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Notifying topics with no replies and highlighting them


@Bkhanaliloo wrote:

Dear community,

It happens that sometime I miss to reply to a topic or a post. Can you please let me know how you manage it such that all the posts are replied within a maximum of, say, two days?

Here is what I was thinking: If a post has no replies, moderators get a notification after two days. If the last reply is not posted by moderators, it will get highlighted (unless moderator modify it to un-highlighted/normal), and will get notified if they remain highlighted for two days. The problem at the moment is that if original poster has the last reply, his/her picture still will be shown as first, and normally confuses the moderator that he/she is not the last poster.

Please let me know of your thoughts or if you want me to clarify it more.

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Why can't users invite others to messages when account approval is enabled?


@XieLong wrote:


In my Discourse instance I have the problem that users would like to invite (and remove) other users to (group) messages - but they can't although all of them have trust level 2 (it's just a small user base).

What trust level or permissions or settings are required for a user to invite someone to an existing message thread?

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How to protect owner


@Thomas_Ralph1 wrote:

I need some support im the owner of my community and want to lock my rights so no other staff or mods can take those rights from me as I'm the community owner. Is there any way to do this?

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User able to access deleted account, created by Memberful


@Dani1 wrote:


I am trying to delete a user. I have deleted the account (no posts, no likes, no interactions) a number of times now and their 'login details' no longer work .... but... they can still get in through a bookmark.

I have logged them out on all devices before deleting them, but that bookmark overrides everything I do.

Suspending is temporary. Blocking only inhibits interaction, but doesn't block access to the forum and deleting IP-address is insufficient cos as long as they don't delete that bookmark, they can log in via any other network.

Any suggestions?

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Using the "search this topic" check box blocks search on other pages


@elijah wrote:

I can reproduce this here.

  1. Click the Search magnifying glass, enter a term, and check the box for "Search this topic"
  2. Click the "Discourse" logo on the upper left.
  3. Click the Search magnifying glass: nothing happens.

A little while later it comes back, but I don't know if it is some activity I'm doing or what that fixes it.

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Making launcher a bit more versatile


@JagWaugh wrote:

launcher logs shows the whole log for the container, which can take a while to finish. How about changing the launcher logs command to take --tail the way that docker logs does?

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Import profile from other communities


@barreeeiroo wrote:

I think that a good feature to include to Discourse would be to import your profile (with images, settings, etc.) from other communities.

For example, I'm an user of Thunkable Community - http://community.thunkable.com, and now I've registered in Meta Community, but I don't want to reconfigure my profile because I'm a lazy person, or I have no time. How could I import my profile?

A suggestion for this feature could be to download a .json file and upload it in your preferences screen, so your profile data will be loaded

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Net::ReadTimeout when sending email after install


@gpson wrote:

The Problem

I get the error on first registration:

tail -f /var/discourse/shared/standalone/log/rails/production.log
Sent mail to robotas@magveda.lt (61113.9ms)
Job exception: Net::ReadTimeout

What I tried

The question

  • What more can I do?
  • Is it possible to increase the verbosity of the error?

My containers/app.yml :

  - "templates/postgres.template.yml"
  - "templates/redis.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.ratelimited.template.yml"
## Uncomment these two lines if you wish to add Lets Encrypt (https)
  - "templates/web.ssl.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.letsencrypt.ssl.template.yml"

## which TCP/IP ports should this container expose?
## If you want Discourse to share a port with another webserver like Apache or nginx,
## see https://meta.discourse.org/t/17247 for details
  - "80:80"   # http
  - "443:443" # https

  db_default_text_search_config: "pg_catalog.english"

  ## Set db_shared_buffers to a max of 25% of the total memory.
  ## will be set automatically by bootstrap based on detected RAM, or you can override
  db_shared_buffers: "128MB"

  ## can improve sorting performance, but adds memory usage per-connection
  #db_work_mem: "40MB"

  ## Which Git revision should this container use? (default: tests-passed)
  #version: tests-passed

  LANG: en_US.UTF-8

  ## How many concurrent web requests are supported? Depends on memory and CPU cores.
  ## will be set automatically by bootstrap based on detected CPUs, or you can override

  ## TODO: The domain name this Discourse instance will respond to

  ## Uncomment if you want the container to be started with the same
  ## hostname (-h option) as specified above (default "$hostname-$config")

  ## TODO: List of comma delimited emails that will be made admin and developer
  ## on initial signup example 'user1@example.com,user2@example.com'
  DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS: 'robotas@magveda.lt'

  ## TODO: The SMTP mail server used to validate new accounts and send notifications
  DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS: paprika.serveriai.lt
  DISCOURSE_SMTP_USER_NAME: robotas@magveda.lt
  DISCOURSE_SMTP_ENABLE_START_TLS: true           # (optional, default true)

  ## If you added the Lets Encrypt template, uncomment below to get a free SSL certificate
  LETSENCRYPT_ACCOUNT_EMAIL: melitonas@gmail.com

  ## The CDN address for this Discourse instance (configured to pull)
  ## see https://meta.discourse.org/t/14857 for details
  #DISCOURSE_CDN_URL: //discourse-cdn.example.com

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Adding a guidelines link to the Hamburger Menu


@markwilkin wrote:

I've managed to get a Guidelines link up on the About page by ticking the option for an external FAQ link and linking to a thread on the site.

Is there any way to make this change in the space at the bottom of the Hamburger menu? So you've got About, FAQ, Shortcuts and Guidelines links there.

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Why is overlay2 not supported in launcher?


@Lutz wrote:

In my opinion, the code in the launcher should be

if ! $docker_path info 2> /dev/null | egrep -q '^Storage Driver: (aufs|btrfs|zfs|overlay|overlay2)$'; then

and not

if ! $docker_path info 2> /dev/null | egrep -q '^Storage Driver: (aufs|btrfs|zfs|overlay)$'; then

There is no reason for this message if using overlay2.

Your Docker installation is not using a supported storage driver.  If we were to proceed you may have a broken install.
aufs is the recommended storage driver, although zfs/btrfs and overlay may work as well.
Other storage drivers are known to be problematic.
You can tell what filesystem you are using by running "docker info" and looking at the 'Storage Driver' line.

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Custom permalinks


@hnaseri wrote:

There is a permalink tab under customize section in admin panel. I don't know what does it exactly do. Can someone please explain it to me with a picture from that area? Because I have my discourse in Persian, and Persian translation of different fields in this section doesn't make sense to me.

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Regarding the installation - docker


@Kartheek_kark wrote:

Good morning.
I have an experience of ruby on rails for 4 months.I have no knowledge of docker.Hence I would like to know if developers who want to contribute can install using docker?
1.I have been facing a problem with aufs and I have resolved it commenting. is it fine without aufs in mac?
2.I am trying to make the docker container in other place (/users/kartheek/docker/discouse_docker/). Its gettting rejected even after changing the file preferences (docker).

Can you please help me out.

Thanks and regards.

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Question about brand new member posts being included in emails


@lkramer wrote:

Hello all. Let's say we have this unchecked: "Include posts from new users in summary emails by default." (meaning, we don't want potentially untrustworthy new members posts being included in emails we sent out). It sounds like it's talking about those Summary emails. Does this also hold true for the Mailing List Mode emails? I.e. the "daily" emails or "every post" emails you get if you check off Mailing List Mode.

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Showing only excerpts (selectively) for not logged in users


@ewanly wrote:

What if we have the ability to show only excerpts for not logged in users in a chosen topics. But this excerpt position and length are defined when needed by the author of the topic.

This could be defined into any topic content (without the need to do any general setup) by placing a special code (just like HTML code special to Discourse).

The code could be any thing like:
<x> shown text </x> hidden text.
<x-start> shown text <x-end> hidden text.
<excerpt> shown text </excerpt> hidden text.


<excerpt> Here is a text seen by anyone " whom allowed in the related category security setup default" </excerpt> and here is the rest of the topic's text which shown only to the logged in users "which is also considering the related cat security".

So Everyone see only excerpted area with ( ... login to continue) added:
Here is a text seen by anyone " whom allowed in the related category security setup default"... (login to continue)

Logged-in users see all topic content:
Here is a text seen by anyone " whom allowed in the related category security setup default" and here is the rest of the topic's text which shown only to the logged in users "which is also considering the related cat security".

The main idea is to improve the rate of registered/logged in users and to be able to bring them back more frequently by the summary emails.

The usage of this feature could be selected only on some topics which the author/moderator believe that the user would need to see the rest, so he would register.

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Intra-post permalink


@jmsachs wrote:

Is there any way to have an intra-post permalink with only a URL hash?

In other words, if I want to link to reply #3, can I do that? The regular permalink is a full URL, and if I add that, then it requires a page reload. Since it's the same page, is there any way to link to a reply with only a URL hash?


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The «/c//l/latest?page=1» pages should not be in SERP

What is the exact Meaning of The Community Spirit?


@xiasummer wrote:

Hi, I always hear about the Community Spirit, while I searched the community, I didn't find a good post talking about such "Community Spirit" and its development.

Rather, I've read something about the chinese discourse forum

Here we discussed what is the vitality of a forum when there already being facebook, twitter, zhihu, weibo, wechat, etc. When almost all the reading are based on cell phone, what kind of community do we need to build? Do we still need a forum or a BBS community?

I think most of the Chinese discourse website operaters' ideas are very good. While I think I should can give you some translation.

The Value of a Forum in this ERA:

  • The forum is a very good place to keep a topic move forward.

    • While other tools are more like fast-food culture, talk for a while, if not having a good anwser, then this topic will be dead.

    • A forum can be a serious community for thinking , while other tools are often just for fun, jokes or just showing off.

  • A Forum nowadays, must be smart enough!, or it will definitely be dead.

    • You can make the forum smart at learning for the user, and always present to the user the topics that he/she might be interested in.

    • Now, the Discourse is not doing well in information screening and information matching.

I just want to start a discussion on What the community spirit exactly is and What should we do to fully develop such spirit.

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Help with BBCode Plugin


@XieLong wrote:

Hi there,

I'm about to develop a plugin for some RPG related BBCodes.

Raw Code:

    ... Rule Text ...
    [value=Cost]200 XP[/value]
    [value=Some other Value]Text of the value.[/value]

Cooked code:

<dl class="bbcode-rule category">
    <dt class="bbcode-rule">Category</dt>
    <dd class="bbcode-rule">... Rule Text ...</dd>
    <dt class="bbcode-value cost">Cost:</dt>
    <dd class="bbcode-value cost">200 XP</dd>
    <dt class="bbcode-value some-other-value">Some other Value:</dt>
    <dd class="bbcode-value some-other-value">Text of the value.</dd>

My Problem is: I'm not able to create a block bbcode with processed contents. I feel that I'm kinda close, but lost. This is my plugin code so far:

  const { register } = builders(helper);

  register("value", {noWrap: true}, (contents, param) => {
    let className = 'bbcode-value';
    if (param) {
      className += ' ';
      className += generateCssClass(param);
    return [ 'dt', {'class': className, 'data-bbcode': true}, param,
             ['dd', {'class': className, 'data-bbcode': true}].concat(contents)
  register("rule", (contents, param) => ['div', {
    'class': 'bbcode-rule' + (param ? ' ' + generateCssClass(param) : ''),
    'data-bbcode': true},
    ['dt', {'class': 'bbcode-rule'}, param],
    ['dd', {'class': 'bbcode-rule'}, ???]].concat(contents));

And this is how it currently looks:

But with a line break after the opening rule-tag:

But still the second (and all following) [value] are not translated.

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Email in stopped working... halp :confused:


@mcwumbly wrote:

Today, @smcalear informed me that emails she was sending to our Discourse instance were no longer showing up.

I checked some things out and found the following:

  1. Nothing I know of changed on the system between when it was working (12 noon) and when it was observed to no longer be working (12:30 pm)

  2. The emails are being sent to the correct address ourforum+categorything@gmail.com

  3. The gmail inbox we're using for email in is still being polled successfully.
    It is set up to "archive emails" after they are accessed via POP, and indeed, the emails in were getting archived.

  4. https://ourforum.com/admin/email/received does not show any of the new emails

  5. https://ourforum.com/admin/email/rejected does not show any of the new emails

  6. https://ourforum.com//logs does not show anything suspect

Any ideas about what could be going on or where to look next?

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A tooltip for the backend dashboard statistics shows raw HTML tags

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