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Links to this topic feature


@mbajur wrote:

I really like one feature github issues has - if someone posts a link to issue A in issue B, issue A has an "activity" entry between the comments saying that <username> mentioned that issue in <issue B name >.

That's a pretty common scenario for me even on that forum - when i'm searching for some feature/bug request and i'm finding the post/topic about it, last post in that thread is from, say, 2014 and i have no idea if that has been implemented or is on a roadmap. I don't know what's the status of that. If there were such "mentioned that topic" feature, all the mentions would be displayed (chronologically) under the most recent post in the thread (hopefully some mentions in Releases category) and i can easilly follow the process and what's going on with given feature.

That works pretty well on github, could also with discourse. What you guys think?

ps. sorry if that's implemented or such feature is created in here. I was not able to find it.

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I am not sure if I managed to install discourse-tagging plugin or not


@JimmyX wrote:

Should it show up in the plugins category of the admin panel? It is not there, but in settings I am able to allow users to tag posts. I see "tagging enabled" and "Allow users to tag topics?"

Is this it?

I see I can assign tags to topics, but not individual posts within the topic.

Are the tags part of a "topic" object within discourse?

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Modification when you hover over the topic

Wiki sync plugin


@Lapinot wrote:

Hi everyone, I had an idea of a simple plugin that I am going to write but I may need some help/advices.

The idea is just to sync up the posts in wiki mode with some external version control (a git server). This is really simple if there is a server-side discourse hook like after-edit-post or something similar but I can't find it. My use case is that I don't like CMSs but I need a collaboratively built website (kinda like a wiki) so I would like to have a automatically run static site generator on top of some git repo. The problem is that lots of people don't know how to use version control systems and that we already have a healthy discourse instance. This plugin would enable a very simple workflow: just post a a mesage in wiki mode and it will be committed (as well as any subsequent edit) to the git repository in some directory depending on the category. From there it can be used for automatic builds of the static site (or could maybe also be used by a gollum wiki or any other documentation system).

I don't think this kind of thing has already been developped and I am not very familiar with ruby so I couldn't really find my way in the source code. Does this sound good and would it be easy to implement?

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ActionView::Template::Error resulting in 500s after upgrade 1.5 -> 1.6.1


@pjv wrote:

I just upgraded a forum from v 1.5.3 to 1.6.1 and post the upgrade, I am getting 500 errors on trying to view certain topics. This forum is integrated with WordPress running the WP Discourse plugin (to which I am a code contributor), and the issue seems to be specifically associated with topics that are discussions of blog posts where the first comment in the topic is a summary excerpt of the blog post.

I only see the 500 error when trying to view the "top" of the topic. In other words, if the discourse URL ends with the topic ID, I'll get a 500 error. If it ends with a comment number after the topic ID, then it works fine.

Here is an example:

works: https://forum.breadtopia.com/t/whole-grain-sourdough/177/37

500 error: https://forum.breadtopia.com/t/whole-grain-sourdough/177

The error log is showing me this:

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `length' for nil:NilClass)
/var/www/discourse/lib/excerpt_parser.rb:122:in `characters'

Here is the full backtrace:

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File level backup recovery


@Mbond65 wrote:

I lost a disk that my discourse instance was running on in my ESXI host yesterday, luckily I have a file backup which I've restored to a fresh VM running discourse.

I'm having difficulty bringing the system back online, I'm trying to following this guide to retrieve a backup from the system: Advanced, manual method of manually creating and restoring Discourse backups

However when I run

sudo ./launcher enter app

Docker returns

/usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: error creating aufs mount to /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/de9d11f0fbed92d6c1 7d9e9b518dec3f6f75fe5c6775ce86a2c424fd7ddccb03-init: invalid argument.
See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.
Your Docker installation is not working correctly

Is there anyway to bring a discourse installation back online from a file backup?

Unfortunately I didn't use the web interface to create a backup prior to the disk failure.


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"Blur Spoiler" and "Hide Details" not found in Transifex


@rizka wrote:

I've been waiting for those two to appear in Transifex for a long time already. As a non-tech-person I can't say where the problem is, so I just report the issue.

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Cannot upload backup

Ignore auto-track settings if topic is in muted category


@Drew_Warwick wrote:

Our Discourse forum has a Lounge that I muted. Sometimes I'll go to the Lounge to read topics if the forum is having a slow day, but generally they're super low-quality posts and I don't like them showing up in my normal feed (which is why I muted the category). A problem arises when I enter these topics though because they're immediately set to tracked and now show up in "all categories".

I could increase the time it takes for topics to be tracked when I enter them, but that would interfere with topics in categories I haven't muted being tracked. It'd be great if topics in muted categories ignored the track settings and never automatically switched to tracked. I would still be able to manually track them if I wanted to keep current on updates to the topic.

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Any live examples of category-specific CSS styling?


@erlend_sh wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Category specific css:

Did you ever try this? I'd love to look at some live examples of category-specific styling. I think that's a pretty cool feature that is quite underused (in large part due to obscurity), and I'm wondering if there's anything more we could do to accommodate such a feature in our upcoming Native Themes:

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Identifying the latest page by path


@charleswalter wrote:

Hi. Back in May, someone provided the below code to help detect if the user was on the categories home screen. It has allowed me to display a custom header that only showed on the categories screen. However, I'd like to see if I can do something similar for the latest screen. (changing discovery-categories to discovery-latest did not do the trick). I'm assuming the latest screen can be identified with another path?

<script>var __route = require('discourse/routes/discovery-categories').default;
        activate: function() {
        deactivate: function() {

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"Invite" textbox should disable browser autocomplete


@barryvan wrote:

When you invite someone to a topic, the <input> allows browser autocompletion, but Discourse implements its own autocompletion. This means that when I type "fred", the browser might suggest "fred@fred.com", whilst Discourse suggests "winifred". Discourse is, of course, the one that I want to use, as it completes by username. :slight_smile:

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Setup/Admin Guide


@Paul_Dokken wrote:

I have installed Discourse on my intranet server here in Papua New Guinea (probably the first and only instance here). I am trying to figure out how to configure and personalize the site. I tried ADMIN-QUICK-START-GUIDE.md on github but all the links are broken.

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Does "bundle upgrade" break vagrant/discourse?


@JimmyX wrote:

I ran "bundle upgrade" within the vagrant/discourse virtual machine. I did this because I had trouble installing the tagging plugin, which it turned out is now incorporated in discourse. Now I have an error running "bundle exec rake db:migrate".

My question is whether I broke the bundle dependencies in the vagrant/discourse Gemfile.

I read that "db" is the namespace and "migrate" is the task. I will go find out what that means. I understand that the Gemfile in /vagrant specifies the versions of gems that work for discourse.

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Import wordpress posts to discourse?

Remove the comments of others on your topic

How to disable the 'embed_truncate' setting

Google Input Tools in Discourse


@Vikas_Dangi wrote:

My website in hindi and my visitors writes in hindi but english fonts. So google input tools is best way to automatically convert english fonts into hindi fonts.
It is like in this link

I have the code install it in new topic form or reply form, so I want to know how can I edit new topic form and reply form.

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How to create migration files?


@dachary wrote:

I would like to create a new table (to store the graph for vote delegation). Should I create a migration file similar to db/migrate/20120311170118_create_users.rb manually ? Or is it enough to update the == Schema Information at the end of the model file ? I naively tried that and run rake db:migrate but it did not work :wink:

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Inject patch in Docker Installation


@dorianamouroux wrote:

Hello there,

I'm trying to setup a single sign on system from my custom oauth2 provider.
I found this topic to overwrite the process after successful redirection : https://meta.discourse.org/t/disable-create-account-screen-for-cas-logins/11334/6
I'm using the docker installation, I don't know how to inject code inside the container, should I bundle this around a plugin and clone it in the after_code hooks ?

Thank you for your help,


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