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The Official Discourse Slack Plugin


@Nick wrote:

A few months ago we began the development of an official Dicourse <-> Slack integration. It's currently in its early stages but will continue to be built upon as a suite for having Slack and Discourse exchange information in a useful way. This post is a bit late but as development will continue on the plugin, centralizing discussion is a good idea.

Current Features

Cross-Posting From Discourse to Slack

The plugin allows you to specify filters categories in which new topics should be posted to specified slack channels. This can be controlled through the slash command below or the filter page at /admin/plugins/slack

Control of Filters Through Slash-Command

The plugin allows the user to control the above filters and other settings from a slash command specified by a slack team.

Rich Formatting

Topics cross-posted to Slack are prettified

Installation and Contribution

The official repo for the project is here:

Instructions for installation without the slash-command can be found here:

Instructions for installing the slash command on Slack are available here:

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Is the a feature/plugin that allows you to pull in a Twitter feed?

Oneboxing xkcd?


@thiagoarrais wrote:

Would there be interest in oneboxing xkcd? I don't know if XKCD supports oEmbed or whatever, but I'm willing to try a PR if there is interest.

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Discourse Foundation Resources for Beginning Plugin Developers


@Mittineague wrote:

I recently received a Message from a member interested in writing a plugin for Discourse.

A problem for this member is, that although enthusiastic about Discourse, they are not well versed in Ruby.

I have seen many posts here of members with similar type problems.

That is, a member with a different background of programming experience comes to Discourse with little to no experience with the basics of a particular discipline.

To a large extent I have lost the ability to see the programming landscape from the eyes of a beginner and usually go to documentation. But I imagine there must be other sites that someone could go to

So other than this list, what suggestions could you make for someone that wanted to start from square one in getting up to speed in writing Discourse code?






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SSO 500 Error: Failed to create or lookup user: no implicit conversion of Array into String


@Michael_Wransky wrote:

We have been experiencing a persistent but elusive bug for some of our forum users. The bug prevents users from accessing the forums and only gives them the lovely: "There is a problem with your account. Please contact the site's administrator". Needless to say, our users get very frustrated with this.

Here is a sample env:

hostname	tiefighter32-udacity
process_id	13943
application_version	3af5b19002d921e5d9c8c0ac2b0b2ec01f682703
HTTP_HOST	discussions.udacity.com
REQUEST_URI	/session/sso_login?sso=dXNlcm5hbWU9YW5hXzUzNDExNDYyNzUxNjkxNzYmbm9uY2U9NzYzY2EwNjZkMjQ4MjVhNzk0YTRl%0AM2M1YTkzZDFlYTEmZXh0ZXJuYWxfaWQ9NDM0MTAzNzUxNiZuYW1lPWFuYV81MzQxMTQ2Mjc1MTY5%0AMTc2JmVtYWlsPW1pbnR5c3RhdGUyMDEyJTQwZ21haWwuY29t%0A&sig=17665547f99255a7f3aae98de90eddf54eb4bf5b43da17d482bb441467efa6a6
HTTP_USER_AGENT	Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.143 Safari/537.36
HTTP_ACCEPT	text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
sso	dXNlcm5hbWU9YW5hXzUzNDExNDYyNzUxNjkxNzYmbm9uY2U9NzYzY2EwNjZkMjQ4MjVhNzk0YTRl M2M1YTkzZDFlYTEmZXh0ZXJu
sig	17665547f99255a7f3aae98de90eddf54eb4bf5b43da17d482bb441467efa6a6

Following the backtrace the issue appears to be here:

/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.3.0/logger.rb:507:in `error'
/var/www/discourse/app/controllers/session_controller.rb:148:in `rescue in sso_login'
/var/www/discourse/app/controllers/session_controller.rb:95:in `sso_login'

Looking at those files in the discourse repos doesn't make it clear but I am wondering if the error is being thrown because a to_s or to_url is being called on an array and if a .first needs to be called to avoid the error.

Like I stated above this has been a persistent and annoying error for our users so a fix would be greatly appreciated!

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Advanced Search UI


@cpradio wrote:

Advanced Search was primarily a hidden power user feature and as such it didn't have a user friendly UI. Today it has one.

Whenever anyone lands on the full page search, they can now expand the Advanced Search options and filter their search results using a much cleaner and easier UI.

Search results can be filtered by

  • a specific user
  • a specific category
  • users that belong to a particular group
  • users that have a specific badge
  • topics that contain the following tags
  • posts that I liked
  • topics I posted in
  • topics I'm watching or tracking
  • posts that are in my messages
  • posts and topics that I bookmarked
  • limited to the first post in a topic
  • topics that are open, closed, or archived
  • topics that have zero replies
  • topics that contain a single user
  • posts that were posted before or after a given date or number of days ago
  • topics that have a minimum number of replies

As the search options are filled out, search terms are auto-completed to assure users they're typing in terms that the system will recognise.

So give it a shot!

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Why the notification level for a «category definition» topic is «Tracking» instead of «Watching» for its creator?


@dmitry_fedyuk wrote:

A category definition topic: https://mage2.pro/t/980
I see at the bottom:

You will receive notifications because you posted a reply to this topic.

Another (ordinary) topic in the same category: https://mage2.pro/t/900
I see an the bottom:

You will receive notifications because you created this topic.

Both these topics are created by me. I have not changed its notification levels.
Why the notification level is «Tracking» for the first topic (a category definition topic) and «Watching» for the second one (an ordinary topic)? Should not it be «Watching» for the first topic?

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Is any possibility to check the «Include content from new users in summary emails» option by default for all users?

The browser's «Back» button is broken after the «Show watched topics» link has been clicked


@dmitry_fedyuk wrote:

Step 1.

A user click the «Show watched topics» link on its own profle page:

Step 2.

Discourse redirects him to a page with the topics he is watching (right).

The user clicks the browser's «Back» button.

Step 3.

Discourse redirects him to a wrong page (Discourse should redirect him to his profile page instead).

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Open new topic composer in a separate window


@barryvan wrote:

On the forum I maintain, I regularly post details of upcoming releases of our software. All of these follow the same pattern and structure. In the absence of post templates (which I think would be overkill), my process is to open an existing topic in one window, and a composer in another. To do this currently means I have to:

  1. Open a new browser window.
  2. Type or copy-paste the forum URL, or click a bookmark.
  3. Click the "new topic" button.
  4. (Generally) drag the composer up to full height.

I know that there's the ability to craft a URL for this:

and I could set up a bookmark that I could then middle-click for a new tab or shift-click for a new window, but that's not immediately intuitive.

Is it feasible to make the "new topic" button open the composer in a new tab when it is clicked with a modifier key?

(On a side note, I think it's totally correct that the "reply" button isn't a link, as it's completely contextual, but the "new topic" button could, I think, be a link -- semantically at least -- as it's a separate action you're undertaking. I do, of course, understand why it behaves the way it does in the context of Discourse's design -- so not necessarily suggesting that it be changed!)

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Is any possibility to automatically make the topic's notification level as «Watching» instead of «Tracking» for a user who have posted a reply to this topic?


@dmitry_fedyuk wrote:

When a user posts a reply to a topic, his notification level is automatically changed to the «Tracking» value.
When another user posts a reply to the same topic, the first user does not receive any notification.
So, is a possibility to automatically make the topic's notification level as «Watching» instead of «Tracking» for a user who have posted a reply to this topic?

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Users approved via SSO Plugin are showing as pending - and cannot be approved


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

I'm using the SAML SSO plugin now, and it's great, but I seem to have a new issue recently. My discourse is a standard docker and is up to date.

If I go to the pending user list /admin/users/list/pending I see a number of users "pending review". However:

Staff must approve all new user accounts before they are allowed to access the site. WARNING: enabling this for a live site will revoke access for existing non-staff users!

is no longer checked (it used to be before sso)

The users are are receiving email & can browse the site, even to the private Categories which they are granted access to via SSO.

1- The Pending tab doesn't show in admin (the page was my bookmark from when I needed to check this daily) , so does this even matter?

2- Is there some other setting to check to troubleshoot this?

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Which setting(s) would prevent Discourse from emailing an old user?

Chinese searching is broken

Per-topic hints in Message Composer


@meglio wrote:

Some topics may have rules or some other generic topic-related information, which people would like to reference and re-read time to time.

The proposition is to allow per-topic hints - a short text, preferably expandable to a popup with longer text, where admins/mods/topic owners would put e.g. explanatory things about the topic, rules, expected behavior, information formation recommendation etc.

Example mockup:

An relevant menu item can be added to e.g. a topic wrench. Once clicked, a dialog is shown with 3 fields:

  • Short message (with a {{more}} macro which will get replaced by a link to open a dialog with the long version of the text)
  • Long message
  • On/Off switcher (to be able to switch it off without deleting the texts)

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I cannot locate the key: staff_category_description

Invites compatibility with SSO


@vinothkannans wrote:

First of all I am not requesting for Invites feature which is currently not compatible when SSO enabled. I just got a thought to have Invites feature working even if SSO enabled. So am just sharing it and looking for others view.

As per @codinghorror's above post the problem with invite feature is it will bypass the parent site authentication methods when we use SSO.

Here instead of activating new user's invitation on discourse itself can we send it to parent site as sso payload?

Currently parent sites are returning external id, username, email address, etc.. in payload to discourse with original nonce. With this same mechanism can discourse send invited email address to parent site with nonce when a new user accept the signup invitation? So the parent site can decide whether activate the user instantly using only email address or requesting user to compete more signup steps.

After all parent site should return the user fields with original nonce to discourse as always.

I don't know how much it is possible. If you have questions with my thought please feel free to ask.

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Discourse Sidebar Blocks


@pmusaraj wrote:

This plugin shows a list of blocks as a sidebar on all discovery list pages (latest, new, unread, categories but not on the single topic page). The available blocks at this point (Oct. 12 2016) are the following:

  • multiple category posts (6 items max per category)
  • latest replies (5 items)
  • a custom html block

Blocks can be ordered in the plugin settings. Speaking of which, there are these settings under Admin > Settings > Plugins:

  • sidebar enable enables the display of the sidebar
  • sidebar block order is a list of "tags" that can include category slugs, latest_replies for the replies block and custom_html for the custom HTML content
  • sidebar custom content where you can enter arbitrary HTML content to show on the sidebar

The plugins works on desktop only, and there are no plans to add it to the mobile view. You can see a real like site with the plugin at peshkupauje.com (an Albanian community blog/forum) where it's working quite well alongside the Topic List Previews and the Links Category plugins.

Upcoming features

I would like to add the following features to the plugin:

  • auto-refresh content in sidebar blocks, like in main column
  • performance improvements

If anybody has any ideas on how to add the auto-refresh feature, please let me know.

Repository: https://github.com/pmusaraj/discourse-sidebar-blocks


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Master branch giving blank page for dev


@AhmadF.Cheema wrote:

Have been using developer vagrant installation of Discourse (as detailed in Discourse as Your First Rails App), but recently I have been getting a completely blank page on browsing to localhost:4000 for the master branch of discourse. The F12 errors, Chrome is throwing out, are the following:

Uncaught Error: Could not find module discourse/lib/raw-handlebars
Uncaught Error: Could not find module `discourse/widgets/post-cooked` imported from `discourse/lib/plugin-api`
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'startRouting' of undefined (ember:3477 )

The relevant actions that I performed on my system since the last time the dev installation was working correctly were:

  • Using an updated version of rubygems v2.2.5
  • At some point I noticed getting the "Migrations are pending bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development" error on localhost:4000. Tried the solution mentioned here, after which I started getting the blank page.
  • Installed (and later uninstalled) PostgreSQL-9.6.0 on Windows.

The previous branches (like stable (23rd September)) works fine. What could be the issue here?

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Troubleshooting "Unprocessable Entity" error in email


@Hammad_Abbasi wrote:


I have been trying to troubleshoot emails but the log file contains insufficient information

Sent mail to xxx@xxxx.com (5476.3ms)
[discourse_instance3] Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 5507ms (Views: 0.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)

How can i get the exception that is being thrown ? (production_errors.log is empty. )

Please advise. Thanks

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