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Zendesk Web Widget conflicts with Discourse - Error: Could not find module -1


@iva wrote:

A very strange problem occurred today, after my forum had been working smoothly for several months. I haven't literally touched anything and haven't been upgrading to the latest Discourse.

The current state is that the forum loads up but no clicks are working. E.g. if I click on any topic, the URL in the address bar changes, but the page is not reloading. If I reload it manually, I enter into the topic, but then the reply buttons are not working. And so on... there are multiple issues like these. (Anyone interested can try here: https://bestbabyclub.ru/forum)

When I look at the logs (via the web interface), I see a flood of these errors:

Uncaught Error: Could not find module -1 Url: https://my_domain.com/forum/assets/vendor-a43a9db9e6fc40d53da0f24e72f88528c196240826c9a7e3eead8d7e107a5696.js Line: 1 Column 16222

I've tried rebuilding the container and it doesn't help.

Any ideas?

P.S. I should note that I'm running an older version of Discourse from my custom repo. But like I said I haven't changed anything lately. The last commit in the repo is dated several months back and this problem began today all of a sudden.

Update: I've finally found (sort of) what is causing this: Google Tag Manager. I had had it added manually to the Header via the CSS/HTML admin customization menu. It was working well for months.

Apparently, Google changed something in the GTM script yesterday night so it now conflicts with Discourse? My tags inside the GTM haven't changed since January...

Update #2: I've narrowed it further down to the Zendesk Help Widget that was loading on my forum via the GTM. Apparently, the Zendesk Widget code was updated yesterday night and began conflicting with Discourse.

I'm wondering if this Zendesk conflict issue is specific to the older Discourse version I'm using or it would be the same on the latest Discourse.

Anyone using Zendesk Web Widget on their forums?

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"Someone is typing..." feature at the bottom of topic


@Nam_Nguyen wrote:

I think it would be interest and attractive for reader if someone is typing a reply... like facebook comment feature

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Topics moved into auto-close-able categories should autoclose


@iamntz wrote:

Hey guys, I think I found a bug.

So, I have this category for job posting, where topics are automatically closed after 30 days since last post. This functionality works well.

However, some users posts this jobs in other categories and when an admin will move them in to the right category, I expect that they will close after 30 days (since, you know, is the category rule).

This should also work the other way around: if a topic is moved out of an auto-closeable category, it shouldn't be closed anymore.

Make sense? :slight_smile:


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Issue with Link click counter in Forums


@FarooqAR wrote:

On the forums, when I just right click on a link and not actually open the link, it still updates the clicks' counter. However, the counter gets reset when I refresh the page.

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Is there a way to group PM's in folders? Or plugin?


@dylanh724 wrote:

For example, we do "forum mafia" where you have to private message a lot - and for different games.

Is it possible to organize PM's, like in folders? Or a plugin?

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"New Topic via Email" button plugin


@LeoMcA wrote:

Introducing expose-emails-in, a Discourse plugin to "expose category emails-in in useful ways", which should really be called the "New Topic via Email" button plugin, because it does this to your category pages:

Clicking the plus opens the composer as usual, whereas clicking the envelope opens your email client populated with the email-in address of that category.

The plugin also changes behaviour for a logged out user, showing:

Here, clicking out the greyed out plus opens a modal prompting the user to log in, and clicking the envelope either opens your email client or the same modal, depending on whether the category is set to allow emails-in from strangers:

The text of the modal changes slightly when opened from the plus button if the category does allow emails-in from strangers, if you really want to get into the nitty gritty of the various possible states of buttons and modals, knock yourself out.

You can see it in use on Mozilla's Discourse instance, and find the repo here:

Please leave your questions, feature requests, comments and bug reports ↓

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File Upload Permissions


@roguemat wrote:

We're running a closed invite-only forum, and have just noticed that uploaded images are accessible without logging in.
Also, files uploaded to categories with limited view permissions, are also viewable by everyone.

I've checked the "prevent anons from downloading files" but it doesn't seem to do anything.


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Downloading CSS and HTML Customizations export fails


@imrehg wrote:

I have some customization in a Discourse-hosted Discourse. When I hit export, I get a Failed - No File error in Chrome, with the file-name shown there as the customization's ID.

If I then open the Chrome downloads page, and click on the failed link, it will download the file correctly. Here below the lower is the earlier file, shows failure, then I've clicked on clicked on that entry, and then the upper download happened with the correct filename and all.

I'm using Chromium 56.0.2924.87 on Linux 64-bit

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Alphabetically listed categories

What is the difference between raw.hbs handlerbar files and only .hbs handlerbar files?


@net_deamon wrote:

I noticied that few plugin outlet like topic-list-after-title require raw.hbs file
while other require only hbs file.

I did search in the handlebars documentation, but I could see anything as raw hbs file.

I checked in the discourse code, plugin outlet like topic-list-after-title are defined as

{{raw-plugin-outlet name="topic-list-after-title"}}

while other plugins are defined as

{{plugin-outlet name="composer-fields-below" args=(hash model=model)}}

Q1. Is there any reason why some plugin plugin are defined in above way ( raw-plugin-outlet) ?

Also I noticied that in the raw.hbs file, the setupcomponent is not called as explained in this link

Q2. Is it so? I had also asked similar question regarding this.

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URL causing multiple 429 onebox errors


@jomaxro wrote:

Putting this in support - it's by no means fatal, as the URL should not onebox anyway. I noticed when I attempted to add the following link to a topic it attempted to onebox far longer than normal. I eventually opened the console and noticed numerous 429 errors had occurred.

Here's the URL: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#spelling-and-grammar-checking
Screenshot of console:

Link to post with URL

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Sidekiq jobs not being processed, queue building up


@bovender wrote:

I have Sidekiq jobs building up in the queues without being processed. I got aware of this when Discourse notified me about >100k jobs in the admin dashboard.

In Sidekiq's web interface I see this:

Job	                Arguments
Jobs::RunHeartbeat	[{"current_site_id"=>"default"}]
Jobs::RunHeartbeat	[{"current_site_id"=>"default"}]
Jobs::RunHeartbeat	[{"current_site_id"=>"default"}]
Jobs::RunHeartbeat	[{"current_site_id"=>"default"}]
Jobs::RunHeartbeat	[{"current_site_id"=>"default"}]
Jobs::RunHeartbeat	[{"current_site_id"=>"default"}]
Jobs::DownloadBackupEmail	[{"to_address"=>"daniel@xltoolbox.net", "backup_file_path"=>"https://forum.xltoolbox.net/admin/backup...

The email entry was created when I attempted to download a backup; the link to the backup file was never mailed to me.

Discourse is working fine otherwise. The e-mail test succeeded. Discourse's log shows nothing. I've read https://meta.discourse.org/t/ensure-sidekiq-is-running-when-it-is-definitely-running/33936 which prompted me to try to download a backup, but did not help to solve my problem.

This is with a non-Docker install on Ubuntu 14.04. I know this setup not supported, but maybe someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks.

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How to change Discourse theme?

Why email error sending? Discourse does not connect to SMTP

No error message by clicking on document link in notification mail


@elutz wrote:

The following case:

  1. A user receives a notification email about a topic containing a link to an uploaded document.
  2. The user isn't logged in yet.
  3. He clicks on the link to the uploaded document.
  4. Now he get an empty page without any hints what to do, an error message or something else, simply an empty page.

The user should at least be redirected to the login page, like if he clicks on the "View Topic" link in the notification email.

Maybe this isn't a bug but I didn't find the exact setting to get the wanted behaviour. I looked e.g. at "Customize" / "Text Content".


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Assign Discourse more disk space


@Saurek wrote:

I feel this is something commonly asked but I can't seem to find an answer.

My VPS has 1TB free but Discourse seems to only have 1gb allocated to itself. How can I configure Discourse to use, say, 50GB?

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"Helpdesk" badge not on badges page

How do I migrate users and posts from Vanilla Forums to Discourse?

Social Login Issue


@RobMeade wrote:


Just wondering if someone could advise on this one.

We had a user who registered and seemingly wired up (we think) their Twitter account. They managed to post and earned some badges, updated their profile. All good. A couple of days later they were unable to login.

Having done a little digging it would seem on their account (Discourse) the "Logins" field is blank, e.g. doesn't say "Twitter(RobMeade)" etc.

The email address field is populated and validated.

Our hosted solution is configured only for social logins (Facebook, Twitter, GitHub and Google).

They have confirmed the app is listed under Twitter / Settings / Apps etc.

What I cannot work out is how either the account became dis-associated with the Twitter account, or, if it wasn't ever associated, how they posted?

Also - is there any way of resolving this without having to delete the user (Discourse) and get them to register again? I can't see any admin options to associate the social account, and when they click on the Login button on Discourse, even when choosing Twitter they are then given the Create an Account modal window.

Any help on this one would be really appreciated - I can provide specific details for our hosted solution / member if it is of use - I'm guessing you can perhaps see some details behind the scenes (I did check logs and stuff but haven't found a way to resolve yet).

Thanks in advance,


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Topic title duplicated in header


@jomaxro wrote:

I've started noticing this about a week or so ago. I've yet to get a consistent repro - but it seems to occur after editing a topic (as TL3 here on Meta, or Moderator at Stonehearth).

Here's what I've been seeing:

On a topic that can scroll, moving down (go to a later post) then back up resolves it. On a topic without scroll, I have to refresh the page to resolve it.

Has anyone else seen this?

Edit: just made a ninja edit to fix a typo, got the bug in this very topic!

Edit 2: And it happened again after the edit to add the image. Perhaps repro is being scrolled to topic of topic when making an edit...

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