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Hot off the presses, automated backup support!


Robin Ward wrote:

If you are on the latest version of Discourse, you can now enable automated daily backups, with support for uploading them offsite to S3!

I'm super proud of this feature because in my opinion not enough software (and certainly no forum software I am aware of) encourages users to create offsite backups of their data. The last thing you want in the event of a server failure is to lose all the awesome content your forum users have created.

Enabling this feature is easy! First go to the admin section and find backups under site settings. You'll see the following options:

Note that for the uploading to S3 support you'll need to have defined your s3 credentials as well. If you don't upload to S3 the backups will be left on the server filesystem.

Once you enable this, you can go to the backups tab in admin to view a list of backups that were performed with links to download or restore any images.

Let us know what you think of the feature and please help us try it out by enabling backups for your forums!

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Using Discourse as a Comment Engine for a Blog


Patrick Burrows wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Using discourse as blog software:

I agree that making it "the blog" is a bad idea.

But making it the blog's comment engine is not (have a discourse thread at the bottom of the page) Especially for sites which have both comments AND forums.

It would allow for users to use the same account for article comments and forum posts.

It would allow users to have a single profile page to go to and see responses to posts both in forums and in article comments.

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Quoting a link when replying doesn't include the link


Rikki Tooley wrote:

If you highlight text that includes a link like this, then click quote reply, there won't be a link in your reply.

Probably fits into this?

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Google AdSense plugin is now available


Michael wrote:

Yes! Since plugins are now able to override handlebars templates (thanks again, @zogstrip ) we have finally been able to create a clean Google AdSense plugin for Discourse.

It's available at https://github.com/discoursehosting/discourse-adsense

To install:

  • Make sure you're on latest! The changes that made this plugin possible have been committed at December 31.
  • Run rake plugin:install repo=http://github.com/discoursehosting/discourse-adsense in your discourse directory
  • In development mode, run rake assets:clean
  • In production, recompile your assets: rake assets:precompile

This plugin will be automatically made available to DiscourseHosting.com customers by the end of next week.

To use:

  • Go to Admin -> Settings -> AdSense
  • Enter your AdSense publisher ID (ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
  • Create new ad slots within your AdSense account (728x90 for desktop, 320x50 for mobile)
  • Copy the slot id # numbers (ten digits shown in the ID column) in the Discourse settings
  • Enable the slots you want to use

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I'm afraid I un-pinned "Welcome to meta.discourse.org"


KajMagnus wrote:


There was a Clear Pin button at the end of the topic "Welcome to meta.discourse.org" ( https://meta.discourse.org/t/welcome-to-meta-discourse-org/1 ) and I was wondering "What kind of access denied message will they show when I click it?"

So I clicked it. But apparently this really did un-pin the topic "Welcome to meta.discourse.org". At least that topic is no longer listed at the top of meta.discourse.org. That wasn't my intention, sorry about that — but perhaps a bug has been found?

Best regards, KajMagnus

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Link directly to latest post?


To The Tick Llc wrote:

Is their a URL extension that can best used to send users straight to the latest post?

for example something like....


DC is so incredibly powerful that we can actually use it for a real time chat room on our site...need a smart way to link to it from the from page of our site so that the user is taken straight to the latest post.

Ideas welcome

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Entering titles on mobile

There is a bug of category used Chinese


He Yiheng wrote:

I try to use Chinese category but when I enter into the category the topics cannot be load next page. It shows "loading more topics" and not working. Just enter into the category cannot load topics. If I change it to English name I would be Ok.

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Youtrack Integration


Steve Baer wrote:

We are finding ourselves constantly creating issues in our bugtracker (youtrack) that reference back to posts on discourse. Has anyone written a plug-in that helps automate the task of "bugifying" discourse posts?

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Using OneName/Namecoin blockchain as global nickname registry


Larry Salibra wrote:

I came across OneName a fews ago. OneName is a namespace in the Namecoin blockchain and associated JSON schema for decentralized identity. It seems like it would be an interesting alternative to Discourse Hub for Discourse installations.

The project has built a web "explorer" for the namespace hosted at http://onename.io - but the actual identity info is in the u/ namespace of the Namecoin blockchain.

As an example, here's my OneName:

Via the onename.io explorer: https://www.onename.io/larry

Raw JSON in namecoin blockchain: http://explorer.namecoin.info/n/155594

There's more info at the following links:


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Upgrading docker instance: Can't bootstrap data


Thisgeekza wrote:

I'm trying to upgrade my functional discourse instance.

Firstly, I updated docker to 0.9.0.

Running the launcher script threw messages about the -rm being deprecated, so I updated the script via sudo git pull.
I noted that the samples/data.yml and samples/web_only.yml had changed to automatically use the SSH keys.

I copied those two yml files to my /var/docker/containers folder, updated them for database password and email settings, etc. Confirmed that the yml was valid via yamllint.com.

I made sure that my existing containers were shut down, and attempted to bootstrap data. It fails with the following error:

Performing Consistency Checks
Checking cluster versions                                   ok
SQL command failed
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE info_rels (reloid) AS SELECT c.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n        ON c.relnamespace = n.oid LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index i         ON c.oid = i.indexrelid WHERE relkind IN ('r', 'm', 'i', 'S') AND  i.indisvalid IS DISTINCT FROM false AND  i.indisready IS DISTINCT FROM false AND   ((n.nspname !~ '^pg_temp_' AND     n.nspname !~ '^pg_toast_temp_' AND     n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema',                                              'binary_upgrade', 'pg_toast') AND         c.oid >= 16384)   OR (n.nspname = 'pg_catalog' AND     relname IN ('pg_largeobject', 'pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index', 'pg_largeobject_metadata', 'pg_largeobject_metadata_oid_index') ));
ERROR:  operator does not exist: name !~ unknown
LINE 1: ...disready IS DISTINCT FROM false AND   ((n.nspname !~ '^pg_te...
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.

Failure, exiting

/pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:85:in `spawn': /root/upgrade_postgres failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 69 exit 1> (RuntimeError)
        from /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:55:in `block in run'
        from /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:53:in `each'
        from /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:53:in `run'
        from /pups/lib/pups/command.rb:5:in `run'
        from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:85:in `block (2 levels) in run_commands'
        from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:76:in `each'
        from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:76:in `block in run_commands'
        from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:75:in `each'
        from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:75:in `run_commands'
        from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:71:in `run'
        from /pups/lib/pups/cli.rb:31:in `run'
        from /pups/bin/pups:8:in `<main>'

Annoyingly, this bootstrap changes the permissions on my /var/docker/shared/postgres_* so I have to fix it before I can start up my old containers.

I haven't attempted to re-bootstrap the web container yet. Don't want to screw up my working containers until I have a resolution for the data container.

The full output of the bootstrap attempt is here: http://pastebin.com/vXenEt0v

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Is there a broadcast function?


Ted Pearlman wrote:

I'd love to use an @ mention of something like @everyone to broadcast to my entire discourse community. Does this exist or is there another way to do it?

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Better way to skip to a # reply?


Chris Bridgett wrote:

Unless I'm missing something, is the only current way to skip to a certain post (other than the first/last) by appending the number to the URL? I know Discourse takes you back to the point you last read up to in a given thread, but I'm not always logged in to forums (various different devices, I won't always login).

Could the little widget that shows your progress through a thread with the up/down arrows for the top and bottom be tap/clickable, for you to enter a number in the "#" of # part to jump to a reply? It's irritating having to scroll wait for infinite scroll to load more replies, scroll, wait for infinite scroll to load more replies, etc, if you want to be somewhere in the middle of a large thread - sure you could type the reply # in the url, but in the interests of user-friendliness, my suggestion makes the most sense to me. What do you think?

Edit: Just saw this thread on the same issue/suggesting the same solution. Looks like validation to me - and in reply to Sam's post on the other thread, my use case is just a user-friendly way to jump to a point in a large thread without having to amend the URL or spend an eternity scrolling/waiting for replies to load/continuum.

Edit2: The specific reason this occurred to me, is because I was reading this thread the other day and knew I'd read up to around reply #140. It must have been on a different PC and I don't have an account there so there was no user-friendly way of getting back to where I was.

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New light blue styling makes some things impossible to read


Rikki Tooley wrote:

Screen from my forum dashboard:

Personally the lighter colour makes the topic notifications hard to read too.

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Site Customizations: Only One Enabled at Once?


TALlama wrote:

As the code currently stands, SiteCustomizations#custom_stylesheet(key) and SiteCustomizations#custom_header(key) look like they can support having multiple customizations enabled at once, but only one stylesheet is ever loaded and only one header is ever loaded. These two call sites should probably find all enabled customizations, and any previewed customizations, and load up the stylesheets/headers for each.

To make matters worse, previewing a customization replaces the customization all other users are using, since it's set in your session and the current code doesn't "trickle down" to also load the other enabled customization (preview_style ||= enabled_style_key, so it can never be both. Then, it doesn't seem to get cleared when it should; the preview goes away, but the globally-enabled customization never returns.

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Support the Editor with plugins


Abel Van wrote:

Continuing the discussion from MathJax Plugin (supports math notation using LaTeX):

StackEdit is a cool plugin, which can
Continuing the discussion from More advance editor should be here?:

Consider the plugin support things, I want to command that StackEdit can support userdefined plugin (See the settings->UserCustom extension), such as the LaTeX style Theorem Environment is defined by me and added to my configureation.

I do love stackedit, since it is lite, only visite the site https://stackedit.io/ and start to write with markdown, and one click to publish to your blog...

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More advance editor should be here?


Abel Van wrote:

I have some exprence in taking notes of math in the Editor: StackEdit, while the discouse editor (what's her name?) is my first forum editor that support markdown and mathjax at the same time with perfect preview, it seems that there are still have some space to make it more perfect, compare with StackEdit:

  1. a table of content guide of a rather length topic: in stackedit, we can just put a shortcode called [toc] to make a table of content with links
  2. the particial render of mathjax is also quire important: in stackedit, it can render a part of the doc which make the writter take the real advantage of WYSIWYG.
  3. auto-complete: for example, when we write a list, press enter will auto add an item...
  4. (this maybe a bug) It seems that the mathjax is not able to render equation with labels, for example:
    $\text{math is amazing}$
    then a second render will broken the equation in preview, I think this can be solved by remove the label in equation and configure mathjax with autonumber: AMS, then the \eqrefcommand is redefined to be link to the equation directly.
  5. save my post in google doc: Some important thing sholud be save some where we can find it easily...
  6. support markdown extensions: I like to use table and footnote(as my bibliography) in the post

This is just a short list of things which I think will make discourse more perfect, add more if you got an idea...

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"Quote Post" button should be disabled or raise an error when creating a new topic


Jeremy Banks wrote:

The first time I saw the "Quote Post" button I thought it was a <blockquote> command, and tried clicking it several times with and without text selected. It didn't have any effect, so I assumed the button was broken.

If the user is creating a new topic, the button should be disabled/removed or should raise an error.

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Blogging Platforms, Ghost, and Discourse


Craig Oda wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Discourse blog - blog.discourse.org:

I am curious as to why you moved to Ghost for your blog. Is it free?

When you say that your blog will be moved to Discourse, do you mean that the blog comments for Ghost will be driven by Discourse, similar to the Evil Trout blog?

What about using Discourse as the blog platform itself, not as the comment engine at the end of blog? I'm not suggesting that this is advisable, I'm just curious to see what you have in mind.

This interesting to me since I was just talking to a client about what blog and forum platform to use. My main requirement is to get as tight as integration between the blog and the forum as possible. The three things that I am looking for are:

  1. comments on the blog will go into the forum or somehow be connected
  2. forum content can be selected to be pushed to the blog
  3. tracking analytics within the forum so that I can see how many times links to external content have been clicked from within the forum (different views, including aggregate, by date, by person, by topic tag)

I have pretty much free control over the blog software. I am also thinking of moving my own hobby blog on teaching children to program to another blog platform to gain better management of questions, discussions, answers. I moved a corporate blog over to Jekyll and that is going fine so far. I am thinking of moving my own blog over to Jekyll or now Ghost since that is what you're using.

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Blank topic pages after adding / removing plugin on docker install


David McClure wrote:

At some point, I stopped being able to load topic pages.

When I go to a topic page, I either see a blank page, or just the header or category badge.

The page source looks to contain all the HTML and JSON data.

In the javascript console, I see this:

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'categoryLink'

I'm on version 0be7483

I tried removing the plugin by removing the line from app.yml, destoying the container, bootstrapping and starting up again (I did the basic docker install)

I've ssh'd to the container and verified that there is no more directory for the plugin in /var/www/discourse/plugins

I've tried manually running assets:precompile

This is currently happening on all topic pages, but not on the topic list pages, or on user pages or admin pages.

What should I look for or try next? Or what other info should I provide here?


This is a duplicate of this:

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