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Ad Plugin ads showing too often


@will_io wrote:

I just wanted to ask a quick question. I have upgraded to Discourse v1.6.10 and I am using the ad plugin. But every time I enable it and fill out the "nth post" section I get some awkward behavior in the topics.

For instance, if I set it to every 8th post, ads show up after every other post. Same thing happens if I set nth post to 5 or 15. Any ideas on what may be the cause?

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Admin PM to a suspended user blocked - why?


@soltrain33 wrote:

According to discussion in thread linked below, a suspended member should still receive messages from staff member.

Today I suspended a test member, then sent a message to him via an admin account. The user didn't receive an email with the message and the email log shows skipped with the reason: "[UserEmail] User is suspended, not a message"

Thoughts why?

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Translation to Azerbaijan language


@eminov wrote:

Hi. I need translation my site to Azerbaijan language. But I can not translate language on the transfixes.com

I changed some files with turkey language to azerbaijan (same like language) in files /config/locales/server.tr_TR.yml

but this changed words dont view in my site. Why?

How translated my site to my native language?

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Are failed private message requests cached?


@Parth_Shah wrote:

We have a slightly convoluted use case, but we attempt to create a PM to a group of users. At times some of those users don't yet exist in Discourse. We create the missing users on the fly and attempt to re-post, but subsequent posts fail with the same error message. Are POST requests being cached?

Steps to reproduce :
1. Try to create a private message to user that doesn't exist via api. --> API correctly returns 422 status code, target user not found.
2. Create missing target user via API.
3. Retry step 1 --> still fails with the same error code.
4. Update the post body and retry --> PM successfully posted.

I'd expect step #3 to create PM.


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Email template titles not translated


@claas wrote:

I noticed two translation problems with the Email templates in the Administration -> Customize -> Email templates section.

1. Titles of email templates are not translated:

Clarification: The title of an email template is not its subject.

This is because the AdminEmailTemplateSerializer only "titleizes" the keys of the email templates (e.g. system_messages.bulk_invite_failed becomes Bulk Invite Failed) here:

2. Four email templates are missing in I18n:

Update: Looks like artifacts, as not referenced anywhere (added links to GitHub search).

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Prevent fast and short replies when a flame war is ongoing


@Silvanus wrote:

I am wondering how I could tweak this plugin to use in our forum...

Every now and then we have hot topics in the negative sense, meaning some topics become very fast-paced, even too fast, and people write there annoyed, i.e. flame wars. I'd want to somehow use the plugin or make a fork of it that would automatically make a topic "hot" and prevent fast and short replies when a flame war is ongoing...

If you happen to make one, I'd be happy to use it :slight_smile: Otherwise I'll try my hand at plugin coding later this year...

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Inconsistent Emoji Behaviour 👩‍🎓


@David_Taylor wrote:

We've started using emojis in topic titles a fair amount on our forum, and have run into issues with cross-browser consistency. The emojis in the topic title don't get converted to their discourse equivalent. The same issue also occurs when the topic title is displayed in "latest" or other lists.

Original report

For example, if I use the unicode emoji ("woman student"): :woman::mortar_board: in the post body, it gets turned into two different Discourse emoji. This is fine, not ideal, but at least it's consistent across browsers.

However, if I put the same unicode emoji in the topic title (see the title of this topic), it doesn't get converted to the discourse equivalent, which means appearance varies massively between browsers/OS.

The same issue also occurs when the topic title is displayed in "latest" or other lists.

To illustrate fully:

EDIT: a better example:

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Why can't I find Welcome Message in Site_Content?


@Arta_S wrote:

Hey guys,

I can't find where to edit welcome message (when a users registers first).
according to the documentation I must do this via Setting, customization, site contents.

But there is no such a line to be edited.

Just to make sure, I just searched for "abilities" which is contained in 4th line of this message.
It just can't find it!

Cleared cache, rebuilt the system, changed device and switched browser, it just doesn't work!

Am I missing something?
Any idea?

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Markdown Parser Altering Quoted Text


@ccstone wrote:

Hey Folks,

I just noticed this while writing a reply on the Keyboard Maestro forum.

Item 2 below is written:

2. It seems that I don't have to specifically exclude background apps (e.g., Dropbox, Hazel, Alfred, etc.). It appears that those continue to run. Is that the expected behavior?

It is clearly prefixed with a “2. ”, but Discourse is changing it to a “1. ”.

Original Text:

Specify exactly what apps are failing to quit.


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Raw plugin outlets not looking in RAW_TEMPLATES in v1.7.0.beta11


@Acshi_Haggenmiller wrote:

I have a raw template in my plugin at assets\javascripts\discourse\templates\connectors\topic-list-tags\template.raw.hbs that is not being inserted into the topic list.

Looking at the new code:
A raw plugin outlet uses connectorsFor to find relevant templates.

But since connectorsFor just looks in the _connectorCache which is only populated from Ember.TEMPLATES and not from Discourse.RAW_TEMPLATES, it can't find my template.raw.hbs file.

function buildConnectorCache() {
  _connectorCache = {};

  findOutlets(Ember.TEMPLATES, function(outletName, resource, uniqueName) {
    _connectorCache[outletName] = _connectorCache[outletName] || [];

      templateName: resource.replace('javascripts/', ''),
      template: Ember.TEMPLATES[resource],
      classNames: `${outletName}-outlet ${uniqueName}`,
      connectorClass: findClass(outletName, uniqueName)

export function connectorsFor(outletName) {
  if (!_connectorCache) { buildConnectorCache(); }
  return _connectorCache[outletName] || [];

How should this be fixed or am I missing something?

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Custom Layouts Plugin


@angus wrote:

Repository: https://github.com/angusmcleod/discourse-layouts

Example screenshot:

Superficially, this plugin is similar to existing Discourse sidebar plugins, i.e.:

Dynamic Sidebar Plugin
Discourse Sidebar Blocks
Simple Sidebar Theme
Curated Home Plugin
Sidebar Plugin (widget driven)

However its code and purpose is quite different. This plugin is intended to provide the infrastructure for custom Discourse layouts, the primary custom layout being the addition of sidebars. It does this by changing how the client works, rather than making superficial changes with CSS, jQuery or template overrides.

I initially wrote the core code of this plugin for my own purposes. It got the point when I thought others may find it useful. If you've ever spent any time with the Discourse code you'll know that the client route logic, particularly for the discovery routes, is not simple. Customizing that logic is complex. This plugin abstracts that complexity so you can focus on developing user features.

It is important to understand that this plugin is infrastructure for other plugins. Most features of this plugin will not be useful to most people out of the box.

Please also note that this plugin is currently desktop only. All of the features mentioned below only affect desktop clients.


This plugin adds sidebars to the app by wrapping existing templates with sidebars on a route-by-route basis. It doesn't override any templates. Without getting too much into the weeds, the way this works is by using Ember's {{partial}} template helper to retain the existing scope of the route, while adding an extra template wrapping that route template.

This means that you have granular control over what appears where, without losing any normal Discourse functionality or any future updates to that functionality. You can turn the left and right sidebars on or off individually for each route. You can have a left sidebar for the Latest discovery route with no category, then a right sidebar for the Top discovery route with a category. Or you could have both sidebars for a specific category. You can also turn each sidebar off and on for topics. The setting interface for this is the same as the setting interface for Topic List Previews. The settings in Admin > Settings > Plugins allow you to turn the sidebars off/on for the non-category discovery routes, the categories discovery route, globally for all category routes and for topics.

The settings in Category Settings > Settings allow you to turn the sidebars off / on for each discovery route in that category.

Sidebar Widgets

The Layouts plugin does not include any sidebar widgets itself. I am also releasing two widgets for this plugin:

Profile Widget
Map Navigation Widget

If you want to use either widget, just add them to your instance like you would any other plugin. They will then appear as options for left and right widgets (respectively) in Admin > Settings > Plugins and Category Settings > Settings:

One of the problems that any sidebar plugin faces is that different people want different content (or 'widgets') in a sidebar. If the sidebar infrastructure and widgets are in the same plugin this means that any specific feature requirements need to be either done in the core sidebar plugin or in a forked version. This approach is not extensible. By abstracting the sidebar infrastructure from the 'widgets' / sidebar content, anyone can create their own sidebar widgets and continue to take advantage of the core sidebar infrastructure used by others.

I do not anticipate that these two widgets (profile and map navigation) will fit everybody's use cases. Generally speaking, I will also not be taking requests, or commissions, for specific feature widgets. What this plugin does is make it much easier for anyone to add or commission their own sidebar widgets. Adding your own sidebar widget is now a matter of creating a single Virtual DOM widget and adding some styling. Any javascript developer can create their own powerful custom layouts using this plugin for the infrastructure.

How to create your own sidebar widget

  1. Create a plugin with a Virtual DOM widget. The single widget in the Profile Widget is a useful guide.

    • If your widget is rendered in a category discovery route, the relevant category object will be available in the widget as an attribute. See the Map Navigation widget for an example of this. If your widget is rendered in a topic route, the relevant topic object will be available in the widget as an attribute. See the Profile widget for an example of this. See further here.

    • I suggest that, like the profile widget does, use the class widget-container in the tagName so that your widget has a consistent container style.

  2. In your plugin.rb file add your widget name to the sidebar setting choices for the relevant side you want to use the widget on. For example, the profile widget can be used in the left sidebar because it is added to the left sidebar choices like so:

    after_initialize do
      SiteSetting.class_eval do
  3. Your new widget will now appear in the Site and Category widget choices (see above).

Generally, the Profile Widget is the best guide to follow for adding your own widget.

The Map Navigation Widget provides an entirely different Discovery navigation interface for Discourse by hooking up a leaflet.js map to Discourse categories. If you upload a .geojson file in Category Settings > Settings > JSON uploader and toggle Category has geojson, the area represented by the coordinates in the geojson file will appear on the map in blue if it is a parent category and in orange if it's a child category. If you click on the added area on the map you will navigate to the associated category. I've built this because tying categories to physical locations is necessary for what I personally want to do with Discourse (at some point). If someone else finds this particular way of navigating a forum useful that all for the better. I don't anticipate that this widget will fit many use cases, but you never know... In any event, it's a useful example of a more complex widget working with the Layouts plugin.

Discovery List Elements

One of the problems you encounter if you add sidebars to Discourse discovery lists is that the navigation and list headers don't work so well. That can be fixed with CSS, however you may also wish to change how the discovery navigation / headers actually work, in which case more direct changes are needed. This plugin gives you various ways to change each Discovery topic list, each of which work by changing what templates are actually rendered on the route (see further here), rather than by CSS or jQuery.

  1. layouts list navigation disabled. This setting removes the navigation bar from the selected topic list by preventing the navigation template from rendering on the relevant route.

  2. layouts list header disabled, This setting removes the list header from the selected topic list by preventing the list header from rendering on the relevant route.

  3. layouts list nav menu. This setting converts the nav pills (i.e. "Latest", "New" etc) into a dropdown menu). This considerably reduces the amount of horizontal space required for the navigation buttons, which is necessary if you add sidebars.

Each setting works on an individual list basis, like the sidebar settings. This means you can have, say, a header and no nav for Latest with no category, and a nav menu and no header for New in Category A. You could use this plugin just to add / remove elements of the discovery lists, without adding any sidebars.

Further Development

As this plugin is about providing a custom layout infrastructure, further work will be to add more such infrastructure. It will not be to built specific widgets. As explained above, each widget is a separate plugin. If you're not technically inclined and want your own custom content in a sidebar widget, please post the job on the marketplace.

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"Join Group" button should invoke the login dialog when not signed in. Currently does nothing at all

"Topics" and "Activity" tabs need re-thinking on the group page?


@ChrisBeach wrote:

Firstly I think the Groups feature is excellent, and shaping up fast, thanks to the efforts of @tgxworld and others.

One suggestion - I think the "Topics" and "Activity" tabs need re-thinking on the group page.

These tabs show all topics and all activity by group members. This doesn't make sense in the use case where groups are used to control access to special categories.

The content of these special categories constitutes the "activity" of the group (and in my case I'd want this activity to be hidden from forum users unless they are a member of the group).

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Custom filetype handling?


@stabares wrote:

Hi. I would like to support the display of a certain filetype in my discourse installation.

Basically what I need is:

When the filetype is .sgf
Load 2 javascript files and a css stylesheet
Replace the download button with a bit of HTML or js.

I don't think this can be done without writing a plugin, can it?
If you're curious I'd like to embed a go board for sgf files using this player:


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Auction feature


@TheAdmin2 wrote:

Would it be possible to have a auction feature (where you have the poll settings when you are about to create a new thread)? As an example, for me who run Discourse that is about gaming people want to sometime sell their games.
I am not 100% sure how the layout would look or how it would work but I am open to help thinking out a solution if it is possible to do. Maybe it could be a simple update to how the poll feature would work and have implementation of adding a bid amount, how the seller want to get paid (directly with link from the forum) et.c.

Let me know your thought.

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Facebook-like User Wall?


@mikeemesser wrote:

Forgive me my ignorance, but I am looking for a forum software which supports Facebook-style user walls in addition to everything else. I'm thinking of a page where a user can post personal things and others can comment - sort of like a one-person public group everyone can subscribe to. Is there a plugin or anything which would give this functionality?



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How many users have posted at least one topic?


@SaraJChipps wrote:

Is there a way to find this out?

Additionally, how many users have posted a topic in a specific category.

Thank you!

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Link custom user field to user's profile URL in external website


@pblog wrote:

What would you like done?
We have a Discourse forum for our community discussions. Our main web application is written in Django and Discourse forum uses SSO to authenticate users.

We would now like to show user's profile URL (from the main app) in the Discourse profile page. There is a guide of how to do it exactly at https://meta.discourse.org/t/link-custom-user-field-to-external-website/41218

I have attempted the guide once but failed but others have succeeded. I am a bit busy with other parts of the project. So I would like to hire a freelancer who could help me with this task.

When do you need it done?
Next week

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?

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Is it possible to permanently ban someone?


@dfabulich wrote:

Is it possible to permanently ban someone? I see a the option to "suspend" someone for a fixed number of days, but no way to make a ban permanent.

I think the answer is "no, but you can just suspend them for 99999 days or whatever," but I bring it up because we've seen cases where folks are coming to our forum to troll for lulz; when they get suspended until the year 2290 they screenshot it to their origin forum to laugh about it. (Look how ridiculous they are! They banned me for 200 years!)

And while I can certainly endure being laughed at on another forum, I feel that banning someone in a silly/humorous way encourages more attempts.

(Maybe just change the message when the ban is > 100 years to say "lifetime ban"?)

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Warning for new messages while writing to topic


@Silvanus wrote:

I would suggest a new feature, that could be toggled in the settings. The feature would warn the user if new messages have been posted to the topic after starting to write a reply. This could be like the other messages (e.g. Your topic is similar to: and post list...) and warnings given while writing the post.

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