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Link user field type


@LeoMcA wrote:

@tobiaseigen has a usecase with custom fields where he's importing the name of an organisation, and a url, via sso, and wants to display it as a link with the name linking to the url. I can't imagine user fields of this type - a url and a name - are a want unique to him.

It would seem sensible to me to add a new user field of the type Link, which accepts a name and url, and displays the name linking to the url.

No custom user field currently has two input boxes (at least, not that I'm aware of), and so I'm not sure what the most eloquent solution would be for this. I wonder if it might be to make the Link field type literally link other fields together. So, you'd have a form something like this:

There has been some similar discussion before:

However this only works with one supplying some sort of username, and a base url common to all of the values of the field (which we don't have here)

Also this:

However, the about me field doesn't allow easy adding of links via sso

Would a PR be welcome?

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SVG corruption on download of local images


@Matthew_Gaudet wrote:

On our install, we ran into an issue where Download local images seems to have corrupted the image it downloads.

The link was ![Stitch](//discourse-meta.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/original/3X/8/1/81e9eb62cec07de1173808a99b656c569596ffb6.svg)

I can try hotlinking the image here to see if it reproduces on meta:


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Possibility to configure SiteSetting.notification_email from env variable

Custom email footers in mailing list mode


@brianmcdonald wrote:

Hi all,

I am using discourse in mailing list mode at http://comms.southsudanngoforum.org/ to email users content when posted in the various categories.

In these emails I want to include a footer. *n the past I have included a footer though settings in sendgrid but the issue with this is it includes the footer in all emails, including signup emails etc.

I tried to insert a custom footer into emails of new posts by using the customize > email template > and customizing 'user posted' , however this does not appear to customize the emails of posts that are sent to users.

Am I doing something wrong? Choosing the wrong email template to customize?
I'd be very grateful for some advice.


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External Links not opening in new tab


@james-007 wrote:

Despite using this option

User Preferences: "default other external links in new tab: Open external links in a new tab by default."

My links are stil opened in the same tab. Am I missing something or is it a bug?


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Bump topic after last post edit limits


@mbajur wrote:


i have a problem with "topic bumping" feature of my discourse instance. One of our users uses that feature to bump topics in which he posted as a last person but no one answered him.

That's irritating for everyone but on the other hand, i can't kick him out off the forum cause he's (in theory) not doing anything wrong. He just changes few words or typos. The kind of user who writes some crappy formatted content really fast and edits it later for several times. Just to communicate his thoughts fast and revisit them later when everyone knows what he's thinking about the given topic.

  1. I can't tell him to stop editing his topics cause all he does is fixing typos, that's actually a good thing.
  2. He's not insulting anyone nor spaming nor anything like that. It's just a pretty clever way of forcing everyone to check his posts again and again. But we don't have any evidence that he's doing it on purpose (it's basically just about fixing typos...)
  3. I don't want to set edit time limit to some low value cause that would impact all the users

Given it all, i'm looking for an automated solution of dealing with such behaviour (he's not the only one who uses topic bumping this way). Discourse has a lot of features and settings and maybe i don't know about some? :slight_smile:

Most obvious way of dealing with that would be to be able to set a edits count limit based on trust level but that's still not ideal solution.

Thanks in advance, any ideas or tips much appreciated! :slight_smile:

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Last IP address and action_dispatch.trusted_proxies


@dorian_kind wrote:

I'm experiencing the problem that all of our users have as last IP address. This issue was previously discussed here, here and here, and all of these threads contain valuable input, but I still cannot get it to work.

Our setup is an internal Discourse installation (Docker) behind an internal SSL-proxy. All our users also access Discourse from our internal network (directly or via VPN).

When I tcpdump a packet from Discourse's nginx to the Rails app, I see the following:

GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: <our discourse host>
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
Connection: close
Cache-Control: max-age=0

This is correct as the SSL proxy is and the client's IP address is

Now the way I understand that the responsible middleware in Rails works is that it removes all IPs from the X-Forwarded-For list that seem to be proxies. The default list TRUSTED_PROXIES includes all private IP network ranges, thus leaving no IP left and going with as the default (because of REMOTE_ADDR coming from Discourse's nginx).

I have modified config/application.rb to include

config.action_dispatch.trusted_proxies = %w( { |proxy| IPAddr.new(proxy) }

and restarted the docker container. This seems to have the desired effect at first. When I run a Rails console inside the app, I see the following:

rails c production
Loading production environment (Rails 4.2.7)
irb(main):001:0> app.get '/'
Started GET "/" for at 2016-09-13 17:45:09 +0000
Processing by CategoriesController#index as HTML
Redirected to http://www.example.com/login
Filter chain halted as :redirect_to_login_if_required rendered or redirected
Completed 302 Found in 68ms (ActiveRecord: 13.0ms)
=> 302
irb(main):002:0> app.request.env['action_dispatch.remote_ip'].instance_variable_get :@proxies
=> [#<IPAddr: IPv4:>, #<IPAddr: IPv4:>]

So it seems that the RemoteIp middleware now uses the right IP addresses as a proxy list.

However, I still only see as last IP address for our users. Don't really know what else to do—if anyone can shed some light on the behavior, I'd appreciate it.

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Mixed language display problem


@HAWK wrote:

I have a user that went to Greece last week and ever since he returned, parts of Discourse are still displaying in Greek. He's apparently cleared his cache and this is persisting across all browsers.

Has anyone experienced anything similar? Any suggestions for resolving it?

Example screenshot:

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Boolean site settings undefined


@kgish wrote:

For some weird reason, certain site settings are coming out as undefined where I use the following call from within my plugin:

var siteSettings = api.container.lookup('site-settings:main');
console.log(siteSettings.myplugin_popup_permalink); // => undefined!

I've checked and double-checked (and even triple-checked) the syntax in my setting.yml file and everything looks just fine.

    default: false
    client: false

Is there something obvious that I've overlooked or a known bug for this?

Thanks in advance for the help.

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Criteria to ensure Discourse instance will work as a Chrome webapp on mobile


@auryn_macmillan wrote:

I have a few of instances of Discourse running for different projects. They are pretty much identical, other than a couple of minor CSS differences, but are behaving differently when I try to use the "Add to homescreen" option on chrome for android. The majority work without a hitch (imitating a native app; splash screen, no URL bar, etc), however two instances seem to simply put a shortcut on the homescreen and open up in a new tab in chrome.

Are there any specific criteria that I might have neglected to set up in the two misbehaving that might be causing this? (I've tested it across a couple of devices, so I'm confident I'm not the only one experiencing it).

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Is discourse working on ArchLinux now?


@bek wrote:


Is there anyone who tested Discourse on Archlinux nowadays? I just like ArchLinux. There is no unnecessary packages installed by default. So I want to install discourse on it. But I don't want to reset my current system so I need to verify if it is working or not.. Any idea?

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How many megabytes for meta.discourse backups?


@bek wrote:


Can any authorized member tell us how many megabayt that meta.discourse backups is? I just want to know how much does it take for 15.3k topic and 211.7k posts.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Can we have a point system? Or do we have to use plugin?


@Jiaqi wrote:

Hello everyone, I'm looking for your help :slight_smile:

I want to have a point system on my website but don't know how.

I know we have a badge system that could show users some rewards and trust level but that's not want I want. I want to show the actual number of points they have.\

For example,
sign in 1 day and you get 1 point.
Make 1 new post, you get 5 points.
Make 1 comment under other's post, you get 2 points.
Share 1 post to your social media, you get 1 point.

stuff like above......

I checked lots of messages on Discourse meta but unfortunately I couldn't find the answer. Some people suggest to create a plugin to achieve this, and some people suggest to do more research on Badge system but no one actually gave an answer.

So, to achieve this point system, do I need to create a plugin? Or is there any alternative way to do?

Thank you in advance for you kind help :grinning:

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Error 500 when editing the "closed topic" post


@barryvan wrote:

I just closed a topic, but meant to post a message explaining why before. I figured I'd edit the "closed topic" post to do so -- but when I hit "save", I received an error 500. It does seem to have persisted my changes, though.

Looking through the logs, I think that the relevant entry is:

ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique (PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "unique_post_links"
DETAIL:  Key (topic_id, post_id, url)=(60, 791, /c/17-q-a) already exists.
: INSERT INTO "topic_links" ("post_id", "user_id", "topic_id", "url", "domain", "internal", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (791, 1, 60, '/c/17-q-a', 'community.seqta.com.au', 't', '2016-09-14 05:25:43.149457', '2016-09-14 05:25:43.149457') RETURNING "id")
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/rack-mini-profiler-0.10.1/lib/patches/db/pg.rb:93:in `exec'

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Getting information from the database


@Novice wrote:

I am creating a plugin which requires the number of reads from a user's posts. Is there a better way to do it than querying the database directly from the plugin?

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If there any chance to patch #category mentions to use not category SLUG but non-English category name on non-engl forums


@Denis_Didkovsky wrote:

@tgxworld If there any chance to patch #category mentions to use not category SLUG but category name (non-English category name on non-engl forums).

Example: this is mention #Календарь (Russian category Calendar) -> subsidized with SLUG and seen as #Calendar , not local category name.

many thanks

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How to restrict who can upload profile background?


@bek wrote:


Is it possible to restrict who who can upload profile background? For example I want to only tl3 users can upload it, others not. Is there a such a option for accommodate this?

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Oh god my BACKUP!!!


@DanteZii wrote:

How do I download Discourse 1.6
Because now is the Discourses 1.6.1
I can not restore a backup

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Discourse 1.7.0.beta4 - Problems due to removal of fixed zoom [Safari / iPhone]


@ChrisBeach wrote:

I upgraded my Discourse instance recently to the latest code, and have noticed that I can now zoom in mobile Safari. I also upgraded to iOS10, so it may relate to an iOS change and not a Discourse change.

This wouldn't be a problem in itself, but I'm finding that Discourse is now regularly showing a subtly wrong zoom level, which truncates content on the right-hand side of the UI. Very problematic. Not all users will know to zoom out again.

This wrong zoom problem occurs when opening a compose window and then persists until I zoom manually back out again:

It's affecting meta.discourse.org too.

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Ability to add tags when moving post to new topic


@TechnoBear wrote:

When moving a post from an existing topic into a new topic, it would be useful to be able to choose tags for the new topic at the same time as choosing its category. At the moment, it requires editing the new topic to add them later.

Not a big deal, but it would be a handy facility to have.

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