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Migrating categories?

SCSS color defining problem


Kane York wrote:

Continuing the discussion from What about an easier styling/theming system?:

Yes, sadly - there is a major hurdle with that.

Even if I name a file site_variables.css.scss.erb, and @import it right after the @import "common/foundation/variables"; it is not handled by the ERB parser, and the SCSS compiler throws an error about "unexpected - end" (part of the ERB).

As I see it, this has two solutions:

  1. Monkeypatch the SASS parser so that it feeds the file through the ERB parser
  2. Make the server generate a site_variables.scss somewhere when you update the colors and @import that file. This feels ugly, because we're generating a file on the server for the server itself to read.

Anyone got ideas?

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How to get Discourse version in JS or Handlebars template?


Michael wrote:

Is there any way to retrieve the Discourse version number from within javascript code, and within a handlebars template?

Currently there are many dependencies in plugin code, where updating the plugin to be compatible with a newer Discourse version breaks backward compatibility. If would be great if we could do stuff conditionally, depending on the version.

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Notification subscription Options


Barry Chertov wrote:

I'd like to see it be possible to subscribe to a forum for email updates and be able to unsubscribe to a particular thread while staying subscribed to a forum for email updates (either via individual emails or digest).

Also I'd like to see a subscription option of just new threads that made it easy then to follow selected new threads.

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Custom Database Models Example Plugin


Benjamin Kampmann wrote:


I love the new plugin interface you guys build, but one thing that still boggles me is how you were planning on supporting custom database models and migrations through plugins.

Sure there is the PluginStore but that only does key-value-mappings, which for some cases - knowing we have a SQL-Database to our disposal – is just a cumbersome solution. Especially since rails with the whole Models and Migrations has a decent system to even manage updates. There are few plugins in the back of my head, I'd like to work on which would require some more extended usage of Database access but I'm not sure how to structure those or if that is even possible. But I'm not an expert in Rails interna, so I was wondering if you had any example plugin using the SQL-Database, Models and Migration structure that I could look at.


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Global setting to auto-close topics?


Patrick Klug wrote:

I see that auto-close (after certain time) can be configured per category. Is there no global setting that would apply to all categories by default?

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Add "Share" modal to original thread post?


Jonathan Sandlund wrote:


I'm compiling a number of "wiki's" on my board, and it'd be great to let users share them more easily. Is there a way to place the sharing box in a post? Something like this:

I tried simply copying the html, but the button doesn't trigger the sharing modal. (haven't learned java yet stuck_out_tongue).

Most users won't scroll down to discover the default sharing button. Making it more prominent, for certain threads, would incent people to share much more, imo.

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Extend the user model from engine (plugin)


Piotr Szal wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Custom Database Models Example Plugin:

I think i do not understand. Have you an example?

Discourse has an user model (class User < ActiveRecord::Base ...) (app/models/user.rb).
When I will add an attribute to this model from a plugin/engine this would not work( plugins/foo_plugin/app/models/user.rb ):
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# my code

I have to inherit from the User, and use FooUser in the plugin:
class FooUser < User
# my code

This is because, the models from the engine would be overwritten from the models in the origin app.

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Get email notification when someone creates a post?


Oleander wrote:

Is it possible, as an admin, to automatically get an email notification as soon as someone posts in my forum?

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Mark topic as answered?

Is "Activity" too ambiguous?

Please visit our Discourse Forum! (Directory)


F. Randall Farmer wrote:

I know I'd like to visit various new Discourse servers once in awhile as they come up. As you'd like a visitor or two, please post your URL here and a description of the purpose of your site and any other notes...

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Firefox: Middle-click triggers pop-up blocker


ComputerDruid wrote:

Middle clicking (to open in a new tab) on a topic triggers Firefox's pop-up blocker.

This doesn't make sense to me, given that middle clicking on an ordinary link opens in a new tab without this. Is discourse intercepting middle-clicks somehow?

Right-clicking on the link (if you aim VERY carefully), and selecting "Open in new tab" works as expected, but this is a pain compared to the much-easier-to-execute middle click.

Edit: You don't actually have to aim carefully to right-click on the link, you have to right-click twice. The first right-click acts as if you'd right-clicked on the page, and the second one as if you'd right-clicked a link. Right-clicking before middle-clicking also works. This is really weird.

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What do you like/dislike about the NodeBB design?


Jeff Atwood wrote:

Although NodeBB lacks too many of the cool Discourse features, oh my freaking goodness it looks modern! Like humans from the year 2200 came back in time and left their forum software.

So yeah, FB groups is the competitor in volume, Vanilla is the competitor within the same class, but maybe NodeBB is the competitor in terms of (sleek) forum software for the next ten years.

There are a few different aesthetic features that play a part in that, but one that I especially noticed was the fade-in fade-out when clicking on a new page in NodeBB.

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Is there a way to remove your edit history?


Jacob wrote:

I almost tagged this as "bug" but I guess it's more of a "feature" that hasn't been implemented yet but there should be a way to remove edit history in case you accidentally post a password or other sensitive information.

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Add child model for User

Provide more settings to be overridden in GlobalSetting


Dan Porter wrote:

I used to use

openssl_verify_mode  => 'none'

for my SMTP config in discourse. Now, with the settings being passed through from that of GlobalSetting, I am reluctant to make changes in favour of this centralised (or not wink) configuration file.

It would be cool if discourse added a few more (or possibly all) settings for any module that uses GlobalSetting, which doesn't necessarily need documented in the default discourse.conf.

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Discourse Design Experiments


awesome robot wrote:

I've been looking into ways to make Discourse look a little cleaner if I have a few spare minutes here and there, so I figured I'd document it and see if anything stands out to anyone...

Tried a few things here... changed the new asterisk to "new" text, giving each topic a few more px of vertical padding, making categories a consistent width (dictated by the longest category)

Does the header need a box-shadow? Do the user buttons need outlines? Do topic titles have to be blue?

I've seen some reference to NodeBB as looking more "modern" in this thread... is there anything specific (visually) that makes you feel that way as a user?

I've been looking at Discourse for over a year now, so some fresh opinions can be nice.

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What is your favorite plugin directory and why?


Erlend Sogge Heggen wrote:

We've got people from all walks of web life in here, so I'm curious to hear some good (and bad) examples of plugin directories. There will be at least one plugin directory built for Discourse plugins, so maybe we can help the developers out with a bit of the prep-work by detailing our likes and dislikes for this type of service.

Here's a short list of plugin directories you might have an opinion about:

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What about private groups?


Tom Spilman wrote:

We have a Discourse site which includes lots of public discussion, but we also have some categories where we discuss private NDA'd materials.

The category itself seems fine... people trying to access it without permission are rejected.

The issue is that the group we use to secure that category is visible to everyone. People outside that group can not only see that the group exisits, but also see the members of the group.

It seems to me that groups need as much privacy as categories do.

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