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Which plugin to create a paywall?


@CamilleRoux wrote:


I'd to create a premium section on a discourse forum for members who pay a monthly subscription. What is the best plugin to to that?

Here are the features I need:

  • price in euros
  • translated or translatable in French

I found these:

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Category custom field value strage behaviour in category edit form


@Janno_Liivak wrote:

I'm about to create a plugin adding a checkbox to Category settings. All is fine with the field until I uncheck the field. In database I can see that value of custom field is set to "false" but as I reopen category settings the checkbox is now checked although the value is still false. Is there something I'm missing?

Here's the custom field...


import Category from 'discourse/models/category';
import computed from 'ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators';

export default {
  name: 'extend-for-bumping',
  before: 'inject-discourse-objects',
  initialize() {


      enable_bump_topic: {
        get(value) {
          return value === "true";
        set(value) {
          value = value ? "true" : "false";
          this.set("custom_fields.enable_bump_topic", value);
          return value;

And the interface part...


{{#if this.siteSettings.bump_topic_enabled}}
<section class='field'>
  <div class="enable-bump-topic">
    <label class="checkbox-label">
      {{input type="checkbox" checked=category.custom_fields.enable_bump_topic}}
      {{i18n 'bump_topic.enable_bump_topic'}}

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Reply Indicator Failure - Bug or Intentional Functionality?


@Apreche wrote:

Go to any thread in a forum. Use the blue reply button at the bottom of the thread. This will create a reply that has no reply indicator on it. That is correct.

Go to any thread in a forum. Use a grey reply button that is attached to a specific comment. This will create a comment that has a reply indicator on it. That is correct.

Go to a thread in a forum. Use the grey reply button on the newest comment in that thread. As you are writing your reply it appears as if your post will have a reply indicator on it. However, once you post, your resulting reply does NOT have a reply indicator.

I'm not sure if this is intentional functionality, but it seems like a bug as far as I am concerned.

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Template title changes after saving


@intagger wrote:

After editing of any template, its title changes from a template name to an error with text: "translation missing...".

Before saving:

After saving:

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Changed font, letters with longer descender cropped


@eglinski wrote:

The only thing I have changed is the font used, but not sure where I could adjust subject height. For future use, might be useful to make this adaptive to the font chosen, but I know that isn’t always simple.

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Hack to install a new language for Highlight.JS on a hosted discourse


@henriquebastos wrote:

Warning: This is a crazy hack!

I'm just sharing because (1) it maybe helpful to someone and (2) hopefully you will teach me a better way.

I hired a "Discourse as a Service" instance, so I don't control the source code, nor can install plugins.

I wanted my forum to highlight the Beancount language.

First I wrote the syntax definition and sent it to upstream, but I didn't want to wait for a Highlight.JS and Discourse release, and for my host to upgrade my instance.

Then I went to Admin -> Customize -> CSS/HTML -> </head> and added this hack to inject the Beancount language into Discourse's Highlight.JS.

// Crazy hack to install Beancount syntax.
function waitForHighlightJS() {
    if(typeof hljs !== "undefined"){
        console.debug('HighlightJS ready... installing Beancount syntax.');

        // Install Beancount syntax.
        //Got this building highlight.js with: node tools/build.js -t cdn
        hljs.registerLanguage("beancount",function(e){var c="[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9-]*",a="[0-9]{4}[-|/][0-9]{2}[-|/][0-9]{2}",b="(balance|commodity|custom|document|event|note|open|pad|price|query)",t={cN:"literal",b:/([\-|\+]?)([\d]+[\.]?[\d]*)/,r:0},n={cN:"string",b:'"',e:'"',r:0,c:[e.BE]},s={cN:"name",b:"\\{",e:"\\}",c:[{cN:"literal",b:a},t,n,{cN:"subst",b:"[A-Z][A-Z0-9'._-]{0,22}[A-Z0-9]"}]};return{aliases:["beancount","bean","ledger"],c:[{cN:"built_in",b:"^(include|option|plugin|popmeta|poptag|pushmeta|pushtag)",r:0},{b:"^"+a+"\\s+"+b,rB:!0,r:10,c:[{cN:"type",b:a,e:/\s+/,eE:!0},{cN:"keyword",b:b}]},{b:"^"+a+"\\s+.\\s",rB:!0,r:10,c:[{cN:"type",b:a,e:"\\s+",eE:!0},{cN:"variable",b:".",endsParent:!0}]},e.C(";","$"),{cN:"meta",b:/^\s{2,}[a-z][A-Za-z0-9\-_]+:/},s,{cN:"name",b:"@"},{cN:"type",b:c+":",r:0,c:[{cN:"subst",b:c+"(:"+c+")?"}]},{cN:"section",b:/^\*\s+?.*/},{cN:"link",b:/\^[A-Za-z0-9\-_\/.]+/},{cN:["emphasis"],b:/#[A-Za-z0-9\-_\/.]+/},n,t]}});

        // Realod syntax for codeblocks.
        $("pre code[class]").each(function(i, e){

        console.debug('HighlightJS updated. Everything should look good.');
        console.debug('HighlightJS not ready yet.')
        setTimeout(waitForHighlightJS, 250);
setTimeout(waitForHighlightJS, 250);

Works for me. If you have any suggestions I would be glad to hear. Mainly if you know how it can be done without the setTimeout.


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Group name validation doesn't allow UTF-8 characters


@Glamdring wrote:

I'm trying to create a group with a name in cyrillic script and the error message is "that "only letters, digits and underscore" is allowed. My guess is there's an a-zA-Z regex, which doesn't cover UTF-8. So please have in mind that latin script isn't the only one in the world when doing validation.

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Rebuild says "no such locale exists"


@Glamdring wrote:

In case one wants to use a language that is not in the official list, but is, let's say, at 80% at Transifex (which is my case), there is no good way to use it.

Downloading and renaming the files from transifex is tedious, but I guess it's the same for every new language. The other issue is you have to manually copy the files to the discourse docker instance (it won't make sense to make a PR, because it is not fully translated yet).

Then you have to switch language, rebuild assets, and it works (which isn't documented in one place). However, there are two major issues:

  • you can't rebuild when a non-standard language is set as default. The rebuild command complains that "no such locale" exists. You have switch back to an official language and only then rebuild
  • after the rebuild, the custom language is gone, so you have to again manually copy the files, rebuild assets, switch configuration.

The latter wouldn't be such a problem, if you didn't have to rebuild for, say, smtp server change. Now on every such configuration change you have to go through the whole process.

I think this should be somehow simplified - a few ideas: don't require rebuild for simple configuration change; have a "custom language" folder in /var/discourse in the host machine which doesn't have to be in git, from which the language files are picked and deployed on every rebuild; don't fail the database dump on rebuild if "no such locale" exists

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The new (+1) problem. Need help!


@Ogulcan wrote:

I have opened a youtube forum website, there is categories section, but when there is new topic has been opened, the new(+1) thing is going under this category and it creates space between other categories, and I don't like it, how can I fix that to show that new(+1) next to this category instead of being under of it.
And how can I show that new(+1) in another colors and in another shapes,

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Infinite mailing loop with user's email account support


@BroiSatse wrote:

Hi all,

We are running discourse for a while now and everything was working just fine. However since recently we've noticed increased amount of outgoing email. Short investigation discovered an infinite loop:

  1. We are mailing user about new post, as expected.
  2. User has removed his email address, email bounces and we receive an email from support@fastmail.com
  3. We received auto-generated email, so we reply to it with EmailRejectAutoGenerated message.
  4. support@fastmail.com opens a new support ticket and informs us about this with auto-generated message (with support ticket number, so each email has different subject)
  5. GOTO 3

At the moment we have disabled all the emails, most likely we will allow outgoing emails and disable incoming emails, but this is not ideal. Is there a way to disable only EmailRejectAutoGenerated emails?

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Google Maps Onebox Issue


@JamesNorth wrote:

Hi All,

Google Maps used to embed fine with the old Onebox scenario using the short URL from Google...

But now it doesn't embed using either method.





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@anthony-o wrote:

According to https://github.com/discourse/discourse/wiki/Global-configuration-options, I should be able to set DISCOURSE_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION: 'none' in the env: section of my app.yml configuration file in order to "completely disable authentication".

I'm trying to deploy Discourse inside an organization with a private email server which allows to send email from specific IPs internally but requires the applications to disable authentication when talking to it.

When I set DISCOURSE_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION: 'none' or DISCOURSE_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION: none in my app.yml, I obtain those errors in shared/standalone/log/rails/production.log:

Sent mail to me@myserver.tld (3.7ms)
Job exception: wrong authentication type none

It seems that I'm not the only one to have this bug.

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Github embed plugin


@Slind wrote:

Hi there,
discourse nicely embeds a quick summary of github links e.g.

Is this a custom development or a library that is available?

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Weird behavior for group private messages


@kuba-orlik wrote:

When receiving a single message sent to a group, this is what I see in my notification drawer:

There's a couple of things I don't get about this:

  • even though I received only one message, the counter says "16";
  • the notification does not display the title of the message thread it relates to, which is different from how a notification for a "regular" message would behave.

Why do notifications for group messages behave so differently? Is there a way to make them behave like notifications for regular messages?

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Plugin Installation Problem

Remove "Yearly -" from indexed title


@tkrunning wrote:

Not sure if this should be posted in the support or bug forum, but in any case I don't know how to stop Google from indexing the root page of our Discourse installation as "Yearly - [Site title]"... Ideally it should just index [Site title], but that's not the case. When actually viewing the root page the tile shown in the browser is correct.

Any ideas?

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Getting Discourse Embed comments working in development?


@kevincolten wrote:

I tried to re-animate an old topic on this subject without luck. I'm not able to get comment embedding working in a dev environment. I've tried in the vagrant environment and a bare-metal Mac OSX environment. I'm whitelisting ports and domains, and have it working fine in a production environment across domains/subdomains, but locally the job (created here) just seems to up and disappear. Can anyone confirm that this still works in a dev environment?

For some context, I'm want to enable embedding comments on a site behind basic HTTP authentication, but this is a blocker for me.

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Error rebuilding container


@ivanrlio wrote:

Hi there,

We are using Digital Ocean and I downsized our Droplet by migrating from a larger Droplet(LD) to smaller Droplet (SD).

On our SD, Discourse seemed to be triggering huge bursts in CPU, so I decided to try a
rebuild. However, attempting to rebuild has caused this error:

I tried to sudo apt-get install mini_racer -v '0.1.3', but that did not work.

Full error:
current directory:
/usr/local/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20170116-448-10cno2g.rb extconf.rb
checking for main() in -lpthread... yes
creating Makefile

To see why this extension failed to compile, please check the mkmf.log which can
be found here:


current directory:
make "DESTDIR=" clean

current directory:
make "DESTDIR="
compiling mini_racer_extension.cc
mini_racer_extension.cc:4:24: fatal error: include/v8.h: No such file or
compilation terminated.
Makefile:206: recipe for target 'mini_racer_extension.o' failed
make: *** [mini_racer_extension.o] Error 1

make failed, exit code 2

I am also unable to look at the logs because I cannot use sudo ./launcher enter app as Error response from daemon: Container app is not running.

Would anyone know what I should do to rectify this?

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Quote button unreliable


@ChrisBeach wrote:

I think Discourse's quoting UX is brilliant. However, I do find the quote button a little unreliable. Sometimes when I click it, nothing happens (and occasionally the button itself doesn't pop up). A member reported this today, and then another member confirmed it was an issue for her too. I've also seen the issue myself.

All three of us are on iOS devices.

I will try to grab the logs or look for a pattern when it next occurs. In the meantime I'd be interested to know if others were experiencing this? My forum is never more than a few days behind the latest Discourse release.

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This topic is clearly important to you – you've posted more than 25% of the replies here


@Sara_Noel wrote:

Can you please help me understand this notification my readers are receiving?

We have a thread that's posted to daily. It could be a weekly thread, I suppose.

But I've posted in it let's say 14 times, another person 16 times, but one person that posted to it less than the top thread posters has received a notification to let others join the conversation. Are you sure you're providing adequate time for other people to share their points of view, too? LOL I shouldn't laugh, but that's hilarious to me and not quite as funny for the person who received it.

I've never seen this myself, so didn't even realize it existed. I get notices that I should combine my posts instead of making new posts in a thread a lot. I just ignore them. Because yeah, I do that and it's not going to change. LOL I post the way I think. It's often rapid and then I edit and refine if needed, sometimes not. Strong personality and all. I also ramble. Perhaps I'll get a notification that says hey get to the point!

Are these types of notifications beneficial to others? I'd like a show of hands, please if you like this!
I get it. Really I see the intention. I just lean toward not agreeing with it.

I'd like you to consider what I've experienced so far.

Upon starting my community, my brand new members were told to come back later, they had posted too many times that day. LOL I believe I changed the default settings on that, so my goof and oversight. I can't remember. It's been months.

Then this? Am I again missing a setting?

Let's just say someone's personality shines through with these notifications and it's not mine. Couldn't resist !

So where do I fix this? And wouldn't it be nice if I could figure out how to see all of these notifications that I might personally never see and shut them off entirely.

I've only had one coffee today, so hopefully I overlooked a setting...err, again.

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