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DiscourseHosting migration service for your existing forum


Michael wrote:

In the last few months, we've been working on making a number of conversions go smoothly.

We are proud to offer the following conversions as an addition to our DiscourseHosting.com hosting service:

  • phpBB to Discourse
  • Vanilla to Discourse
  • VBulletin to Discourse
  • Invision Power Board (IPB) to Discourse
  • self-hosted or elsewhere hosted Discourse to our hosting
  • Bitnami to our hosting

Although the conversion process is pretty smooth, it's best to contact us using our contact form to explore the possibilities.

Conversion is free in most cases, although we do require a hosting commitment of at least one year.

If your forum is not included in the list above, let us know and we will investigate the possibilities as well.

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What is the point of limiting new users to three replies per topic?

Date format in tooltip is wrong with other locales


Sebastien Miquerolle wrote:

It seems that all dates in tooltip doesn't care specific date format for each translation (french locales in my case):

I try to read the code and the "longDate" is used for tooltip (title of the anchor):
return moment(dt).longDate();

And the locale 'fr' seems correct in lib/javascripts/moment_locale/fr.js and in config/locales/server.fr.yml

Maybe something wrong ? Missing translation ?

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Badge-Category and Private category

How does one best obtain the WordPress plugin?

Syntax highlighting of code blocks

Where to change the email subject prefix


Watchman Monitoring wrote:

Our site is very close to going live - I'm excited!

The emails that are being sent have a Very long prefix- the very long name of our group.

Where could we define an alternate, shorter email subject line prefix?

Thanks so much!

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Paid: Paypal recurring billing integration


jorgtron wrote:

Hi! I'm looking for a developer to create a plugin to incorporate paypal recurring payments into discourse.

I'd like my users to be able to sign up for the forum, but have to pay for membership using paypal payments. The plugin should deal with all IPN from paypal if a user cancels or a payment fails, etc. I'd also like to offer a free trial to users. They should also be able to cancel membership through their profile page.

Get back to me with a quote or questions if you have any smileyYou can also send me a private message or email jorgtron@gmail.com.


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Plugin to make signup modal pop up at a route


will wrote:

So I'm trying to figure out how to make the signup modal pop up if I use a special url.

I.e. discouse.example.com/#signup

but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around Discourse's Ember implementation.

I tried doing something like




on the js console but no dice.

Any ideas?

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Brand new plugin interface


Sam Saffron wrote:

I have been working on a heavily simplified plugin interface so its a lot easier for people to get started with extending Discourse.

For example:

Say you wanted to extend Discourse and add Ubuntu SSO to the dialog.

Place a file called plugin.rb in the directory plugins/ubuntu_sso


# name: discourse-ubuntu
# about: ubuntu login support for Discourse
# version: 0.1
# authors: Sam Saffron, Marco Ceppi

auth_provider :title => 'with Ubuntu',
              :authenticator => Auth::OpenIdAuthenticator.new('ubuntu','https://login.ubuntu.com', trusted: true),
              :message => 'Authenticating with Ubuntu (make sure pop up blockers are not enbaled)',
              :frame_width => 1000,   # the frame size used for the pop up window, overrides default
              :frame_height => 800

register_css <<CSS

.btn-social.ubuntu {
  background: #dd4814;

.btn-social.ubuntu:before {
  font-family: Ubuntu;
  content: "U";


Run bundle exec rake assets:precompile
Restart you services.

Done, you have working Ubuntu SSO.

This interface is still not complete, as I finalize it I will be adding more examples here.

The /plugins directory is ignored by git so you can place your extensions there safely.

Longer term plans

  1. Possibly use a Rails::Engine for greater flexibility
  2. More hooks
  3. Admin UI to enable or disable plugins (with multisite support)
  4. Central plugin repo
  5. External gem dependencies

If you are interested in extending the interface etc, let me know.

cc @marcoceppi

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Print feature in thread


Abel Van wrote:

In some topic, I wolud like to print it and read it off line, did there any plugin do it?
I think it is awesome to add some print links at the bottom of each post, just beside the Edit icon?

Also, if the user can self define the style will be great!

I think the print page should including some basic info such as:

  • the title of forum
  • the author of the printed post
  • the time of the post
  • the last edit time (this is important to, since in discussion, we need to modify some thing, it seems as if the discoursion did not given this info?)

Posts: 8

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How do we test plugins?


Shiv Kumar wrote:

What's the recommended method for testing plugins? I'm mainly referring to Unit tests, but Integration would be interesting to hear about, too. Can we simply create a test folder in each plugin's directory? Would that register properly?

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Remove stars and bookmarks


Briancguy wrote:

I want to request fewer features.

I know that most discourse forums so far are probably engineer / technically focused (at least as far as the admins and I suspect many of the users - if the early beta sites are any indication). The downside of this is that I think Discourse is more complex in some areas than it needs to be for widespread adoption.

Here is the screen shot of my forum dashboard after 3 months of use. My users are virtually all non-technical, at a health-related web site - the type of site that I think is much more representative of the broader user base than the main Discourse beta sites so far.

I recommend Discourse deprecate / remove the features of "Starred" and "Bookmark" because I don't think many regular users are going to use them and they make the interface more complex than it needs to be (which hurts adoption, and use of the forum software).

I know in startups that there is a strong tendency for feature creep - and that you are continually bombarded by new feature requests, and that the most feature requests frequently come from the more technical users. My recommendation to the discourse team is to try to get in better touch with the non-technical users because success with that user base is what will really drive successful adoption for the platform.

Posts: 22

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Preview not scrolled to the bottom with MathJax

Onebox fails horribly with tumblr


Sam Saffron wrote:



onebox broken for tumblr urls

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What is "Meta"?


Jeff Atwood wrote:

Meta means discussion of the discussion itself instead of the actual topic of the discussion.

Why do we need a meta category?

Meta is where communities come together to decide who they are and what they are about.

Meta is for the folks who enjoy the forum so much that they want to go beyond merely reading and posting, to work toward improving our community together. Meta is where all leadership and governance forms, a place for debate and evaluating direction.

Meta is also community memory, documenting the history of your community and its culture. There's a story behind every evolution in rules or tone, and these shared stories bind communities together. Meta is the home for all the tiny details that make your community unique: its terminology, its acronyms, its slang.

What kinds of meta topics can I post?

  • Which topics should we allow and encourage? Which topics should we explicitly discourage?

  • What sort of replies are we looking for? What makes a good reply versus one that is out of bounds or off-topic?

  • What are our standards for community behavior, beyond what is defined in the FAQ?

  • How can we welcome new members of our community and encourage them?

  • Are we setting a good example for the kinds of discussions we want in our community?

  • What problems and challenges does our community face, and what can we do about it?

  • How should we moderate our community, and who should the moderators be? When should we flag posts?

  • How do we publicize and grow our community?

  • What does does TLA mean? Who was Kilroy and why does everyone drop his name when they make a typo?

  • How should (or why did) the rules change?

Posts: 7

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Reply button while logged out


Anthony wrote:

There should be a reply button while logged out. Most users will create an account only when want to say something. Right now, if someone lands on a discourse thread from Google and there no clear way to reply or what to do next. There should be a reply button that brings up the sign up or log in lightbox. Making answering as easy as possible was one of the big wins of Stack Overflow.

Posts: 33

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How much space is required to bootstrap Discourse?


Stephen Reinert wrote:


I am trying to migrate an existing Discourse installation to Docker. This instance was installed and updated for a few months using the deprecated Ubuntu install instructions. I don't have much space left on /var. Only 687 MB.

When the bootstrap completes, here is the last part of the output:

[167] 26 Mar 21:27:08.207 # Redis is now ready to exit, bye bye...
2014/03/26 14:27:22 Error: mkdir /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/b0156136ca347a30a3c536a540d1074bba110e0e4a6b05620ef4528e28f71a3f/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/railties-4.0.3/lib/rails/rack: no space left on device
Successfully bootstrapped, to startup use ./launcher start app

Here is my df -h output on /var:

Filesystem               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/lampsrv-var  6.0G  5.0G  687M  89% /var

The module that fails to get created or whatever varies each time. Am I correct in assuming that if I can get more space allocated to /var that this will solve my problem and I can run Discourse again? What are the bounds on the space requirements of the bootstrap process? I've noticed that the space it uses grows and shrinks throughout the duration.


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Docker: No "update complete" message in log


Michael Downey wrote:

As a Discourse administrator running the Docker update process via /admin/docker, I want to see some type of human-readable notification that the update is complete in the log, so I know the process was successful.

Currently, the last entry is something like:

Restarting unicorn pid: 39

... which is a bit ambiguous.

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Top Referred topics & Traffic sources do not update


Juffin wrote:

I have noticed it somewhere two updates ago, even though i am 100% positive that the topic listed in the most referred can't be there, it is still is smileysame for traffic sources, counter have not increased on anything since like two weeks.

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