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Get notified when moderator deletes a post


@Aron_Hamvas wrote:

Is there a way to get notified when a moderator deletes my post in Discourse? It would be really great if a user would be notified when something like that happens. Accidental deletions could be avoided, for instance.

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Setup fail, port 80 in use


@Silvanus wrote:

Ok, so I'm kicking the server from 0 again.

Started a new droplet. Created a new user, gave sudo rights, started firewall and ntp, installed docker-engine (straight by dockers guidelines) and git (with sudo apt-get install git-all). Took a snapshot and went to setup discourse, but I got a message that port 80 is already in use.

I take it installing git in this manner broke something?

Shall I just run sudo apt remove apache*?

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Prime calculation for OpenSSL just goes on


@Silvanus wrote:

Doing ./setup_discourse.

Got message:

I, [2016-12-22T13:11:02.252563 #13]  INFO -- : > mkdir -p /shared/ssl/
I, [2016-12-22T13:11:02.255731 #13]  INFO -- :
I, [2016-12-22T13:11:02.256394 #13]  INFO -- : > [ -e /shared/ssl/dhparams.pem ] || openssl dhparam -out /shared/ssl/dhparams.pem 4096
Generating DH parameters, 4096 bit long safe prime, generator 2
This is going to take a long time

And then I started getting dots and plusses. So I guess it's generating a prime, but the discourse install said that it'll take 2-8 minutes to bootstrap and I'm running at 30 minutes now... Is this a bug or intended? If latter, should it be noted at the installation guidelines...

In computer stats, it says that openssl is taking 92.87% of cpu.

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Feature request for wizard: backup restore


@Silvanus wrote:

Hi! I just used the wizard for the first time. It's pretty nice, but it would be really cool to have an option to upload a backup and restore everything from it at the wizard.

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Sidekiq problems after downgrade from 1.7 beta to 1.6 stable


@Paul_Cormier1 wrote:

Sidekiq appears to be running when viewing the Sidekiq dashboard, however the scheduled jobs aren't running.

The Discourse Error Logs show the following:

377 - Sidekiq heartbeat test failed, restarting
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/logster-1.2.5/lib/logster/logger.rb:76:in add_with_opts
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/logster-1.2.5/lib/logster/logger.rb:37:in add
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.3.0/logger.rb:498:in warn
config/unicorn.conf.rb:129:in check_sidekiq_heartbeat
config/unicorn.conf.rb:146:in master_sleep
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/unicorn-5.1.0/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb:284:in join
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/unicorn-5.1.0/bin/unicorn:126:in <top (required)>
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/bin/unicorn:22:in load
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/bin/unicorn:22:in <main>


679453 - Job exception: undefined method every for Jobs::MigrateUploadScheme:Class
Job exception: undefined method every for Jobs::MigrateUploadScheme:Class

It shows Sidekiq version as being v4.1.2

I've tried rebuilding a couple of times with no luck:

cd /var/discourse
git pull
./launcher rebuild app

I'm guessing that there's some higher version file from the 1.7 beta that's floating around, but I'm unsure what the proper procedure would be to wipe the install folder without losing my data or config. Any help would be appreciated.

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How to change style of single words in site title, and in category or post titles?


@metacortex wrote:

Any code put in titles, or referencing to css, just shows up as raw text in titles, like that:

 How to change <span style="color:red;">style</span> of [i]single[/i] words in site <b>title</b>, and in category or post titles?

How to make it behave like this:

How to change style of single words in site title, and in category or post titles?

Thanks for your help.

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On last thing about muted topic list

Toolbar button to reformat textarea


@kgish wrote:

I'm trying to create a toolbar button that will take the current contents of the textarea, scan the text and reformat it, thereby completely replacing the contents with new text.

The API only provides e.addText() and e.selectText() but no way to select and replace.

Am I overlooking something, or is there a more obvious way of achieving this?

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Incoming emails not posting


@joco wrote:

For one of my users new posts via email are not being posted. I have checked the EMAIL admin and I don't see the emails even listed as rejected. received or skipped, yet I see the email in the inbox of the account its checking.

The only thing I can think of is that the email thats being sent to is just in the CC field and not the TO field.

Any ideas?

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Error after SSO logout


@Lutz wrote:

If I do a logout I get the following Error:

If I click on the link its says:
"{"errors":["Dazu musst du angemeldet sein."],"error_type":"not_logged_in"}"

(translation;: You have to be logged in.)

Oh and Unread is the default View for the forum. If I change it back, it works.

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Usernames with periods in them lead to broken links


@Nicholas_Tolstoshev wrote:

Since users created using the API default to the username being the part of the email address before the @, we end up having a lot of users with the username as "firstname.lastname".

When I try clicking on those users names from the users list, it ends up giving me a 404 page. It appears that for users without the period, the username link of:
domain.org/users/username will autocomplete to domain.org/users/username/activity, which is a valid URL.
But for users with a period in the name, the /activity doesn't get added on to the end and the URL fails to be valid as a consequence.

Has this one been reported already? I'm on version: v1.7.0.beta10 +38

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2048 bit Diffie-Hellman Params are too weak


@robbyoconnor wrote:

Continuing the discussion from

I believe that 2048 bit dhparams is too weak. I was the guy who introduced this PR -- to make it more secure.

I think we should make this a configuration option that is passed to the ssl template. Let's open a discussion about how this could be done. 4096 bits is the right way to go about.

If none of this works for the majority -- nginx will work fine without dhparams. You can boot discourse, and then generate dhparams while it is running by entering the web container. It'd add a manual step, but you can get your site up and go and grab a cup of coffee or tea while it does its magic.

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Which ruby and postgres version discourse v1.7.0.beta10 use?


@darkrasid wrote:

Hi, I try to install discourse v1.7.0.beta10 version.

There are some reason that I can't use docker which discourse offer.
so I try to install from source directly.

I have base ubuntu which installed discourse v1.6.4 before and I reuse this one.
But I get this error when I try to db migrate.

TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String

I guess it is because of ruby or postgres version.
On my ubuntu, I use

ruby : 2.3.0
postgres: 9.4

Is there any specific version do I have to use?

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Migrate from Xenforo to Discourse


@viet wrote:

What would you like done?
I have a small Xenforo site that I'd like to migrate to Discourse. If anyone can help, that'd be great!

When do you need it done?

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?

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Autocorrect quote marks outside of code blocks


@sujato wrote:

True typography geeks like myself loathe the use of "faux quotes". At the same time, I’m often too lazy to actually insert “typographically correct quotes”, not to mention trying to enforce this on others.

May I propose that Discourse enables autocorrect for this. Possibly other typographic features could be included (dashes, ellipses …).

Obviously this would have to be disabled in code, whether inline or block. And not all communities are going to want it, so it should be opt-in. But I am trying to encourage quality writing on my site, so I would really appreciate this little bit of polish.

Any takers?

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Problem avec ScreenDy


@Fakoly wrote:

Quelqu'un peut m'aider?
J'ai un problème depuis deux jours, le message d'erreur est le suivant:
android.widget.RelativeLayout cannot be cast to core.plugin.Widget

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Troubleshooting automatic promotion to trust level 1


@tobiaseigen wrote:

I'm trying to troubleshoot what's happening with new members who sign up and who appear not to be getting promoted to trust level 1 when they meet the requirements. As far as I can tell this user account I created and used to click around the site has met the requirements - see screenshots below.

I am doing this test because I see there are many members who seem to be languishing at tl0, and am considering changing the requirements to make them a bit more relaxed.

I'd appreciate any guidance. :seedling:

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CSS customizations + mandatory custom field


@needhelp wrote:

Hi All,

Can someone give me a $$ quote for the following tasks?

1) CSS customization to make the fonts larger

2) CSS customization to make the font color and font weight BOLDER for both read and unread posts so that there is a sharper contrast against the white background

3) minimize the amount of white or empty space on the right hand column to the right of the vertical scroll slider

3) I have already created a custom field for a "Terms of Use" checkbox. Need help forcing existing users (they were migrated from another platform to discourse) to check the Terms of Use custom field before they can continue to use the forum.

OK for the CSS or layout customization to affect desktop view only without changing how it now looks on mobile view.


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Get width of dom element within plugin js code


@tuanngo wrote:

In my custom plugin, I need to get the width of a post's child element in javascript.
The plugin's javascript looks something like this

import { withPluginApi } from 'discourse/lib/plugin-api';

function initializePlugin(api) {
    api.decorateCooked($elem => {
        var html = '<custom-html-here>';
        var width = $elem.find('.custom-class').first().width();
        console.log('First console log width:' + width);
        $(window).on('resize orientationchange', function() {
            width = $elem.find('.custom-class').first().width();
            console.log('Second console log width:' + width);

export default {
  name: 'custom-plugin',
  initialize() {
    withPluginApi('0.5', initializePlugin);

The first console log doesn't show the right width which can be observed through browser inspector but second console log does. My guess is the dom inside plugin hasn't got attached to document yet so that's why the width is not correct.

Is there any way (e.g event raised from ember or discourse js) which I can use to obtain the size of dom element within plugin code ?

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Unable to log in as admin "unknown error"


@zeigerpuppy wrote:

I was previously able to log in after a fresh (docker) install but now am getting an "unknown error". I have tried resetting the admin password with rake admin:create. That command does not return any errors but I am still unable to log in with the admin account.

I have also tried rebuilding and creating a new admin account.
Is there a log that I can look at which will give more information than "unknown error"?

ps. I have tried three different browsers (chromium on two computers and firefox)

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