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Help us translate the Narrative Bot


@neil wrote:

Hello to our amazing translators! :heart:

Our Narrative Bot plugin adds a chat bot to greet new users and help them learn how to use Discourse. Right now it's only available in English and soon Spanish thanks to @SidV , but would love to have translations in our other supported languages. Can you help us? Ideally we can get translations in time for our 1.8 release, which should be wrapping up at the end of this month.

Since these strings aren't in Transifex, we'll take pull requests with new server.*.yml files. Let us know if you have any questions and if you can help.

There's one file with 351 lines:

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Is it possible to have more than one owner of a post?


@Kimberly_Lantis wrote:

I would like to allow more than one user the ability to edit a post/topic but am not seeing how to do so?

I know that setting the post to a wiki allows for everyone to edit the topic but I don't want for everyone to be able to...

I want to limit who, but allow the owner to be more than one person. Is group ownership possible?


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Disable edit notifications setting not working?


@jomaxro wrote:

Want to double check my understanding of the setting disable edit notifications as it does not appear to function as I expected.

I have download remote images to local enabled with a 10% disk space threshold. I've also enabled disable edit notification, which I assumed would disable an edit log when a remote image was downloaded by the system user. However, this evening I saw a post with the downloaded local copies of images edit log. Am I understanding the setting correctly?

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User information at registration


@RSnie wrote:


I would like new users to give information about:
- the company they work for
- What their job description is.

How can I enable this?

Thanks, Rosanne

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Discord Webhook


@JoyalV wrote:


How can I have posts from a category to post to a discord channel through webhooks without using as plugin?


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Central master config for multi-tenant multi-forum solution


@modius wrote:

I'm looking at a little project where I need lots of tiny communities that are almost identical except for the users and content; that is, configuration, theme, SSO provider, etc.

What's the best way to lock down config/settings across lots of forums on exactly the same server where the config will vary only slightly between forums? Also I'd like to be able to programatically create new forums, utilising the central config with slight variations between forums.

Is it possible to create a plugin who's sole responsibility is managing a central set of configuration items? For example, use the plugin designated config unless the forum has a local setting.

What about a central "master" forum that's not used except for configuration, that other forums inherit from?

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Is it possible to hide the user listing page


@modius wrote:

Is it possible to hide the user page?

In the set up we need its ok for users to discover each others profiles via posts but not a list all users in the system.

Assuming its not possible with a setting (i can't find one), what would be the next best approach? Would I build this through a plugin?

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Mentioning non-user emails / altering @-mention functionality


@jacksongs wrote:


Love your work Discourse team, keep it up.

I'm a journalist from Australia working on a Discourse-based platform for investigative journalism teams.

I chose Discourse because it offers thoughtful community management, email and Slack support, core-supported Patreon support and API write functionality for scrapers.

I'm also looking to integrate Freedom of Information (FOI) requests into topics 'inline' to allow teams to manage large quantities of requests in a structured Discourse forum.

By way of background, an FOI request is just a formal request to the government for information. They typically consist of two or three emails back and forth between a government department and a requester over a month or two.

So far I've got a 'hacky' version working by just creating users with the Freedom of Information contact emails and @-mentioning them. But the need to not 'leak' information means it hobbles the @-mention feature for other users.

I wondered whether it was worth considering an '@-mention'-like feature specifically for this purpose, ie something like an '^-request'.

Has anyone come across any plugins or extensions expanding or editing the @-mention functionality that I can review as a guide?

If not, I was going to start by hacking into here and here, but open to suggestions.

Thanks, appreciate your time.


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Unable to access after installation - HTTP


@and16 wrote:

I have a similar situation as: https://meta.discourse.org/t/unable-to-access-after-installation/50977

However, even if I change port I am not able to acces the welcome page (I have never been able).

Testing with python -m BaseHTTPServer 80 I access without issues.

This is the docker run after the launcher rebuild:

  • /usr/bin/docker run -d --restart=always -e LANG=en_US.UTF-8 -e RAILS_ENV=production -e UNICORN_WORKERS=4 -e UNICORN_SIDEKIQS=1 -e RUBY_GLOBAL_METHOD_CACHE_SIZE=131072 -e RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_MAX_SLOTS=40000 -e RUBY_GC_HEAP_INIT_SLOTS=400000 -e RUBY_GC_HEAP_OLDOBJECT_LIMIT_FACTOR=1.5 -e DISCOURSE_DB_SOCKET=/var/run/postgresql -e DISCOURSE_DB_HOST= -e DISCOURSE_DB_PORT= -e DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME=XXX -e DOCKER_USE_HOSTNAME=true -e DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS=XXX -e DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS=XXX -e DISCOURSE_SMTP_PORT=XXX -e DISCOURSE_SMTP_USER_NAME=XXX -e DISCOURSE_SMTP_PASSWORD= -e HTTP_PROXY=XXX -e http_proxy=XXX -e HTTPS_PROXY=XXX -e https_proxy=XXX -e DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS=true -e 'DISCOURSE_CORS_ORIGIN=*' -h XXX -e DOCKER_HOST_IP= --name app -t -p 8080:8080 -p 443:443 -v /var/discourse/shared/standalone:/shared -v /var/discourse/shared/standalone/log/var-log:/var/log --mac-address 02:57:80:24:85:c7 local_discourse/app /sbin/boot
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                          NAMES
47ec966d1982        local_discourse/app   "/sbin/boot"        27 minutes ago      Up 27 minutes>443/tcp,>8080/tcp   app

netstat -na | grep 8080
tcp6 0 0 :::8080 :::* LISTEN

iptables -S
-A FORWARD -o docker0 -j DOCKER
-A FORWARD -o docker0 -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -i docker0 ! -o docker0 -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -i docker0 -o docker0 -j ACCEPT
-A DOCKER -d ! -i docker0 -o docker0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
-A DOCKER -d ! -i docker0 -o docker0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT

I do not have SSL. Any suggestions?


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Discourse structure


@l3est wrote:

I'm a new rails/discourse developer. I'm wondering if someone could tell me about discourse structure.
I wanted to edit some view files so I edited discourse/app/views/[view-folder]/[*.html.erb] files and nothing changed, even static text like 'test' didn't show up in website.
could you tell me which files can change things on website template?

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Badge Queries - data in csv or other db?


@Er00 wrote:

Is it possible to run a badge query against data in another db or a csv? We'd like to give a badge to users who match certain criteria in our (ie non-Discourse) accounts database, but not just retroactively.

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Copy/paste in latest Chrome on Android


@ljpp wrote:

Chrome 58 has landed on Android devices this week, and it breaks functionality:

  • Copy-paste action menu does not work.
    • When you long-press on a word, the menu blinks on the device UI but it is inpossible to copy a piece of text.
    • Reproduced also in safe-mode, with everything disabled (logged in)
    • However, it seems to work using Incognito mode.
  • The Back button has disappeared from topic view. Not appearing at all.

    • Again, it works when going Incognito.

@sam We are running 1.7 stable branch. It looks like that Meta does not suffer from this regression. Has this been issued in the 1.8 development branch?

Edit: I have user reports that the functionality again works when using Chrome-beta channel version or Opera (an older Blink version).

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Discourse vs. Codecademy Forums


@minasf wrote:


I have been using Codecademy for the past two years and I just joined Discourse. What is the difference between the two?

Thank you,


P.S. I hope I have not submitted this question in the wrong place . . . maybe I should have written it in FAQ? :sweat_smile:

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Admin receives emails between users


@Denis_Heraud wrote:

This has happened a few times on our forum, and again today. Sometimes the admin email setup in Discourse receives emails that seem to be sent between two users on the forum. For example, the emails the admin gets have a subject line that says RE: forum topic, the from: field is from the user sending the message (correct name and email address), but the to: field of the email has the name of the forum user it is meant to be sent to but the email address is the Discourse admin email address...??

I'm not sure I know how a user would even be able to email another user directly as I was under the impression that you could only message another user through the Discourse messaging feature.

The content of the email seems to be generated by Discourse (I censored the content and usernames, communityforum@DOMAIN.COM is the admin email):




On May 4, 2017, at 10:19 PM, FORUM DISCOURSE USER <communityforum@DOMAIN.COM> wrote:

May 5


Visit Topic to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here.

It doesn't look like the actual user is receiving the email that was intended for them, but the Discourse admin is receiving it instead. Can anyone help me explain this behaviour? Thanks!

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Help me understand the possibilities for using Discourse as a replacement for BBPress in a WP site with memberships


@Jesse_Starr2 wrote:

I'm having trouble understanding if I can use the WP-Discourse plugin as a way replace our BBpress forum with Discourse and be able to manage users through our Wordpress member management tool.

So, we'd want it to work like this: you sign into our site. if you have the membership level that includes the forum, you'd be able to access it without having to login again.

Is this possible/easy to do?

There seems to be a lot of confusion as to whether the WP integration is just for comments or also as a forum replacement. Thanks!

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Which table polls data is stored?


@veer wrote:

I have more than 1000 topics, i am planning to dynamically insert new polls in each topic.
Here is what i want.

  • Unique polls i will insert for every unique post.

I want to to know, where discourse store polls data. How polls data is stored, etc.

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Discourse for Developer Communities


@erlend_sh wrote:

Originally published at: https://blog.discourse.org/2017/05/discourse-for-developer-communities/

Most early adopters of Discourse were developer communities, as is often the case with open source projects. Our own meta.discourse.org community is also a development-centric community, so we’ve been mindful of this use case since practically Day 0. Consequently, Discourse caters to a lot of developer communities. We reached out to 30 of them to…

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User reporting more Android problems


@sebastianh wrote:

Hi there. I thought it was fixed here, but it seems one of my users has a slightly different but maybe related problem, as he describes here:

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Polls inserted manually into database don't work right


@veer wrote:

Please Note that, actually command create the HTML in the Posts.cooked but it do not work. I inserted polls in Posts.Raw (only the Markdown), With different poll names and options etc.
but the problem is Polls are really not workable when rebake the posts.

  • Polls do not work when inserted in the database and i run Rebake command.
  • While using the same markdown and editing a post with hand creats a poll nicely.

here is the screenshot of two polls, One inserted manually and another by rebaking ( just below it).

You can see the Vote now or show results is not working here.

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Is it possible to let users set multiple nicknames?


@Locke wrote:

Is there a way to allow users to specify nicknames or aliases for different categories?

I'm looking at setting up a small play-by-post roleplaying forum for some friends, and I'm trying to find a way to let them post using their character names in different games, but still tied back to their overall account. Is that something that would likely take a lot of work to do? Is it even possible with Discourse as-is?

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

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