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Issues in discourse's multi-site configuration


@Hammad_Abbasi wrote:

Hi ,

I have been trying to configure multi-site Discourse, I followed the guide https://meta.discourse.org/t/multisite-configuration-with-docker/14084

and configured two domains, Bootstrapping works without any issues however when i access site using second domain it loads first site ( I can't able to figure out why site-data is not separated )

(I noticed that multisite.yml is being referenced path: $home/config/multisite.yml but I haven't created one as host_names are defined in app.yml ) and i read somewhere that this file is optional ? Please confirm

My domains are like forums.xyz.com and forums.abc.com

any help on how to troubleshoot this problem would be appropriated. Thanks

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Discourse, gender, and online forums


@sujato wrote:

I'm running a Discourse forum on Buddhism, and we have noticed that there are few women participating. As the forum runner (and a bloke) I've tried to encourage women to participate, and ensured that the moderators were all women. However the disparity is still there.

I haven't analyzed numbers in detail, but it seems as if the disparity is both in people using the forum, and in willingness to participate.

Here at meta, it seems as if there's same issue, and as far as I know it's never been discussed.

The obvious culprit for such a disparity would be the very frequent, vicious, sexist attacks leveled at women participating in many online arenas. Even if this doesn't actually happen on a forum—and it hasn't happened on ours—it surely has a dampening affect.

Anyway, I was hoping that someone—especially women!—would have something to say about this, and maybe some suggestions for how to improve participation by women.

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Relation "scheduler_stats" does not exist


@rumpelsepp wrote:

Hey, I recently migrated a pre docker install to the official and blessed dockerball. It works fine, except these errors in the error log web ui:

Job exception: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR:  relation "scheduler_stats" does not exist
LINE 1: INSERT INTO "scheduler_stats" ("name", "hostname", "pid", "s...
: INSERT INTO "scheduler_stats" ("name", "hostname", "pid", "started_at", "live_slots_start") VALUES ('Jobs::ProcessBadgeBacklog', 'Ubuntu-1604-xenial-64-minimal-app
', 105, '2016-08-06 19:03:17.982147', 761057) RETURNING "id"

Job exception: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR:  relation "application_requests" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT "application_requests"."id" FROM "application_request...
: SELECT "application_requests"."id" FROM "application_requests" WHERE "application_requests"."date" = '2016-08-06' AND "application_requests"."req_type" = 0

How can I fix this? thanks!

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Meta bug: non-plural marked strings


@SafaAlfulaij wrote:

There are some strings in the translations files that are not marked as plural. This is a meta bug for them.
I'll list the string id's (named "Key" in Transifex), and update the topic whenever I find another strings.
I hope that when the fix is applied, you change "N" to "Y" in "Fix" column! :slight_smile:


client.en file:

| Fix | String
|  N  | js.flagging.delete_confirm
|  N  | js.flagging.custom_message.at_least
|  N  | js.flagging.custom_message.more
|  N  | js.flagging.custom_message.left
|  N  | js.posts_long
|  N  | js.likes_long
|  N  | js.views_long
|  N  | js.topic.auto_close_immediate
|  N  | js.topic.feature_topic.confirm_pin_globally
|  N  | js.post.more_links
|  N  | js.topic.filter_to
|  N  | admin_js.admin.user.tl3_requirements.table_title

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How do I quote someone?

Vultr and Mailgun instance not sending mails / plugins


@djcyry wrote:

Hello ,
I have installed the instance on a Vultr VPS (1 gb) ,then i have setup and verified my domain on mailgun and vultr dashboard , edited app.yml and rebuild .
Now my vps not sending emails (register,lost pass ,invitations etc)
I need to do any setup ?

Also i have install one plugin (disicourse solved) and doesnt show on dashboard-plugins .

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Select2 expand choices over composer in tagging group

Filling the profile setting in 3 segments -- request


@Pad_Pors wrote:

currently everything in the profile page of the user can be divided into 3 fields:

  1. personal cart/personal page: things that are shown up in the user cart and is somehow the way a user is being known for others.

  2. profile setting: user name, email, password, user interface language, ... ; things that are necessary to be filled, and are personal settings.

  3. feed setting: mailing list mode, watching or muting topics or people, ... ; things that help people make the content personal for themselves.

is there a good way to separately show these segments to user so that it'd be easier for him to fill it?

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SSO login & logout issues


@junaid_pk14 wrote:


We have rails application that is working as SSO provider and our forum is SSO consumer. Using Discourse forum available option we have successfully implemented followig flow

Case a)
1- User open forum site(www.new_forum.com).
2- User click on login button, user will be redirected to Rails Site(SSO provider), after verifying credentials rails site send user to forum site.
3- User can create / reply Post. It is working fine.

How can be implement following flows in context of https://meta.discourse.org/t/official-single-sign-on-for-discourse/13045

Case b)
1 - User login on our rails site.
2 - we want to automatically login him on the forum too as if he will have to click 'login' button after landing on forum page following link from our website.
3 - How can we implement this flow? I tried to sync sso using url (http://www.new_forum.com:3000/admin/users/sync_sso?sso=bm9uY2U9KysrKyZlbWFpbD1qdW5haWQubWFsaWslNDBjb25maXouY29tJmV4%0AdGVybmFsX2lkPTgyNTk5NA%3D%3D%0A&sig=f6a965124e7c172bd00825a50bb2ec653dd0443c858c9181e3cafec6691b4b08&api_username=junaid.malik&api_key=3ab5e2211dd548e4cda7daf13ca5edd643329d8f1e6498c0bcd1110e17152f1d) but its not working.

Case c)
1 - User logout from Rails site then how can we logout the user from forum.
2 - I tried url(http://www.new_forum.com:3000/admin/users/junaid.malik/log_out?sso=bm9uY2U9KysrKyZlbWFpbD1qdW5haWQubWFsaWslNDBjb25maXouY29tJmV4%0AdGVybmFsX2lkPTgyNTk5NA%3D%3D%0A&sig=f6a965124e7c172bd00825a50bb2ec653dd0443c858c9181e3cafec6691b4b08&api_username=junaid.malik&api_key=3ab5e2211dd548e4cda7daf13ca5edd643329d8f1e6498c0bcd1110e17152f1d) but its not working.


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Ritzy RTE Alternate Editor Compatibility?


@Auriel wrote:

WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor as a Discourse Plugin?
Uses custom editor surface and layout engine.
Modeled on Google Docs and includes collaborative editing support built-in from the ground up.

Ritzy RTE ReadMe
* Plugin-swap for CommonMark
* For standard communication
* Mathematic Notation
* Scientific Ideation

PS: I want to add a roles-based, admin controlled feature, that reveals or hides RTE functions based on utility. In other words, pretty fonts, colors, nd what have you, may be available for some creative activities, while remaining clear and uncluttered.for long-form chat for instance.

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How to hide the Create Topics notice?


@Mbond65 wrote:

We recently hid the "Create Topics Notice" (apologies if that isn't the correct name for it) message that appears at the top of the main container. We've hidden the message but the container still appears, is there anyway we can stop it from appearing?

The container we want to remove is highlighted in black below

Here's a link to our Discourse install: https://forums.dystopia-gaming.com


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How to get into nginx for a digitalocean 1-click setup?


@dylanh724 wrote:

I can't seem to install Nginx, but that's apparently because there already is a nginx running on port 80 in a docker.

But let's say I want to run more web apps on other ports - don't I need access to this docker? I can't install a nginx outside of the docker because it needs port 80 free.

Any suggestions?

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Where is the email that caused a user to be pending?


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

This may be a feature request, but for now I'm trying to figure out why I've got some users who are pending in some invite-only forums.

These are automated replies, of course, but I can't see the content to review it.

In the case of the postmark user, I also can't delete the user as Discourse says that user has a post.

I also see this frequently on another discourse of mine where the user gets an email at jdoe@old-domain.com and replies from their new address, jdoe@new-domain.com I'd like to see that reply so I can credit it to them, then handle their email change.

How can I see the emails that trapped these users?


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Is there a way to pull the most recent translations from Transifex?


@pmusaraj wrote:

Is there a way to do this?

I have been making changes to the Albanian translation, and it would be handy to be able to run a command and pull them on my running production site.

I tried doing the following:

cd /var/discourse
ruby script/pull_translations.rb

but I don't have ruby installed. Is it simply a question of getting ruby installed?

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Scrypt dependency for plugin


@moparisthebest wrote:

I am trying to add scrypt support for a plugin, and I can't seem to find the magical gem invocations to make discourse happy, these last 3 commits are what I tried so far:



gem 'scrypt', '3.0.1'

Well that won't compile, ffi-compiler not found, so I tried:

gem 'rake', '11.2.2'
gem 'ffi', '1.9.14'
gem 'ffi-compiler', '1.0.1'
gem 'scrypt', '3.0.1'

So now a different version of ffi is loaded already, so:

gem 'rake', '>= 11.2.2'
gem 'ffi', '>= 1.0.0'
gem 'ffi-compiler', '>= 1.0.0'
gem 'scrypt', '3.0.1'

Now it won't install scrypt for some reason, same for:

gem 'rake'
gem 'ffi'
gem 'ffi-compiler'
gem 'scrypt', '3.0.1'

I'm pulling my hair out, what simple thing am I doing wrong? :slight_smile:

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Internationalize B, I and A in the message composer toolbar


@meglio wrote:

Gotcha - I just realized that in Russian version of Microsoft Word, B (bold) actually says Ж (жирный - in Russian). That's probably another small thing that would improve on usability of the message composer.

Can this and other letters in the toolbar be made translatable?

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Merging two posts with a new "merge" feature does not update posts in place as expected


@meglio wrote:

After merging the two posts as on the following screenshot:

  1. One is marked as removed, which is expected.
  2. The second one is not auto-updated with the new, merged, content. The update can only be seen on page reload.

Hope it hasn't been reported elsewhere yet.

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For invisible messages, not all wrench menu items are accessible (supposedly CSS issue)


@meglio wrote:

The bottom 3 items in the menu area accessible and can be clicked by the mouse. However, the other ones can't be accessed and clicked because some content from the previous message in the topic is positioned on top (supposedly with higher z-index).

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Vagrant box 'discourse-16.04' takes ages (and fails) to load


@claas wrote:

Here's what I did:

git clone git@github.com:discourse/discourse.git
cd discourse
vagrant up

Even though this has worked before, it now takes ages to download the 'discourse-16.04' box (at only about 400k/s, as if Dropbox would throttle here) and 2/2 tries so far (one yesterday, one today) were interrupted after 45min or so. Is there any mirror available to obtain the vagrant box?

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"New Topic" doesn't show all categories due to Uncategorized changes


@salce048 wrote:

Hello everyone,

First time poster here. I'm having problems with discourse when users create new topics. The categories do not properly populate the category drop down. It only shows 2 categories (see image)

I've been having this issue for some time, and I'm not sure how to fix it. I have full admin rights, so any fix would be useful here. I have to manually recategorized topics in the time being which is a pain. Help!

Thank you everyone in advance.

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