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Why does all my users have seen last Ip addres


@adopilot wrote:

I am running discource on standard install.
I did install that long time ago.
Now I am on 1.8.0.beta13 version.
I do have couple of standard plugins installed

  1. abbreviations 0.0.3
  2. Robot Share Dugme 0.1
  3. Canned Replies 1.1
  4. discourse-details 0.4
  5. discourse-narrative-bot 0.0.1
  6. discourse-nginx-performance-report 0.1
  7. discourse-plugin-checklist 0.3.1
  8. discourse-solved 0.1
  9. docker_manager 0.1
  10. lazyYT 1.0.1
  11. poll 0.9 Y

We do use internal SSO.
Our forum is at private IP address.

I do not why for every single user Disrouce reports get last seen IP address

Sinice I am mostly DBA man I did dig thorough db (select only) and fund that Discourse lost sense of IP addresses sometime in 2015 year

Is this case and for other installs or I did breake sometihng ?

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Single signon and email change


@Massimo_Redaelli wrote:

We have set up a Discourse installation with single signon though Drupal, and sso overrides email active.

A user logged in the first time with his Drupal account, which was created with the correct email.
He then changed the his email in Drupal, and now would like to see the change reflected in Discourse.
Is that possible?

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Msg when topic created


@dev11 wrote:

Im admin of cickVS assnet based on Discourse.
Now - users are not keen on creating new topics becase of these two msgs - one in yellow box and one in blue box.
How to make it timered (ex. 5 sec) or disable entirely
This is shitty CDSD fuckass!

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Creating a closed community


@Namit_Agarwal wrote:


I am planning to use discourse to create a closed community where a moderator allows/ disallows people who can join the community, see and comment on topics.

Is this possible?


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Directory of Discourse help topics from many forums


@Remah wrote:

The questions came up at Feverbee so I made this directory from Discourse sites publicised on this site. It may give some good ideas to people wanting to see what is out there. You can certainly find some good sites by finding good help topics. But the directory is is only help topics rather than the vastly greater number of topics with useful help.

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Suggestion: add a toggle to hide/show whispers


@tobiaseigen wrote:

Our moderator team uses whispers alot. It's been a huge help to have these conversations inline about helping members to set up their profiles and brainstorm ways to encourage discussion about the topics. But later when moderators look back over the discussions the whispers are a distraction. They also prevent us from seeing topics as our members see them. We don't want to lose them altogether.. they contain useful historical information.

A toggle to allow moderators to hide/show whispers would be a big help. I'm not sure how this would look but will just drop this here as a placeholder. Perhaps there could simply be a notice across the top visible only to moderators indicating " eyeslash This topic contains moderator whispers only visible to moderators. Click to show/hide". This might also help remind new moderators about how the feature works. I often find myself explaining it to folks.

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Mentioning group by full name doesn't work


@tobiaseigen wrote:

If the group full name is different from the short name, and you mention the group by the long name, there is no autocomplete as one would expect. Only mentioning the shortname works.

Mentioning shortname:

Mentioning full name:

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Is it possible to have custom Post types?


@marcusleemitchell wrote:

My company are considering using Discourse...we have one feature request...

Is it possible to have very different looking Post types? One might be a video based post, another more like a blog article. A user might want to post a scheduled event with a guest list!

I know the platform is open source. I am a Rails developer so if this doesn't currently exist I am thinking of looking into how it might be implemented.

Thank you in advance for any feedback!

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Problem with google auth?


@pfaffman wrote:

I tried to create an account on stonehearth and another site today with google. On both sites, after I authenticated I got a screen with

Authentication is complete. Close this window to continue.

https://discourse.stonehearth.net/auth/google_oauth2/callback was the URL.

I had accounts on neither site, so perhaps that's related. I tried to replicate on try, but chose to create an account rather than try to log in without one, and that worked just fine.

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Mail-in-a-Box email


@r3d_f0x wrote:

I used Mail-in-a-Box email during setup to use with Discourse. Mail-in-a-Box is an automatic self hosted email system where you run the script on a new Ubuntu 14.04 box with a dedicated domain name for email and it sets up everything for you and all you need to do is create email accounts and update the software regularly. I recommend it for managing your own email and it works for setting up an account for use with websites. I made server@r3df0x.net and I use that to send email from websites. You aren't dependent on any third party service if you host your own email.

I ran into a problem where I couldn't get the first activation email so I activated my account manually. I successfully sent a test email from the admin panel so it looks like email will work now. I rebuild the app several times since then and I changed the nameservers used by the email box to what it looks like Mail-in-a-Box expects, so this might have helped mail delivery.

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What should I do for spam protection?


@r3d_f0x wrote:

I found a post where an admin had a hundred spam posts on their site. The default settings are supposed to prevent spam. If it's possible without a headache and it won't be redundant I would like to include the Recaptcha V2 on my site for user registration, but not if there's already a feature that protects against spam registration. I want to have some protection against trolls that might use automated scripts who would specifically target my site. I don't have any visitors yet so this is just theoretical.

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Display real name instead of username in a quote?


@pfaffman wrote:

I have a client that has stupid usernames supplied by SSO (e.g., "Bob Smith" might be joe34122). He would like instead to display the users' real names. What he's doing now is when he quotes someone, manually change

[quote="username, post:4, topic:xxxx"]


[quote="Real Name, post:4, topic:xxxx"]

This offends me on a number of levels. Is there some CSS magic that could have the real name get displayed there?

His question is "Is it possible to change the quote mechanism so that it pulls in the name instead of the username?" but I'm pretty sure that's not the way to go about this.

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Embedded comments aren't working


@r3d_f0x wrote:

I have a sample post here: https://r3df0x.com/2017/05/26/discourse-allows-topics-to-be-embedded-as-comments/

The code I have in one of the Wordpress widgets is this:

<div id='discourse-comments'></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  DiscourseEmbed = { discourseUrl: 'https://forum.r3df0x.com/',
                     discourseEmbedUrl: 'https://r3df0x.com<%= current_page.url %>' };

  (function() {
    var d = document.createElement('script'); d.type = 'text/javascript'; d.async = true;
    d.src = DiscourseEmbed.discourseUrl + 'javascripts/embed.js';
    (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(d);

I'm using discobot as the user to post new topics. Do I need to set anything for the class or the path whitelist?

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Unable to select category on New Topic

Hacking discourse to create sub-sub categories


@Mehal_Shah wrote:

Hi folks,

I need to create one additional level of categorization for our forum for Code.org. I'd like people to click a category (High School Computer Science), and see a list of our courses (Course 1, Course 2, Course 3), then click Course 1 and see a list of units in the course (Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3). Under each unit, there would be topics.

I know that this isn't supported out of the box for discourse, so I'm willing to fork discourse and do some hackery on my own. I see a couple of ways of doing this

  • Add a method to the list controller - like parent_category_category_subcategory here and add appropriate routing to it.

  • Use tags. People who post topics have their posts tagged with the appropriate unit (somehow - don't know how yet). Then I add a route for something like c/:parent_category/:category/:tag that loads topics in a given category with a given tag. I'll also have to change the category view to render tags as subcategories.

Are either of these solutions plausible? Is there a third way I should be considering?

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Posting to sub category not working for me


@Michael_Fomin wrote:


Using the following curl command to post to our forum from bash

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @/tmp/json.json "https://my.forum/posts?api_key=$API_KEY&api_username=$UN"

where json.json contains...

"title": "test post",
"category": "cat/subcat",
"raw": "test post"

This works fine when sending to just a category, but when I try to send to a sub category, as shown above, the post is created without a category, so that everyone on the forum appears to see it

Anything special I need to set to get the post to correct be sent to a sub category

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Flagging likes?


@Fredo wrote:

Sometimes a post expresses opinions that clearly disrupt the forum peace and violate rules. In that case, one would flag that post.

If that post however receives a significant amount of likes, the likers commit support for this rule break. I think flagging the author's post alone is not enough of an action, and it would go unnoticed by the likers. If a moderator removes the flagged post, the mindset behind the post and its likes remains still tolerable behavior in the community.

How do moderators see that a flag is about not only about a post's content but also about its likes? What should be done in such a case?

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Regular expression (non-English)


@Stranik wrote:

Continuation: Tag search in tags dropdown box does not work for non-English characters

file: discourse_tagging.rb

-       term.gsub!(/[^a-z0-9\.\-\_]*/, '')
+      term.gsub!(/[^a-z0-9а-я\.\-\_]*/, '')

All checks have failed

-       term.gsub!(/[^a-z0-9\.\-\_]*/, '')
+      term.gsub!(/[^a-z0-9\p{Cyrillic}\.\-\_]*/, '')

All checks have passed

The construction: а-я is private (for the Russian language).
The construction: p{Cyrillic} (Describes many cases)

All options work on localhost

If the construction: p{Cyrillic} - Is true (and it works fine on my site), then the same will be done in the file: search.rb in the search for tags.

What do you think about it?

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Avatar settings not visible


@Muiran wrote:

Is there an Admin feature I might have accidently changed in my Discourse site, that would disable my Avatar settings? I can't switch my avatar to pull from Gravatar. The regular settings for it are not being displayed at all.


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Planning a migration from Vanilla


@pichenettes wrote:

I'd like to migrate a Vanilla forum to Discourse. My preference would be to have it hosted by discourse.org - I no longer want to manage my own server.

From what I understood, I can only run the Vanilla importer on an instance I have full control on, so the migration plan would be to:
1/ Import the existing Vanilla forum in my own Discourse instance.
2/ Create a backup.
3/ Restore this backup on the instance hosted by Discourse.org.

Question 1: is this the correct procedure, or have I missed a more direct way of importing Vanilla data on a forum hosted on Discourse.org?

Question 2: will the Vanilla import also import all attachments?

Question 3: so far I have been struggling with occasional error messages due to a mismatch in the data format, and have been modifying the import script accordingly. The import seems to run fine now, but at the rate of about 1 user per second. Is this the expected speed (running in the VM, on a recent iMac)? If so, what's the easiest way of setting up a faster running instance that I could use for the import?

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