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Default mode for long topics: active "summarize this topic"


@Pad_Pors wrote:

Is it possible to put long topics in "summarize this topic" active-mode, so that best replies are shown in long discussion in the first glance.

then if someone wants to un-hide other topics he can simply press the hidden items.

This is because usually newbie users go to top list, and see long discussion, and don't see "summarize the topic" at first (they have already scrolled down the topic).

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Problem creating a category using the API


@jack2 wrote:

I have successfully created a topic using the API (using entry point posts, as described here), which makes me think my process is good.

But when I try to create a category (using entry point categories.json, as documented here, or entry point categories, as sniffed under Chrome using this method, or even entry point create_category, as it seems to be used here), I get the following error:

Error: failed [400] <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>   <meta charset="utf-8" />   <title>Action Controller: Exception caught</ti
tle>   <style>     body {       background-color: #FAFAFA;       color: #333;       margin: 0px;     }      body, p, ol, ul, td {       font-family: helvetica, ve
rdana, arial, sans-serif;       font-size:   13px;       line-height: 18px;     }      pre {       font-size: 11px;       white-space: pre-wrap;     }      pre.bo
x {       border: 1px solid #EEE;       p

(followed by a dozen pages of css/html gibberish)

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

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Add link to external SSO profile to profile page


@pfaffman wrote:

If you use SSO and profile settings are controlled by another site, it's confusing that you cannot change them on your profile page.

Can someone show me how to add something like a "Edit Profile on SITE" button to the nav menu on the user preferences page?

Or, is there some better idea?

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Possible to return user's email with API response?


@jackzampolin wrote:

So I've gotten up and running with the API, but when I try to pull the details for an individual user the email is never returned even if I set the { show_emails: true } param in the request:

# using the discourse_api ruby gem
def get_user(user)
  params = { show_email: true }
  @discourse.get("/users/#{user}.json", params).body
# OR
@discourse.user(user, { show_email: true }

Any way to work around this?

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About topic still counts towards total votes


@erlend_sh wrote:

Happy to see that the About topic can no longer be voted on, but it appears the vote that I applied to prior to this change still remains, and so the About topic is counting towards my total number of votes.

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Broken Emoji in Safari (Mac, iOS)


@Dmitry_Krasnoperov wrote:

I have v1.8.0.beta7 +10 installation.

Emoji looks like this in Safari (Mac, iOS). Another browsers work great!

But if I copy and open URL with emoji it works fine!

it looks good but a bit big

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How do I disable all post reply notification emails?


@pad wrote:

At least with Mailgun, users who unsubscribe from reply notification emails also unsubscribe from password reset emails, and admins who unsubscribe also unsubscribe from backup download link emails. Because Mailgun stops sending any email to people who have unsubscribed. This is tricky.

I pretty much only want people to receive critical account-associated emails, or alternatively to be unable to unsubscribe from critical emails regardless if they unsubscribe from anything else. I must be missing something in the settings.

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Stripe Donations Plugin


@rimian wrote:

We've built a plugin for accepting donations via a Stripe account!

Installation instructions are in the README.

You'll need to create a Stripe account and add your API keys to the plugin settings.

This ads a button to the main navigation page which takes the user to a Stripe payment form.

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Is it possible to view the status of sidekiq queue


@boomer196 wrote:

Is there a way to look into the sidekiq queue? I would like to see what has been processed and/or what still needs to be processed.

Thanks in advance!

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Can't restore from backup


@staticfloat wrote:

Hello there,

I have a backup from a hosted discourse instance that I'm trying to move to a privately-hosted instance, and I'm running into errors while attempting to restore the backed up configuration from the original hosted site. I followed the instructions for creating a standalone docker-based install, and everything worked until I uploaded my backup and hit "restore". After waiting a few minutes with nothing being output to the console and my CPUs being rather quiet, I tried refreshing the page, and got an HTTP 500. Looking at the console logs when I tried to view them, I get the following:

2017-03-14 00:25:02 UTC [5774-1] discourse@discourse ERROR:  column topics.bookmark_count does not exist at character 1730
2017-03-14 00:25:02 UTC [5774-2] discourse@discourse STATEMENT:  SELECT  "topics"."id" AS t0_r0, "topics"."title" AS t0_r1, "topics"."last_posted_at" AS t0_r2, "topics"."created_at" AS t0_r3, "topics"."updated_at" AS t0_r4, "topics"."views" AS t0_r5, "topics"."posts_count" AS t0_r6, "topics"."user_id" AS t0_r7, "topics"."last_post_user_id" AS t0_r8, "topics"."reply_count" AS t0_r9, "topics"."featured_user1_id" AS t0_r10, "topics"."featured_user2_id" AS t0_r11, "topics"."featured_user3_id" AS t0_r12, "topics"."avg_time" AS t0_r13, "topics"."deleted_at" AS t0_r14, "topics"."highest_post_number" AS t0_r15, "topics"."image_url" AS t0_r16, "topics"."like_count" AS t0_r17, "topics"."incoming_link_count" AS t0_r18, "topics"."category_id" AS t0_r19, "topics"."visible" AS t0_r20, "topics"."moderator_posts_count" AS t0_r21, "topics"."closed" AS t0_r22, "topics"."archived" AS t0_r23, "topics"."bumped_at" AS t0_r24, "topics"."has_summary" AS t0_r25, "topics"."vote_count" AS t0_r26, "topics"."archetype" AS t0_r27, "topics"."featured_user4_id" AS t0_r28, "topics"."notify_moderators_count" AS t0_r29, "topics"."spam_count" AS t0_r30, "topics"."pinned_at" AS t0_r31, "topics"."score" AS t0_r32, "topics"."percent_rank" AS t0_r33, "topics"."subtype" AS t0_r34, "topics"."slug" AS t0_r35, "topics"."auto_close_at" AS t0_r36, "topics"."auto_close_user_id" AS t0_r37, "topics"."auto_close_started_at" AS t0_r38, "topics"."deleted_by_id" AS t0_r39, "topics"."participant_count" AS t0_r40, "topics"."word_count" AS t0_r41, "topics"."excerpt" AS t0_r42, "topics"."pinned_globally" AS t0_r43, "topics"."auto_close_based_on_last_post" AS t0_r44, "topics"."auto_close_hours" AS t0_r45, "topics"."pinned_until" AS t0_r46, "topics"."fancy_title" AS t0_r47, "topics"."highest_staff_post_number" AS t0_r48, "topics"."bookmark_count" AS t0_r49, "topics"."off_topic_count" AS t0_r50, "topics"."illegal_count" AS t0_r51, "topics"."inappropriate_count" AS t0_r52, "topics"."notify_user_count" AS t0_r53, "topics"."featured_link" AS t0_r54, "categories"."id" AS t1_r0, "categories"."name" AS t1_r1, "categories"."color" AS t1_r2, "categories"."topic_id" AS t1_r3, "categories"."topic_count" AS t1_r4, "categories"."created_at" AS t1_r5, "categories"."updated_at" AS t1_r6, "categories"."user_id" AS t1_r7, "categories"."topics_year" AS t1_r8, "categories"."topics_month" AS t1_r9, "categories"."topics_week" AS t1_r10, "categories"."slug" AS t1_r11, "categories"."description" AS t1_r12, "categories"."text_color" AS t1_r13, "categories"."read_restricted" AS t1_r14, "categories"."auto_close_hours" AS t1_r15, "categories"."post_count" AS t1_r16, "categories"."latest_post_id" AS t1_r17, "categories"."latest_topic_id" AS t1_r18, "categories"."position" AS t1_r19, "categories"."parent_category_id" AS t1_r20, "categories"."posts_year" AS t1_r21, "categories"."posts_month" AS t1_r22, "categories"."posts_week" AS t1_r23, "categories"."email_in" AS t1_r24, "categories"."email_in_allow_strangers" AS t1_r25, "categories"."topics_day" AS t1_r26, "categories"."posts_day" AS t1_r27, "categories"."logo_url" AS t1_r28, "categories"."background_url" AS t1_r29, "categories"."allow_badges" AS t1_r30, "categories"."name_lower" AS t1_r31, "categories"."auto_close_based_on_last_post" AS t1_r32, "categories"."topic_template" AS t1_r33, "categories"."suppress_from_homepage" AS t1_r34, "categories"."contains_messages" AS t1_r35, "categories"."sort_order" AS t1_r36, "categories"."sort_ascending" AS t1_r37, "categories"."uploaded_logo_id" AS t1_r38, "categories"."uploaded_background_id" AS t1_r39, "categories"."topic_featured_link_allowed" AS t1_r40, "categories"."all_topics_wiki" AS t1_r41, "categories"."show_subcategory_list" AS t1_r42, "categories"."num_featured_topics" AS t1_r43, "categories"."default_view" AS t1_r44, "categories"."subcategory_list_style" AS t1_r45 FROM "topics" INNER JOIN "top_topics" ON "top_topics"."topic_id" = "topics"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "topics"."category_id" WHERE (topics.archetype <> 'private_message') AND "topics"."visible" = 't' AND ("topics"."id" NOT IN (21, 3, 114, 2049, 284, 314, 18, 2, 241, 1378, 384, 88, 86, 316, 315, 89, 13, 14, 90, 290, 283, 197, 129, 19)) AND (topics.deleted_at IS NULL) AND (topics.category_id IS NULL or topics.category_id IN (15,28,21,23,7,3,18,26,11,10,25,24,12,5,6,13,22,1,20,17,16,8)) AND (top_topics.monthly_score > 0)  ORDER BY COALESCE(top_topics.monthly_score, 0) DESC, topics.bumped_at DESC LIMIT 30

The site is now completely knackered, what do I need to do in order to get my site transfer to complete?

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SSO Redirect Problem


@thepenguinmaster wrote:

I am working with Discourse SSO authentication and running into a problem with redirects. I am able to successfully login and everything works great, until the user logs in using GitHub or Google.

What seems to be happening is our site redirects to Discourse, Discourse accepts the SSO request, allows user to select GitHub, and redirects to GitHub. The user logs in, and is redirected to Discourse, but the last redirect back to our service is never completed. Discourse forgot my encoded request to Discourse? Why would Discourse not complete the redirect back to my service after GitHub or other login via OAuth?

I believe this may be a bug, but suspect I may be missing a header.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you,

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Feature creep meta


@grahamperrin wrote:

A brief roundup of topics in which feature creep is mentioned. Plus a little more.

Please note, this roundup is not to imply that all of what's mentioned or linked below is (or was) truly or potentially creepy. Just food for thought.

For starters, something that the system treated as similar whilst I drafted this topic: Meta.discourse.org - Bugs / Features list page contents not listed as expected (2015-01-20). Tagged as a feature. To me it seems more like a bug than a feature, and it's only because I'm primarily reasonably familiar with the web interface to Discourse that I can correct myself and use the word categorised instead of labelled or tagged :slight_smile:

Is that feature not implemented – is that bug not fixed – simply because other things took priority? Or because in the short-, medium- and long-term visions of things, it's not clear how to meet that expectation whilst maintaining an interface that is sane and orderly across all types of compatible device? We need not answer those two questions here or now in this topic; it's food for thought.

(Side note: secondarily, I'm familiarising myself with the Android interface to Discourse.)

From a closed 2014 topic:

I cherry picked that topic because it was about tracking, and about concepts of read and unread. From a more recent topic that began partly with the same concepts:

I can visualise the relative simplicity of a first iteration in the relative luxury of a desktop browser interface.

It's more difficult to visualise on, say, an Android handset.

(I don't mean to draw unfair or undue attention to the Mark as unread or save for later topic. It's simply one that caught my eye, because I already use the feature.)

From that June 2012 HBR post:

… This blog post was excerpted from Stefan Thomke’s and Donald Reinertsen’s article “Six Myths of Product Development” in the May issue of the magazine.

Flow, workflow, sense of consistency

I think again of the relative luxury of a desktop browser interface.

Without that luxury: how will it feel to have something disappear from what's beneath or near the fingertip? Should the timing of automatic disappearance of a modal dialogue differ from one type of device to another? On particularly small devices, should the duration be extended, or should there be no automatic disappearance?

Generally, does it all flow nicely, consistently?

Food for thought :slight_smile:

Last but not least …


As features truly creep, over time, how will the sets and subsets sound, in orderly fashions, to someone who uses assistive technology to listen to a graphical interface?

And so on …

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WP Discourse 1.3.0 Release


@Simon_Cossar wrote:

The latest release of the WP Discourse plugin (1.3.0) is available on the WordPress plugin repository or from GitHub.

It fixes a few issues and adds a few features to the plugin:

  • fixes the issue with avatars on Discourse being overridden by the default WordPress avatars when WordPress is used as the SSO provider.

  • adds the option to sync existing users by email address when Discourse is used as the SSO provider for WordPress.

  • adds configurable text options for the 'Login with Discourse', and 'Link your account to Discourse' text when Discourse is used as the SSO provider for Discourse.

  • adds a notice to the new-post screen when a user hasn't set their Discourse username.

  • allows syncing logout from Discourse with WordPress when Discourse is used as the SSO provider. To make this work, add a URL in the form of http://yoursite.com/?request=logout to the 'logout redirect' setting on Discourse.

  • restores the warning that is displayed when the plugin is installed on php < 5.4.0. This is a hard thing to test. If anyone has a server with php < 5.4.0 installed on it and wants to give it a try, it would be greatly appreciated.

  • adds an action hook after a user is created when using Discourse as the SSO provider. This can be hooked into to send a 'welcome' email to new users who are created on WordPress through SSO. I wouldn't recommend sending the 'new_user_notification' email here, but if you wanted to, it can be done in the theme's functions.php file with some code like this:

add_action( 'wpdc_sso_client_after_create_user', 'testeleven_send_new_user_notification' );
function testeleven_send_new_user_notification( $user_id ) {
    wp_send_new_user_notifications( $user_id );

If these changes cause any issues, please let me know.

Support WP Discourse on OpenCollective

OpenCollective is like Patreon for open source projects. If your site relies on this plugin, please consider becoming a "backer" or a "sponsor" to support ongoing feature development, maintenance and support of the plugin.

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"." (dot) in tag


@Lai wrote:

It seems i cannot tag usage "." (dot) in tag. For example: tag "1.2.3".

Does Discourse support this?

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"Join Group" button position on Group page

Changing username colors


@Savage wrote:

Is there currently any way to change the colors of usernames based on groups?
For example, I want to make the usernames of Admins show up red when they post, and moderators purple when they post?

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Split topic posts appearing as not having been visited


@SlyRemarks wrote:

A very minor issue we have noticed on our self-hosted Discourse (v1.8.0.beta5 +33) - the issue described in the following topic is still occurring for us (posts that have been split are appearing as not having being visited):

It doesn't always behave this way. A topic that I split would not appear "grayed" out to me (an Admin), but it did to another Admin. Moderators have reported the same thing.

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Updating the google group importer


@pacharanero wrote:


I have now written 2 iterations of importers for Google Groups into Discourse. The most recent one is here: https://github.com/pacharanero/google_group.to_discourse.

It's broken since some updates to Discourse, so I'm in the process of updating it. In particular I'm hoping with this version to get it good enough that I can submit it to Discourse as a part of Discourse itself, so I want to make it a) run well and b) not to break any other importers.

The require and subclassing lines are thus:

require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/mbox.rb")

class ImportScripts::GoogleGroups < ImportScripts::Mbox

  def initialize(google_group_name)

I am subclassing the standard Discourse importer script mbox.rb in order to use the methods it contains.


The last line of mbox.rb instantiates and runs ImportScripts::Mbox#perform, which is a problem since the whole thing gets run as soon as Ruby executes the require. This is before I've been able to set any of the environment variables etc, so of course it fails with an error.

I want to be able to subclass mbox.rb without instantiating it and running #perform (until I'm ready)

Is there any way of doing this? Apologies if this is a bit of a basic/dumb question - I am a very part-time Rubyist.

Or is it better to change mbox.rb so that it doesn't instantiate and run itself (the instantiation and running part could be extracted out into another script)? It doesn't look as though any other scripts are subclassing mbox.rb or depending on it in any other way, so this is unlikely to break anything else.

I'd be interested in any thoughts, particularly from @erlend_sh (who originally suggested I could submit it to DIscourse) and other Discourse Team @sam @codinghorror


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Indicating user experience/reputation on the avatar


@precessor wrote:

Continuing the discussion from What is the best practice for displaying user's Authority, "flair" or "role" in the forum?:

One thing I miss after moving my forum to Discourse was the indication of contribution/authority/reputation near the user's avatar wherever they post.
On Discourse a "flair" mini-image can be added to a Group of users' avatars - but this indicates membership of a group, which can have a range of meanings.
Each user has Badges, but tbh I never even check my own badges, let alone anyone else's.

So: How about an additional discrete embellishment to the avatar image which indicates this? It could be a partial ring around the edge...The ring could be organically linked to overall badges received somehow.

Using my superior "Paint" skillz, I have mocked up these:


Lots badges:

You know, like this, but much (much) better :wink:

Could this even be done in CSS like the Christmas hat trick?

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Getting the profile picture of user with api


@hnaseri wrote:

I want to get the avatar of user via api. I'm seeing user.json however it contains so many avatar urls I dont know what to use:


what parameter should I use and Is there a better way?

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