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Cross Platform Search?


@RyanK wrote:

Is it possible to setup Search across both Discourse forum and a Zendesk knowledge base?

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Who's Online Plugin


@David_Taylor wrote:

Discourse Who's Online Plugin

I've created a fairly basic plugin which displays a list of users currently active on the site:

Users are considered "online" when they've been active in the last 5 minutes (configurable from the admin panel). The plugin uses the MessageBus to keep up-to-date, using messages from a Sidekiq job run every 1 minute on the server.

This is my first attempt at Ember/Ruby development so any suggestions for improvements to the code structure are more than welcome.

The interface currently won't scale well for large communities, and I don't know how much load the sidekiq job will put the server under, so use with caution!

How to Install a Plugin

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Subcategories with same name and same tag group break


@GSeven wrote:

I've literally been on this for 3 days, and it's been driving me crazy, but i think i've nailed it down

Cat > Sub Cat > Tag Group
Restaurants > London > Chelsea,Wembley,Wimbledon etc
Cinemas > London > Chelsea,Wembley,Wimbledon etc

If a sub category has the same name and tag group as one from another category, topics don't appear in one of the categories when you filter.


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Admin account activation email not sent; possible JSON parse error


@purldator wrote:

I have repeatedly installed, removed, re-installed Discourse, and I come up with the same error regarding email activation.

Yes, I troubleshoot already.

Logs show no errors.

$ tail shared/standalone/log/rails/production.log

Processing by ExceptionsController#not_found as */*
  Rendered exceptions/not_found.html.erb within layouts/no_ember (4.7ms)
  Rendered layouts/_head.html.erb (0.3ms)
  Rendered common/_special_font_face.html.erb (0.2ms)
  Rendered common/_discourse_stylesheet.html.erb (0.1ms)
  Rendered application/_header.html.erb (0.2ms)
  Rendered text template (0.0ms)
Completed 404 Not Found in 20ms (Views: 0.3ms | ActiveRecord: 6.5ms)

Sent mail to yautweh@gmail.com (1137.3ms)

That ms readout worries me.

My smtp port is open and connectable. I did the telnet test; it worked.

Sparkpost did have an error for me earlier, which no longer registers. Sparkpost receives nothing now.

550 5.6.0 JSON parsing error in {hash}: continue at offset 0

My email is also correctly stated in app.yml 'as requested with single quotes'. No yml errors either from random whitespaces.

SMTP address, username and password fields are correct. SPF and DKIM records are set up and active/validated. The hostname is also correct.

Everything is "correct" except the if -> then outcome.

No emails are sent.

Thank you for your time.

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Notifications got stuck a week ago


@carlokok wrote:

Seems my notifications got stuck for a week or so (all of them, email, discourse and browser). I have no idea what caused this (could be the browser notifications plugin, coud be anything), but is there something I can monitor daily to see if notifications are still processed?

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Locales: Latest 0 missing from locale?


@Silvanus wrote:

I18n::InvalidPluralizationData (translation data {:one=>"Tuoreimmat (1)"} can not be used with :count => 0) /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/i18n-0.7.0/lib/i18n/backend/pluralization.r

I'm getting this error in my logs. I take it it means that there's Latest (Tuoreimmat, fi-locale) for 1 and 1+, but not for 0, even though the title should still be shown?

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Hide '+ New Topic' button from home screen


@irshad_discource wrote:

How can I hide the '+ New Topic' button hide from home screen only as it is already there in category pages. Please help me with css/html so that I can put in customize admin section.

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Hosting Discourse - a few questions


@Giacomo_Lawrance wrote:

Hi there!

I'm looking to host Discourse by pulling it off the Github. Just a few questions:

  1. I don't have a Linux machine, is one required?
  2. Is there a website that lets me host it for free by just uploading the Git contents? Like a website that has a free domain: example.website.com

Thank you!

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Bookmarks in the scroll bar


@Silvanus wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Being a Heretic aka Going Back to Pagination?:

I wonder if it would be possible to have some kind of "page marks" be visible on the vertical scroll bar on the right? Or maybe simply bookmarks? A mock up is seen below:

Of course because there are not enough room for all bookmarks (may happen!) the vertical bar could be divided into, say, 5 chunks and display the latest bookmark in each chunk. When the slider would be on top of the chunk, the bookmark would become invisible.

Main functionality would be to click the bookmark or the text and jump to the bookmarked message.

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Hangs during upgrade


@Pirat wrote:

Hangs during upgrade


Bundle complete! 99 Gemfile dependencies, 177 gems now installed.
Gems in the group development were not installed.
Bundled gems are installed into ./vendor/bundle.
$ bundle exec rake multisite:migrate

if you can rollback the update will error
502 Bad Gateway

Constantly have to use ssh

./launcher rebuild app

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Discourse sends email to a customer about his account automatic holding (because of his suspicious first post on the forum), but does not send an email when the post and account are approved

Transparent header

Vote for Discourse on Sandstorm.io


@kaktux wrote:

Sandstorm is an open source project for an easy-to-use personal cloud.
It comes with some kind of "app-store" - and also a list where you can vote for apps.

As discourse is already on that list i wanted to make aware of that list.

So: if you like discourse and think sandstorm.io is an interesting project - you should create an account there (needed for voting) and give discourse (and your other favourite open source projects) you vote.


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Missing refresh of preview area with add-on


@danieln wrote:

The preview area on the right gets automatically updated when typing in a new post. However, it does not get updated when the text gets modified by a browser add-on that directly changes the DOM. This is unfortunate, as it seems to be the preview area which gets actually posted.

The concrete use case I'm looking at is using the add-ons of my style and grammar checker (https://languagetool.org). It opens a popup and users can accept its suggestions, but due to the way Discourse behaves, the change will not end up in the preview until the user manually enters more text. Is this something that could be fixed?

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Postgres data structure


@Alavi1412 wrote:

Hi.how can I connect to postgres database and see the structure and tables in ubuntu terminal.I want to write a plugin but I don't khow the database structures

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Checkbox for 'Check all' in category


@DoMiN8ToR wrote:

I've just tried to delete/move about 100 threads from a category and I had to select them all one by one. It would be very useful to have a 'check all' checkbox that automatically checks all checkboxes in front of the threads.

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Maximum backups setting no longer enforced


@DeanMarkTaylor wrote:

A custom setting for "maximum backups" is no longer enforced.

It now appears a default of 7 is being applied.

Note that the setting for "maximum backups" is set to 1:

This setting has not been changed, I've checked the "Staff Actions" log to confirm.

Here is a list of current backups:

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Discourse-moderator-attention plugin "discourse/helpers/fa-icon" JavaScript Error


@DeanMarkTaylor wrote:

I currently use the discourse-moderator-attention and have noted the following JavaScript error can be seen in the console when loading the latest topic list page:

Uncaught Error: Could not find module `discourse/helpers/fa-icon` imported from `discourse/plugins/discourse-moderator-attention/discourse/initializers/extend-for-moderator-attention`

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Manual backup options


@needhelp wrote:

Hi All, can someone tell me how can I generate a manual backup for my forum?

In the past when I was on a php based forum, I would normally access either CPanel or MyphpAdmin to export a backup. I am using Discoursehosting and was told such options are no longer relevant for Discourse.

So right now all I know is to login to my discourse forum as ADMIN, then go to SETTINGS / BACKUP.

Is this the ONLY way to generate a backup under discourse?

I know my host does regular backups but as an added security I would like to generate my own backup as well on a regular basis. Wonder if ADMIN / SETTINGS / BACKUP is the only way to create my own backup.


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Sidekiq kicking it


@TyIsI wrote:

Over the past few days, we've encountered multiple issues with email not being sent from our Discourse install, which now seems to relate back to sidekiq not running. Restarting the container fixed the problems previously, but today I remembered to check /sidekiq, which stated that it was paused.


rails c

This fixed it. I'm assuming that sidekiq ended up being paused over the past few days.

Any suggestions?

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