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Set up wizard not found for second admin

Words with more than 30 chars in titles blocks posting


@gchiu wrote:

I was attempting to post a topic using the title

"How can I enable TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA for my site?"

but this triggers a JS popup

Title seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?

which prevents the post being made.

Is this intentional? Or a bug?

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Bringing over name from WordPress


@apautler wrote:

Is it possible to bring over the first and last name from WordPress to the 'Name' field in Discourse when a user's account is automatically created? Right now it appears to bring over the user's email address into the name field, which doesn't make sense. In our signup process on WordPress the user is required to enter a name, so we'd rather them not have to re-enter it in Discourse, if possible. I searched through the options/settings in the WordPress + Discourse plugin, but didn't see anything.

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Has anyone created a News site using Discourse as a CMS?


@shiva wrote:

I'm thinking of using discourse for a news blog / site. Since discourse has membership, comments, voting etc all built in, this is a no brainer.

So I am wondering if anyone has used discourse as a news blog / site. The home page / landing page would obviously need to be heavily customized to show the thumbnail from latest posts, which would then link to the single post view.

Each "Topic" in discouse would be equivalent to a News item / blog post I guess? Doable?

Let me know :slight_smile:

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How about a Discourse Services / "Job Board"


@shiva wrote:

I've been eyeing Discourse for over a year for my CMS and discussion forum sites. 1 thing that's held me back is lack of service provides - think themes (or themelets or skins or whatever you wanna call them :blush: ) design and customization, plugin development, forum product design etc.

Would it make sense to create a brand new category called "Services" or "Job Board" where people like me can request services for a fee, and service providers can provide those services? such a category would be very helpful to both sides of the job / service, and could potentially also help increase Discourse adoption

Example: Hugo's discussion board, which is also running on discourse, has a Services section.

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Certain categories hidden in mobile view - how to get back?


@mattdamod wrote:


I'm looking for an answer to a conundrum. I have a list of categories and subcategories that are all visible on desktop view, but when I view the mobile site... one of the subcategories has disappeared!

Any advice would be great! :slight_smile:


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Short code to insert Join/Leave group button into a post


@trudat wrote:

To integrate group memberships more fluidly into the community-building aspects of Discourse posts, it would helpful to have a short-cut for inserting the join group interface directly into any post.

For example, it could be a code added to the end of a group name, e.g. @volunteers_group:join. Whether the button appears as +Join or +Request to join or -Leave will depend on the users current membership and group security.

The button should be displayed with the group name, as well as a note indicating what priviliges joining that group offers, i.e. is it a public/private group; which categories have added visibility.

The feature would give administrators of projects the ability to bootstrap teams very efficiently.

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Improving pain points on bootstrap and rebuild


@pfaffman wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Can Discourse ship frequent Docker images that do not need to be bootstrapped?:

Well, it took me two years, but I finally bothered to learn how to create a separate data container and rebuild/upgrade the site with a minute rather than a quarter hour of downtime. Just yesterday I started thinking about creating a ./discourse-setup that would create two containers (based on data.yml and web_only.yml) rather than one.

I hadn't started looking at launcher's exit codes to see if I could safely script

./launcher bootstrap web
./launcher destroy web
./launcher start web

to avoid destroying the container if the new one didn't get created.

Since the site isn't down during a rebuild, reducing the build time is less critical.

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Docker image improvements using multi-stage builds and build args


@ibnesayeed wrote:

People coming from the Docker background, but new to Discourse, often seem to wonder about question like:

  • How the Docker image is setup?
  • Why do we need a bootstrap process?
  • Why is there a launcher script?
  • Why can't we just use pure Docker or compose based setup?

There is a long conversation about these things already.

@sam has recently summarized some long-term priorities while responding to a similar set of questions in the following points:

That said, I think some recent advances in the Docker ecosystem can help solve some of these issues. I would note here a few things to begin with:

Multi-stage builds in conjunction with Build args can take care of many of the responsibilities currently coded in the bootstrap command. Suppose, we have two base images in the Docker Hub, one for the application build process that can have many libraries and tool sets used in the bootstrap process, while other base image provides minimal light-weight run-time environment (perhaps based on Alpine Linux). In the first stage of the Dockerfile we utilize the bulky builder base image, configure stuff, compile assets and whatnot, then in the second stage we inherit from the minimal runner base image and copy only necessary stuff from the first stage into appropriate places. Some configurations can be passed at build-time using build-args or using a config file before running the build process. This will yield a cleaner, faster, and light-weight image, ready for production deployment.

# Setup build-args with appropriate defaults if possible

# Building and bootstraping
FROM discourse/discourse-builder AS builder
#... Run various bootstraping processes and
#... asset precompilation

# Now build the runnable container
FROM discourse/discourse-runner
COPY --from=builder /path/to/origin /path/to/dest
CMD ["/path/to/server"]

I am not suggesting to get rid of the launcher script as it has utilities that are not related to the image building process. However, some improvements can be introduced to it such as incorporating new docker image pruning command, if suitable. A more reasonable addition to the launcher script would be the ability to generate "compose" and "stack" files and a flag for "dryrun" to output docker run commands, but not executing them.

We should also consider Dockerfile best practices to improve image building time by utilizing better layer cache. Some improvements include, minimizing number of layers, strategically reordering instructions to better utilize layer cache, and combine related instructions into a single layer.

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Transfer poll votes when moving a topic into an existing one


@tobiaseigen wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Moving the first post to a different topic doesn't actually move the post, it copies it:

I think the same thing is happening with poll votes, which I think is a bug. If you create a poll in the first post in a topic, then move that post into another topic, the votes disappear in the poll at its new location. Meanwhile, a copy of the post (with votes) remains behind in the original topic.

Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on there. If this is not possible to do, some sort of error message or warning to the moderator seems to be needed. We just spent alot of time troubleshooting because the move did not work as expected. :seedling:

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Add /users to top nav

How do I install a Theme or Theme Component?


@sam wrote:

Discourse version 1.8 introduces themes and theme components.

To install a theme:

  • Head to www.yoursite.com/admin/customize/themes or via the UI head to Admin -> Customize

  • Click the Import button

  • Select "From the web"

  • Enter the URL of the theme as described on the theme: for example https://github.com/SamSaffron/discourse-users-nav

  • Click Import

Once done you will have your theme or theme component imported. You will be able to check for updates and update the theme using the UI.

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Email or notify users after adding them to a group


@apautler wrote:

I've tried to search around the settings to see if there is an option I am missing, but is it possible to email or notify a user after they are adding to a custom group? We will be using groups to manually grant specific users to certain areas of the forum based on products they have purchased in another site. We'd like to notify the user (ideally via email) when we add them, so they know they have additional access. Is that possible?

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Discourse 1.8 released!


@codinghorror wrote:

Originally published at: https://blog.discourse.org/2017/05/discourse-1-8-released/

We’re thrilled to release Discourse 1.8 today. Discourse 1.2 – Feb 2015 Discourse 1.3 – June 2015 Discourse 1.4 – September 2015 Discourse 1.5 – April 2016 Discourse 1.6 – August 2016 Discourse 1.7 – January 2017 Narrative Welcome Bot Perhaps the biggest new feature in this release is our narrative welcome bot, which greets…

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Global "Enable Privacy" feature


@steven111 wrote:

I really enjoy Discourse. Now with 1.8 where a new setting was introduced to disable sending sensitive content via mail, I wish for a little feature, that would make things really easy and great:
A single switch option in the backend, maybe called "Make all TOP SECRET" or so. This would automatically set all options so you have a very secure and private forum with just one setting. Maybe it would be great to list what this switch would effect in detail, so you can get a nice overview of all privacy-related features/settings in Discourse.

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Rating the Importance of a Post: Idea


@JonnyGamer wrote:

Hello, everyone! This is my first topic, and I have an idea for the Forum

I've been on a separate forum for a while and I was thinking..

What if every post had an additional section in the ••• section to rate a post. This rating would show how effective the post was. Obviously, some posts would have higher rating than others, so then the "scroller" on each topic would show you where more important posts were.

Posts with high levels of importance would be easy to find throughout the forum, and moderators would also be allowed to make a post the highest level of importance. Rating a post would be on a scale of 1 - 100, and a user would be able to see the average of votes (also a user would be able to see the amount of people voting on a certain percent)

Doesnt this seem unfair to some posts?
Yes, it would be unfair, but a rating would only appear if at least 5 users voted on it (of at least 3 levels of trust) We would still need to think about posts with extremely low ratings (those would possibly already be flagged). Having at least 5 voters would remove the temptation of a "hater" or "lover" being able to vote once and effecting everyone.

I'll be adding more to this post, feel free to ask questions and speculate. I will answer questions in the second section of this post, and also creating another post below for further purposes and ideas


Secret Message

@MR.GAM3R, you're on here, too!
@t1_hopscotch even you! Woah!

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Can I hide category posts from the Latest page?


@nadermx wrote:

I'm wondering if it's possible to have posts on the latest page only show posts from certain categories?

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RunHeartBeat job is not processing


@yms9654 wrote:

There are so many RunHeartBeat job in critical queue over 1000.
Is it normal? or any opinion on that?
(Discourse version is 1.6.1)

It will be very helpful for me any advice.
Thank you!

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List of all uploaded files


@terraboss wrote:

Hello friends,

what are you thinking about some extra tab at the admin interface to keep control over the current disk usage, files sizes, click rates, filtering them after extension and searching for specific terms?

I wish, I could get more control over all attachments.


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Mobile image upload turns sideways

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