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Pgsql-9.1 No such file or directory


@Ehsan_Gholami wrote:

hi i use

CentOS release 6.8 (Final)

i use THIS guide from digitalocean to install discourse

in installation i install pgsql-9.6 and now when i want to run
bundle install --deployment
show me this error

Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

/home/discourse/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p648/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20161119-10988-nqqoxr.rb extconf.rb --with-pgsql-lib=/usr/pgsql-9.1/lib
Using config values from /usr/pgsql-9.1/bin/pg_config
sh: /usr/pgsql-9.1/bin/pg_config: No such file or directory
sh: /usr/pgsql-9.1/bin/pg_config: No such file or directory
checking for libpq-fe.h... no
Can't find the 'libpq-fe.h header
*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary
libraries and/or headers.  Check the mkmf.log file for more details.  You may
need configuration options.

Provided configuration options:

extconf failed, exit code 1

Gem files will remain installed in /var/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/pg-0.19.0 for inspection.
Results logged to /var/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/extensions/x86_64-linux/2.0.0/pg-0.19.0/gem_make.out

An error occurred while installing pg (0.19.0), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install pg -v '0.19.0'` succeeds before bundling.

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Seemingly inaccurate topic activity stats on clean install


@purldator wrote:

Just noticed this on my new Discourse instance; within the admin panel's brief table of activity stats.

My installation has zero topics and posts beyond the defaults. I be going through the setup still.

These count under the All column, so I am posting this concern to ease my wariness regarding my future grand totals to accumulate shortly when I go live.

Thank you for you time and attention.

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When editing badge updated parameters are not visible after saving


@Overgrow wrote:

I was really confused that something is wrong but now realized that it is just a bug... I'm using Badges from admin panel to edit SQL, description and settings of Badge.

When I click Save it gets saved and parameters hold OK. But when I switch into another badge from left list and back to this badge, parameters are old (like Save didn't happen).

I have to switch to another section of admin panel and then back to Badges, then select badge from left menu to see changed Badge parameters.

It was one of my first experiences with Discourse and I was so confused at first that I've spent about an hour trying to realize why it is not saving, and I ended up using direct access to postgres to update badges ! :weary:

I am on very late master v1.7.0.beta7 +239

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"composer was opened without a default key"


@Aman_Jagga wrote:

Preconditions -
* Categories should be the default home
* Device should be phone

Environment used for testing -
* Android device
* Google chrome
* Sign in with google
* Discourse version - v1.7.0.beta7 +89

When I move from categories to latest and then click on new topic button I am getting this error "composer was opened without a default key"

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Why I didn't get email notifications?

Is there a quote After "DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME: " in app.yml?


@saluzi wrote:

Which of the following format is correct in app.yml ? A quotation mark, a no. Thanks

## TODO: The domain name this Discourse instance will respond to

  1. DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME: 'discourse.example.com'

  2. DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME: discourse.example.com

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How to reopen ApplicationRoute


@vinothkannans wrote:

I also wanted the same functionality for my plugin to reopen ApplicationRoute. But it always fail with error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'reopen' of undefined(…)(anonymous function) @ javascripts/custom_auth:1(anonymous function) @ plugin-third-party.js:7. Can anyone help me what is wrong in it.

Also I installed the above mentioned hummingbird plugin in my development env. That one also not working :frowning: (javascript part)

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Flagging use / abuse scenario


@ampburner wrote:

This is a question to admins of discourse sites, and developers of discourse:
I have a long-time user on my forum who has a tendency to attract and/or enter into heated debates.


Untill now I have been dealing with individual incidents and flags on a case-by-case basis.
The user does not always explictly break the forum rules in big ways, so usually that results in minor reprimands ("agree with flag, hide post").

I admit I have not personally given the case a lot of attention (being involved in all those discussions takes time)

I also get complaints from people who think he (and others) intentionally "flags opponents out of spite".

I have always hoped or assumed that in the long run, the discourse system would sort of magically constrain the user based on "bad reputation over time".
Looking back, I'm not so sure I understand the flagging system fully, or that I understand how it is supposed to be used.

I was wondering What do you think of the numbers that I have shared?
Do you think they are normal? excessive? do they say anything at all?

How would you deal with this user, and how do you think the Discourse flagging system is supposed to handle users like this one.

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How to get subcategories from category object


@kgish wrote:

In my plugin route, I access the list of categories as follows:

model: function(params) {
    var store_url = Ember.get('Discourse.SiteSettings.annotator_store_url');
    return ajax(`/categories.json`).then((data) => {
        return data.category_list.categories;

This object contains subcategory_ids as an array of integers. How can I then access these objects as well?

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All admin strings are gone after rebuild with plugin

Public accounts


@zombieslayer124 wrote:

On our forums we represent LBSG a minecraft pocket edition server. Since people use fake emails to register to our servers, beside from that, most of the time it means they do not have an email. I can of course activate their accounts manually. But I had the idea of creating a public account. Don't ask me why but the account is:
Username: public_account
Password: microwave
"Trust level locked on new user"
Well the thing is, when a user logs into that, they could potentially delete it. And how can I make it so it's undeletable?

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Unknown Error - logging in on new Discourse installation


@Jacob2 wrote:

I recently got a droplet from DigitalOcean to host a forum using Discourse, I had no idea how to set up SMTP, so I decided to activate my admin account via console. I did so, and tried logging in, but couldn't. I get an error saying "Unknown error".

Here is an image that could help resolve:

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Duplicate a category and it's contents, possible?


@GSeven wrote:

Hello, i hope everyone is well.

I'm still setting up my site and currently have 5 categories, that each contain contain 52 sub-categories and 1360 tags.

Is there a way to duplicate a category and it's contents, including tags and just change the category name?

i read this

and it seems i could export a category to another Discourse instance.

Could i then change the category's name and import it back into the original Discourse instance? or does it not work like that?

also, can you export tags as it doesn't mention them in the original how-to.

or does anybody know another way?

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Missing "Options Gear-Wheel" when creating a Topic


@LuckyLuke wrote:

I just discovered a strange behavior in one of my Discourse instances.
The "Options Gear-Wheel" wheel is missing within the "Create a new Topic" section.

Missing "Options Gear-Wheel"

How is should look like

I have no idea what might be the reason for that.

Some facts about both instances: Both are on v1.7.0.beta7
(The instance where everything is working fine is on v1.7.0.beta7+199, the one with the bug is on v1.7.0.beta7+193)

This is a comparison of all installed plugins:

Left side = Bugy instance / Right side = Working fine

I'm gratefull for any help. Thx :slight_smile:

@cpradio This bug prevents users from using your awesome poll UI. Maybe you can have a look into this as well?

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S3 backup error logs?


@dandv wrote:

Is there a way to test that S3 backups are actually working, on demand (i.e. not by waiting for the backup to occur given its configured frequency, because I know that won't be working)?

I don't see any errors at /admin/backups/logs, but my S3 bucket shows only one backup from February, even though I'm pretty darn sure I had automatic backups set up and checked they were working.

Due to this incorrect S3 config I'm trying to debug, I'm also running into this issue (despite the fix):

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How to separate groups of categories into section


@mhwebee wrote:

Let say I want to create a forum for three types of topics, for example, Apple, Android, and Windows.
Is there any way to separate the group of categories?

This is how I want the homepage to look like:

Site announcements
== subcategory

Windows forums
Windows 10 tutorials
== subcategory = Anniversary Update
Windows 10 News

Android forums
Android tutorials
== subcategory = nougat
Android news

Apple forums
Apple tutorials
== subcategory = macos
Apple news

I know that you can change the parent category, but I just want to separate the groups here. Thanks,

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How do I set category tracking level defaults historically


@sam wrote:

Discourse allows you to specify

default categories watching
default categories tracking
default categories watching
default categories watching first post

In site settings.

These setting apply to all new accounts created after the setting is added.

Sometimes, you may decide to make the change historically and apply it to all old accounts. At the moment there is no UI to apply this so you have to crack open a rails console.

If you are a hosted customer contact us and we will sort it out.

If you self-host try the following:

Say you want to set default categories watching first post on all accounts to point to a category.

  • Step 0, make sure you have a backup

Run a backup via the UI, if you mess something up you may want to restore to it.

  • Step 1, find the category id

./launcher enter app
rails c
% Category.where("name='my category name').id
=> 666
  • Step 2, find the desired notification_level

muted: 0
regular: 1
tracking: 2
watching: 3
watching_first_post: 4
  • Step 3, run a query to backfill changes

Say I want to set categories watching first post to on a certain category, I look up per step one and find it is 5.

INSERT INTO category_users(category_id, user_id, notification_level)
SELECT  5, u.id, 4
FROM users u
LEFT JOIN category_users cu ON cu.category_id = 5 AND
    cu.user_id = u.id
WHERE cu.user_id IS NULL

The above query sets it on all users that do not have an explicit default for the category already set, this means you can re-run it if needed.

You can run the SQL via

./launcher enter app
rails c
% User.exec_sql("INSERT INTO category_users(category_id, user_id, notification_level) SELECT 5, u.id, 4 FROM users u LEFT JOIN category_users cu ON cu.category_id = 5 AND cu.user_id = u.id WHERE cu.user_id IS NULL")

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Simplified badge management for new and existing users


@barryvan wrote:

I've found that in-person conferences and workshops are a great way to build up community membership by personal invitations. For those who attend such conferences and workshops, I've been manually granting badges rewarding them. This works well enough for existing forum members, but once I have to start manually awarding ~300 badges one at a time, it'll be a different story. The flow is particularly awkward for new members. Taking everything into account, my current workflow is:

  1. Get the list of email addresses for all attendees.
  2. Use the search box on the "Users" page to check who's already a member.
  3. For existing members, grant them the appropriate "attendee" badge, and remove them from my list.
  4. Bulk invite the remaining people using the list.
  5. As people accept the invitation, grant them the appropriate "attendee" badge.

As you can see, this process is really quite labour-intensive.

To alleviate these issues, I'd like to propose two features:

1. Bulk badge management

Or, more generally, bulk user actions.

The essence of this is that you need to a) select a list of people, and then b) perform some action on them. I'll focus just on badges; to my mind, this could look something like this:

If you want to play along at home, you can run this snippet

[...document.querySelectorAll('tr.user > td:nth-child(1)')].forEach(el => {
	let checked = Math.random() > 0.4;

	el.innerHTML = '<input type="checkbox"' + (checked ? ' checked' : '') + ' style="vertical-align: middle;margin:0 8px 0 0;"/>' + el.innerHTML;
	if (checked) {
		el.parentNode.style.background = '#25b3fd';
		el.parentNode.style.color = '#fff';
		[...el.parentNode.querySelectorAll('a')].forEach(a => a.style.color = '#fff');

You'll see that each user now has a checkbox alongside their avatar, and there's a button labelled "With selected". This button should only show when selections are made, and the checkboxes should follow the normal Discourse conventions of only being shown when you click a "select" toggle in the table header.

The "with selected" button is a drop-down menu, with options that include (for example)

  • Grant badge
  • Block
  • Suspend
  • Others?

When "Grant badge" is clicked, a modal dialog should be shown which allows you to select a badge from the drop-down list as normal. When the "OK" or "Save" button is pressed, the badge is granted. If it can only be granted once, then it is not re-granted to those who already have it. In this scenario, it is not possible to link the badge to a particular post as a reason.

When "block" or "suspend" is clicked, a confirmation dialog is shown before the action is performed.

2. (Invited) user tags

To make it easy to grant badges to new users, it needs to be straightforward to find them. (I had originally considered some way of "pre-badging" users during invitation, but I think that that's probably less generally useful.)

To this end, I propose that "tags" be added to users. These tags would only be visible to administrators, and would show up in user lists, and could be used for filtering. This would mean that not only could you find users who deserve a specific badge and award it, but you could also quickly build "watchlists" of potentially problematic users, or quickly find people in a particular state or country, for example.

These tags would be editable on the user management page -- exactly as groups are. It would furthermore be necessary to add these tags to invited users during the invitation process -- but I would suggest only for bulk invitations. The bulk invitation popup would then let you not only upload a file, but also select a tag or set of tags to be applied to the users.

Hopefully this all makes sense! I know that these changes would make a big difference to my workflow in Discourse, and my hope is that these changes are sufficiently generally useful to warrant development and inclusion in the base Discourse install.

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What should password field be?


@adam_beers wrote:

When using the create user API call with Google Sign-In, what should the password field be when sending the POST command? The Google Sign-In doesn't actually return a password, so what should be used?

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Rename "s3 disable cleanup"?


@dandv wrote:

Back in February, I've set up automatic daily backups on S3, and made sure they worked.

Today I noticed that my server had too many local backups and was running out of space, despite a fix for that behavior submitted in Sep 2015. Needless to say, my Discourse version had been updated many times since Sep 2015.

Is it possible that not having "s3 disable cleanup" checked, might result in Discourse over-deleting backups from S3? (UPDATE: It's also possible that daily backups just weren't uploaded to S3 to begin with).

Speaking of logical contortion above, can we rename that option to "Clean up old backups on S3 as well"?

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