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User's signature in post


@needhelp wrote:

Hi All

Our forum has advertisers and they would like to add their website and contact info at the footer of every one of their posts in the forum like a signature.

Can someone tell me how can forum users create a post signature so that the same signature will appear in every single one of their posts?

I can't seem to be able to find that option in Admin.


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Analytics problem with Version 1.7?


@Renee_Alfred wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Discourse Version 1.7:


The bounce rate of our forum has spiked from 20% to 70%, and that of our landing page from 9% to 81% since Nov 23.

My engineer colleague @Sean_Lin (and @alex_song) suggested that it is because when a visitor comes to our forum, and reads several pages, GA thinks that this visitor stays in the same page, without detecting any url change. His speculation is supported by this graph:

I am hoping someone can verify his idea or tell me what caused the changes (and how I can read the reports accurately.)

Thank you!!!!!

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Translating welcome topics


@claas wrote:

I mentioned that default categories/topics are always in English even if another interface language is selected and @gerhard pointed out that this content gets created when Discourse is started first.

Now I noticed that some of the generated content in the staff category is not available in Transifex, namely

  1. Assets for the site design
  2. Welcome to Discourse
  3. READ ME FIRST: Admin Quick Start Guide

Any reason not to move this to I18n? Probably we should then remove the files WELCOME-TO-DISCOURSE.md and ADMIN-QUICK-START-GUIDE.md to avoid inconsistency, right?! I would be willing to provide a PR for this.

Also, the title of the Uncategorized category seems hardcoded:

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Vagrant up fails with "HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2)"


@claas wrote:

I already had trouble with vagrant before (when downloading the box was slow, which look like a known vagrant issue), but now it fails to download it at all:

 $ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'libvirt' provider...
==> default: Box 'discourse-16.04' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
    default: Box Provider: libvirt
    default: Box Version: >= 0
==> default: Box file was not detected as metadata. Adding it directly...
==> default: Adding box 'discourse-16.04' (v0) for provider: libvirt
    default: Downloading: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2132770g1e05c6d/discourse.box?dl=1
==> default: Box download is resuming from prior download progress
An error occurred while downloading the remote file. The error
message, if any, is reproduced below. Please fix this error and try

HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2)

Any ideas? Can I maybe download the box manually and place it somewhere?

PS: I tried this on a stable 100 mbits cable connection (no wifi), so that shouldn't be the problem.

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Server Crashed, 500 errors, undefined column


@justin_gordon wrote:

What is the remedy?

The server was giving 500 errors and thus dead.

Rebooting the server got it back up and running.


Version: v1.7.0.beta10 +42

Sidekiq errors:

Jobs::HandledExceptionWrapper: Wrapped ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `show_username_on_post' for #<UserNotifications::UserNotificationRenderer:0x007f92eb798328> Did you mean? show_name...

Error Logs

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR:  column topics.off_topic_count does not exist
LINE 1: ...umber" AS t0_r15, "topics"."image_url" AS t0_r16, "topics"."...
: SELECT  "topics"."id" AS t0_r0, "topics"."title" AS t0_r1, "topics"."last_posted_at" AS t0_r2, "topics"."created_at" AS t0_r3, "topics"."updated_at" AS t0_r4, "topics"."views" AS t0_r5, "topics"."posts_count" AS t0_r6, "topics"."user_id" AS t0_r7, "topics"."last_post_user_id" AS t0_r8, "topics"."reply_count" AS t0_r9, "topics"."featured_user1_id" AS t0_r10, "topics"."featured_user2_id" AS t0_r11, "topics"."featured_user3_id" AS t0_r12, "topics"."avg_time" AS t0_r13, "topics"."deleted_at" AS t0_r14, "topics"."highest_post_number" AS t0_r15, "topics"."image_url" AS t0_r16, "topics"."off_topic_count" AS t0_r17, "topics"."like_count" AS t0_r18, "topics"."incoming_link_count" AS t0_r19, "topics"."bookmark_count" AS t0_r20, "topics"."category_id" AS t0_r21, "topics"."visible" AS t0_r22, "topics"."moderator_posts_count" AS t0_r23, "topics"."closed" AS t0_r24, "topics"."archived" AS t0_r25, "topics"."bumped_at" AS t0_r26, "topics"."has_summary" AS t0_r27, "topics"."vote_count" AS t0_r28, "topics"."archetype" AS t0_r29, "topics"."featured_user4_id" AS t0_r30, "topics"."notify_moderators_count" AS t0_r31, "topics"."spam_count" AS t0_r32, "topics"."illegal_count" AS t0_r33, "topics"."inappropriate_count" AS t0_r34, "topics"."pinned_at" AS t0_r35, "topics"."score" AS t0_r36, "topics"."percent_rank" AS t0_r37, "topics"."notify_user_count" AS t0_r38, "topics"."subtype" AS t0_r39, "topics"."slug" AS t0_r40, "topics"."auto_close_at" AS t0_r41, "topics"."auto_close_user_id" AS t0_r42, "topics"."auto_close_started_at" AS t0_r43, "topics"."deleted_by_id" AS t0_r44, "topics"."participant_count" AS t0_r45, "topics"."word_count" AS t0_r46, "topics"."excerpt" AS t0_r47, "topics"."pinned_globally" AS t0_r48, "topics"."auto_close_based_on_last_post" AS t0_r49, "topics"."auto_close_hours" AS t0_r50, "topics"."pinned_until" AS t0_r51, "topics"."fancy_title" AS t0_r52, "categories"."id" AS t1_r0, "categories"."name" AS t1_r1, "categories"."color" AS t1_r2, "categories"."topic_id" AS t1_r3, "categories"."topic_count" AS t1_r4, "categories"."created_at" AS t1_r5, "categories"."updated_at" AS t1_r6, "categories"."user_id" AS t1_r7, "categories"."topics_year" AS t1_r8, "categories"."topics_month" AS t1_r9, "categories"."topics_week" AS t1_r10, "categories"."slug" AS t1_r11, "categories"."description" AS t1_r12, "categories"."text_color" AS t1_r13, "categories"."read_restricted" AS t1_r14, "categories"."auto_close_hours" AS t1_r15, "categories"."post_count" AS t1_r16, "categories"."latest_post_id" AS t1_r17, "categories"."latest_topic_id" AS t1_r18, "categories"."position" AS t1_r19, "categories"."parent_category_id" AS t1_r20, "categories"."posts_year" AS t1_r21, "categories"."posts_month" AS t1_r22, "categories"."posts_week" AS t1_r23, "categories"."email_in" AS t1_r24, "categories"."email_in_allow_strangers" AS t1_r25, "categories"."topics_day" AS t1_r26, "categories"."posts_day" AS t1_r27, "categories"."logo_url" AS t1_r28, "categories"."background_url" AS t1_r29, "categories"."allow_badges" AS t1_r30, "categories"."name_lower" AS t1_r31, "categories"."auto_close_based_on_last_post" AS t1_r32, "categories"."topic_template" AS t1_r33, "categories"."suppress_from_homepage" AS t1_r34, "categories"."contains_messages" AS t1_r35 FROM "topics" LEFT OUTER JOIN "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "topics"."category_id" WHERE (topics.archetype <> 'private_message') AND "topics"."visible" = 't' AND (topics.deleted_at IS NULL) AND (topics.category_id IS NULL or topics.category_id IN (5,1,3,6,7,8,13)) AND "topics"."closed" = 'f' AND "topics"."archived" = 'f' AND (topics.id NOT IN (18,17,1,2,3,25,28,44,58,61,131,174,330)) AND "topics"."id" IN (104, 92, 134, 98, 107, 129, 142, 118, 114, 111, 224) AND (topics.id NOT IN (18)) AND "topics"."visible" = 't'  ORDER BY CASE WHEN topics.category_id = 5 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END LIMIT 5)
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/activerecord- `async_exec'

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Media player stops playing when you scroll through a topic/thread. Didn't used to do this


@bholst wrote:

As the title mentions, on my site, if there is a thread with audio uploaded, the built-in player will stop playing if you scroll beyond a certain number of replies. This is a new problem for us. It used to work fine.
I realize this may seem like a bit of a petty thing, but it's actually extremely annoying given the nature of our community (audio recording/mixing forum).

To see an example of what is going on, just visit thread and start the audio on the top of the thread and then start going through the replies. At about the 11th reply down from the top, the audio will stop. Also, this is not an isolated problem. Happens on other topics, browsers, devices. As I mentioned, this was not a problem before (maybe the latest update a couple days ago?)

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Who is responsible for installing new releases?


@Emilio_F_Castillo wrote:

We are hosting directly with Discourse.

How do we make sure we are running the latest release?

Who is suppose to "upgrade" to the newest release? we the customer or is this something that Discourse handles as part of our monthly hosting fee?

If we are responsible, where would we go to check that we are on the newest build?

Thank you,

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Can't find the Discourse folder inside virtual box via ssh

Connector Classes and Actions


@skoota wrote:

I am using the plugin outlet composer-fields to add a new text field to the compose window for a new topic. When the user clicks the "Create Topic" button I would like the data in that field to be stored as a custom field for the topic.

Under the "old" approach of extending a controller I am reasonably confident with doing this, but I am having difficulties using the new connector classes approach outlined in the post Important changes to Plugin Outlets for Ember 2.10.

In particular, I don't know how to run code in response to the topic being created. I am guessing it is not an action, since the code execution is not being triggered in response to an action on that particular control. I am instead trying to observe model.createdPost but cannot figure out how to get this working.

I have put this underneath setupComponent in the connector class, but it never runs:

saveAfterCreating: function() {

Any suggestions appreciated!

EDIT: Am I also somehow still able to reopen the ComposerController to implement a save() method, which I assume will be called automatically when the composer saves its content?

   actions: {
      save() {

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Template override "if homepage" conditional


@planted wrote:

Hi there, I am wanting to show a block on the homepage only by overriding a template and putting a conditional in there along the lines of:

{{#if homepage}}
  homepage content

Can someone please give me a hand with the correct statement needed to make that work.

Thanks, I am having fun trying to customise this :slight_smile:

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What are the 'Private spaces'? What difference with 'Categories'?


@nicocasel wrote:

Hi all,

On this page are mentioned the 'Private spaces':

Make your entire site private, or just certain categories. Approve all new users, or make your site invite-only.

I have not found anything related to a 'private space' in the Admin Dashboard. Is a 'private space' really distinct from a 'category'? Is it a different feature?

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SSO login buttons missing on one particular computer


@meriksson wrote:

I have a Discourse site with SSO configured and things are mostly working great. However, on one particular computer the SSO login buttons are not rendered. I go to the site, click Login, get the modal login view where there is normally username and password fields and above them SSO buttons – except in this case the buttons are not displayed, only the regular login form.

A nearly identical computer as well as other devices on the same network can see the buttons and log in just fine. I have tried multiple browser, incognito windows, clearing browser caches etc but on this particular computer I always have the same problem. As far as I know there has not been any other problem with this computer.

Has anyone seen anything similar or know about anything that might cause this issue?

If it helps, this particular SSO setup uses a Drupal site as OAuth2 provider (and again, it is working perfectly for other users/computers). The computer with the problem is an iMac running OS X Yosemite and I have tried the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari. I also tried resetting network settings and connecting through a VPN service but no luck so far.

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Enforce selection of subcategory?


@claas wrote:

Is there a way to enforce users to choose a subcategory rather than a top-level category?

Use case: Users should not be able to choose category Gallery, but only one of Photo gallery or Video gallery.

  • Category Gallery
    • Subcategory Photo gallery
    • Subcategory Video gallery

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User administration: some boolean values not translated


@claas wrote:

I noticed that some boolean values on the /admin/users/<userid>/<username> page are not translated:

I wonder why the "Aktiv" value is translated, but the others are not.

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Category edit dialog: default groups sometimes not translated


@claas wrote:

When creating or editing a category, the default group names (everyone, admins, moderators, staff) should be translated. However, sometimes this is not the case:

1. **Create a new category *Test*** (without changing any permission):

:white_check_mark: Group name everyone (jeder) is translated in permission list.
:x: Group names are not translated in group selection (e.g. staff should be Mitarbeiter).

2. Edit the created category Test

:x: Group name everyone is not translated in permission list.
:x: Group names are not translated in group selection, except everyone (jeder).

3. Set permissions explicitly

Same as 2.

PS: Interestingly, the trust_level group names are translated.

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I can't rename Trust Level 2

How can we delete or hide "site feedback" forum?


@willeffects wrote:

We use our forums for community questions and handle site support via email and separate site. When we try to make site feedback hidden, we get an error about permissions. When we try to delete it, we get an error that we cant because there are 6 posts in it. Do we need to delete all the posts in order to delete the site feedback?


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Quoting from closed topic


@David_Taylor wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Quote post from closed topic:

If I'm currently editing a reply to a thread, I like to browse around the forum to find other quotes. I would then select some text, and click "quote" to add the quote to my current post. This works really well.

However, if I navigate onto a closed topic, and try and quote something from it, I get this message

and then if I click 'Yes', it deletes what I've been working on and does a fresh "reply as new topic".

I would expect "reply as new topic" to only happen only if the composer is not open

Suspect it is related to this commit:

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Editing plugin translation strings in the admin panel when the forum language is not defined for the plugin has no effect


@David_Taylor wrote:

If the current forum language does not exist in the plugin, then overriding strings in the admin panel does not work.

As an example: if I have a plugin which only has english language translations, and somebody installs it on a french forum, the english strings will be used (this makes sense).

However, if the forum owner goes into the admin panel and tries to update the translation string, that change has no effect.

See today:

And also in April:

Could be related to this:

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Plugin for other than AdSense?


@TheAdmin2 wrote:


Is there a plugin for having ads on the site but not AdSense? Or can I do it using the official plugin somehow? Or maybe insert a custom ad if let say I contact a shop that want to advertise on my site?

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