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Non-Latin Language search issues


Leung Aaron wrote:

Now the Chinese search function fails to work completely. I had tested from a previous built from Bitnami, and the search works well, but now in the and even the version, it is completely broken , and I could just only search by english keywords.

There is also one issue that I am very concerned about : Will there be compatibility problems if I backup from an older version, than restore to a newer version? I tried to restore from a backup file after upgraded to , but it seems to fail to restore successfully.

Please have a look in these matters, thanks!

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Mail notifications have a weird order


Kane York wrote:

If you recieve multiple notification emails for the same topic, the emails end up looking like this:

Previous Replies:




Previous Replies:

That's a weird order. I think that if there has already been an email sent for this topic, the Previous Replies should go first in the email, in chronological order.

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Accessibility software and discourse


eriko wrote:

I spent some time trying to use the site with both JAWS (in a recent version of IE) and on a Mac in Chrome. The results were not particularly good. Has there been any work on this since the messages last year?

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Notify me about incoming links when I'm watching a topic


Erlend Sogge Heggen wrote:

When this post, which I had no knowledge about, linked to this thread, which I'm watching, I would have liked to receive a notification about it. (I discovered the linking post through "ordinary" means; it was new, so I read it)

Don't you think it makes sense that when a thread you're watching gets an incoming link, you should be notified about it? Chances are there's a discussion happening that's somehow relevant to the topic that you were so invested in that you opted to be notified about every new reply within it.

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Replacing Mailing lists: Email-In


Benjamin Kampmann wrote:

Hello everyone,

Update: I've finished developing this. You can find the entire patchset at the pull-request with the three features as three commits in the same order.

I am on the quest on supporting discourse to replace mailing lists (our internal google group system to be precise). One feature discourse is clearly missing to be able to replace mailing lists is to allow the creation of new topics via email. I call this Email-In. These are the three development steps I currently see:

1. General Email in

  1. let admins enable and define an incoming-email-address
  2. parse every email to the email-address in the POP3-account
  3. if it comes from a user of the forum and that user has a certain configurable trust level, post the message as a new topic in the forum

2. Email-In per Category

  1. to reduce the noise, we are using categories people can mute and such
  2. therefore it makes sense to allow to configure email-addresses per category if the general incoming-email-feature is enabled
  3. an email to that address then will be posted in that category instead of globally
  4. the privacy options for that category apply

3. Allowing "unknown" Email-In

  1. mailing lists are also sometimes configured as "a shared inbox", allowing third parties to post to it
  2. add another configuration option in the email-in-configuration (globally and per category) to allow emails from third-parties (off per default)
  3. when an email arrives in the inbox, that is not by any user known to the system, the header and its content will be posted as a quote in a new topic by the configured "system"-user
  4. also emails by users without the appropriate rights would be handled this way

Any feedback, ideas, features or other uses cases I might should consider, too?


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Shouldn't you be able to tag with multiple categories?


Cade Roux wrote:

A LOT of forums try to help with a huge volume of users by having an entire hierarchy of forums. The problem with this is that things SPAN categories. I'm thinking of HEAVILY trafficked forums like XDA Developers. They have sections for each phone and then even sections for the vendor-specific model. Seems to me if you wanted to be a successful forum replacement, you'd have to target the most successful forums (e.g. XDA Developers) and review their actual usage of features and determine how to solve those same problems they are solving, but in a better way.

This is where I think allowing multiple categories (a la SO tags) would be a better solution to the extensive hierarchy of sub forums which a lot of big popular forums tend to use to help users find things and track things.

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Flatter styling now deployed


Sam Saffron wrote:

I just deployed a round of changes by @awesomerobot that give us a much simplified, flatter, faster css style by default for topic views.

I noticed there are a few little glitches we need to sort out, so we can use this topic to track it. (or for any other general feedback about the new style)

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Mail from cron: env: [/home/discourse/.rvm/bin/rvm/bootup_bundle,: No such file or directory


Mugli wrote:


Everytime I restart the server, I'm getting this mail via cron:

env: [/home/discourse/.rvm/bin/rvm/bootup_bundle,: No such file or directory

This is annoying. But discourse is starting just fine after reboots. I've used the following commands twice to be sure:

rvm wrapper $(rvm current) bootup bluepill
rvm wrapper $(rvm current) bootup bundle

My crontab entry is:

@reboot RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT=90000000 RAILS_ROOT=/var/www/discourse RAILS_ENV=production NUM_WEBS=2 /home/discourse/.rvm/bin/bootup_bluepill --no-privileged -c ~/.bluepill load /var/www/discourse/config/discourse.pill

What's more ridiculous is, if I execute that manually the error is not shown.

What might be the problem? I'm using Discourse on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (32 bit) with ruby-2.0.0-p353

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Use custom translation file


Aselox wrote:

I'd like to use my own client.xx.yml and server.xx.yml files for translations but even if I place my files into the config/locales folders replacing the existing ones, I still get the translation included in discourse. I tried to start/stop the docker instance and to bootstrap it making it automatically download my custom files from a git repo (modifying the app.yml file) but the translation is still the same.

What do I have to do to make my translations work?

Thank you.

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Show Desktop Notifications when available


Kane York wrote:

Gmail has this cool thing where when you get a new email, a notification will pop up on your screen.

two notifications on Mactwo notifications on Ubuntu Linux

The Javascript API is documented in multiple places:

The W3C spec:
What's actually implemented in Chrome:

Also, I found this 'experimental' Firefox addon to add support for them:
It is supported in Firefox: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/WebAPI/Using_Web_Notifications

I think it would be cool if one of these happened whenever the number on the notification icon changes - i.e. before the email notification gets sent out. This lets me get notified 'more instantly' and even avoid the notification email if I want to go check out what it was.

In fact, as I was writing this, the number went from 0 to 1. It really would be nice to have these popups with their short descriptions of what it is smile

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Syncing the editor viewport scroll


Jeff Atwood wrote:

I've checked how they do synced scrolling in Ghost and it turns out that it is extremely simple - they just keep the relative position of both panes in sync, i.e. if the source pane is scrolled to 30% of its height, preview pane is also automatically scrolled to 30% of its height.

In most typical cases both source and and preview contain almost only text, so their height is more or less proportional and this approach works quite well. This method also seems to be very performant and scalable, as it chceks only the pane height and scroll position, without parsing the text etc. so it shouldn't be dependent on the amount of content in the pane.

However in cases when the content between panes is very disproportional (e.g. if you embed a link to a tall image, that in the source pane is just a single line of text and in the preview pane is an actual image, several hundreds of pixels high or if you put 30 newlines in the source that get squashed into a single newline in the preview) scrolling in Ghost can go out of sync.

@sam What do You think? Should we give similar simple approach a try? Or do you want to have something exactly accurate?

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Google AdSense plugin is now available


Michael wrote:

Yes! Since plugins are now able to override handlebars templates (thanks again, @zogstrip ) we have finally been able to create a clean Google AdSense plugin for Discourse.

It's available at https://github.com/discoursehosting/discourse-adsense

To install:

  • Make sure you're on latest! The changes that made this plugin possible have been committed at December 31.
  • Run rake plugin:install repo=http://github.com/discoursehosting/discourse-adsense in your discourse directory
  • In development mode, run rake assets:clean
  • In production, recompile your assets: rake assets:precompile

This plugin will be automatically made available to DiscourseHosting.com customers by the end of next week.

To use:

  • Go to Admin -> Settings -> AdSense
  • Enter your AdSense publisher ID (ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
  • Create new ad slots within your AdSense account (728x90 for desktop, 320x50 for mobile)
  • Copy the slot id # numbers (ten digits shown in the ID column) in the Discourse settings
  • Enable the slots you want to use

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Customization after navigation bar


Archon wrote:

Is it possible to add my HTML after navigation bar?

<div id="main-outlet">
    <div id="ad">


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"Continuing the discussion" drafts don't clear when new discussion is continued


Andrea Slobodien wrote:

When replying to something as a new topic, if I never publish that topic and then exit out of the window (meaning it is essentially saved as a draft and will reappear the next time I create a new topic), the draft never gets deleted.

Later, if I try to reply to something else as a new topic, both drafts populate the text edit box.

Screencap of what I see:

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I'm seeing smileys everywhere!

Regression: Coldmap is missing from front page


Kane York wrote:

The front page topic list no longer has the coldmap-* classes applied to the left activity column:

It's... kinda still there in the Suggested Topics:

But note that the top one (it's an unread post, that might have something to do with it) is not blue at all.

Also, I'd like to reiterate my desire for the coldmap styling to be on both columns, especially in the Suggested Topics box.

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How can i edit the footer?

Nginx, nginx, and docker


Lee_Ars wrote:

Have been banging on converting my install to Docker all day, and I'm nearly done. However, I'm at kind of a configuration quandary with how to best arrange the layer cake of web servers.

Givens for this install:

  1. The (real) server runs varnish + nginx with multiple production web sites. Varnish is on port 80 reverse-proxying to nginx, and nginx itself listens on 443 for HTTPS traffic (since varnish doesn't do that—well, that's not quite true, but that's a whole other book).

  2. The server has a single public static IP, and nginx decides which web site to serve based wholly on on http request hostname (in other words, each nginx virtual host definition has its own unique server_name parameter).

  3. Varnish must remain listening on port 80, and nginx must remain listening on port 443. Yes, I know Discourse's preferred option is to use a CDN instead of Varnish, but varnish is required for other stuff and even bypassing it entirely with pipe in its vcl file still has it playing a reverse-proxy role. So, it's in the mix even if it's "off."

With those known, how best to pass traffic to Docker?

There appear to be two options:

A) Leave nginx active inside of docker, with a multi-step reverse proxy. The flow would be requester -> varnish -> nginx (real) -> nginx (docker) -> unicorn for HTTP and requester -> nginx (real) -> nginx (docker) -> unicorn for HTTPS.

B) Don't load nginx inside of docker—only run unicorn and open up port 3000 on docker. The flow then would be requester -> varnish -> nginx (real) -> unicorn for HTTP and requester -> nginx (real) -> unicorn for HTTPS.

Pros of A are that it's simpler to install and configure and maintain (and, as @sam has noted, it lets the Discourse devs fold in updated nginx configurations as part of the normal upgrade cycle).

Cons of A are the multiple reverse proxies. I'm not terribly concerned about performance, but I am a little concerned about having that many layers in the stack and having all the client request metadata survive the trip through. I don't know if it's bad or not, and that's a little scary.

Pros of B are that it makes client-side administration easier (for me, at least), and more importantly hacks a layer out of the cake.

Cons of B are that it gets...complicated. All of the locations referenced point at paths inside the docker container, which...er, actually, come to think of it, this isn't even going to work, is it? Because public and everything in it is inaccessible inside the docker container, right?

Could use some advice here. How are you guys typically rolling out docker in production? Do you just do the double-reverse-proxy thing? I mean, I can actually use varnish to push HTTP traffic bound for the right hostname past the production nginx and directly to docker nginx, but it won't help for HTTPS.

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Documentation Request: HTTPS on Discourse/Docker


Nick Caldwell wrote:

So I had big plans to tinker with my little test setup on Digital Ocean to force Discourse to serve purely with SSL, but I must admit defeat, mainly due to a bit of an energy deficit at this point. But I'd like to get my install usable and secure for more people, so I'd really like a step-by-step guide on enabling SSL in a Docker install.

There are already tutorials on setting up a self-signed cert on a DO Ubuntu droplet, so that stage could be readily duplicated or just pointed to. Maybe something on non-self-signed certs would be useful too.

I figure it's mostly a case of altering one of the yml config files, but it's the whole "do a regex to find a bit of a config file to override" part that spooks me a bit.

Hope this isn't unreasonable, but it's probably the only serious sticking point with Discourse on Docker right now.

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Allowing SSL for your Discourse Docker setup


Sam Saffron wrote:

I just rolled out a template that "enables SSL" for your Docker based setup.

I would like to cover configuration here:

This guide assumes your container configuration file is /var/docker/containers/standalone.yml and that discourse docker is installed at: /var/docker

Step 1

Go to namecheap or some other SSL cert provider and purchase a SSL cert for your domain. Follow all the step documented by them to generate private key and CSR and finally get your cert. I used the apache defaults, they will work fine.

Keep your private key and cert somewhere safe.

Step 2

Get a signed cert and key and place them in the /var/docker/shared/ssl/ folder

Private key is:


Cert is


File names are critical do not stray from them or your nginx template will not know where to find the cert.

Step 3

Add a reference to the nginx ssl template from your application yml configuration file:

  - "templates/cron.template.yml"
  - "templates/postgres.template.yml"
  - "templates/redis.template.yml"
  - "templates/sshd.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.ssl.template.yml"

Step 4

Tell your container to listen on SSL

  - "80:80"
  - "2222:22"
  - "443:443"

Step 5

Rebootstrap your image

./launcher destroy standalone
./launcher bootstrap standalone
./launcher start standalone

Step 6

Profit, you are done.


Be sure to read through the logs using

./launcher logs standalone

If anything goes wrong.

How this works

The template used is vaguely based on @igrigorik's recommended template with two missing bits:

  • I disabled SPDY now until we upgrade the base image to NGINX 1.4.7 due to a buffer overflow in 1.4.6 (I am considering changing our base image to use mainline NGINX - at least optionally)
  • I skipped OSCP stapling cause it involves a slightly more complex setup
  • I had to skip session tickets setting which is not available until we use mainline

The image has rewrite rules that will redirect any requests on either port 80 or 443 to https://DISCOURSE_HOST_NAME , meaning that if you have a cert that covers multiple domains they can all go to a single one.

Customising this setup is very easy, see:

You can make a copy of that file and amend the template as needed.

The advantage of using templates and replace here is that we get to keep all the rest of the Discourse recommended NGINX setup, it changes over time.


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