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Continue Discourse Installation


@nnamso_ wrote:

Hello All,

I want to setup my discourse installation.

Here’s what I have done.
* Created mailgun account
* Digital ocean account
* gotten the domain and created the subdomain I want to set it up on.
* Created the droplet
* Changed the DNA to that of digital ocean.

http://mytestimony.com.ng/ (I want to place my index file here)
http://share.mytestimony.com.ng/ (Install Discourse Here)

Please, I need this setup ASAP.

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QUnit tests won't pass in discourse_dev docker image


@David_Taylor wrote:

I'm trying to use the docker image for tests both on my mac, and also on travis. For a while now the qunit tests have been failing on exactly the same tests, and I can't figure out why.

The steps I'm taking are the same on my mac and on travis:

./bin/docker/boot_dev # Load the Discourse development docker image, and set up
./bin/docker/bundle install --retry=3 --jobs=3 # Install dependencies
./bin/docker/psql "-c 'ALTER USER discourse WITH SUPERUSER;'"
RAILS_ENV=test ./bin/docker/rake db:drop db:create db:migrate # Migrate the database

(the psql hack is due to this issue).

Every time, I get these test failures:

Module Failed: Acceptance: Composer
  Test Failed: Tests the Composer controls
    Assertion Failed: clicking the toggle hides the preview
      Expected: true, Actual: false
Module Failed: Acceptance: Modal
  Test Failed: modal
    Assertion Failed: there is no modal at first
      Expected: true, Actual: false
Module Failed: Acceptance: Search - Full Page
  Test Failed: update username through advanced search ui
    Assertion Failed: "autocomplete" popup is visible
      Expected: true, Actual: false
    Assertion Failed: "autocomplete" popup has an entry for "admin"
      Expected: true, Actual: false
    Assertion Failed: Error: Element .search-advanced-options .autocomplete ul li a:first not found.
      Expected: true, Actual: false
  Test Failed: update category through advanced search ui
    Assertion Failed: has "faq" populated
      Expected: true, Actual: false
    Assertion Failed: has updated search term to "none #faq"
      Expected: none #faq, Actual: none
Module Failed: Acceptance: Topic
  Test Failed: Reply as new message
    Assertion Failed: it fills up the composer with the right user to start the PM to
      Expected: someguy, Actual:
    Assertion Failed: it fills up the composer with the right user to start the PM to
      Expected: test, Actual:
    Assertion Failed: it fills up the composer with the right group to start the PM to
      Expected: Group, Actual:
Time: 134884ms, Total: 2029, Passed: 2019, Failed: 10
phantomjs /src/vendor/assets/javascripts/run-qunit.js http://localhost:60099/qunit 200000

Does anyone have any ideas what could cause this? Is there some dependency that's out of date in the discourse_dev image that doesn't get updated with bundle? I've tried apt-get update; apt-get upgrade but that doesn't seem to help.

You can see one of the failing travis jobs here - qunit tests are around line 6730.

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Discourse Hot Loader


@Linh_Vo wrote:

I am new to Discourse. I want to customize it but I wonder whether it is hot loader or not because when I change anything in the code, it seems like it does not change when I refresh page. If Discourse does not support hot loader, is there anyway I could make it hot loader ?
Moreover, if anyone has some detailed explanation about the Discourse project, could you share it with me ?
Thank you

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Remove Small Panel in Corner

Can domain name of discourse hosting and sending emails be different?


@Abhinav_Singh wrote:


I'm configuring emails for my discourse hosting. Discourse is hosted at discuss.xxxx.com.

I read in the documentation that for emails to work properly, we must verify and use the subdomain, e.g. discourse.example.com. So in my case sending domain must be discuss.xxxx.com

I'm using SendGrid to send emails and in SendGrid white label domains can not have the same name as one of the subdomains in DNS. So I'll not be able to have discuss.xxxx.com as my verified sending domain.

I'm curious, can I set sending domain different than the discourse domain? I would prefer to set sending domain as forum@xxxx.com or forum.xxxx.com ..what can be implications of this?

Looking forward to heard your views on this

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Discourse._registerPluginCode should never run code before objects are injected


@sam wrote:

Currently themes transpile code in <script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8"> to: Discourse._registerPluginCode('0.8', function (api)

This call often can happen before the application has initialized and thus api.getCurrentUser can be null if this is registered too early (eg in header).

We should change it so registerPluginCode always runs after all objects are injected into the context so the api is fully functional.

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Use of Staff colour


@Thomas_Ralph1 wrote:

As you know there is a built in feature called 'Staff Colour'

What is the proper use of it. Is it for setting an example to others and important announcements? Im just looking for the proper use. As for now my forum uses it for staff setting an example.


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How to quote someone on mobile (android)?


@Chopper wrote:


I simple question, How to quote someone on mobile (android) ?

Can't make it work, meaning i can't select user answer, double tap, simple tap, can't make it work, I can select text :cry:

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How to make a group announcement?


@xiasummer wrote:


I see all the users are in different groups. If I want to send a email to some groups, tell all the users some announcements, how can I achieve such goals.


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Adding Custom Code to Header


@hexa_tech wrote:

How can I reference resources for code for a custom header on Discouse? I would like to add a menu above the existing top bar. Can I upload CSS, JS, HTML somehow? Also, do I upload the HTML in the head or /header section?

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Coarse Discourse: A Dataset for Understanding Online Discussions


@mcwumbly wrote:

Every day, participants of online communities form and share their opinions, experiences, advice and social support, most of which is expressed freely and without much constraint. These online discussions are often a key resource of information for many important topics, such as parenting, fitness, travel and more. However, these discussions also are intermixed with a clutter of disagreements, humor, flame wars and trolling, requiring readers to filter the content before getting the information they are looking for. And while the field of Information Retrieval actively explores ways to allow users to more efficiently find, navigate and consume this content, there is a lack of shared datasets on forum discussions to aid in understanding these discussions a bit better.

To aid researchers in this space, we are releasing the Coarse Discourse dataset, the largest dataset of annotated online discussions to date. The Coarse Discourse contains over half a million human annotations of publicly available online discussions on a random sample of over 9,000 threads from 130 communities from reddit.com.

To create this dataset, we developed the Coarse Discourse taxonomy of forum comments by going through a small set of forum threads, reading every comment, and deciding what role the comments played in the discussion. We then repeated and revised this exercise with crowdsourced human editors to validate the reproducibility of the taxonomy's discourse types, which include: announcement, question, answer, agreement, disagreement, appreciation, negative reaction, elaboration, and humor. From this data, over 100,000 comments were independently annotated by the crowdsourced editors for discourse type and relation. Along with the raw annotations from crowdsourced editors, we also provide the Coarse Discourse annotation task guidelines used by the editors to help with collecting data for other forums and refining the task further.

For machine learning and natural language processing researchers trying to characterize the nature of online discussions, we hope that this dataset is a useful resource. Visit our GitHub repository to download the data. For more details, check out our ICWSM paper, “Characterizing Online Discussion Using Coarse Discourse Sequences.”

This work was done by Amy Zhang during her internship at Google. We would also like to thank Bryan Culbertson, Olivia Rhinehart, Eric Altendorf, David Huynh, Nancy Chang, Chris Welty and our crowdsourced editors.

Here's a direct link to the PDF of Original Paper.

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Copy invite link from pending invites page


@tophee wrote:

I would find it quite useful in some cases if it were possible to retrieve the invite link after it has been sent to the invitee via the invite mailer. (A typical use case might be that you want to write a personal email from a different email address to an invited user who did not react to the original invite email.)

Currently, this is possible by copying and pasting the users email address into the "Send an invite modal" and choosing "Copy invite link". (Can someone confirm that this will give me a copy of the original link rather than generate a new one? If that's not the case, will the original one still be valid? Moreover: what happens if the original invite link included membership in group A and when I copy the link the second time I put in group B or no group at all?)

What I'd like to suggest is are "copy invite link" buttons on the pending invites page. Like this:

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Moonclaw Theme port


@awole20 wrote:

I got around to porting an old favorite phpbb theme this weekend for my forum, for nostalgia's sake. I've cleaned it up and thought I'd share it here - Let me know what you guys think!

Installation: Add https://github.com/featheredtoast/discourse-moonclaw-theme to your themes, and picking "Moonclaw" as your color scheme. Colors aren't yet customizable just yet, as many have been hardcoded to get this out the door quickly.




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An alternate dark theme


@awole20 wrote:

Hey guys, I've rewritten my previous Dark theme with block posts theme to be compatible with the new theme system.

It's a descendant of the dark material design theme, with some of my own preferences of color, transitions, etc.

For those interested in trying it out, go ahead and install the theme by importing https://github.com/featheredtoast/discourse-as-dark-theme and selecting the AS Color Scheme.

It (still) looks something like this:

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Clicking on cog traps you in user prefs

How do I add a giant header image?

Show Users As List Of Two, Not Frequent Posters


@sulliops wrote:

I have my production version of Discourse running on discourse.sulliops.co, but I want to keep the list of users in a topic from being any more than two.

On my forum (and the Meta), the Users list is shown like the screenshot below, with the original poster, frequent posters, and most recent poster.

I want it to look like below, with the original poster, and the most recent poster.

If this is a JS hack, please also include instructions on how to edit this, because I know nothing about doing so. If it's a setting, I'm blind so feel free to let me know :grinning:

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Does the Docker installation still rotate logs?


@samnazarko wrote:


We've been using Discourse on one box for a while and things have been running smoothly. I regularly rebuild when we change Git plugins and once a month to ensure a good container and fewer upgrade problems.

I was checking logs today and saw:

root@disc:/var/discourse# ls -lh shared/standalone/log/var-log/nginx/
total 98G
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data  742 Oct 22  2016 access.letsencrypt.log
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  97G May 17 02:03 access.log
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data 318M Aug 10  2016 access.log.1
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  61M Aug  1  2016 access.log.10.gz
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  57M Jul 31  2016 access.log.11.gz
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  53M Jul 30  2016 access.log.12.gz
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  52M Jul 29  2016 access.log.13.gz
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  55M Jul 28  2016 access.log.14.gz
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  50M Aug 11  2016 access.log.1.gz
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  55M Aug  9  2016 access.log.2.gz
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  59M Aug  8  2016 access.log.3.gz
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  59M Aug  7  2016 access.log.4.gz
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  54M Aug  6  2016 access.log.5.gz
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  57M Aug  5  2016 access.log.6.gz
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  57M Aug  4  2016 access.log.7.gz
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  58M Aug  3  2016 access.log.8.gz
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  60M Aug  2  2016 access.log.9.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data    0 Sep 30  2016 error.letsencrypt.log
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data  22M May 16 13:00 error.log
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data 1.2K Aug 10  2016 error.log.15.gz

As this was a box just for Discourse, I didn't have as close monitoring as I normally would have, but do now.

I've deleted those logs now, but can anyone confirm if log rotation is still working for the Docker installation, and explain why it stopped working?



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How to change the descriptive sentence in the search bar?


@Jiaqi wrote:

Hi friends, since I'm creating my website based on discourse meta, I want to change the words in the search bar.

Currently, in the search bar, the words are "search topics, posts, users, or categories" and I want to change it to another sentence that would be more suitable for my website.

Do you guys have any idea about this?

Thank you :blush:

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I want to upload my index file to the main domain


@nnamso_ wrote:

Hello, I need help on this one.

I have my main domain to be this

http://mytestimony.com.ng/ (

I want to place my index file here)

I have my DNS pointed to digital ocean.

How do i get that done ? Thank you

I have installed my discourse here

http://share.mytestimony.com.ng/ (Install Discourse Here)

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