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Translating Discourse


@Timothy_Vail wrote:

It seems the translations are bundled with updates, but I'd like to have custom translations I do myself, particular to my clients and forum members. How do I go about translating my forum myself?

Thank you!

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Obsolete imgur image link images


@Mittineague wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Slack Login Plugin:

I suppose a large "no longer" image is better than nothing at all? But I found it a bit jarring in it's immensity.

Can anyone think of any easy to implement improvements?
Or is the status quo good enough?

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Can I start a thread by sending an email message?


@BKerr wrote:

A large proportion of my membership prefers to use email vs. web forums. This is due, not only to preference, but also because some key users work in secure facilities that don't allow open access to the web. Most of the email functionality I have seen in Discourse is fine for my needs, but the ability to start a thread using email vs. only on the site is very important.

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Start a New Topic via Email :e-mail:


@codinghorror wrote:

If you have already set up incoming email, or you are on a hosting plan that pre-configures your incoming email, you're now ready to set up Starting a New Topic Via Email.

Site Settings

The incoming emails feature is globally controlled by these 3 site settings:

  • email_in: this is the only setting that must be enabled for incoming emails to work.
  • email_in_min_trust: the minimum trust level required for users to send an email to Discourse.
  • enable_staged_users: create staged users for unknown email addresses.

What are staged users?

In order to support incoming emails from anyone, we needed a way to create user accounts on the fly.
Unfortunately, we couldn't use normal user accounts. They would start receiving digests and it would prevent people from signing up with the same email address (which was confusing since they only sent emails).

That's why we came up with the idea of staged users. They are special user accounts in Discourse.

They can't be mentioned or searched for, they will never receive a digest and they can only be notified of and reply to the topics they started or were invited in.

If the user ever wants to create an user account using the same email address, we will promote the staged user to a normal user.

Category vs Group

So now that you have enabled incoming emails, you need to decide whether you want them to end up into a category or a group.

Why use a group?

  • Using a group is useful if you want to set up a support-like workflow.
  • Sending an email to a group will create a message sent to all the members of that group.
  • These messages will appear in /my/messages.
  • Anyone can send an email to a group (since it's just an email behind the scene)
  • Any member of the group may read, reply, delete or archive the message.
  • All member of the group have their own read tracking state.

Why use a category?

  • Using a category is useful if you want to simulate a mailing list.
  • Sending an email to a category will create a topic in said category.
  • Anyone with access to that category may read and reply using the web interface or via email.
  • Emails sent to a category must respect the category's security settings.
  • Emails sent to a category must respect the email_in_min_trust_level site setting.
  • You may disable staged users on a per category basis.

Setting up incoming emails on a group

To setup incoming emails on a group, you need to go to /admin/groups/custom and click the name of the group (or create a new one).

At the bottom of the form, there should be a field named Custom incoming email address. If there isn't, make sure you have enabled the email_in site setting.

Enter the email address you want to associate to that group and click the Save button to save your changes.

You're done :tada:

Setting up incoming emails on a category

To setup incoming emails on a category, you need to go to the category's page (eg. /c/<category_slug>) and click the Edit button.

Then, click the Settings tab on the Edit category modal that shows up.

There should be two fields "Accept emails from anonymous users with no accounts" and "Custom incoming email address". If there aren't, make sure you have enabled the email_in site setting.

Enable "Accept emails from anonymous users with no accounts" if you want staged users to be created when an incoming email address does not exists yet.

Enter the email address you want to associate to that category and click the Save Category button to save your changes.

You're done :tada:

For troubleshooting tips, see the Logging and Errors section of this topic.

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Problems with Discourse install in VMWare


@RBoy wrote:

I'm continuing a thread from here:

If I goto /admin/upgrade I see:

Repository Name Status
discourse (f4cc71d)
New Version Available!
Remote Version: (13e489b)
Last Updated: 5 hours ago
2 new commits
Upgrade to the Latest Version
discourse-details Up to date
discourse-nginx-performance-report Up to date
docker_manager (146e2de) Up to date
lazyYT Up to date
poll Up to date

It gives me a link, but if go back to dashboard page it says I'm upto date, is this normal or a bug?

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Trust Level 4 as it relates to our public consumer support forum


@Sean_R wrote:

We just recently went live with Discourse (launched 5/17/2017). Visit us at https://forums.republicwireless.com

One of the challenges is Trust Level 4. We have a group of Experts and Ambassadors that we would love to grant additional capabilities, but as a regulated telecom company, we have a few challenges. One is that we really cannot allow editing of the body and I would not like them to merge/split (just me). We have them in TL3 right now but we would like to do more.

I would like to have a menu of optional permissions just for TL4.

Here are some examples of current capabilities:

These are fine but we would need to be able to toggle them individually. We would probably offer very little of these to non-employees, but others might.

edit all posts
pin/unpin topic
close topic
archive topic
make topic unlisted
Split and merge topics
Daily like limit increased by 3 × - Already configurable

Add new:

Mark as solved - also toggle
Allow assignment - This would allow us to assign and have a list for the TL4 to see
Special Tags - Allow the TL4s to have tags only they and staff can use. Sometimes we put them on missions to find specific content for us to deal with or point out. Maybe mark as official, mark as needing to be fixed etc...
Whisper - capabilities

If we could be more modular with our TL 4 we may use it more. Right now we only use it for non-moderator employees. Which would probably be better served with an unlisted Staff-lite capability?

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SSO and Discourse Consulting


@Hidetaka_Ko wrote:

・What would you like done?

I have an existing rails app that is using session controller as it's user authentication.

I added a discourse forum and everything went smoothly and it resides on a subdomain.

I have read the post at https://meta.discourse.org/t/official-single-sign-on-for-discourse/13045
but still don't know what to do with the session controller once the user logs in on the existing rails site.

Currently this is the process as I understand it:

Step1: User hits Discourse forum on subdomain. User needs to login so clicks login button.

Step2: User is sent to the login page on the existing rails site.

Step3: User logs in on rails site.

Step4: User should be redirected to discourse forum subdomain logged in. My question is - What do I need to to do to make it so that when a user logs in for these steps?

I can show you my code or invite you to our repo if you want.

・When do you need it done?

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I'll Install Discourse For You (For Free)


@sulliops wrote:

Now that I'm becoming experienced with the installation process (both production and development), I am always looking for the chance to install Discourse - it's fun to sit in front of a computer and stare at lines of text :1234:

So, I'm offering to install Discourse for anyone with a compatible server. There are just a few conditions.

  1. I have a very busy schedule, so I can't promise that I'll be able to install very quickly - but I will come through.
  2. I will not do anything more than install Discourse - installing plugins is up to you, updating is up to you, and managing the site is up to you.
  3. Only one free installation per user, second installs will either be denied, or I will point you to @pfaffman's service. Creating another account just to get another install won't work - you'll have to verify your identity after sending a PM to me.

This service will only be available until the end of July, 2017. If you would like a free installation, fill out the form in the reply below and send it to me in a PM.

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Instaview template for Telegram messenger


@meglio wrote:

This feature request is to develop instaview template for Discourse.

Instaview is a feature in Telegram messenger that allows for instant content view right in Telegram without opening a link in a browser.



As a result, Discourse topics will be instantly previewable in Telegram messenger.

Once developed, I guess it will work for all Discourse setups as the basic HTML structure generated is always the same.

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Http trace for a post


@gchiu wrote:

I'm looking on how to do a HTTP POST to create a reply message to an existing topic.

The docs here http://docs.discourse.org/# say that for a HTTP POST

curl -X POST "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" -F "api_key=714552c6148e1617aeab526d0606184b94a80ec048fc09894ff1a72b740c5f19" -F "api_username=discourse1" -F "name=89853c20-4409-e91a-a8ea-f6cdff96aaaa" -F "color=49d9e9" -F "text_color=f0fcfd" ""

I presume that the body of the post contains form data.

but then the example for POST shows it instead as JSON

"title": "string",
"topic_id": 0,
"raw": "string",
"category": 0,
"target_usernames": "discourse1,discourse2",
"archetype": "private_message",
"created_at": "2017-01-31"

Also the api target for a post seems to be /posts but other sites says it's /posts.json

So, is there an example that shows this unambiguously in the documentation preferably as a HTTP trace.


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Poll how to showcasing all options


@modius wrote:

I can't find a definitive guide to discourse polls; all the options etc

Does the text area widget for polls articulate all the options available for polls?

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New users aren't starting the discobot tutorial


@tophee wrote:

I've had discobot enabled for two weeks and am running into problems with it. Not a single new user has responded to discobot's "greetings!" message, and my own moderators are having a hard time understanding what it is all about as I nudge them to write to discobot with "start new user". One of them thought she was going to actually create a new user! <sigh>

About the new user narrative message, here's what one of them wrote today:

It would be nice if the function was more "dummy" friendly and explained what it is there for, etc.

My suggestion would be to replace the last sentence of discobot's first message from this:

If you’d like to learn more, select below and bookmark this private message. If you do, there may be a :gift: in your future!

to something like this:

If you’d like to learn more, reply to this message and say hello. If you do, there may be a :gift: in your future!

If the bot receives a reply, it would then start the narrative with the bookmark task:

Why hello there! I'm so glad you want to learn more. Let's start with a handy trick. Select below and bookmark this private message.

This does make it longer but at least new users will have something of an idea what they're embarking on.

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Sidekiq postgres connection leakage & locking


@junaid_pk14 wrote:

Hello Guys,

We are facing issue related to Postgres connection leaks. Sidekiq don't release connections and keep lock on table. In case of Rails we are calling following code in config/application.rb for reaping Postgres connections. For sidekiq we are not running such code.

if defined?(PhusionPassenger)
  PhusionPassenger.on_event(:starting_worker_process) do |forked|
    if forked


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No setup wizard


@toorop wrote:


I've just finished my first intallation of discourse but when i go to https://myboard/ there is no setup wizard.
If i try /admin or /finish-installation/register i got "Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private."

Ubuntu 16.04
Discourse behind Caddy server, i've just change:
- "8080:80" # http
#- "443:443" # https

Any idea ?


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Want to configure the display CSS above only


@Bank_Live wrote:

I want to configure the display CSS above only. But after header is also shown.
How do I fix it?

I config CSS

.fa-heart:before {
  content: "\f0e7";

button.like:hover {
    color: #FCF94E !important;
    background: #222222 !important;

button.has-like {
    color: #FCF94E !important;

  html,body {

  font-family: avenir, 'segoe ui', sans-serif;

@keyframes move {
	0% {
		background-position: 0 60%, 0 50%;
	100% {
	  background-position: 0 60%, 100% 50%;

.container {
  background-color: #263645;
	background-image: url('http://bootscootin2pdx.com/network.svg'), radial-gradient(200px 500px at center, #ff8300 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 50%, rgba(0,0,0,0));
	background-size: 125%, 50% 100%;
  background-position: 0 60%, 0 100%;
  animation: move 5s linear infinite;

  height: 150px;
  border: 2px solid #263645;
  border-right: 0;
  border-left: 0;

and head

<div class="container">

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Numbered list after bullets turns into bullets


@Tom_Newsom wrote:

When you use the following markup:

* This is a bullet list
* With some items

1. This is a numbered list
2. With some items
3. But it displays as bullets

You get this:

  • This is a bullet list
  • With some items

  • This is a numbered list

  • With some items
  • But it displays as bullets

Unless you put something else between them

  • This is a bullet list
  • With some items

Something else

  1. This is a numbered list
  2. With some items
  3. And it displays correctly now

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Move posts to private conversation


@tophee wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Move topic / posts to Private Conversation:

It would be great to have this option also for individual posts (not just the entire topic).

As a workaround, it is currently possible to first move those posts into a new topic and then move that topic to a private conversation, but it's not ideal.

My use case is the following: people keep responding to topics by replying to the email they received, not realizing that their reply will be public. I have changed the email footer clarifying that replies will be public, but it doesn't seem to help. So I'm moving those replies into private messages to hide potentially embarrassing content and to then reply privately.

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"# Likes" Font Size

Prioritizing content more effectively in search


@sam wrote:

When I search for the word emoji I get:

This is pretty bad cause it really is not providing much value to me. I think a smarter algorithm for prioritizing could do a much better job.

In particular, here are some changes I would suggest to fix up this instance:

  1. Allow admins to customize search priority by category. Allow each category to specify some sort of "extra weight" for a particular category. So #howto, for example could be much higher priority on meta.

  2. Allow admins to "de-prioritize" old closed topics in a category. Old closed bugs should always show up at the end of the list.

  3. Allow moderators to specify a "high priority" time window. For example, I would always like the first 2 results of the search to return hits from the last 14 days if available.

This has been discussed a lot, in particular here:

I get around this issue by adding order:latest but most end-users would have no clue about that.

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