed previously.

I am using some forums as direct mailing list replacements. For example, we have a mailing list that we used for some users asking all others if they would like their shifts (e.g., "Shift tomorrow for trade"). In GNU/Mailman, the correct setting would be to set "reply to sender".

I have clearly articulated in a tutorial how I think people should use the mailing list, but it's clear that's not happening. People are still sending to the forum, and because all users are by default "watching", everybody receives messages that used to be sent privately. Instead of making life better, at this point the lists have made things at best net neutral, though worse for most.

So, what I would like is for either:

  1. The messages in this category to automatically get sent as PMs; or
  2. Messages to come back via email to that individual user.

Is this already possible? If not, any thoughts on how I could make it happen? I think for my purposes, this might be a killer for our users if we can't resolve it..

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Enable sso for multisite, through its sub domains


@connectkushal wrote:

First of all i would like to thank the community for making this amazing forum software and making it available for everyone :slight_smile:

I had a request regarding sso login feature. If the user base is common across a multisites installation, say a drupal website, shouldn't discourse accept sso login from redirect through subdomains also ?

like example.com, domain1.example.com, domain2.example.com.... domainN.example.com have the same user base, discourse should be able accept login from domain2.example.com as well

Was wondering if discourse could be tweaked so that wildcard entries could be intrepreted properly maybe ?

something which will make multisite login possible by defining sso url like this:

sso url : http//*.example.com/discourse_sso

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Mistakes when upgrading docker image to 1.3.3


@CT075 wrote:

Hi -

We were attempting to upgrade our discourse installation via ssh (as the online upgrader seemed to not be working) using the following commands:

 cd /var/discourse
 git pull
 sudo ./launcher rebuild app

However, on rebuild, we get the following errors:

 Pups::ExecError: /root/upgrade_postgres failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 46 exit 1>
 Location of failure: /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:108:in `spawn'
 exec failed with the params "/root/upgrade_postgres"
 ** FAILED TO BOOTSTRAP ** please scroll up and look for earlier error messages, there may be more than one

There are no other errors that I can see, nor can I attempt to go back to the online site upgrader to retry (because the site is now dead due to the rebuild failing). We'd like to get our site back up ASAP.


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GoSquared People integration - how to get user name and email in Javascript at customization?


@jbruni wrote:

  • I'm setting up a fresh new Discourse forum.

  • I've already copy/pasted GoSquared tracking code into the </head> section (at /admin/customize/css_html/1/body-tag)

  • Now, for their "People" feature, they provide the code snippet below:

  _gs('identify', {
    // TODO User ID
    // id: 123,

    // TODO User's full name
    // name: 'Jony Ive',

    // TODO User's email address
    // email: 'jony@apple.com',

    // TODO User's signup date
    // created_at: '2015-01-01 00:00:00'
  • I am supposed to edit the code above, providing user's id, name, email and created_at properties.

  • How can I do this? Please, help.

  • In fact, I was able to grab the user id by using the awful hack below, in the </body> section. It grabs the userId used by Google Analytics:

  // GoSquared People
  if (ga && ga.q && ga.q[0] && ga.q[0][2] && ga.q[0][2].userId) {
    _gs('identify', { id: ga.q[0][2].userId });
  • So far, so good. How can I do this properly, and adding name, email and created_at?

  • Note: I am using "discoursehosting.com". So, I do not have access to the Discourse installation/system. I only have access to the user interface.

Thank you!

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