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Registering/Responding with Blog Integration


@jonobacon wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I am exploring integrating Discourse within various blogs (mainly Wordpress).

From what I understand the comments displayed under the post (e.g. on Jeff's site) will be from the topic on the forum, but there is no way to (a) register from within the post, and (b) reply/add a new comment. In other words, to actively participate, the user is required to go to the forum.

Are there any plans to be able to stay entirely within the context of the post?

If so, Discourse would essentially replace Disqus which I think could be incredible.

Final question - if there are no current plans, would this be a complex piece of work to do?

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Use discourse_post_id to get single topic data from API


@jenkma02 wrote:

I thought that the discourse_post_id meta data would work in the API to get single post/topic data (using the "Get a single topic" example on the API documentation - https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-api-documentation/22706). Unfortunately these numbers don't match. Has anyone figured out a way to do this? I have a loop of three posts that i would like to display certain statistics on, as well on each post page.

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Keyboard navigation shortcuts don't remember topic list position on return


@elijah wrote:

Unless, I'm doing some wrong that is.

Let me describe: I open a topic to read it, go to end. Then return to "Latest" (sometimes by mouse, sometimes by keyboard). Then I see the topic I just read is highlighted, and the highlight fades away in a few seconds. That is how my position is remembered. Here's how it is not (and thus half):

If I use j to move to the next topic down, it doesn't start the line that was just highlighted (or the line below it). It starts at the top every time.

Can this be fixed? It's a minor annoyance, and nothing that should hold up the upcoming release, but maybe in the next?

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Multiple users with a single email


@Steven_Roberts wrote:


We are considering using Discourse for our co-op forum but one of the problems we've encountered with other forums is they require each user to have their own email address. In our forum many of our users will be kids, many of whom will not have email addresses of their own. What I'd like to do is allow them to login with a username and no email address. Is this possible or is there a hack or work around that we can use to make this work? I saw a similar post where someone was using fake email address but I'm hoping there is something more elegant.

Thank you!

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Installation notes for Discourse on Bash for Windows


@sam wrote:

Here are some rough notes on how I went about install Discourse on Bash for Windows:

Install required packages

Mostly a cut-and-paste job from our docker base image.

curl http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ $(lsb_release -sc)-pgdg main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/postgres.list

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install build-essential git build-essential git wget \
      libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev \
      libssl-dev libyaml-dev libtool \
      libxml2-dev gawk  \
      postgresql-client-9.5  libpq-dev libreadline-dev \
      language-pack-en \
      psmisc whois redis-server \
      advancecomp jhead jpegoptim libjpeg-turbo-progs optipng libjemalloc-dev imagemagick

Installing rbenv

git clone https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv
cd ~/.rbenv && src/configure && make -C src
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc

exit shell and start again so env is there.

Install ruby

rbenv install 2.3.1

echo 2.3.1 >> ~/.rbenv/version

Make :cocktail: this will take a while cause the filesystem is very slow.

Install Postgres on Windows


This is required cause installing postgres is not yet supported.

Install Discourse

git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse.git

gem install bundler
cd discourse
bundle install

# correct bundler permissions per http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37211007/installing-rails-on-ubuntu-bash-windows-10
chmod -R +t ~/.bundle/cache

bundle install

Hack database config

Edit config/database.yml:

Add the following into test and development sections:

host: localhost
username: postgres
password: YOURPWD
port: 5432

Start up redis

redis-server --bind

Migrate Discourse

bin/rake db:create db:migrate

Discourse now runs! hooray :confetti_ball: :champagne:

At the end of this process Discourse running on Windows without ANY VM installed. This is quite impressive.

bundle exec puma

The good news!

Discourse runs fine, its a little bit fiddly but all the gems install and the test suite runs.

Once booted up Discourse is quite fast and usable.

The bad news!

The filesystem mapping technology keeps the original files in an NTFS partition and performs internal mapping, pretending this filesystem is actually a Linux native one. Unfortunately NTFS + mapping overhead means that it is much slower than using ext4fs directly or some other native solution.

The effect of this in real terms is:

  • Running our test suite is slower

Bash on Ubuntu on Windows takes 8:20 to run the test suite. My ubuntu VM takes 6:15. Same hardware.

  • Installing ruby / gems and so on is a lot slower

Ruby has lots of little files, I did not time it but it feels at least twice slower to compile ruby from source.

  • Booting Discourse takes more than twice longer:

# Linux VM
sam@ubuntu discourse % time bin/rails r "puts 'hi'"

2.54s user
0.50s system
99% cpu
3.059 total

# Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

sam@SAM-PC:~/discourse$ time bin/rails r "puts 'hi'"

real    0m7.123s
user    0m3.063s
sys     0m4.000s

7.12secs VS 3.05secs

This means that starting up a dev web server and opening up a rails console take much longer.

This is a huge issue, it is big enough for me to recommend against this setup for now.

There is an open ticket that once resolved will allow bash on Windows to run native filesystems, once that is implemented we should revisit these results:

Note: All tests were done on the beta version of Bash on Ubuntu on Windows that is bundled with Windows 10 anniversary edition (made public on 2nd of August 2016)

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Unable to follow manual backup procedure


@aknudsen wrote:

I have attempted the manual method of creating and restoring a backup of my Docker based installation, but it is failing me. I've tried steps one and two, the first of which I could get to work with a slight modification (cd /var/discourse instead of cd /var/docker):

  1. If your old Discourse...
    • lives in a Docker container, enter it:
      cd /var/docker
      git pull
      sudo ./launcher enter app
      su - discourse
    • does not live in a Docker container, you should at this point ensure that the user you're logged in as can use pg_sql to connect to Discourse's production database and has access to the uploaded files. You may also have to adjust the directory and file names below.
  2. Export the database and uploaded files:
    pg_dump -xOf /shared/discourse-backup.sql -d discourse -n public
    gzip -9 /shared/discourse-backup.sql
    tar -czf /shared/discourse-uploads.tar.gz -C /var/www/discourse/public uploads

I gave up on step two though, since I don't have the permission to write to /shared/discourse-backup.sql.

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Register form tooltips / optional text


@Silvanus wrote:

Hi! I need to change the registering form. The optional text for Name needs to show that the name is public and shown to everyone. Anyway I can do this?

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Request to join Romanian reviewers


@iamntz wrote:

Hey guys.

Since the romanian localization have about 1900 unreviewed translations on transifex, I would like to step in and deal with those.


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Unsupported String.prototype.startsWith in lib/utilities.js.es6 could break compatibility


@fantasticfears wrote:

This is not supported until Safari 9 but Discourse should support Safari 6.1+.

Catch this because link plugin is also affected.

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I didn't realise how much I'd love it!


@peircej wrote:

We've been using googlegroups for a long time for a software support forum and I was happy enough - it was easy, "did the job" and compared to the various BB options I didn't feel the need to switch.

Having spent a few days now using Discourse I'm blown away. There are so many neat, useful features in here, without it feeling overwhelming and bloated. I keep coming and finding another thing that it does "right" and I just keep getting happier!

Hopefully it will make the users equally keen to engage in our community!

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How to add SQL Queries to badges?


@Alankrit_Choudh wrote:

As you can see there is no option for me to add the SQL query as per the topic stated below.

Can someone guide me through the process?

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Vbulletin migration & Discourse stable branch

CSS: how to make the line (border) between messages bigger?


@Silvanus wrote:

How can I find the CSS I'm supposed to change? I'm moderatery knowledgeable of CSS, but I can't find any list of which to change...

Currently I want to change the line width of the line between messages.

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Header not loading properly from entering through notification link


@Silvanus wrote:

Hi! I have style, in which I have this placed in Header:

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.2">
api.changeWidgetSetting('post-avatar', 'size', '70');

And this in </head>

<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='post/poster-avatar.raw'>
    <a href="{{post.usernameUrl}}" classNames="trigger-user-card {{classNames}}" data-user-card="{{post.username}}">{{avatar post imageSize="120"}}</a>
        border-top:1px solid #e9e9e9;

The idea is to make the avatar a bit bigger.

The problem is that when I receive a notification and come to the thread, all the avatars are normal size and not the big size I want them to be. If I reload the page, then the avatars show up the proper size.

It seems that the latter works just fine: the area of the pictures is enlargened properly. But the first one that changes the size of the avatar itself, is not changed.

(This might belong to #support ...)

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My custom route generates 404


@Overgrow wrote:

I'm trying to get new site section working..

I've got .json part succesfully serving data (http://localhost/faq_categories.json)

But for HTML request (http://localhost/faq_categories) Discourse generates 404 not found "Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private". I do have proper erb.html file in place.

I think that routing is working correctly (otherwise there would be error). Is there any part of Discourse application that would prevent me to run this simple code correctly?

Can you please help me to find what am I missing? Thanks a lot...!


get "/faq_categories" => "faq_categories#index"


class FaqCategoriesController < ApplicationController
def index
@faq_categories = FaqCategory.all

respond_to do |format|
  format.html do
    render :index
  format.json do
    render_serialized(@faq_categories, FaqCategorySerializer)



Frequently Asked Questions

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IndieAuth login


@usermail wrote:


IndieWeb was mentioned before (https://meta.discourse.org/t/is-there-a-way-to-quote-something-that-was-said-on-a-different-discourse-instance/18815). I looked at their implementation and it doesn't seem to be very difficult to implement, it would be great if IndieAuth recieved wider adoption.

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Approving a post on a closed topic gives a 500


@samnazarko wrote:


Hope all is well at Discourse. It was good to run the blog post a couple of months ago. We are now using Discourse to power our Newsletter system as well as our Wiki.

Noticed an odd bug today. We are not on the latest version of Discourse just yet, so I cannot confirm if this has been reported and fixed yet, but we noticed a bug where approving a post on a closed topic gives a 500 error.

A moderator merged a thread today and closed the old topic. It seemed that while the mod was doing this a user added a new post. As he was new and hit some flags, the post was flagged for approval. I went to the Approve Posts section. When I tried to accept it, I received a 500 error modal. As soon as I re-opened the topic, I was able to approve the post and re-lock the thread.

If there any logs I can provide, please let me know. This bug report is not as verbose as I am happy with, but I hope I have given you enough to repro.

I would test myself but I couldn't find an up to date reference of the Discourse post schema. In short, this is what I expect would reproduce the problem:

  1. Create a topic, add a couple of posts and close
  2. Add an SQL insert post on the topic with an unapproved status on the post.
  3. Try and approve the post via the web interface.

Hope this helps


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Image's URL doesn't work on my website


@Jiaqi wrote:

Hi there,

I notice a problem on my website.

In the past, I used to use images from pixabay.com on my website by directly using the URL of the image, but today all the images disappear and I was informed that "No Hotlink".

I checked pixabay.com and it says "If you want to show Pixabay images on your website, please upload them to your server. Pixabay image URLs don't work on external sites."

Does any one of you know how can I let the URLs work on my website? I don't want to upload that one by one.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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Category images are not being served from CDN

Multi-site requirement


@Hammad_Abbasi wrote:

I am going to implement multi-site discourse using docker, Can someone share what should be the minimum configuration of my server to host 15-20 sites ?

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