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Multiple reply/post buffers?


sati wrote:

Apologies if this has been discussed previously but I couldn't find any reference to it..

Anyway I was looking at NodeBB and noticed that they have multiple buffers in tabs for replying and posting. Is this on the roadmap for Discourse or has it been previously discussed and discarded?
I think it is good that you can continue to browse discussions whilst typing a reply, but in the event that a user is typing a long and detail reply to one topic, whilst browsing around they may stumble or be notified of another topic that they want to type a short reply to. However currently in Discourse you would need to either hurry up and finish your post or copy and paste your long, under construction reply to a temporary buffer like Notepad. Although the latter is a trivial matter, it would still be more fluid to have separate tabs for each reply/post.
Combined with Discourse's syncing of replies to user accounts this would be a great benefit..

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Bundler doesn't install local gems


megas wrote:

After merging new version of discourse I have an error:

executing "cd -- /home/deploy/discourse/releases/20140311233905 && RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets env RBENV_ROOT=\"/home/deploy/.rbenv\" PATH=\"/home/deploy/.rbenv/shims:/home/deploy/.rbenv/bin:$PATH\" RBENV_VERSION=\"2.0.0-p353\" /home/deploy/.rbenv/bin/rbenv exec bundle exec rake assets:precompile"
    servers: ["li670-74.members.linode.com"]
    [li670-74.members.linode.com] executing command
 ** [out :: li670-74.members.linode.com] rake aborted!
 ** [out :: li670-74.members.linode.com] undefined method `rails4?' for #<Discourse::Application:0x007f8ed58a6db0>

The method "rails4?" is defined in local gem which placed at vendor/gems/rails_multisite

So I assumed that bundler doesn't install gems from vendor/gems folder.

I've tried settings in capistrano recipe deploy.rb with path to vendor/gems:

set :bundle_flags, "--deployment --quiet --binstubs --path vendor/gems"

But it didn't help. How to resolve this problem? Thanks

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Documentation Request: HTTPS on Discourse/Docker


Nick Caldwell wrote:

So I had big plans to tinker with my little test setup on Digital Ocean to force Discourse to serve purely with SSL, but I must admit defeat, mainly due to a bit of an energy deficit at this point. But I'd like to get my install usable and secure for more people, so I'd really like a step-by-step guide on enabling SSL in a Docker install.

There are already tutorials on setting up a self-signed cert on a DO Ubuntu droplet, so that stage could be readily duplicated or just pointed to. Maybe something on non-self-signed certs would be useful too.

I figure it's mostly a case of altering one of the yml config files, but it's the whole "do a regex to find a bit of a config file to override" part that spooks me a bit.

Hope this isn't unreasonable, but it's probably the only serious sticking point with Discourse on Docker right now.

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POP3 polling stopped? How to verify and resolve?


Michael Downey wrote:

Hi there. It seems like POP3 polling has stopped for some reason -- e-mails in my designated mail account are not being read/processed/deleted. Is there any way I can verify this? There's nothing in the "Logs" section of the admin UI to look at. Finally, how does one go about getting it going again?

FWIW, I'm using the Docker-on-DigitalOcean install.

Thanks in advance!

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How to change the base url?

Topic List design experiments


awesome robot wrote:

I've been looking into ways to make Discourse look a little cleaner if I have a few spare minutes here and there, so I figured I'd document it and see if anything stands out to anyone...

Tried a few things here... changed the new asterisk to "new" text, giving each topic a few more px of vertical padding, making categories a consistent width (dictated by the longest category)

Does the header need a box-shadow? Do the user buttons need outlines? Do topic titles have to be blue?

I've seen some reference to NodeBB as looking more "modern" in this thread... is there anything specific (visually) that makes you feel that way as a user?

I've been looking at Discourse for over a year now, so some fresh opinions can be nice.

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Sad asdasdad ewrfwer thwie rhwehir wer


Faiq Adam wrote:

sad asdasd asdasd easd sad
as asd sadqw erwq rdf asf asd asweqr weqrsad asdbi uqwui euiqwe

----------as dasdasd


asdasd asdasdasd

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Heroku buildpack-env-arg no longer works


akshatpradhan wrote:

I'm deploying discussion to heroku, and executing line 13 give's this error:

➜  compliance_chimp_discussion git:(master) heroku labs:enable buildpack-env-arg
 !    No such feature: buildpack-env-arg

Heroku help file

Wat do?

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Topics still marked 'new' after visits (ignoring preferences)


Sander Datema wrote:

In my peferences I have Discourse (Meta) set to only display a topic as new if it was posted since my last visit. However, since a few days these topics start piling up. The oldest 'new' topic is 5 days old now.

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Is the error message when creating/editing a topic title misleading?


Hoist wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Can't create very short topic titles, get "try to be a little more descriptive":

In the post that i branched this post off the OP @watchmanmonitor asked why he couldn't edit a topic title among other things. He was trying to change a topic name to "Announcements" (13 characters long) but he couldn't.
The error message stated:

Which in the context above was misleading. The usage of announcements posts are well established on forums and most user would have prior experience with them, thus the topic name would be descriptive enough. @watchmanmonitor solved this by experimenting and naming it "Announcements from Watchman Monitoring" which isn't better or more descriptive(since posts already have the info on who created them), IMO the error message failed.

So how did it fail?
It provided an error message inferring that the topic title was not descriptive enough when it in fact was descriptive enough in the applicable context. The real reason was that the topic character length was to small, his topic was 13 characters long but the default limit is 15 characters.

I suggested that the error message be something like this:

Title is too short, it must contain [min_topic_title_length] characters to be valid.

To which @codinghorror responded

And i agree very much so. But the error message is still misleading in the context presented and could very well be in other contexts as well. Telling the user to be more descriptive is very vague, maybe intentionally so? IMO its akin to telling a painter he should put more paint on his painting to make it better.
Note that the first 2 times(default setting) that you create a post you get a help message telling you

Does the title accurately describe your topic? Does it sound interesting?
What if you answer both these questions with a yes and the character length of the title is still below the 15 character limit(or whatever the admin sets it to) and then you get an error message stating that your title is not descriptive enough, i'd imagine the user would be frustrated at the apparent arbitrariness of this.

What not to do?
Include the explicit rules of topic creation in the error message and/or help message.
Change the topic name creation rules.

What to do?
Change the error message to be helpful in more contexts and minimize the chance for the error message being misleading. The error message should be short, concise and helpful. It is already short and concise but only helpful in the right context. How do we change it to be helpful in more contexts without giving instructions on how to bypass it without thinking and still keep it short and concise?

Here is a suggestion that hopefully would jolt a user into thinking about the title. Could definitely be improved and it's a bit too long though. Anyone else have suggestions, improvements or thoughts about this? Maybe you could add a link to the forum FAQ in this error message where more inspiration on creating good titles could be found.
Also an option for admins/moderators to bypass the character length restriction could be present.

Your title is invalid since it is not good enough.
Read your topic out loud to yourself, does it make sense, does it describe your post?
Use adjectives for you nouns if it clarifies.
Phrase your title like you would a real sentence as a statement or a question, if that helps.
[OK button]
[Button only visible to admins/mods: Post anyways]

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"unexpected token at 'BAD CSRF'" when updating email


Roberto_Pezzali wrote:

I have this error when I try to update a user email through api.

client.update_email("pippopippo", "batman@example.com")
DiscourseApi::Error: 399: unexpected token at ''BAD CSRF']'

Any solution to update a user email? I must implement app -> discourse one way user sync and I can create a user but I cannot update a user email.

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L'offre gratuite?

YtLight: a lightweight YouTube Oneboxer


Claus Strasburger wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Brand new plugin interface:

So I made this plugin. It's working fairly well in development, but I haven't had time to deploy it on my production instance yet.

Basically this replaces the generic whitelist oneboxer for youtube.com and youtu.be with simple image embeds. Those images get a play button, so users know it's a video. Once they click the image, the actual youtube player is loaded.
This is especially useful if you have topics with massive amounts of YouTube-Links, because loading those takes some time and crashes some older boxes -- with this plugin, no more!

How it looks:

The code: https://gist.github.com/cfstras/8824566


rake plugin:install repo=https://gist.github.com/8824566.git name=ytlight
rake assets:precompile
rake posts:rebake # this will take a long time.
# now restart your services

Note that you can omit the post rebaking, this will cause only new posts to use the light embed.

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Ability to "paste" an image into the compose form


Bill Ayakatubby wrote:

I can get the paste-to-insert function for images to work in Chrome 26 (dev) but not in Firefox 18, IE 9, Opera 12.5 (I know, it's not on the list...), or Safari 5. Bug in Discourse? Cool (very epically awesome) feature of Chrome?

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Chatty Topic by CSS


Sebastien Miquerolle wrote:


I want to do a "chatty" topic to replace my old phpbb chatbox, but I want to keep all mecanism of Discourse (Reply as new topic, show reply inline, quote, etc...)

To do that, I can just play with the CSS (remove some extra stuff, less padding, etc..):

Chatty Topic:

Normal Topic:

Actually is not possible because the status of a topic is only the icon, no specific css class on the container. (example: If I want to use the invisible status to make a chatty topic, I don't have any "topic-invisible" css class to apply a specific css).

Do you think is it possible to create a new topic status in a plugin and add a css class in <section class="topic-area topic-chatty" ... ?

For my case, I just want a unique chatty topic, so maybe I can add an id to the section like <section class="topic-area" id="topic-30" data-topic-id="30" ... and apply my css only on the #topic-30.

Any advice would be helpful.

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Docker error on Bootstrap


Dan Rye wrote:

I've tried an install a few times, double and triple checking things along the way, but I'm getting the following when I try to bootstrap. I assume I'm just missing something basic

./launcher bootstrap app
Warning: '-rm' is deprecated, it will be removed soon. See usage.
Warning: '-rm' is deprecated, it will be removed soon. See usage.
Calculated ENV:
Warning: '-rm' is deprecated, it will be removed soon. See usage.
Warning: '-rm' is deprecated, it will be removed soon. See usage.
Warning: '-rm' is deprecated, it will be removed soon. See usage.

Usage: docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]

Run a command in a new container

  -P, --publish-all=false: Publish all exposed ports to the host interfaces
  -a, --attach=[]: Attach to stdin, stdout or stderr.
  -c, --cpu-shares=0: CPU shares (relative weight)
  --cidfile="": Write the container ID to the file
  -d, --detach=false: Detached mode: Run container in the background, print new container id
  --dns=[]: Set custom dns servers
  -e, --env=[]: Set environment variables
  --entrypoint="": Overwrite the default entrypoint of the image
  --expose=[]: Expose a port from the container without publishing it to your host
  -h, --hostname="": Container host name
  -i, --interactive=false: Keep stdin open even if not attached
  --link=[]: Add link to another container (name:alias)
  --lxc-conf=[]: Add custom lxc options -lxc-conf="lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus = 0,1"
  -m, --memory="": Memory limit (format: <number><optional unit>, where unit = b, k, m or g)
  -n, --networking=true: Enable networking for this container
  --name="": Assign a name to the container
  -p, --publish=[]: Publish a container's port to the host (format: ip:hostPort:containerPort | ip::containerPort | hostPort:containerPort) (use 'docker port' to see the actual mapping)
  --privileged=false: Give extended privileges to this container
  --rm=false: Automatically remove the container when it exits (incompatible with -d)
  --sig-proxy=true: Proxify all received signal to the process (even in non-tty mode)
  -t, --tty=false: Allocate a pseudo-tty
  -u, --user="": Username or UID
  -v, --volume=[]: Bind mount a volume (e.g. from the host: -v /host:/container, from docker: -v /container)
  --volumes-from=[]: Mount volumes from the specified container(s)
  -w, --workdir="": Working directory inside the container
cat: cids/app_boostrap.cid: No such file or directory


Remove one or more containers

  -f, --force=false: Force removal of running container
  -l, --link=false: Remove the specified link and not the underlying container
  -v, --volumes=false: Remove the volumes associated to the container

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Query about Discourse features


Joel Rosi Schwartz wrote:


I am looking for forum software that meets all or most of the feature requirements listed below. I would very much appreciate if you could tell me which of these Discourse supports OOTB and for those that are not supported if it would be possible to add the feature.

1	Auto refresh of forum page when Topics are added or modified. To be clear, the user should not have to refresh the browser window to see new content. Unread content should be clearly indicated.
2	It should be possible to see each topic in a thread view. As “threading” views are implemented differently in various forums please see <https://community.jivesoftware.com/thread/259086> for an example of how I desire it.
3	A WYSIWYG editor for posts.
4	The ability to embed multimedia within a post.
5	The ability to attach files to a post.
6	Group as well as individual permissions.
7	Support for tags. Preferably tags should be available from a canonical list on a forum by forum basis.
8	Search facility based on both text and tags.
9	Ability to watch both forums and topics.
10	Ability to archive old posts.
11	API for integration to other software, f.i. a knowledge base.

Many thanks in advance for your consideration.

All the best,

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Feedback: Improved topic summary mode


Jeff Atwood wrote:

Every forum has the TL;DR problem of regularly generating topics that have 100, 200, 500, or even a thousand posts. Who the heck is going to read all 500+ posts in a giant topic?

We had a "best of" mode for topics that was designed to address this, to give you the reader's digest condensed version of long topics by algorithmically picking the "best" posts in a topic and hiding the other posts.

But it was not really complete. We went back and made a major pass on this to improve it. You'll notice at the top of long topics (we define long as more than 50 posts) an invitation to summarize the topic:

There are 180 replies with an estimated read time of 54 minutes. Save reading time by displaying only the most relevant replies?

Summarize This Topic


  • renamed it from "best of" to "topic summary" to better reflect what it does

  • shows estimated reading time of the topic so you know how much time you might be saving; the post count doesn't always tell the full story. Does the topic consist of one line posts, or giant thousand word essays?

  • show the number of omitted posts as clickable bars directly in-line between the posts, rather than as an easily missable bar at the bottom of the page; you can expand the omitted posts on demand so you never feel like you are missing out on anything

  • the in-line omitted post counts are better "you are in a summary mode for this topic" reminder, which we also use when filtering by user (click a user portrait in the left gutter to fillter by user.)

Please take a look at it and tell us what you think of the new, improved topic summary mode.

Just look for topics that have more than 50 posts (remember, you can sort the topic list columns now) and enter at the top of the topic, not the bottom, by clicking the first post date in the topic list.

We want Discourse to turn a world of endless TL;DR forums into ... places you can can actually dip your toes in and read without quitting your job to become a full-time forum addict!

Here's an example topic from BBS linked in summary mode, try this one out and see what you think:



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Can't use embedded tweets


Batou wrote:

Hello everybody,
I just installed Discourse with Bitnami stack on a tiny Digital Ocean Droplet but I can't see embedded tweets in posts like in the Discourse testing forum.

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Looking for example topic that contains all (or most) embed types


Joshua Poehls wrote:

Does anyone know of a good example topic that I can link to for showing off the various embed types that Discourse supports? e.g. tweets, images, gifs, videos, etc.

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