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Delivering messages [] to client


@kgish wrote:

I'm trying to debug my plugin but the output is getting cluttered by a bunch of messages that look like this:

Delivering messages [] to client e4bd097558e54dcc8719aa68a4b5fc

Where does this come from, and how can I disable it?

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How to convert vBulletin 4 database to Discourse?


@Matheeus wrote:


I've a big board with a database of over 8GB size with vBulletin 4 and I'm evaluating to switch my forum to Discourse.

So, I'm trying to convert my vB4 db to Discourse: how to do this? I've noticed the script at this link https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/script/import_scripts/vbulletin.rb but I don't know how to execute it and what it needs.

Is there any guide about vB4->Discourse conversion?

(Actually, i've any experience with Ruby and Docker).

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What sets suppress_welcome_message for SSO logins


@eriko wrote:

So for some users login in via SSO they are getting the 'welcome_message' each time they login. I think that it has something to do with

What I can not figure out is what should be setting 'suppress_welcome_message' It is possible that I have something setup incorrectly about the accounts that is causing this but I can not see what controls the value of suppress_welcome_message

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Does civilized discourse entail tone policing?


@dfabulich wrote:

The company that runs Discourse is "Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc." One of the primary roles of Discourse is to help promote civilized discourse, especially as expressed in the default FAQ.

This is a Civilized Place for Public Discussion

Please treat this discussion forum with the same respect you would a public park. We, too, are a shared community resource — a place to share skills, knowledge and interests through ongoing conversation.

These are not hard and fast rules, merely aids to the human judgment of our community. Use these guidelines to keep this a clean, well-lighted place for civilized public discourse.

Lately I've been thinking about the concept of "tone policing," as expressed, for example, in this comic.

If you Google for tone policing you'll find a lot more discussions of this.

Here's another one, in text. http://tooyoungforthelivingdead.tumblr.com/tone-policing

Tone policing assumes that the oppressive act is not an act of aggression, when it very much is. The person who was oppressed by the action, suddenly is no longer a victim, but is “victimizing” the other person by calling them out. Now, I’m not saying it’s okay to be abusive, or oppressive in response to a person who fucks up. But anger is valid. Anger is valid, anger is important, anger brings social change, anger makes people listen, anger is threatening, and anger is passion. Anger is NOT counterproductive; being “nice” is counterproductive. Nobody was ever given rights by politely asking for them. Politeness is nothing but a set of behavioral expectations that is enforced upon marginalized people.

(emphasis theirs)

From time to time, folks on our Discourse forum have expressed pretty heated anger about discrimination, oppression, or other unfair BS they've experienced. Sometimes, as angry people tend to do, they hurt other people's feelings by expressing their anger. (And in at least some of those cases, the angry folks have later expressed regret about their choice of words, though certainly not in all cases.)

What's weird about the role of the moderator is that arguably the whole purpose of having a moderator is to moderate the tone of the discussion, even to "police" the tone. Online, some people are uncivil for no reason other than to be hurtful, and the role of a moderator and civility guidelines is to promote healthy discussion.

I optimistically think that moderators are usually more helpful than harmful. Moderators sometimes have to delete/ban some disgusting stuff that I feel no qualms about deleting.

But sometimes, I worry, that by requiring that the tone of our conversations remain civil, we're interfering with the expression of righteous anger which should hurt our feelings.

Please treat this discussion forum with the same respect you would a public park.

We do a lot of things in a public park; not just healthy conversation, but protests, even angry ones. A public park is often the canonical example of where we have to support the free-speech rights of people to make political remarks that sting.

I'm still working through what I think about all this. I feel like all of these ideas are coherent:

  1. Civility rules are inherently harmful, because they forbid marginalized people from productively expressing their anger.
  2. Tone policing is what we do; if this prevents marginalized people from expressing righteous anger, that's not our problem. They can go find another space (an actual public park) to protest angrily.
  3. The role of the civility rules is to forbid assholes, but to allow righteous anger; we'll have to use our best judgment to distinguish them. (Perhaps the guidelines should say more to clarify this, and help distinguish the cases?)

What do y'all think?

P.S. I recognize that this thread runs some risk of becoming a political discussion in itself. For example, some of the articles I've linked are from feminist resources, and you might have opinions you'd like to share about feminism, content warnings, or political correctness. That's not what this thread is about. There are uncivil marginalized voices across the political spectrum, left and right. Maybe you think some of those voices should be marginalized, but this is not the thread to discuss which of those are which!

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New category permission - cannot see


@jomaxro wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Suspend as way to expire membership:

After suggesting to another user that instead of suspending a user they could put them in a group and change category permissions. I recently came across my own use case for this, where I needed to add some users to my instance and only give them access to one category. It does not seem like there is an easy way to do so, without modifying the permissions for every other category, and putting all other users in their own group. Having the ability to say that membership in a group prevents viewing of a category would be very useful.

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Lack of spaces in title prevents topic from being created

Nginx and Discourse is redirect looping with SSL


@Semaphorism wrote:

I have Discourse on port 5001 (HTTP), and 5002 (HTTPS), but the problem is that its redirect looping, also known as ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS on Chrome.

My Nginx configuration, with SSL. I got this configuration from DigitalOcean, specifically this article
I changed the SSL certificates, as well as the domain, and the port that I use. The configuration is using Lets Encrypt.

(I replaced the real domain with example.com)

server {
        listen 80;
        server_name example.com;
        return 301 https://example.com$request_uri;
server {
        listen 443 ssl spdy;
        server_name example.com;
        ssl_certificate *****;
        ssl_certificate_key *****;
        ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
        location / {
                proxy_pass      http://example.com:5001/;
                proxy_read_timeout      90;
                proxy_redirect  http://example.com:5001/ https://example.com;

Help appreciated, I am not sure if I should enable SSL on discourse or not, but I would assume so.

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XenForo Import Failing (config/application.rb:2)


@Padraig wrote:

Hi everyone.

Just got Discourse set up and now I am attempting to import my content from my XenForo Database

Follow this guide, I get to Step 11 - https://meta.discourse.org/t/importing-xenforo-to-discourse/45232

You are set to go now, run the importer:
bundle exec script/import_scripts/xenforo.rb

and I get the following:

root@titan-app:/var/www/discourse > RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec ruby script/import_scripts/xenforo.rb
/var/www/discourse/config/application.rb:2:in `require': cannot load such file -- rails/all (LoadError)
        from /var/www/discourse/config/application.rb:2:in `<top (required)>'
        from /var/www/discourse/config/environment.rb:2:in `require'
        from /var/www/discourse/config/environment.rb:2:in `<top (required)>'
        from /var/www/discourse/script/import_scripts/base.rb:14:in `require_relative'
        from /var/www/discourse/script/import_scripts/base.rb:14:in `<top (required)>'
        from script/import_scripts/xenforo.rb:3:in `require'
        from script/import_scripts/xenforo.rb:3:in `<main>'

It looks to be the same error as this thread: https://meta.discourse.org/t/error-trying-to-start-import-process-xenforo-to-discourse/43258 but it devolves into nothing.

Can anyone shed some light as to what I might be doing wrong or is there any issue with the import script for XF?

Kind regards,

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Sort columns on group members page


@LeoMcA wrote:

It should be possible to sort by column on the members page of a group, to see the most recently active users (or the opposite) in the group.

Would a PR be welcome for this feature?

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Twitter Card image meta uses relative URL


@DanielMarquard wrote:

Since I began using Discourse, the Twitter Card image meta URL has always used relative URLs for topics with uploaded images. I think Facebook can handle relative image URLs, but Twitter does not seem to like them, so no image is displayed in tweets.

I've been working around this by using absolute URLs for images in posts, which worked up until last week. Now, even if the post uses the absolute URL, the image's relative URL is still used in the Twitter Card image meta tag. Like in this topic, for example.

I've tried setting DISCOURSE_CDN_URL, which didn't seem to affect this tag. DISCOURSE_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT is set because we're running in a subdir. If I remember correctly, when I tried changing this is to be an absolute URL, it broke the URL structure for many links.

Any idea how to address this?

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Polls should automatically switch to results on page load if user has already voted


@Drew_Warwick wrote:

We have a big poll going on in our Discourse forum and votes will likely keep rolling in for a couple days. After re-checking the thread around 10 times, I started to notice something with the poll. Even though I had already voted, the poll was prompting me to enter my votes again instead of showing me the results.

Chances are, if I've already voted on a poll I want to see the results instead of change my vote, so it's better ux to show the results by default for users who've already voted.

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Excluding criteria in search


@jesselperry wrote:

I searched (pun) around and couldn't find it, but is there a way to exclude options from the criteria when searching? For example including -@jesselperry to remove any posts by me from the search results, or -#feature to not include any results from the feature category?

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Twitter Embed Video Not Displayed


@charles wrote:

Visiting a tweet there is an option to use 'embed video' but when pasting code inside post it doesn't show fully.

Here's what it looks like using the twitter embed code

What am I doing wrong?

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Only start post visible on closed forum


@PatrickH wrote:

Is it possibble to make the opening post visible, but the answers are not. Would be especially nifty if this option could be choosen bij the topic starter.

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Sending email from a plugin


@kgish wrote:

I'd like to send out a notification email whenever a given topic with a certain category is closed. So far I I have the following event handler defined:

DiscourseEvent.on(:topic_status_updated) do |topic_id, status, enabled|
  # Send email notification when status == 'closed'

What is the proper way to do this? Do I need to define my own ApplicationMailer in my plugin apps/mailer sub-directory or can I just make a call through Discourse?

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[PAID] Retrieve the twitter profile picture


@CamilleBesse wrote:


What would you like done?

In my next discourse project, users will only register/login via twitter connect. I need to add the ability to retrieve the twitter profile picture when people register/login via this twitter connect.

When do you need it done?


What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?


Thank you in advance

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The "Hide Details" function seems to fail for no reason


@1101010 wrote:


We've just started using your forums for Drowned in Sound and the results are good, but there's a maddening issue around the special feature to do 'Hide Details'. Where you click to show stuff.

I mean using this:


Some stuff I'm hiding

It'll look fine in the preview but when you post it's not right. You can quote the post and the code is fine.


and there's a link in there from use Japes to a whole thread where he can't seem to make the hide details work.

Anyway, has anyone else spotted this or know why it might be?

Thanks in advance

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Image in banner topic


@helperhaps wrote:

My Discourse version is v1.6 stable

In my local discourse, it is not install under docker. I run it with rails s. I uploaded a random image. And changed its width from 690 to 100% to make it look more better as a banner.

Then make it banner. It works just well.

BUT when i do the same thing in docker env, It changed

I have no idea what to do with it, but who can tell me what happened and what to do with it

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Accessing Facebook account specific details for Discourse user


@chitale_prasad wrote:

I have configured Facebook and Google for SSO. My users are able to login to discourse using her Facebook or Google account. I will now like to access Facebook/Google account details of the created discourse user such as Unique Id, name , email received from Facebook or Google.

I accessed user details using users/username.json. However I am not able to find anything in the JSON which is saying that the user was created from Google or Facebook and more details about the same.

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General Discourse tweaks and features


@avantronica wrote:

Hi there

I'm excusing myself one post to introduce myself whilst potentially then asking a few questions that may have been tackled before .. something i'd be quick to point out as a Mod on another forum using Discourse ; )

The issue as a Mod (Trust Level 3 iirc) with some access to administration toys is that we don't exactly know what's feasible for those with access to more toys. The issue there being that the proprietors and staff of the organisation are much less active than the user-community and moderators, so we don't get to frequently chat .. thus coming here, direct to the horse's mouth.

As moderators there's often a lot of stuff to keep tabs on, such as new users selling things (potential scammers, it happens !) - we frequently use the tools on the user admin pages (which I'll not disclose here as it's perhaps our only lesser known tool) to verify some claims about a seller e.g. ... This side of monitoring new users is rather manual, is this something that can be flagged in a more automated way using a feature we haven't OT can't see. Plus, on that general axis of looking out for the honest majority of a community are there other tools or techniques that are there to be enabled .. perhaps we need to filter out all but the most determined by advocating minimum time and minimum post-count type exclusions .. something we have loosely discussed with the site admins ?

On a separate issue altogether .. the emojis are something I was passionately against using, but I've warmed to (some of) them and I genuinely see the benefit of using some emoji synth as pictorial instructions .. very useful and saves a 1000 words !

So, I see that the site admins have implemented their own 'extra' emojis - i'd like to suggest or even just tender some more to them to facilitate this pictorial use case .. i.e. make some which more accurately(graphically) represent their product elements so an answer can be presented pictorially

Can someone spell out what the format of these elements are natively (transparency ?) so that if those can be rustled up, it's perhaps just a case of implementing or dropping them in ... if these were to form a new category, would it be trivial to implement (remember, I cannot implement, I can only advocate and do prep perhaps)

It reminds me that it would be handy (a FR unless it's possible) if the emoji palette could be retained when you want to enter a succession of pictorial elements

I notice some of yours are animated (gifs?), is this possible elsewhere too ?

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